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Conners教师评定量表的中国城市常模   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的建立Conners教师评定量表(TRS)的中国城市儿童常模并检验其信度和效度. 方法在全国20个城市采样1577例(男774,女803),年龄6~17岁,平均(11.37 ±2.48)岁 ;由教师填写TRS.结果量表的重测信度、分半信度、Crobach α系数、项目与总分的一致性均达统计学要求.TRS的效度较好,与Achenbach 教师报告表、Conners父母症状问卷的各分量表有显著的相关,对儿童多动症有较好的分辨能力.结论 TRS 适用于我国儿童多动症的评估.  相似文献   

儿童睡眠习惯问卷中文版制定及测量性能考核   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Li SH  Jin XM  Shen XM  Wu SH  Jiang F  Yan CH  Yu XD  Qiu YL 《中华儿科杂志》2007,45(3):176-180
目的将儿童睡眠习惯问卷(CSHQ)引入国内,评价其在健康学龄儿童中应用的信度和效度,为类似研究提供比较成熟的工具。方法采用分级整群抽样,对我国9城市、55所小学的一到六年级20457名学龄儿童进行了问卷调查,调查内容包括:儿童家庭、个人基本情况(采用自制问卷),睡眠习惯和睡眠问题(采用CSHQ)。结果中文版CSHQ总问卷内部一致性Cmnbach’s α系数为0.73,各层面Cmnbach’s α系数为0.42~0.69;总问卷的平行信度组内相关系数(ICCs)为0.89,各层面的平行信度ICCs范围为0.83~0.92;总问卷的重测信度ICCs为0.85,各个层面的ICCs范围为0.60~0.88;对CSHQ的8个层面进行因子分析,共提取到3个公因子,能解释总变异的58.63%,在相应层面的因子负荷均大于0.5,提示该问卷结构与理论模型基本一致。结论CSHQ中文版具有较好的信度和效度,可用于我国学龄儿童睡眠状况研究。  相似文献   

0—6岁儿童智能发育筛查测验全国城市常模的制定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了早期发现小儿智能发育偏离,以利于早期诊断和矫治,编制了适合我国儿童发育特点的0~6岁儿童智能发育筛查测验。测验包括运动、社会适应及智力3个能区,共120个测验项目。为制定全国城市常模在全国六大行政区各选1个代表性城市,按年龄、性别、集散居比例,分层随机抽样,共6569名0~6岁健康儿童,分属28个年龄组,每个年龄组人数不少于200名。结果表明,各能区平均原始分随年龄增长而增加。常模表列出了各年龄组与原始总分及智力原始分相当的发育商(DQ)和智力指数(MI)。6569例DQ、MI呈正态分布说明样本代表性好。测试者间信度及重测信度相关系数分别为0.94、0.90。效度分析本测验DQ、MI与Gesel发育诊断量表总DQ相关系数分别为0.60、0.57。与WPPSI总IQ相关系数分别为0.53、0.68。提示本测验为有效、可靠的筛查测验,并具有操作快速、简便、评分客观明确、易于掌握等优点,值得全国推广应用。  相似文献   

目的建立父母用注意缺陷多动障碍诊断量表(ADHDDS-P)的中国城市儿童常模,并检验其信度和效度。方法中南大学湘雅二院精神卫生研究所等单位于2004-08—2005-04在全国12个城市采样1616例(男777例,女839例),年龄6~17(11·10±2·80)岁,由父母填写ADHDDS-P。结果常模样本男性在注意缺陷、多动冲动分量表和总分都高于女性;注意缺陷分量表在各年龄之间差异无显著性意义,多动冲动分量表和总分6~8岁得分最高,随年龄增加而得分递减。信度:间隔4周量表总分的重测信度r=0·72;Crobacha系数0·91;项目与总分的一致性r为0·61~0·71;父母和教师之间的一致性0·32。效度:与Conners父母症状问卷的多动指数(r=0·75),CBCL的注意问题(r=0·65)、外化性问题(r=0·65)相关;ADHD儿童的得分显著高于常模组;以常模第93百分位作为划界分,对ADHD诊断的灵敏度为0·92,特异度为0·90。因子分析提取三因素模型:注意缺陷、多动和冲动。结论ADHDDS常模分布存在年龄和性别差异,其信度效度达到心理测量学要求,可用于我国儿童ADHD辅助诊断。  相似文献   

目的建立江苏城市1~6岁儿童语言发育常模。方法对自行研制的《1~6岁儿童语言发育测评量表》进行标准化,制定江苏城市1~6岁儿童语言发育常模,包括量表分常模、百分位常模。结果在江苏四城市采样1 093名儿童(男553名、女540名),年龄为1岁6个月~6岁9个月。量表具有较好的信度和效度。以标准分-1. 33 SD为界值点,低于此值视为儿童语言发育落后,诊断儿童语言发育落后的灵敏度为97.44%、特异度为78.21%。结论《1~6岁儿童语言发育测评量表》常模样本代表性好,量表统计指标符合心理测量学要求,在江苏城市1~6岁儿童的语言评估中具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 评估中文版《新生儿疼痛与不适量表》(EDIN)在0~5岁儿童急性发热时舒适度研究中的信度、效度和反应度。方法 对英文版EDIN量表行翻译、回译,语言学、儿科学和量表学专家对EDIN翻译版本进行讨论、修改,形成中文EDIN预试验版。邀约5名儿科临床专家和30名急性发热儿童的监护人,在不对量表条目进行解释情况下,当场填写中文EDIN预试验版,分别行表面效度检验,形成中文版EDIN。纳入四川大学华西第二医院收治的100例0~5岁急性发热患儿作为中文版EDIN评价人群,行信度、效度和反应度评价,并以Wong-Baker量表为标准,检验中文版EDIN与Wong-Bakerl表测定结果的相关性。结果 ①5名儿科临床专家和30名急性发热患儿的监护人对中文EDIN预试验版填写完整,完成时间均<5 min,反映中文版EDIN条目表达清楚,易于理解。② 97例急性发热患儿家长完成了对中文版EDIN填写,其数据用于信效度分析。分半信度为0.887,重测信度为0.734,总克朗巴赫系数为0.892。③中文版EDIN各条目的相关系数(r)在0.513~0.782,各条目与量表总分间的r在0.788~0.896。④对5个条目进行主成分分析,显示面部活动对总体方差贡献率为78.4%。⑤中文版EDIN与Wong-Baker量表得分的r为0.885,标准关联效度非常好。⑥分别在入院2 h后和首次填写72 h后行中文版EDIN评价,量表得分分别为7.56和2.82,效应尺度为-1.45,差异有统计学意义(P均为0.000)。结论 中文版EDIN信度、标准关联效度和反应度均良好,结构效度有待进一步验证,基本可以用于中国0~5岁儿童急性发热舒适度评价。  相似文献   

目的为补充我国婴幼儿发育评价工具及精神发育迟滞(MR)与语言障碍鉴别工具不足,引进认知应物测验/临床语言、听力进程量表(CAT/CLAMS)。方法用CAT/CLAMS对1604名(16个月龄组、每个月龄组97~103名)上海市4个月~以上月龄组常模婴幼儿进行测试,对其中4个月~、6个月~、12个月~、18个月一和30个月~各20名共100名儿童同时用盖泽尔发育诊断量表(Gesell量表)测试。用Cronbach’s α模式对CAT/CLAMS进行信度分析,用皮尔逊相关分析分析同时效度。结果每例儿童CAT/CLAMS平均受试时间为10~20min。语言能、应物能及总量表三个分数均随年龄增长而增加,相关系数(r)分别等于0,96、0,98、0.98(P均〈0.01)。测试者间信度检验,三个分数的组内相关系数均≥0.96(P〈0.01),Cronbach’s α系数均≥0.98;重测信度检验,三个分数的组内相关系数均≥0,95(P〈0.01),Cronbach’sα系数均≥0.98;100名儿童的CAT/CLAMS与Gesell量表在语言能发育商(DQ)、应物能DQ、总量表DQ均呈明显正相关(r分别为0.517、0.703、0.613,P均〈0,01),而且各个年龄组三个DQ之间均呈明显正相关(r=0.455~0.827,P〈0.05)。结论CAT/CLAMS是一个可以分别评价语言能、应物能及认知能力,结果精确量化、可靠、有效而且测试快速的婴幼儿发育筛查量表,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

儿童气质测查量表的修订和标准化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
为了建立国内儿童气质测查方法和常模,以地对儿童的个体心理发展进行评估与教育。方法按照量表修订修骤和常模制订方法,在全国六大行政区各选1-3个代表性城市,按年龄,性别比较,分层随机取样4个月-12岁健康儿童共9973名,分为12个年龄组,每个年龄组人数不少于200人。  相似文献   

中文版脑瘫儿童粗大运动功能分级系统的信度和效度研究   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
目的 确定中文版脑瘫儿童粗大运动功能分级系统(Gross Motor Function Classification System ,GMFCS)的信度和效度。方法 共有来自上海三家康复机构的91名0-12岁脑瘫儿童参加了此项研究,选择35名脑瘫儿童测定GMFCS的重测信度;以66名脑瘫儿童为对象测定GMFCS的评价者间信度;分别以88名脑瘫儿童的粗大运动功能评估量表(GMFM)和54例脑瘫儿童的Peabody粗大运动发育量表(PDMS-GM)的各项测试结果为效标确定GMFCS的平行效度;对88例同时接受GMFCS和GMFM评价的儿童的测试结果进行结构效度检测,以GMFCS为应变量,GMFM五个功能区的百分比为自变量进行多重逐步回归分析,判断粗大运动中五个分区功能对GMFCS的影响程度。结果 GMFCS具有良好的重测信度(ICC值为0.99),同时具有良好的评估者间信度(ICC为0.95-0.98);GMFCS与GMFM和PDMS-GM各项分值之间有良好的平行效度,Spearman相关系数在-0.57到-0.84在之间;粗大运动功能中的坐位能力和行走能力是影响GMFCS的主要因素,校正决定系数为0.709(p<0.001)。 结论 中文版脑瘫儿童粗大运动功能分级系统的具有良好的信度和效度,适用于国内对脑瘫儿童进行功能分级。  相似文献   

目的对中文版《婴幼儿社会认知发展筛查量表》进行信度和效度评价。 方法在广州市和佛山市选取无精神发育疾病、无重大生理疾病的正常婴幼儿843名,选取中山大学附属第三医院儿童发育行为中心确诊为孤独症的幼儿170例,对中文版《婴幼儿社会认知发展筛查量表》进行修订,并且评价量表的信度和效度。结果①信度分析:全量表及4个子量表的Cronbach′s α系数均>0.7;全量表及4个子量表的分半信度系数为0.69~0.94;全量表及4个子量表的重测信度系数为0.79~0.95。②效度分析:各条目与全量表的相关系数为0.31~0.86;除认人子量表与所属条目n10的相关系数为0.40,各子量表与其他所属条目相关系数均>0.5,但与其他子量表所属条目相关性不强;各子量表间、子量表与全量表间的相关系数均>0.5。因子分析共提取6个公因子,解释总变异的60.63%,因子分析结果与原量表结构基本一致。2~3.5岁正常幼儿全量表和4个子量表得分都显著高于同年龄段孤独症幼儿。结论中文版《婴幼儿社会认知发展筛查量表》具有较好的信度和效度,且操作简便,可用于临床上评价0.5~3.5岁婴幼儿社会认知能力的发展情况。  相似文献   

The Neglect Scale is an easy-to-administer, retrospective, self-report measure of neglect. Research conducted by Straus and colleagues with college students indicates that this scale has a high level of internal consistency reliability and moderate construct validity. The purpose of this article is to examine the reliability and validity of the Neglect Scale when used with a low-income, inner-city sample. The sample included 151 women who were participating in a neglect prevention demonstration project. The Neglect Scale was completed as part of a computer-administered baseline interview before services were provided. To assess whether the 20-item, four-factor structure reported by Straus et al. fit the data from this sample, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed; the model did not fit the data well. Additional analyses identified a model that did fit the data well and suggest that the Neglect Scale is a promising self-report measure.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of the Community Norms of Child Neglect Scale (CNCNS), a new measure of perceptions of child neglect, for use in community samples. The CNCNS differentiates among four subtypes of neglect (failure to provide for basic needs, lack of supervision, emotional neglect, and educational neglect). Scenarios ranging in seriousness for each subtype were presented to a large community sample (N = 3,809). Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that a four-factor model provided a better fit to the data than did a model specifying only one overall neglect factor, suggesting this sample distinguished among the four subtypes of neglect. The authors tested measurement equivalence across individuals who work with children and lay community respondents and across rural and urban respondents, with results indicating a very similar structure across these groups. These initial reliability and validity data suggest that the CNCNS may be of use in comparing perceptions of child neglect among individuals and across communities.  相似文献   

Child neglect is the most prevalent form of maltreatment; more children die of neglect than of abuse. Neglect has been found to be more prevalent than physical abuse among the population of children with chronic illnesses. Data from a retrospective chart review illustrate the ways in which neglect affected 61 children with chronic illnesses. Types of neglect include medical care neglect, educational neglect, abandonment, emotional neglect, and physical neglect. The state Child Protection Agency was notified of neglect in 67 instances. Two children died subsequent to neglect. Sixteen children were abandoned; 12 of these children were abandoned in the hospital. More than half (37) of the reports resulted in change of custody for these children. All of these children suffered from short-term morbidity and some from long-term morbidity due to neglect. Neglect can be a serious and consequential problem for children with chronic illness.  相似文献   

The current study offers a new way to ascertain information about child neglect by evaluating a self-report measure of neglectful behaviors, the Mother-Child Neglect Scale (MCNS). The scale was modified from an existing self-report measure, the Neglect Scale (NS), which was originally designed to measure personal histories of neglect. One hundred adolescent mothers were administered the MCNS and NS in two occasions via phone interviews. In addition, maternal abuse potential and the quality of mother-child interactions were assessed when children were age 3 and 5 years. The MCNS had high internal consistency and moderate test-retest reliability. Convergent validity was found between the MCNS and maternal histories of neglect as well as observed parenting behaviors and child abuse potential; those relationships remained after social desirability was controlled. This research tool may prove useful, in conjunction with existing assessment instruments, in determining the type and severity of past neglectful behaviors.  相似文献   

Child emotional abuse has an intangible quality that has resulted in confusion regarding both medical and legal definitions. This retrospective review of emotional, physical, sexual abuse, and neglect rates reported by the National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect Data System revealed a 300-fold variation in the rate of emotional abuse across state boundaries. By contrast, the rates of physical and sexual abuses, which are much easier to define, were significantly more consistent. To better understand the potential reasons for the unique variability of emotional abuse, an analysis of sociodemographic factors was performed and no correlations were found. However, a systematic review of state laws on child emotional abuse revealed that states having inclusive civil and/or inclusive caretaker culpability statutes were more likely to report higher rates of child emotional abuse. This study supports a need for child maltreatment researchers and advocates to develop clear consensus definitions to aid the legal community in adopting uniform inclusive statutes to protect children from emotional abuse.  相似文献   

Child neglect, the most prevalent form of child maltreatment, is associated with adverse psychological and educational outcomes. It is hypothesized that these outcomes may be caused by adverse brain development. However, there are very few published cross-sectional studies and no prospective studies that examine the neurodevelopmental consequences of neglect. In this article, the author comprehensively outlines the issues involved in the psychobiological research of child neglect. Pre-clinical and clinical studies will be reviewed. Throughout the article, suggestions for future research opportunities and novel ways to address methodological difficulties inherent in this field of study are offered. The results of recent neuroimaging studies of maltreated children may provide a basis for understanding the early effects of neglect on childhood brain development. The author is comprehensively examining these issues as part of the Federal Child Neglect Consortium.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo develop and validate the Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist (BPSC), a brief social/emotional screening instrument for children less than 18 months. The BPSC is modeled after the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) and is part of the Survey of Wellbeing of Young Children, a comprehensive, freely available screening instrument designed for use in pediatric primary care.MethodBPSC items were developed by a team of experts who reviewed existing assessment instruments and relevant research literature. Scale construction and initial validation were conducted with 205 families from pediatric primary care sites and 54 families from referral clinics. A replication sample of 146 additional families were enrolled from an independent set of primary care practices.ResultsExploratory factor analysis revealed 3 dimensions of the BPSC: irritability, inflexibility, and difficulty with routines. Factor structure was confirmed in the replication sample. Retest reliability and internal reliability were adequate (intraclass correlation coefficient >0.70) across subscales, with the exception of the “irritability” subscale’s internal reliability in the replication sample. Construct validity of the “irritability” and the “difficulty with routines” subscales is supported by correlations with the Parenting Stress Index and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social/Emotional, but the “inflexibility” subscale seems to be distinct from performance on these instruments. Tests of differential item functioning revealed no significant effects for race/ethnicity, child gender, parent education, or family income. Age-based normative data were calculated for each subscale.ConclusionThe BPSC assesses 3 domains of behavior for very young children and shows promise as a social/emotional screening instrument for pediatric primary care.  相似文献   

Parental responsibilities to adolescents include supervision and emotional support, and variations in these parenting behaviors have been demonstrated to influence adolescent alcohol involvement. This study developed a scale-based method for identifying adolescents with low-parent involvement and examined effects on the development and course of alcohol use disorders (AUDs). The participants were 361 adolescents (ages 14 to 17 years) from two-parent families recruited from clinical and community sources. Cluster analysis of questionnaire items describing mother and father involvement identified 75 adolescents with low-parent involvement (i.e., Neglect). Compared with reference adolescents, Neglect adolescents were significantly more likely to be influenced by social pressure to drink alcohol. Among community participants, Neglect adolescents were more likely to develop AUDs. Among adolescents receiving treatment for AUDs, those in the Neglect group showed more improvement during a 1-year follow-up period. The results indicate that inadequate parent involvement may be a form of neglect.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Neglectful Behavior Scale-Child Report (MNBS-CR). The measure is broadly conceptualized to tap child neglect across four core domains: cognitive, emotional, physical and supervisory neglect, and it assesses exposure to violence, alcohol-related neglect, abandonment, and children's appraisals of parenting. Features include pictorial items, audio computer-assisted testing, and programming by age and gender of the child and caregiver. A clinical sample of 144 children, age 6 to 15 years, and a comparison sample of 87 children were tested. Results showed that the MNBS-CR has high reliability, with higher reliability found for older children (alpha = .94) than for younger children (alpha = .66). Among older children, the MNBS-CR Supervisory scale was significantly associated with the Child Behavior Check List (CBCL), and total MNBS-CR scores were significantly associated with clinician reports of behavioral disorders. Younger and older neglected children scored significantly higher on the MNBS-CR than community children.  相似文献   

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