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An increasing number of studies provide evidences linking disruption of Fanconi anemia/BRCA cascade with sporadic cancers. Given that this pathway plays essential roles in response to the DNA interstrand cross-links, these cancers are expected to be chemosensitive to cross-link based therapy. In the present mini-review we expand the spectrum of possibilities for FA/BRCA disruption and review some works describing functional upstream and downstream events linking disruption of the FA/BRCA pathway to sporadic cancer. This may involve but not limited to epigenetic silencing of the FA-core complex or BRCA1/2, mutations of one or several FA-BRCA genes or modification of encoded products. All this may serve as a platform for occurrence, development and treatment of sporadic cancers and therefore deserves to be in the focus of new research directions.  相似文献   

Defects in the Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway occur in subsets of diverse human cancers. The hypersensitivity of FA pathway-deficient cells to DNA interstrand cross-linking and possibly other agents renders these genes attractive targets for a genotype-based, individualized anticancer therapy. A prerequisite before clinical trials is the validation and quantification of this hypersensitivity in suitable preclinical pharmacogenomic models. In addition, the effects of combinational therapy need to be evaluated and novel agents sought. We discuss here the pitfalls and limitations in the interpretation of common FA models when applied to the validation of FA gene defects as therapeutic targets. In general, all preclinical models are prone to certain artifacts and, thus, promising results in a single or few models rarely translate into clinical success. Nevertheless, the extraordinary robustness of FA pathway-deficient cells to interstrand cross-linking agents, which are observable in virtually any model independent of species, cell type, or technique used to engineer the gene defect, in various in vitro and in vivo settings, renders these gene defects particularly attractive for targeted therapy. Clinical trials are now under way.  相似文献   

The BRCA/Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway plays a key role in the repair of DNA double strand breaks. We focused on this pathway to clarify chemoresistance mechanisms in biliary tract cancer (BTC). We also investigated changes in the CD24+/44+ population that may be involved in chemoresistance, as this population likely includes cancer stem cells. We used three BTC cell lines to establish gemcitabine (GEM)‐resistant (GR) cells and evaluated the expression of BRCA/FA pathway components, chemoresistance, and the effect of BRCA/FA pathway inhibition on the CD24+/44+ population. FANCD2 and CD24 expression were evaluated in 108 resected BTC specimens. GR cells highly expressed the BRCA/FA components. The BRCA/FA pathway was upregulated by GEM and cisplatin (CDDP) exposure. Inhibition using siRNA and RAD51 inhibitor sensitized GR cells to GEM or CDDP. The CD24+/44+ population was increased in GR and parent BTC cells treated with GEM or CDDP and highly expressed BRCA/FA genes. FANCD2 was related to CD24 expression in resected BTC specimens. Inhibition of the BRCA/FA pathway under GEM reduced the CD24+/44+ population in MzChA1‐GR cells. Thus, high expression of the BRCA/FA pathway is one mechanism of chemoresistance against GEM and/or CDDP and is related to the CD24+/44+ population in BTC.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in the world. The majority of cases are sporadic but around 15% show some type of familial aggregation and about 5% exhibit a clear hereditary pattern. Common and rare low- moderate-penetrance genes, and high-penetrance genes are thought to explain the genetic susceptibility to the disease. Only around 20% of the inherited risk to breast cancer is explained by germline mutations in the known high-penetrance susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2. Mutations in genes such as TP53 and PTEN have also been linked with high risk for breast cancer within specific cancer syndromes and rare germline variants in genes such as CHEK2 and ATM have been found to confer modest risk to breast cancer. However, we can say that less than 30% of familial risk of breast cancer is due to known genes. Identification in 2002 of the Fanconi anaemia (FA) gene FANCD1 as BRCA2 and recent studies indicating that heterozygous mutations in FANCN/PALB2 and FANCJ/ BRIP1 predispose to breast cancer have emphasised an important connection between the FA and BRCA pathway. Here we review the emerging DNA-damage response network consisting of FA and BRCA proteins, summarise what is currently known about the direct involvement of these molecules in breast cancer susceptibility and discuss the prospect offered by this pathway in order to identify more breast cancer related genes. We finally present the current stage of therapeutic options specifically targeting the FA/BRCA pathway and summarise the challenges this field encounters.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) associated genes [FANCA, -B, -C, FANCD1(BRCA2), -D2, -E, -F, -G, -I, -L, -M, FANCN (PALB2), FANCJ(BRIP1) and FA-linked BRCA1] encode proteins of DNA damage response pathways mutated in FA patients. FA is characterized by congenital malformations, chromosomal instability and high cancer susceptibility. FA patients have a 500-700 times higher risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) compared to the non-FA population. As DNA methylation comprises one of the known gene inactivation mechanisms in cancer we have investigated the methylation status of 13 FA and one FA-linked gene in order to assess the role of FA in sporadic laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) tumor samples. Thirteen laryngeal squamous carcinoma cell lines (UT-SCC) and 64 primary laryngeal carcinoma cases were analyzed by bisulfite pyrosequencing. DNA from buccal swabs of 10 healthy volunteers was used as a control group. Promoter regions of FANCA, BRCA1 and BRCA2 displayed recurrent alterations in the methylation levels in cancer samples as compared to buccal swabs controls. For FANCA, hypomethylation was observed in 11/13 cell lines (p<0.0003) and all 64 primary larynx samples (p<0.001) compared to buccal swabs. For BRCA1, 4/13 cell lines (p=0.04) and 3/58 primary laryngeal cases (p=0.22) showed hypomethylation. In BRCA2, all 13 cell lines (p<0.0001) 4/63 primary LSCC (p<0.01) showed hypermethylation as compared to controls. In conclusion, we show recurrent alterations of DNA methylation levels in three Fanconi anemia genes which might contribute to the pathogenesis of LSCC.  相似文献   

Dunn J  Potter M  Rees A  Rünger TM 《Cancer research》2006,66(23):11140-11147
Recombination repair plays an important role in the processing of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and DNA cross-links, and has been suggested to be mediated by the activation of the Fanconi anemia (FA)/BRCA pathway. Unlike DNA damage generated by ionizing radiation or DNA cross-linking, UV light-induced DNA damage is not commonly thought to require recombination for processing, as UV light does not directly induce DSBs or DNA cross-links. To elucidate the role of recombination repair in the cellular response to UV, we studied the FA/BRCA pathway in primary skin cells exposed to solar-simulated light. UV-induced monoubiquitination of the FANCD2 protein and formation of FANCD2 nuclear foci confirmed the activation of the pathway by UV light. This was only observed when cells were irradiated during S phase and was not caused by directly UV-induced DSBs. UV-exposed cells did not exhibit FANCD2 nuclear foci once they entered mitosis or when growth-arrested. In addition, UV-induced nuclear foci of the recombination proteins, RAD51 and BRCA1, colocalized with FANCD2 foci. We suggest that in response to UV light, when nucleotide excision repair failed to repair, or when translesional DNA synthesis failed to bypass UV-induced DNA photoproducts, the FA/BRCA pathway mediates the recombination repair of replication forks stalled at DNA photoproducts as a third line of defense.  相似文献   

Marsit CJ  Liu M  Nelson HH  Posner M  Suzuki M  Kelsey KT 《Oncogene》2004,23(4):1000-1004
Inactivation of the FANC-BRCA pathway via promoter methylation of the FANCF gene renders cells sensitive to DNA crosslinking agents, and has been identified in ovarian cancer cell lines and sporadic primary tumor tissues. We investigated epigenetic alterations in the FANC-BRCA pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) and non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLC) using methylation-specific PCR. Promoter methylation of FANCF occurred in 15% (13/89) of HNSCCs and 14% (22/158) of NSCLCs. Methylation of BRCA1 occurred only in 6/158 NSCLC, and was limited to adenocarcinomas and large-cell carcinomas of the lung. No methylation of BRCA2 was detected. FANCF methylation was associated with a shorter duration of tobacco use (P=0.03) and a younger age of starting smoking (P=0.06) in NSCLC, and with a greater number of years of alcohol drinking (P=0.02) in HNSCC. In adenocarcinomas of the lung, FANCF promoter methylation was a significant predictor of poor survival with a hazard ratio of 3.1 (95% CI 1.2-7.9). This study demonstrates that inactivation of the FANC-BRCA pathway is relatively common in solid tumors and may be related to tobacco and alcohol exposure and survival of these patients.  相似文献   

K Schlacher  H Wu  M Jasin 《Cancer cell》2012,22(1):106-116
Genes mutated in patients with Fanconi anemia (FA) interact with the DNA repair genes BRCA1 and BRCA2/FANCD1 to suppress tumorigenesis, but the molecular functions ascribed to them cannot fully explain all of their cellular roles. Here, we show a repair-independent requirement for FA genes, including FANCD2, and BRCA1 in protecting stalled replication forks from degradation. Fork protection is surprisingly rescued in FANCD2-deficient cells by elevated RAD51 levels or stabilized RAD51 filaments. Moreover, FANCD2-mediated fork protection is epistatic with RAD51 functions, revealing an unanticipated fork protection pathway that connects FA genes to RAD51 and the BRCA1/2 breast cancer suppressors. Collective results imply a unified molecular mechanism for repair-independent functions of FA, RAD51, and BRCA1/2 proteins in preventing genomic instability and suppressing tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

A 2-year old boy was diagnosed with Fanconi anemia (FA) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). A cell line (termed FA-AML1) was established from blast cells obtained after a second relapse after a successful bone marrow transplant. Histochemical and surface marker analysis confirmed that the cells were derived from the myeloid lineage. Cytogenetic analysis revealed multiple chromosomal aberrations, including a ring 7. Stable proliferation of the cultured cells was absolutely dependent on the presence of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor or interleukin 3. This is the first AML cell line successfully established from a FA patient. Remarkably, FA-AML1 cells appeared to lack the characteristic cellular FA phenotype, i.e., a hypersensitivity to growth inhibition and chromosomal breakage by the cross-linking agent mitomycin C. Genomic DNA from the patient showed biallelic mutations [8415G>T (K2729N)and 8732C>A (S2835STOP)] in the breast cancer susceptibility gene FANCD1/BRCA2 [N. Howlett et al., Science (Wash. DC), 297: 606-609, 2002]. In the AML cells, however, the 8732C>A nonsense mutation was changed into a missense mutation by a secondary alteration, 8731T>G, resulting in 2835E, which restored the open-reading frame of the gene and could explain the reverted phenotype of these cells. Loss of the FA phenotype by genetic correction of a FA gene mutation during AML progression may be a common late event in the pathogenesis of AML in FA patients, which may be treatment related. This finding suggests a novel mechanistic principle of tumor progression based on the genetic correction of an early caretaker gene defect.  相似文献   



Cisplatin has been widely used to treat head and neck cancer. One of the clinical limitations with this treatment, however, is that tumors that are initially responsive to cisplatin later acquire resistance. We have recently shown that a subset of head and neck cancer cell lines has a defective Fanconi anemia DNA damage response pathway and this defect correlates to cisplatin sensitivity. We have also shown that the histone deacetylase inhibitor phenylbutyrate sensitize human cells to cisplatin. In this study we explored whether phenylbutyrate may sensitize head and neck cancer cells by interfering with the Fanconi anemia pathway.  相似文献   

By using transparent chambers in rats, we have directly observed tumor-induced neovascularization in the early stage and the formation of intricate networks in Yoshida rat ascites hepatoma AH109A and Sato lung carcinoma at high magnification. We counted branching point numbers per unit area in the microvascular network with and without tumors in order to clarify the sites from which new vascular sprouts originate. Branching point number per unit area in normal tissue was 13.6 +/- 7.4/0.1 mm2 in the field near a terminal arteriole, and 12.9 +/- 7.3/0.1 mm2 in the field distant from a terminal arteriole. There was no significant difference between these two fields in the normal vascular network. On the other hand, in the tumor vascular network, the branching point number in the field near a terminal arteriole was 50.4 +/- 12.6/0.1 mm2, and 30.1 +/- 11.5/0.1 mm2 in the field distant from a terminal arteriole. The difference is highly significant (P less than 0.001). The frequency with which new capillaries originated from veins and venules was very low. We concluded from these results that the position from which tumor vessels originated was usually the terminal portion of a terminal arteriole.  相似文献   

Recent reports have shown that mutations in the FANCJ/BRIP1 and FANCN/PALB2 Fanconi Anemia (FA) genes confer a moderate breast cancer risk. Discussion has been raised on the phenotypic characteristics of the PALB2-associated families and tumors. The role of FANCB in breast cancer susceptibility has not been tested to date. Likewise PALB2 mutation frequency has not been studied in Spanish population. We analyzed the complete coding sequence and splicing sites of FANCB and PALB2 in 95 index cases of BRCA1/2-negative Spanish breast cancer families. We also performed an exhaustive screening of three previously described rare but recurrent PALB2 mutations in 725 additional probands. Pathogenic changes were not detected in FANCB. We found a novel PALB2 truncating mutation c.1056_1057delGA (p.K353IfsX7) in one of the 95 screened patients, accounting for a mutation frequency of 1% in our series. Further comprehensive screening of the novel mutation and of previously reported rare but recurrent PALB2 mutations did not reveal any carrier patient. We report the first example of LOH occurring in a PALB2-associated tumor. Our results rule out a major contribution of FANCB to hereditary breast cancer. Our data are consistent with the notion of individually rare PALB2 mutations, lack of mutational hot-spots in the gene and existence of between-population disease-allele heterogeneity. We show evidence that PALB2 loss of function might also conform to the inactivation model of a classic tumor-suppressor gene and present data that adds to the clinically relevant discussion about the existence of a PALB2-breast cancer phenotype. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



With the increasing request for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation tests, several risk models have been developed to predict the presence of mutation in these genes; in this study, we have developed an efficient BRCA genetic testing strategy.


As first step, to identify predictor variables associated with BRCA status, we have undertaken a cumulative mutation analysis including data from three Tunisian studies. Then, we have developed a logistic regression model for predicting the likelihood of harboring a BRCA mutation. Using receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC), an effective evaluation was performed. A total of 92 Tunisian families were included. Overall, 27 women were positive for BRCA1/BRCA2 deleterious mutations.


Tow recurrent mutations (c.211dupA and c.5266dupC) explained 76 % of BRCA1-related families and three recurrent mutations (c.1310_1313del, c.1542_1547delAAGA and c.7887_7888insA) explained 90 % of BRCA2-related families. Early age at diagnosis of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, bilateral breast cancer were associated with BRCA1, whereas male breast cancer and four or more breast cancer cases in the family were associated with BRCA2. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the risk score was 0.802 (95 % confidence interval = 0.0699–0. 905).


Logistic regression reported particular profiles related to BRCA germline mutation carriers in our population, as well as an efficient prediction model that may be a useful tool for increasing the cost-effectiveness of genetic testing strategy.

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by bone-marrow failure and cellular hypersensitivity to crosslinking agents, including cisplatin. Here, we studied the use of the FA pathway as a possible target for cancer gene therapy with the aim to sensitize tumor cells for cisplatin by interfering with the FA pathway. As proof-of-principle, FA and non-FA lymphoblast-derived tumors were grown subcutaneously in scid mice and treated with two different concentrations of cisplatin. As predicted, the antitumor response was considerably improved in FA tumors. An adenoviral vector encoding a dominant-negative form of FANCA, FANCA600DN, was generated that interfered with endogenous FANCA-FANCG interaction resulting in the disruption of the FA pathway as illustrated by disturbed FANCD2 monoubiquitination. A panel of cell lines, including non-small-cell lung cancer cells, could be sensitized approximately two- to three-fold for cisplatin after Ad.CMV.FANCA600DN infection that may increase upon enhanced infection efficiency. In conclusion, targeting the FA pathway may provide a novel strategy for the sensitization of solid tumors for cisplatin and, in addition, provides a tool for examining the role of the FA pathway in determining chemoresistance in different tumor types.  相似文献   

The genetic changes underlying in the development and progression of familial breast cancer are poorly understood. To identify a somatic genetic signature of tumor progression for each familial group, BRCA1, BRCA2, and non-BRCA1/BRCA2 (BRCAX) tumors, by high-resolution comparative genomic hybridization, we have analyzed 77 tumors previously characterized for BRCA1 and BRCA2 germ line mutations. Based on a combination of the somatic genetic changes observed at the six most different chromosomal regions and the status of the estrogen receptor, we developed using random forests a molecular classifier, which assigns to a given tumor a probability to belong either to the BRCA1 or to the BRCA2 class. Because 76.5% (26 of 34) of the BRCAX cases were classified with our predictor to the BRCA1 class with a probability of >50%, we analyzed the BRCA1 promoter region for aberrant methylation in all the BRCAX cases. We found that 15 of the 34 BRCAX analyzed tumors had hypermethylation of the BRCA1 gene. When we considered the predictor, we observed that all the cases with this epigenetic event were assigned to the BRCA1 class with a probability of >50%. Interestingly, 84.6% of the cases (11 of 13) assigned to the BRCA1 class with a probability >80% had an aberrant methylation of the BRCA1 promoter. This fact suggests that somatic BRCA1 inactivation could modify the profile of tumor progression in most of the BRCAX cases.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is an autosomal recessive cancer susceptibility syndrome characterized by multiple congenital anomalies, bone marrow failure, and cellular sensitivity to mitomycin C (MMC). To date, six FA genes have been cloned, and the encoded proteins function in a novel pathway. The FA pathway is required for the normal cellular response to DNA damage. Following DNA damage, the pathway is activated, leading to monoubiquitination of the FA protein, FANCD2, and its targeting to subnuclear foci. Disruption of the FA pathway results in the absence of FANCD2 nuclear foci, leading to the cellular and clinical abnormalities of FA. Here, we review the recent studies describing the regulated monoubiquitination of the FANCD2 protein and discuss the interaction of the FA pathway with other DNA damage response pathways.  相似文献   

Rare deleterious mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with an elevated risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Whether or not common variants in these genes are independently associated with risk of breast cancer remains unclear. In this study, we included 632 Caucasian women with asynchronous contralateral breast cancer (CBC, cases) and 1,221 women with unilateral breast cancer (UBC, controls) from the WECARE (Women's Environment, Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology) Study. BRCA1 and BRCA2 deleterious mutation status was measured using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography followed by direct sequencing, yielding including 88 BRCA1 and 60 BRCA2 deleterious mutation carriers. We also genotyped samples on the Illumina Omni1-Quad platform. We assessed the association between CBC risk and common (minor allele frequency (MAF)?>?0.05) single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in BRCA1 (n SNPs?=?22) and BRCA2 (n SNPs?=?30) and haplotypes using conditional logistic regression accounting for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation status. We found no significant associations between any single-SNPs or haplotypes of BRCA1 or BRCA2 and risk of CBC among all women. When we stratified by BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier status, we found suggestive evidence that risk estimates for selected SNPs in BRCA1 (rs8176318, rs1060915, and rs16940) and BRCA2 (rs11571686, rs206115, and rs206117) may differ in non-carriers and carriers of deleterious mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. One common haplotype on BRCA1 was inversely significantly associated with risk only among non-BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. The association between common variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 and risk of CBC may differ depending on BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier status.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of BRCA2 protein in homologous recombination repair and radio-sensitization, we utilized RNA interference strategy in vitro and in vivo with human tumor cells. HeLa cells transfected with small-interfering BRCA2 NA (BRCA2 siRNA) (Qiagen) as well as negative-control siRNA for 48 h were irradiated, and several critical end points were examined. The radiation cell survival level was significantly reduced in HeLa cells with BRCA2 siRNA when compared with mock- or negative-control siRNA transfected cells. DNA double strand break repair as measured by constant field gel-electrophoresis showed a clear inhibition in cells with BRCA2 siRNA, while little inhibition was observed in cells with negative control siRNA. Our immuno-staining experiments revealed a significant delay in Rad51 foci formation in cells with BRCA2 siRNA when compared with the control populations. However, none of the non-homologous end joining proteins nor the phosphorylation of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was affected in cells transfected with BRCA2 siRNA. In addition, the combined treatment with radiation and BRCA2 siRNA in xenograft model with HeLa cells showed an efficient inhibition of in vivo tumor growth. Our results demonstrate down-regulation of BRCA2 leads to radio-sensitization mainly through the inhibition of homologous recombination repair type double-strand break repair; a possibility of using BRCA2 siRNA as an effective radiosensitizer in tumor radiotherapy may arise. ( Cancer Sci 2008; 99: 810–815)  相似文献   

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