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An inactive form of renin has been isolated from human plasma. It has been suggested that this may represent renin precursor secreted from the kidney. However, early studies failed to isolate inactive renin from human renal tissue. In this investigation, rapid processing of human kidney cortex at temperatures below 4 degrees C in the presence of protease inhibitors followed by cibacron-blue affinity chromatography allowed us to extract a totally inactive form of renal renin. Furthermore, we found that in kidney inactive renin constituted from 10 to as much as 50% of the total renin concentration. Biochemical characterization of the inactive renin from plasma and from kidney indicates that they are structural homologues and, when activated, have enzymatic properties that resemble active renal renin. Renal and plasma inactive renin were found to have the following properties in common: (a) a pH optimum of activation of 3.3; (b) reversible activation by acid dialysis on return to pH 7.4, 37 degrees C; (c) pH optima of enzyme activity of 7.8 with sheep angiotensinogen and 5.5 and 6.7 (biphasic) with human angiotensinogen; (d) Michaelis-Menten constants, Km, of 0.29-0.34 microM with sheep angiotensinogen, and 0.99-1.25 microM with human angiotensinogen; (e) an antibody to human renal renin mean inhibitory titer of 1:30,000 with 1 X 10(-4) Goldblatt units of activated renal or plasma inactive renin; (f) gel filtration profiles consisting of two peaks with apparent molecular weights of 56,000 +/- 1,500 and 49,200 +/- 1,000. Activation of plasma and kidney inactive renin by acid plus renal kallikrein was not accompanied by a change in gel filtration elution patterns. To determine whether inactive renin is released by the kidney, we measured inactive renin in samples obtained simultaneously from both the renal veins and inferior vena cava below the origin of the renal veins. In eight consecutive patients, inactive renin concentration was significantly higher in renal venous blood than in inferior vena caval blood. These data indicate that human kidney contains and secretes significant quantities of inactive renin. Thus, the kidney appears to be a major source of inactive renin in human plasma.  相似文献   

1. The properties of inactive and active renin in human plasma and amniotic fluid were studied chromatographically. Activation was achieved at pH 3.3 with and without added pepsin. 2. Acid activation of renin was time- and temperature-dependent but was inhibited by dilution of the sample. The dilution effect was corrected by adding pepsin. Such characteristics indicate that activation at low pH is catalysed by intrinsic enzymes. 3. Separation and/or dilution of the activating enzyme during ion-exchange chromatography concealed the eluted position of inactive renin and reduced the amount recovered. Only after full activation of the eluted renin was achieved with added pepsin was a distinct peak of inactive renin exposed. 4. At pH 7.5 inactive renin carried a lower negative charge than the active enzyme. This charge difference was lost after activation. 5. No molecular-weight differences between active, inactive renin or the International Renin Standard were detected by gel filtration. No renin of larger molecular weight was present. 6. These findings will be helpful in purification studies of human inactive renin.  相似文献   

Inactive renin comprises well over half the total renin in normal human plasma. There is a direct relationship between active and inactive renin levels in normal and hypertensive populations, but the proportion of inactive renin varies inversely with the active renin level; as much as 98% of plasma renin is inactive in patients with low renin, whereas the proportion is consistently lower (usually 20-60%) in high-renin states. Two hypertensive patients with proven renin-secreting carcinomas of non-renal origin (pancreas and ovary) had high plasma active renin (119 and 138 ng/h per ml) and the highest inactive renin levels we have ever observed (5,200 and 14,300 ng/h per ml; normal range 3-50). The proportion of inactive renin (98-99%) far exceeded that found in other patients with high active renin levels. A third hypertensive patient with a probable renin-secreting ovarian carcinoma exhibited a similar pattern. Inactive renins isolated from plasma and tumors of these patients were biochemically similar to semipurified inactive renins from normal plasma or cadaver kidney. All were bound by Cibacron Blue-agarose, were not retained by pepstatin-Sepharose, and had greater apparent molecular weights (Mr) than the corresponding active forms. Plasma and tumor inactive renins from the three patients were similar in size (Mr 52,000-54,000), whereas normal plasma inactive renin had a slightly larger Mr than that from kidney (56,000 vs. 50,000). Inactive renin from each source was activated irreversibly by trypsin and reversibly by dialysis to pH 3.3 at 4 degrees C; the reversal process followed the kinetics of a first-order reaction in each instance. The trypsin-activated inactive renins were all identical to semipurified active renal renin in terms of pH optimum (pH 5.5-6.0) and kinetics with homologous angiotensinogen (Michaelis constants, 0.8-1.3 microM) and inhibition by pepstatin or by serial dilutions of renin-specific antibody. These results indicate that a markedly elevated plasma inactive renin level distinguishes patients with ectopic renin production from other high-renin hypertensive states. The co-production of inactive and active renin by extrarenal neoplasms provides strong presumptive evidence that inactive renin is a biosynthetic precursor of active renin. The unusually high proportion of inactive renin in plasma and tumor extracts from such patients is consistent with ineffective precursor processing by neoplastic tissue, suggesting that if activation of "prorenin" is involved in the normal regulation of active renin levels it more likely occurs in the tissue of origin (e.g., kidney) than in the circulation.  相似文献   

Inactive renin in human plasma is converted to active renin in vitro by acid activation or by cryoactivation. Renin activity was measured at pH 5.5 and renin concentration at pH 7.4. The plasma renin activity before and after cryo-treatment is termed active (APRA) and total (TPRA) plasma renin activity; the plasma renin concentration before and after acid treatment active (APRC) and total (TPRC) plasma renin concentration. In this study we demonstrated that in normal subjects the proportion of active to total renin after cryo-treatment averaged 61%, which was significantly (p less than 0.001) higher than the mean percentage active renin of 34 found with the acid activation procedure. Plasma angiotensin II correlated significantly with APRA, TPRA, TPRC and plasma angiotensin I (PA I), but not with inactive renin, which suggests that inactive renin does not produce angiotensin II in vivo. Cold treatment after acid activation and acid treatment after cryoactivation did not provoke a significant change in the measured renin concentration. Our data support the view that acidification of the plasma activates more than does cryo-treatment, and that inactive renin does not contribute to plasma angiotensin II.  相似文献   

To assess the role of inactive renin in hypertensive patients, active, inactive and total renin concentrations (ARC, IRC and TRC) were measured in 37 patients with hypertension of various etiologies. Inactive renin was activated by trypsin and renin concentration was measured using an excess of sheep substrate. Mean values of ARC, IRC, TRC and active renin ratio (AR ratio = ARC/TRC) were higher in 6 cases of renovascular hypertension, and lower in 6 cases of primary aldosteronism and 1 case of idiopathic hyperaldosteronism, when compared with 59 cases of normal subjects. Between ARC and IRC, a slightly positive correlation was observed. Moreover, between ARC and TRC as well as between ARC and AR ratio, close positive correlations were observed. Exceptionally, in a case of juxtaglomerular cell tumor, AR ratio was low in spite of the extremely high value of ARC. Our data suggest that the increase in circulating active renin is due to both the enhancement of the release of renin from the kidney and the increase in the activation of inactive renin, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Basal plasma renin activity, active and inactive plasma renin concentration were measured in 89 healthy recumbent children aged between 1 week and 16 years. A significant (P less than 0.001) age-related decrease for active (r = -0.60), inactive (r = -0.59) and total renin concentration (r = -0.66) was observed. After correction for the influence of age, active renin concentration correlated with plasma renin activity (r = 0.81), but not with inactive renin concentration (r = 0.18). The proportions of active and inactive renin were not related to age, and the overall percentage of inactive renin was 79%.  相似文献   

1. In eight patients with essential hypertension (EHT) and six patients with renovascular hypertension (RVHT) peripheral venous enzymatically active and inactive renin values were followed after acute stimulation of renin release by the vasodilating agent diazoxide (300 mg intravenously). Active renin rose during the first hour after diazoxide and remained high during the following 15 h, but inactive renin fell during the first hour and rose thereafter. Peripheral venous active and inactive renin were not different from arterial values both before and after diazoxide. 2. Sixteen patients with EHT received propranolol, 80 mg, four times a day. Six of them had a first injection of diazoxide the day before propranolol was started and a second one after 10--14 days of propranolol treatment. Peripheral vein active renin was lowered by propranolol, but inactive renin was raised. Both the diazoxide-induced rapid rise of active renin and the fall of inactive renin observed in untreated patients were absent during treatment with propranolol. 3. In four patients with EHT and seven patients with RVHT renal vein sampling was performed before and 30 min after diazoxide. Increased release of active renin from kidneys that were not markedly contracted was associated with a fall of the renal vein to peripheral vein ratio of inactive renin to a value less than one. 4. It is concluded that under certain circumstances stimulated release of active renin is associated with removal of inactive renin from the circulation by the kidney. This may in fact be due to intrarenal transformation of circulating inactive renin into its active counterpart. The findings suggest that a beta-adrenoreceptor might be involved in this activation process.  相似文献   

We separated inactive renin in human plasma into two types, adsorbed and non-adsorbed, by chromatography on a concanavalin A-Sepharose column. About 75% of fresh plasma inactive renin was adsorbed to the column, and the rest passed through it. Non-adsorbed and adsorbed inactive renins were partially purified. Non-adsorbed inactive renin had a molecular weight of 48000 and an isoelectric point of 5.44. Adsorbed inactive renin had a molecular weight of 46000 and isoelectric points of 5.56 and 5.80. After activation with trypsin, both activated inactive renins were similar with respect to molecular weight (45000), thermostability, Km value (0.56 mumol/l) and pH profile. But pI values of both activated inactive renins differed. These results indicate that there exist in human plasma two different types of inactive renin which differ in carbohydrate composition.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay of plasma renin activity.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a sensitive, simplified radioimmunoassay method for determination of plasma renin activity. Plasma was acidified to the optimal pH (6.0) of angiotensin l generation with the least possible dilution, by using a single addition of hydrochloric acid and the enzyme inhibitor hydroxyquinoline. Recovery of unlabeled angiotensin l added to plasma was 92-97%; that of monoiodinated angiotensin l exceeded 90%, indicating satisfactory protection from proteolytic enzymes. Plasma constituents interfered little with the radioimmunoassay. Bland values for plasma kept at 0 degrees C were 10.7 +/- 2.3 (mean +/- SD) percent of the activity values for samples kept at +37 degrees C (n equals 63). In the routine setting, 6.25 pg of angiotensin l or 10(-6) Goldblatt units of Standard Human Renin was detected. We report results of plasma renin activity measurements and a comparison with seven renin kits, and with bioassay for plasma renin activity.  相似文献   

Measurement of immunoreactive plasma renin concentration (PRC) using direct radioimmunoassay (RIA) was compared with the common procedure, measurement of plasma renin activity (PRA). The sensitivity of the PRC assay was 5 pg/ml. In 67 normal subjects aged 45.2 +/- 1.2 year, the mean PRC value was 17.0 +/- 0.9 pg/ml in the recumbent position and 38.0 +/- 5.4 pg/ml in the upright position. In patients with high renin essential hypertension and renovascular hypertension, discrepancies were observed between changes in PRA and PRC at 60 min after the administration of captopril. In a patient with Bartter's syndrome PRC was markedly elevated (393 pg/ml) and the changes in PRA and in PRC after captopril were very different (452% vs. 1249%). In all 10 cases of primary hyperaldosteronism PRC was less than 5 pg/ml. The correlation coefficient between PRC and PRA was 0.85 (n = 227, p less than 0.01). The slope of the regression line between PRA and PRC decreased in proportion to PRC values. Direct RIA for PRC is likely to be useful for the determination of plasma active renin when renin levels are high or substrate concentrations are abnormal. Moreover, the combined use of PRA and PRC measurements might be useful in assessing abnormalities in renin substrate concentration as well as in PRC.  相似文献   

A simple kinetic method is described for measurement of plasma renin concentration (PRC) and plasma renin substrate concentration (PRS) in human plasma. It is based on the radioimmunological determination of angiotensin I generated when a plasma sample is incubated at 37 degrees C for 2, 4, 6 and 8 h. The use of exogenous renin and renin substrate preparations are not required. The specific velocity constant of reaction (K) was used to deduce the PRC. PRS determination was based on the stoichiometric conversion of renin substrate to angiotensin I. PRC and PRS have been determined in plasma from healthy subjects, plasma from health subjects 3 h after oral furosemide administration and in plasma from women, 12-20 weeks normally pregnant.  相似文献   

The changes in active and inactive renin after captopril (n = 29) or furosemide administration (n = 10) were studied in hypertensive patients. Furthermore, after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in 3 cases of renovascular hypertension (RVH), and after nephrectomy in a case of juxtaglomerular cell tumor, the time course of the changes in these two types of renin was investigated. Inactive renin was activated by trypsin treatment. Plasma renin concentration was measured by using an excess of sheep substrate. In patients with essential hypertension or primary aldosteronism, inactive renin was unchanged, irrespective of response in active renin, after the administration of captopril and furosemide. In patients with RVH, inactive renin was markedly decreased by furosemide but unchanged by captopril, in spite of significant increase in active renin. After PTA and nephrectomy, inactive renin decreased slower than active renin. These data support the idea that in patients with RVH, the increase in active renin by furosemide is at least partly due to the activation of inactive renin. It is also suggested that the increase in active renin by captopril is mainly due to the promoted release of active renin from the kidney. Furthermore, it seems likely that the metabolic clearance of inactive renin is slower than that in active renin.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay of angiotensin I has been applied to the measurement of plasma renin activity. Angiotensin I was generated in plasma samples by 3 h incubation at 37 degrees C and pH 5.6 after addition of EDTA and Dowex. The generated amount of angiotensin I was measured by radioimmunoassay in the eluate of the Dowex column. With this method a negligible amount of angiotensin I was measured after incubation at 4 degrees C (0.8 ng/ml per 3 h). Eluate of blank plasma had no measurable effect on the standard curve. The mean recovery of angiotensin I was 87%. The limit of detection of the assay was 0.5 ng/ml per 3 h. The results obtained using different antisera were equal. A marked variation was found in immunological properties of different standard preparations of angiotensin I tested. The mean value of angiotensin I generation per Goldblatt Unit (G.U.) renin was 3.9 with 10-4 ng/h. In normotensive control subjects, the plasma renin concentration, whileon unrestricted diet and after 3 h of ambulation, was on average 0.39 with 10-minus 4 G.U./ml, range 0.12 with 10-minus 4-0.91 with 10-minus 4. With the use of the same plasma extracts for radioimmunoassay and bioassay, a perfect correlation was found between the plasma renin activities measured with both assays. The differences found between the results of both assays could be fully explained by the different biological activities of the standards used (Angiotensin I, Schwarz Mann, and Angiotensin II, Ciba-Geigy). With a direct radioimmunoassay, angiotensin I was generated in plasma by 3 h incubation at 37 degrees C and pH 5.6 after addition of phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, 8-hydroxyquinoline and 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (dimercaprol). The generated amount of angiotensin I was measured by the above mentioned radioimmunoassay. A fairish correlation was found between the generated amounts of angiotensin I measured in the Dowex eluate and those found in the incubated plasma. Especially in the lowest range, lower values were obtained by the latter assay. However, the generated amounts of angiotensin I measured in non-incubated plasma samples (3 h at 4 degrees C) was on average 6.4 ng/ml per 3 h and accounted for 748% of the amounts found after incubation at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

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