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目的 探讨急性巨块性肺动脉栓塞的外科治疗.方法 对3例经多排螺旋CT确诊、保守治疗无效并发呼吸衰竭及右心功能不全的急性肺动脉栓塞患者行肺动脉切开取栓术,术后早期应用肝素,后期应用华法林抗凝治疗.结果 3例患者术后均存活,术后心功能由Ⅳ级改善为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,出院后随访6~24个月未发生再栓塞.结论 多排螺旋CT可作为确立急性肺动脉栓塞诊断的依据;适时的手术决策是提高手术疗效的关键.  相似文献   

目的探讨急性腹主-髂-股动脉闭塞介入加药物治疗的临床疗效。方法取9例腹主动脉、髂动脉或股动脉急性闭塞的住院患者。经股动脉或肱动脉开始,入导丝开通,导管造影经溶栓、碎栓、血管内支架置入治疗。结果8例溶栓、碎栓后血管再通,其中1例伴有动脉残余狭窄置入支架一枚;另1例溶栓、碎栓后放弃手术。结论动脉介入加药物治疗是对急性腹主-髂-股动脉闭塞有效、微创、安全的一种治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨风湿性心脏瓣膜病并发急性下肢动脉栓塞的临床特征及治疗。方法36例风湿性心脏瓣膜病并发急性下肢动脉栓塞的患者急诊行Fogarty导管取栓,取栓后1周内行心脏瓣膜置换术,常规口服华法林抗凝。结果36例患者均痊愈出院,术后随访2年以上未再发栓塞。结论风湿性心脏瓣膜病并发下肢动脉栓塞急诊首选Fogarty导管介入取栓,并于短期内行换瓣手术,术后合理的抗凝治疗。  相似文献   

急性下肢动脉栓塞综合治疗(附22例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海蛟 《中国医师杂志》2005,7(8):1095-1096
目的 观察综合疗法治疗急性下肢动脉栓塞的疗效。方法 回顾性分析22例急性下肢动脉栓塞患者用Fogarty导管取栓并术中尿激酶动脉内灌注,术后抗凝溶栓治疗的临床资料。结果 综合治疗后19例治愈,2例好转,1例截肢。无死亡。结论 该疗法是目前治疗急性下肢动脉栓塞的有效方法。患者的预后与就诊时间及手术时机密切相关。  相似文献   

目的探讨急性腹主-髂-股动脉闭塞介入加药物治疗的临床疗效。方法取9例腹主动脉、髂动脉或股动脉急性闭塞的住院患者。经股动脉或肱动脉开始,入导丝开通,导管造影经溶栓、碎栓、血管内支架置入治疗。结果8例溶栓、碎栓后血管再通,其中1例伴有动脉残余狭窄置人支架一枚;另1例溶栓、碎栓后放弃手术。结论动脉介入加药物治疗是对急性腹主-髂-股动脉闭塞有效、微创、安全的一种治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨急性上肢动脉栓塞的介入溶栓治疗效果及可行性。方法对27例急性上肢动脉栓塞患者采用介入溶栓治疗。结果经介入溶栓后,24例患者皮温升高,皮色转红,肌力正常,其中完全开通血流15例、部分开通血流9例,1例改行右上肢截肢;1例改行食指远节部分切除;1例改行桡、尺动脉切开,Fogarty导管取栓术。结论介入溶栓是治疗急性上肢动脉栓塞安全有效、简便可行的治疗方法,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的 探讨孤立肾微创经皮肾镜取石术大出血的治疗以及介入栓塞的时机.方法 总结分析1999年1月~2007年5月行微创经皮肾镜取石术的359例孤立肾患者中术后发生大出血并进行介入栓塞治疗的7例患者的临床资料.结果 7例患者分别于术后3 h至7 d行超选择性肾动脉栓塞.血红蛋白平均下降35.6 g/L.有2例出现弥漫性血管内凝血,其中1例术后3 d死亡.结论 孤立肾微创经皮肾镜取石术后大出血应尽早进行超选择性肾动脉栓塞.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Fogarty导管取栓术治疗急性肢体动脉栓塞的方法和疗效.方法 回顾分析21例急性肢体动脉栓塞患者Fogarty导管取栓治疗的疗效.结果 治愈18例,患肢血供良好,治愈率85.7%,3例(14.2%)肢体缺血症状明显好转,无截肢和死亡病例.结论 Fogarty导管取栓术是治疗急性肢体动脉栓塞的有效方法,一经确诊应注重尽早手术取栓,同时注重对全身疾病的治疗,可减少肢体、坏死的风险,从而达到保存肢体、避免生命危险的目的.  相似文献   

目的总结股青肿的治疗经验,探讨其治疗的安全性和有效性。方法彩超证实股青肿21例,予以在腔静脉滤器保护下行股静脉切开Forgarty导管取栓,配以溶栓、抗凝等治疗。结果21例手术均获成功,患肢肿胀疼痛消退迅速,无肺动脉栓塞并发症,随访1~12个月,其中18例患肢肿胀消退,恢复正常,3例轻度肿胀。结论在腔静脉滤器保护下行股静脉切开Forgarty导管取栓术治疗股青肿具有安全,疗效好,恢复快等优点,腔滤器宜以临时滤器为首选。  相似文献   

目的 探讨超选择性肾动脉栓塞治疗肾脏破裂出血的临床应用价值.方法 对20例肾脏破裂出血患者,行腹主动脉和肾动脉造影,明确肾动脉损伤或肾脏破裂的位置及程度,应用聚乙烯醇( PVA)颗粒和金属弹簧圈行超选择性肾动脉栓塞治疗.结果 20例患者经数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查后均明确肾动脉出血部位,2支以上肾动脉分支断裂3例,单支肾动脉分支断裂8例,假性动脉瘤5例,动静脉瘘4例.20例患者经肾动脉栓塞介入治疗后,13例24h内肉眼血尿消失,5例48 h后肉眼血尿消失;2例肉眼血尿持续1周后消失,止血成功率100%.术后随访3个月至1年,除2例慢性肾小球肾炎患者又出现血尿外,其余患者均无血尿复发.介入治疗后1周16例患者血红蛋白> 110g/L,4例患者血红蛋白在60~ 110 g/L.结论 超选择性肾动脉栓塞治疗肾脏破裂出血,疗效确切,创伤小,安全性高,可最大限度保护肾功能.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨糖尿病足下肢动脉闭塞病变的治疗经验。[方法]总结2004年4月~2009年3月共收治糖尿病足56例患者的下肢动脉闭塞病变的治疗体会,对腹主动脉以下狭窄严重伴足部溃疡的患者肢体进行血管搭桥手术。[结果]2例患者在搭桥后1周和1月人工血管血栓形成,通过取栓后血流恢复,1例术后3月人工血管血栓形成,膝下血管闭塞,自体大隐静脉不能使用,膝下肢体缺血坏疽,取栓术后再次血栓形成,最后导致截肢;1例在半年后流出道腘动脉闭塞行人工血管自体大隐静脉动脉化,术后2年肢体良好,但死于膀胱癌。另外一例取栓后未再有血栓形成,但至今足部溃疡仍未痊愈;其他患者在血管搭桥后都取得了较好的效果,在搭桥后下肢血流明显改善,足部溃疡愈合速度加快。3例患者死亡,分别是由于呼吸循环衰竭1例和消化道大出血2例。[结论]加强糖尿病足下肢动脉闭塞病变术前评估、选择合适的外科治疗和围手术期管理可明显降低截肢率,提高患者生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨四磨汤联合金双歧治疗功能性再发性腹痛的疗效。方法采用随机分组法,将80例功能性再发性腹痛患儿分为2组,对照组40例,给予常规剂量的654-2、颠茄合剂等治疗,治疗组40例,在常规治疗的基础上给予中成药四磨汤口服液10~20mL,1d3次,金双歧1.5,1d3次,3~5d为1个疗程,共治疗3个疗程。2组治疗均以3~5d为1个疗程,共治疗3个疗程。结果治疗组40例中,完全缓解26例,基本缓解10例,无效4例,总有效率90%;对照组40例中,显效10例,有效18例,无效12例,总有效率70.0%,2组疗效比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论四磨汤联合金双歧用于治疗功能性再发性腹痛,简便易行,疗效明显,且未见明显不良反应。  相似文献   

In a population-based study of 6,386 men and women aged 25--84 years in Troms?, Norway, in 1994--1995, the authors assessed the age- and sex-specific distribution of the abdominal aortic diameter and the prevalence of and risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Renal and infrarenal aortic diameters were measured with ultrasound. The mean infrarenal aortic diameter increased with age. The increase was more pronounced in men than in women. The age-related increase in the median diameter was less than that in the mean diameter. An aneurysm was present in 263 (8.9%) men and 74 (2.2%) women (p < 0.001). The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm increased with age. No person aged less than 48 years was found with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Persons who had smoked for more than 40 years had an odds ratio of 8.0 for abdominal aortic aneurysm (95% confidence interval: 5.0, 12.6) compared with never smokers. Low serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol was associated with an increased risk for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Other factors associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm were a high level of plasma fibrinogen and a low blood platelet count. Antihypertensive medication (ever use) was significantly associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm, but high systolic blood pressure was a risk factor in women only. This study indicates that risk factors for atherosclerosis are also associated with increased risk for abdominal aortic aneurysm.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) has been shown to have powerful anabolic effects and to reduce or even prevent nitrogen catabolism in stressed patients. The effects of rhGH on functional parameters are less clearly defined. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of perioperative rhGH on nutritional markers, skeletal muscle function, and psychological well-being in patients undergoing infrarenal, abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. METHODS: Thirty-three patients undergoing elective infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair were randomized to one of three groups: (1) control (n = 12): placebo for 6 days before and after surgery; (2) preop + postop (n = 10): rhGH (Genotropin; Pharmacia Ltd, Uppsala, Sweden) 0.3 IU/kg/d for 6 days before and after surgery; and (3) postop (n = 11): placebo for 6 days before and rhGH 0.3 IU/kg/d for 6 days after surgery. Patients were assessed on days -7 and -1 before surgery and days 7, 14, and 60 after surgery. RESULTS: Administration of rhGH resulted in increased insulin-like growth factor 1 levels, the increase being significantly more marked in the group given rhGH preoperatively. Preoperative and postoperative rhGH reduced the postoperative decrease in both serum transferrin and grip strength at day 7 by 30% and 70%, respectively. Postoperative respiratory function and arterial oxygenation also were improved, with significant differences in arterial oxygenation between rhGH-treated and untreated groups. No difference in mood was seen between groups after surgery, nor was there any difference between subjective assessment of fatigue scores between groups. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study indicates that rhGH administered preoperatively has beneficial effects on skeletal muscle and respiratory function and may be more useful than postoperative rhGH administration alone.  相似文献   



The role of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in the evaluation of acute stroke patients is still ill-defined. We conducted a prospective observational study to find the prevalence of TEE findings that indicate anticoagulation as beneficial, in acute ischemic stroke patients without indication for anticoagulation based on clinical, electrocardiographic and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) findings.


We prospectively studied all patients referred to our laboratory for TTE and TEE. Patients were excluded if the diagnosis was not acute ischemic stroke or if they had an indication for anticoagulation based on clinical, electrocardiographic, or TTE data. Patients with TEE findings that might indicate anticoagulation as beneficial were identified.


A total of 84 patients with acute ischemic stroke and without indication for anticoagulation based on clinical and electrocardiographic or TTE data were included in the study. Findings indicating anticoagulation as beneficial were found in 32.1%: spontaneous echo contrast (1.2%), complex aortic atheroma (27.4%), thrombus (8.3%), and simultaneous patent foramen ovale and atrial septal aneurysm (2.4%).


The results of our study show that TEE can have therapy implications in 32.1% of ischemic stroke patients in sinus rhythm and with TTE with no indication for anticoagulation.  相似文献   

目的 总结急性肠系膜血管闭塞(AMVO)的诊断与治疗。方法 对1989年5月-2005年5月收治的11例AMVO患者的诊治资料进行回顾性分析。肠系膜上动脉栓塞(MAE)5例,肠系膜上动脉血栓形成(MAT)3例,肠系膜上静脉血栓形成(MVT)2例,非阻塞性肠系膜血管供血不全(NOMI)1例。10例手术,其中坏死肠管切除一期吻合6例,二期吻合3例,1例保守治疗。所有病例均经抗凝、祛聚、扩血管治疗。结果 11例患者最终治愈6例,死亡5例,其中2例死于中毒性休克及多器官功能衰竭,2例死于再发梗死,1例死于短肠综合征,病死率为45.5%。结论 AMVO发病急,进展快,早期易误诊,后期病情凶险,早发现、早治疗及选择合理治疗方案是保证疗效的关键。  相似文献   

目的:观察电针治疗对危重症病人急性胃肠损伤(AGI)的疗效。方法:将77例病人按照随机数字表法随机分为两组,对照组38例,给予西医常规治疗;治疗组39例,在对照组基础上加用电针治疗,疗程为7 d。比较两组病人治疗第1、3、5和7天肠内营养(EN)的喂养量、腹腔压力的变化。并对比早期肠内营养(EEN)、治疗1周后全肠内营养(TEN)和加用肠外营养(PN)的比例以及入住ICU时间。结果:治疗组病人治疗第5、7天EN喂养量多于对照组(P0.05)、腹腔压力较对照组减低(P0.05)。治疗组EEN比例高于对照组,治疗1周TEN比例高于对照组(P0.05),EN+PN比例降低(P0.05)。治疗组病人机械通气时间和入住ICU时间明显缩短(P0.05)。结论:在常规西医治疗的基础上联合电针治疗,可明显改善危重症病人的肠道功能,减轻急性胃肠损伤。  相似文献   

Background: Our goal is to define nutrition therapy in critically ill patients after surgical repair of acute ruptured or dissecting aortic aneurysm to identify opportunities for quality improvement. Methods: International, prospective studies in 2007–2009 and 2011 were combined. Sites provided institutional and patient characteristics including from intensive care units (ICUs) admission to ICU discharge for a maximum of 12 days. We selected patients with aortic aneurysmal rupture or acute dissection staying in the ICU for ≥ 3 days. Results: There were 104 eligible patients from 72 distinct ICUs analyzed. Overall, 86.5% received artificial nutrition. There were 50.0% patients who received enteral nutrition (EN) only, 29.8% patients received a combination of EN and parenteral nutrition (PN), 6.7% patients received PN only, and 13.5% did not receive any nutrition. The mean time from admission to initiation of EN was 3.0 days (SD ± 2.4 days). The adequacy of calories from nutrition support was 46.8% (range 0%‐111%) with a mean of 10.0 kcal/kg/day. Of the total of 83 patients who received EN, 53 patients (63.8%) had interruption of EN. The reasons included fasting, intolerance, patients deemed too sick for enteral feeding, and loss of enteral feeding route. For patients with gastrointestinal intolerance, 3/30 patients (10%) received small bowel feeding and 23/30 patients (76.7%) of patients received motility agents. Conclusion: Postoperative critically ill patients with aortic aneurysmal rupture or acute dissection are at high risk for inadequate nutrition therapy, and there may be inadequate utilization of strategies to improve nutrition uptake.  相似文献   

三联外治法治疗早期哺乳期急性乳腺炎1522例疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:将特高频理疗、电动吸乳和乳腺按摩外治疗法结合起来,作为三联外治法为主的治疗方案,检测其对于早期哺乳期急性乳腺炎的治疗效果。方法:对2004年5月~2005年5月期间收治的1522例早期哺乳期急性乳腺炎患者采用该三联方案,3天为一疗程,治疗1~2个疗程。对其中红肿明显、高热或白细胞升高的患者,配合敏感抗生素治疗。结果:治愈1514例(99.47%),脓肿形成8例(0.53%)。结论:此三联方案治疗效果显著、简便易行、费用低、病人痛苦小,具有临床推广价值。  相似文献   

目的:分析主动脉夹层的多层螺旋CT影像特征,尤其是内膜破口、直径、假腔的范围及受累血管的显示。方法:对60例主动脉夹层患者行多层螺旋CT检查,其影像信息进行后处理后再现,分析相关影像特点。结果:参考DeBakey分型,60例患者中Ⅰ型12例,Ⅱ型6例,Ⅲ型42例。其中3例合并升主动脉瘤样扩张,2例合并腹主动脉瘤样扩张,32例伴发胸腔或心包腔积液,18例假腔内有附壁血栓形成,17例合并明显的肾缺血,11例右半肠管缺血,2例左半肠管缺血,2例合并一侧下肢动脉闭塞。破裂口检查率为93%,影像诊断临床符合率为91.3%。结论:多层螺旋CT造影检查可明确主动脉夹层诊断、分型、受累范围及脏器累及情况评估和术后评估,对临床诊断的明确、手术方式制定及术后评估意义重大。  相似文献   

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