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义齿性口炎患者腭粘膜微生物丛及义齿菌斑的真菌学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 掌握义齿基托与口腔粘膜炎症变化及真菌间的关系。方法 对118例全口义齿戴用者进行了临床调查,对60例患者的腭粘膜微生物丛与义齿菌斑进行了真菌学定量研究。结果 义齿性口炎与义齿菌斑的沉积量呈正相关关系;真菌总数及念珠菌的检出量与义齿性口炎的发生及其严重程度呈正相关关系;白色念珠菌的检出率及量、在重度炎症组与轻度炎症组之间均存在高度显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论 重度义齿性口炎的发生同热带念珠  相似文献   

两种不同材料总义齿基托菌斑与义齿性口炎的临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析两种不同基托材料总义齿基托组织面的菌斑分布情况与义齿性口炎的关系。方法利用菌斑显示剂涂布上颌基托组织面记录菌斑分布情况,采用贞森绅拯的义齿性口炎分级方法调查树脂、钴铬合金整体铸造基托义齿性口炎的发病率,分析基托菌斑与义齿性口炎之间的关系。结果在树脂基托与整体铸造基托的菌斑分布分析中发现:在上颌总义齿的基托组织面上菌斑附着并没有显著的差别,而在对义齿性口炎的观察中发现:树脂、整体铸造基托总义齿的义齿性口炎的发病率分别28.47%、10,71%。树脂基托引发义齿性口炎的可能性却远高于钴铬合金体铸造基托。结论对于基托组织面的菌斑分布而言,树脂基托与铸造基托之间没有显著差异;但是两种基托材料对义齿性口炎的发病率的影响却有着显著差异;与钴铬舍金整体铸造基托相比较,树脂基托更易引起义齿性口炎;义齿性口炎的发生与菌斑分布没有相关关系。  相似文献   

目的:探讨白色念珠菌在义齿软衬表面滋生情况并对4种白色念珠菌检查方法的阳性率进行比较。方法:对使用满1年的16副义齿软衬的34个部位标本分成3组(黏膜病变组、软衬组织面鳞屑样改变组和黏膜未见异常组)白色念珠菌培养,并与KOH消化法、革兰染色法、棉拭子培养结果相比较。结果:(1)义齿软衬垫对应黏膜病变组10个部位白色念珠菌全部阳性,与另2组差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。(2)另2组之间白色念珠菌阳性率(5/8及11/16)差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。(3)在4种白色念珠菌诊断方法中,以软衬材料培养阳性率(76.5%)最高,与棉拭子培养结果有显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论:(1)白色念珠菌能够在义齿软衬表面滋生;(2)义齿软衬鳞屑样改变与白色念珠菌滋生无关。(3)义齿性口炎的诊断应将实验室检查与临床表现相结合。  相似文献   

据报道,口腔内存在义齿等修复物时,白色念珠菌属真菌数量增加,并与义齿性口炎有密切关系。作者以义齿修复患者292例为研究对象,男132例,女160例,年龄41岁以上。20~40岁未作义齿修复者20例作对照。根据Newton的分类标准,将义齿性口炎分为0~3度。0度:义齿基托下粘膜无炎症;1度:粘膜有轻度炎症,2度:炎症明显;3度:重度炎症。全部对象选择作为念珠菌属培养基。用特定棉棒行义齿基托下粘膜表面擦拭,采取标本立即接种于  相似文献   

义齿基托和承托区粘膜菌斑及义齿性口炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
义齿基托和承托区粘膜菌斑及义齿性口炎上海第二医科大学口腔医学院(200011)佘文王君综述张富强朱敏审校配戴可摘局部义齿或全口义齿后,义齿承托区口腔粘膜常出现软组织损伤和炎症。本文就配戴可摘局部义齿或全口义齿后,义齿基托组织面与义齿承托区口腔粘膜菌丛...  相似文献   

义齿性口炎是指戴有活动义齿者的义齿基托承托区黏膜发生的局限性非特异性损害,是义齿配戴者易出现的问题之一。研究证明,义齿性口炎的病原菌主要是白色念珠菌。近年来随着广谱抗生素,皮质类固醇激素等药物的广泛应用,念珠菌感染日益增多。长期慢性口腔念珠菌病还有恶变的可能,故应予重视。现就其发病机制和临床修复的联系,及修复材料的改良,综述如下。  相似文献   

白色念珠菌与中老年人义齿性口炎的的临床探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在临床上我们发现很多义齿性口炎与白色念珠菌有密切关系 ,在义齿上白色念珠菌的检测率也相当高。为了探讨义齿上白色念珠菌的致病性及控制义齿上的白色念珠菌对治疗义齿性口炎的有效性 ,笔者对 1998年至今来我院就诊的 4 0例义齿性口炎患者进行分析。  一、材料与方法1.病例选择 :4 0例义齿性口炎患者 ,男 18例 ,女 2 2例 ,年龄 4 8~ 80岁。全口义齿修复男 11例 ,女 17例 ,局部义齿修复男 7例 ,女 5例。2 .方法 :对每位患者初次就诊时义齿进行白念涂片检测 ,对白念涂片阳性的进行随机分组 ,第一组 14例 :嘱患者每日三次 ,每次口含服制霉…  相似文献   

义齿性口炎的病因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综合分析了引起义齿性口炎的主要致病因素—白色念珠菌及其致病机理,着重说明了义齿基托材料及其表面粗糙度对义齿性口炎的影响。在此基础上提出预防及治疗义齿性口炎的措施为:首先是义齿基托材料的选择及基托制作精度;其次抗微生物药物的合理应用,保持口腔卫生以及对修复体的正确处理。  相似文献   

制霉菌素不同制剂治疗义齿性口炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制霉菌素不同制剂治疗义齿性口炎张燕群(北京首钢总医院门诊部口腔科)义齿性口炎(denturestomatitis),又称慢性萎缩性白色念珠菌病,是白色念珠菌感染的一种表现形式。多年来,一直以抗真菌治疗为主,制霉菌素(Nystatin)是最常选用的药物...  相似文献   

义齿软衬材料适用于牙槽嵴萎缩的全口义齿修复患者.但在使用过程中,不可避免地会产生真菌在其表面粘附现象.真菌在义齿软衬材料表面大量黏附,一方面可以导致义齿性口炎的发生,另一方面也会加速材料的老化,影响其使用.本文从软衬材料及口腔环境两个方面,就影响白色念珠菌在义齿软衬表面粘附的因素作一综述.  相似文献   

义齿性口炎是一种发生在可摘义齿佩戴者口腔的常见病,其主要的特征为与义齿接触的口腔黏膜出现炎症与红斑或组织水肿样病损,发病机制仍不明确.研究表明,白假丝酵母菌与义齿性口炎的发生有着密切的关系.白假丝酵母菌主要通过其分泌的侵袭酶与黏附素及菌丝相的形成作为毒力因子,对宿主细胞进行感染.这一系列的毒力作用大多由某一种或几种分子通路来实现调控.本文就白假丝酵母菌在义齿性口炎中相关毒力因子的产生与作用,其分子通路及宿主细胞的反应等几个方面进行综述.  相似文献   

义齿性口炎是常出现在佩戴全口义齿和可摘局部义齿患者上腭部的炎症性损害,发病机制尚不清楚。很多研究显示,白色假丝酵母菌和义齿性口炎发病有密切联系。本文就义齿性口炎的病因作一综述。  相似文献   

Introduction:  Oral yeasts are an important component of the resident microbial ecology of the oral cavity, but they are also associated with various forms of oral candidosis, such as denture stomatitis. Although Candida albicans is the predominant oral fungal pathogen, other species may also play an integral role in pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to examine the mycological ecology in patients with denture stomatitis, using an improved sampling technique, to determine whether species diversity and species quantity were related to oral pathology.
Methods:  Thirty-seven patients attending the Glasgow Dental Hospital were enrolled in this study following informed consent. A full clinical history was obtained, including details of their oral hygiene practices and the levels of erythema based on Newton's classification scale. Oral rinse, denture sonicate, and swab samples were taken, which were processed for quantitative and qualitative analysis of oral yeasts.
Results:  The proportion of patients with no inflammation or Newton's Types I, II, and III were 31, 33, 25, and 14%, respectively. Denture sonication was a superior sampling procedure, with statistically greater quantities of yeasts isolated using this methodology ( P  < 0.01). The predominant oral yeasts isolated were C. albicans (75%) and Candida glabrata (30%), which were isolated in higher proportions in patients with the highest grades of inflammation (100 and 80%), and in combination from 80% of these patients.
Conclusions:  This study has demonstrated that mixed C. albicans and C. glabrata biofilms may play an important role in the pathogenesis associated with severe inflammation in denture wearers.  相似文献   

abstract — An experimental model of yeast-induced denture stomatitis has been set up in the rat by inoculating Candida albicans on the fitting side of a maxillary acrylic plate retained by an orthodontic band around the incisors. Thirty-eight Wistar rats were used in two series of experiments with an observation period of 2 weeks. In each of the series there were one control and three experimental groups. Control rats were left untreated, while rats of the experimental groups wore either uninoculated or inoculated plates, or had their palatal mucosa smeared with the yeast. For cytologic examination the palate was scraped in Series I and the fitting side of the plate in Series II. After 1 week a generalized simple inflammation had developed in the palate of most animals of the experimental groups. It was most severe and persistent in rats with inoculated plates. Histologic signs of inflammation and hyphal formation were also most pronounced in this group. Hyphae did not invade the epithelium. Except for an initial loss of body weight, which was restored by day 10 or 12, the rats tolerated their plates. The Wistar rat seems to be well suited for experimental studies on denture stomatitis.  相似文献   

Denture stomatitis is the most common form of oral Candida infection in humans. In the current study, the distribution of Candida albicans serotype A and B as well as the activity of the secreted acid proteinase were determined in clinical isolates from patients with denture stomatitis. It was found that 70% of individuals with clinical signs of denture stomatitis exhibited fungal growth, with C. albicans representing the most frequently isolated species (75%). Of the C. albicans isolates, 75% were serotype A and 25% were serotype B, representing a significant increase of serotype B compared to a control group of non-denture-wearing HIV-seronegative individuals with oral candidiasis, but no significant difference compared with isolates from HIV-seropositive patients, who also exhibited a high percentage of serotype B. The mean secretory acid proteinase activity of C. albicans isolates from denture stomatitis patients (2796 +/- 819 U/l) was statistically not different from the mean secretory acid proteinase activity in non-denture-wearing HIV-seronegative individuals (2324 +/- 1487 U/l). Both values were significantly lower than the mean secretory acid proteinase activity of C. albicans from HIV-seropositive individuals (4256 +/- 2372 U/l). No correlation exists between the C. albicans serotype and the amount of secreted acid proteinase, indicating that serotype and secretory acid proteinase expression are two independent pathogenetic factors in oral candidiasis. These results indicate that there seems to be strain selection for C. albicans serotype B in denture stomatitis. These results further indicate that increased secretion of the acid proteinase seems to be of pathogenetic significance in the candidiasis of HIV-seropositive patients but not in denture stomatitis. Nevertheless, the secretory acid proteinase is likely to be an important pathogenetic factor also in denture stomatitis, where an increased secretion of the acid proteinase may not be required because of decreased salivary flow and a low pH under the denture, which will result in a high enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Certain systemic conditions and/or defects in the immune system may predispose the host to oral candidal infection and the commonest form of oral candidosis is candida-associated denture stomatitis. Until recently there has been controversy concerning the aetiology of the disease. Although some earlier investigators linked denture stomatitis with trauma or bacterial infection, others had isolated Candida albicans from the mouths of patients with the condition. Current studies indicate that denture stomatitis lesions are associated with the detection of candida species while other factors such as denture hygiene, trauma, systemic diseases and deficiencies of the immune system may be involved.  相似文献   

Certain systemic conditions and/or defects in the immune system may predispose the host to oral candidal infection and the commonest form of oral candidosis is candida-associated denture stomatitis. Until recently there has been controversy concerning the aetiology of the disease. Although some earlier investigators linked denture stomatitis with trauma or bacterial infection, others had isolated Candida albicans from the mouths of patients with the condition. Current studies indicate that denture stomatitis lesions are associated with the detection of candida species while other factors such as denture hygiene, trauma, systemic diseases and deficiencies of the immune system may be involved.  相似文献   

Abstract – The aim of the study was to determine the humoral antibody response to Candida by means of hemagglutinin and precipitin tests and to correlate these results to yeast colonization in the oral sites and feces and to the relapse tendency after treatment; and furthermore, to evaluate whether Candida serology can serve as a tool to predict a denture stomatitis risk group. The serologic tests were performed by means of passive hemagglutination (HA) and immunoelectroosmophoresis (counterimmunoelectrophoresis, CIE) tests in 51 denture stomatitis patients and compared with 25 individuals in the reference group. There were significantly more patients with increased hemagglutinin titers (pos. ≥1:160) to Candida albicans polysaccharide (mannan) antigen and/or precipitin to crude C. albicans cytoplasmic antigen in serum ( P <0.01) than in the reference group. In the denture stomatitis group there was no correlation between the presence of hemagglutinating and precipitating Candida antibody in serum and the parameters yeast colonization of the oral sites/feces, yeast score on the denture base and palatal erythema score. After local oral antimycotic treatment there was no significant change in the serum Candida hemagglutinin titers and serum predpitins. Serologic tests might be useful as a guidance in a selected group of patients for continued prosthetic treatment and as a prognostic instrument.  相似文献   

A site-specific agar replica technique for detecting Candida albicans on the acrylic resin denture surface of denture stomatitis patients has been developed. The method is selective for C. albicans during a finite incubation period with a specific synthetic growth medium. C. albicans colonies can be geographically observed on the replica and their presence can be correlated with inflammatory lesions visible on the mucosa of the maxillary and mandibular residual ridges. In 12 denture stomatitis patients studied, a close clinical correlation of Newton type III patients was noted but this clinical correlation could not be observed in Newton type I and II patients. In general, the number of C. albicans colonies increased with the severity of the inflammation. The findings are discussed in light of lack of knowledge of the etiology of the stomatitis. The importance of the replica method is also discussed.  相似文献   

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