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The peritoneal fossae are usually related to rotation and adhesion of the abdominal viscera to the posterior abdominal wall during fetal development, and/or the presence of retroperitoneal vessels running just under the peritoneum and raising serosal folds. These fossae, therefore, are regarded as congenital and have been considered clinically and surgically as sites of internal abdominal hernias. The authors describe a peritoneal fossa interposed between the fourth portion of the duodenum and the abdominal aorta. Due to a scoliosis of the lumbar column, the abdominal aorta had shifted to the left of the duodenum, stretching two semilunar avascular peritoneal folds connecting the vessel with the ascending duodenum. These two folds bounded above and below an entrance into a fossa lined by the posterior parietal peritoneum and bordered by the fourth portion of the duodenum on the right and the aorta on the left. This recess extended as far as the anterior surface of the second and third lumbar vertebrae. On the basis of the anatomic findings, the authors suggest that acquired fossae, because of their size and topography, may play a part in the etiopathogenesis of internal abdominal hernias.  相似文献   

Abstract Anatomical variations of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery are not infrequent. Knowledge of the existing aberrations is important in planning and conducting surgical or radiological procedures. A case of right hepatic artery arising independently from the aorta supplying an hepatocellular carcinoma was identified, through which transarterial chemoembolization was successfully performed. A second case is presented with a common splenomesenteric trunk branching into the splenic and superior mesenteric arteries. These two cases represent exceptional arterial variations in the upper abdomen.  相似文献   

A left single coronary artery of heart was observed during anatomy practice at Kumamoto University School of Medicine in a 73-year-old female cadaver who died from a thalamic hemorrhage. The left single coronary artery, having a single orifice in the left aortic sinus, bifurcated into the anterior interventricular (IVa) and circumflex (CIR) arteries. No orifice of the right coronary artery was found on the aortic wall. Giving off a branch which traversed the upper part of the infundibulum to supply the anterior upper region of the right ventricle, the IVa descended in the anterior interventricular sulcus to supply the apex of the heart. The CIR curved leftwards in the atrioventricular sulcus to reach the posterior surface, after which it continued to emerge again into the anterior surface. The atrial arteries showed no anomalous distribution pattern and histological observation revealed no pathological abnormality other than a slightly thickened tunica intima. Furthermore, we observed the distribution patterns of bilateral coronary arteries in 377 hearts dissected during anatomical practice over 13 years at Kanazawa University (1980–1986) and Kumamoto University (1993–1998). Although the reason why only the right coronary artery was absent is left unexplained, it was concluded that the left single coronary artery in this study, having the developed left conal and circumflex branches, was an extreme case of the left dominant series of coronary arteries. The formation of single coronary arteries can be explained embryologically by the change of flow in the capillary plexus established on the ventricle wall.  相似文献   

The mental artery is a terminal branch of the inferior alveolar artery arising from the maxillary artery. It often communicates with the submental and inferior labial arteries branching off the facial artery. To our knowledge, few reports have described its anatomy and clinical significance in detail. The aim of this paper was to clarify the anatomy of the mental artery. Ten sides from five embalmed Caucasian cadaveric heads were used. The facial artery was identified at the point passing through a notch for the facial vessels and was traced medially. The mental artery and its anastomoses with other arteries were observed in detail. It was detected on all sides. Fourteen anastomoses were found, eight with the inferior labial artery and six with the submental artery. On one side, the mental artery directly supplied the lower lip with no anastomosis. The inferior labial artery tended to anastomose with the mental artery superior to the mental foramen and was likely to anastomose with the submental artery anterior to the mental foramen. We clarified the detailed anatomy of the mental artery. Our results could provide dentists with information that will help them to make oral surgery safer and more successful.  相似文献   

老年人椎动脉的解剖学观测及意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:为颈部推拿手法治疗提供老年人椎动脉的解剖学资料。方法:对20具老年人尸体标本椎动脉的行程、弯曲和管径等情况进行解剖学观察,并与10具年轻人尸体标本做比较。结果:老年人标本椎动脉的弯曲明显多于年轻人。多者达10余处,C2~G6段弯曲多为增生的Luscka关节向外推挤所致;左右侧椎动脉管径相差悬殊者并不少见。结论:老年人椎动脉变异较多,易受损伤。  相似文献   

The gonadal arteries are paired vessels that usually originate from the abdominal aorta at the level of second lumbar vertebra. In 5-20% of cases, the gonadal artery has a high origin (superior to L2) and in 5-6% of cases it originates from the main or accessory renal artery. The latter is referred to here as an aberrant gonadal artery. Ninety-eight kidneys of 50 healthy potential renal transplant donors were prospectively studied by conventional angiography. The renal artery, either main or accessory, was detected and individually injected to highlight their perihilar divisions and possible extrarenal branches. The gonadal arteries were recorded if they originated from the renal arteries. We found that 39% (n = 38) of kidneys had at least one accessory renal artery. In 14 sides (14% of kidneys), the gonadal artery (11 right and 3 left) originated from the renal artery, either main (n = 5) or accessory (n = 9). Ten out of 14 kidneys with an aberrant gonadal artery had an associated accessory renal artery. In nine cases, the gonadal artery originated from the accessory renal artery, and in one case, although it originated from the main renal artery, the same kidney had an accessory arterial supply. The results of this study demonstrate that aberrant gonadal arteries tend to originate from kidneys that possess an accessory arterial supply. We hypothesize that aberrancies of the gonadal artery are a part of a common embryologic error resulting in the persistence of the future accessory renal arteries. We believe that this study is the first to hypothesize and study such an association with these arterial anomalies of the renal pedicle.  相似文献   

Dissection of an adult male cadaver revealed an absence of the left inferior thyroid artery; its usual area of distribution to the thyroid gland was supplied by the right inferior thyroid artery. Absence of the left inferior thyroid artery occurs in 1-6% of cases. The inferior thyroid artery arises commonly from the thyrocervical trunk, passes posterior to the carotid sheath and supplies the inferior pole of the corresponding lobe of the thyroid gland; its branches can course anterior or posterior to or between branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. During thyroid surgery it is imperative to identify the relationship of the inferior thyroid artery to the recurrent laryngeal nerve or to establish its absence because injury to the nerve can be a major complication; awareness of significant variations of the surgical anatomy of the thyroid gland is vital for preserving the integrity of important structures.  相似文献   

目的探索国人腋动脉(AA)及其分支的类型、量化数据以及他们之间的比例关系。方法解剖观察32具成人尸体标本(男25具、女7具)的腋动脉分支类型、外径及腋动脉起始段的外径与其自身比例,腋动脉3段的长度、外径,计算三者间的自身比例。结果腋动脉分支分为7型及1个变异型。每型又分为若干亚型,以6支型(出现率30.16%)和5支型(出现率26.98%)多见;腋动脉3段长度差异较大,三者之比为1∶1.18∶1.25,外径由第一段至第三段渐细,三者之比为1∶0.89∶0.75,腋动脉的各分支依据其支数及起始位置的不同,分为若干型及亚型。腋动脉起始端与各分支起始端外径之比分别为胸上动脉(TS)1∶0.28,胸肩峰动脉(TA)1∶0.42,胸外侧动脉(TL)1∶0.31,肩胛下动脉(SS)1∶0.63,旋肱前动脉(CHA)1∶0.25,旋肱后动脉(CHP)1∶0.46。结论腋动脉及其分支的变异较大,临床介入放射学及血管外科学对血管处理或选择时,应以出现率高、类型恒定、管径允许者作为应用对象。  相似文献   

Abstract: A case of a “double hepatomesenteric artery”, i.e. two persisting hepatic arteries arising from the superior mesenteric artery, is reported. Also observed was a lack of systematisation of the pancreaticoduodenal arteries. The variant, which does not appear to have been previously reported in the literature, was observed when dissecting the vessels of the duodenal bulb in a preserved male cadaver injected with neoprene latex. Its embryological origin, as well as the clinical, radiological (diagnostic or interventional) and surgical implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

Lateral costal artery: accessory thoracic vessel of clinical interest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The lateral costal artery (LCA), a supernumerary branch of the internal thoracic artery (ITA), occurs in several ethnic groups on one side of the thorax or on both, in 15-30% of cases. It has been considered responsible for the "steal-syndrome" of the coronary blood after coronary artery bypass grafting and it used occasionally for myocardial revascularization. To clarify its functional significance, an interpretation based on our findings and human and comparative anatomy and embryology has been attempted. We report on a case where a right LCA of about 2 mm in caliber, rising from the ITA 2.5 cm below the subclavian, coursed as far as the 4th intercostal space for a distance of 13 cm after the anterior axillary line. Anastomosing with the intercostal arteries, it can act as a blood derivative circuit of the thoracic wall. Embryologically, this artery, like the normal parietal arteries of the trunk, might form a longitudinal channel connecting the intersegmental arteries. In mammals having a thoracic cage transversely restricted (quadrupeds), the ITA is more lateral than in primates having a circular thorax, and gives off a ventral branch toward the sternum. It might be hypothesized that the sternal branch occurring in quadrupeds, undergoing adaptation to the thoracic shape of primates, may become the main trunk of the ITA, whereas the LCA may be the remnant of the ITA of quadrupeds. Because the LCA ran partly along the "milk line" of humans, it might be regarded as a supernumerary mammary artery.  相似文献   

The thoracic duct (TD) transports ingested fat, drains lymph from the gastrointestinal vascular bed, and delivers the lymph to central veins in the neck. Preliminary evidence suggests that diversion of TD lymph may mitigate the severity of end‐organ dysfunction in critical illness. Variations in the anatomy of the TD may determine whether reliable and safe cannulation of the duct, a necessary step for diversion, is possible. A systematic review was undertaken using the Google Scholar, MEDLINE, PubMed, and Scopus databases until 31st March, 2013. Both English and non‐English articles were searched for, and surgical, cadaveric, and radiologic studies were included. Fifty‐seven articles from the past 102 years were retrieved. There are significant variations in the anatomy of the TD in terms of its formation at the cisterna chyli, its course through the thorax, and its termination in the venous system. The most common site of termination is at the internal jugular vein (46%), followed by the jugulosubclavian angle (32%), and the subclavian vein (18%). An improved understanding of the anatomy of the TD would help surgeons to avoid inadvertent injury and potentially afford new opportunities for diagnosis and intervention in patients with critical illness. Clin. Anat. 637–644, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a rare case of combined anomalies of the aortic arch. At its convexity, the arch of aorta gave rise, from right to left, first to the truncus bicaroticus and then to the common trunk of the left subclavian and left vertebral artery. A retro-esophageal right subclavian artery arose from the dorsal aspect of the arch, distally from the common trunk of the left vertebral artery and left subclavian artery. The combination of these anomalies has not been described before and may have important clinical implications.  相似文献   

In 1997, an anomalous small mass of soft tissue was found in the left thoracic cavity of a Japanese male cadaver during student dissection practice. It was linked only by branches from the thoracic aorta, hemiazygos vein and greater splanchnic nerve, with no connection to the normal lung by vessels or airway. Examination of cut sections clarified that this anomalous small tissue mass was an extralobar pulmonary sequestration (EPS). Many cases of pulmonary sequestration have been reported from the clinical aspect, but there are few from a purely anatomical viewpoint. In the present case, detailed gross anatomical and histologic observations clarified that the anomalous artery supplying the sequestration resembled an elastic artery. In view of the findings of other reports, the anomalous arteries are divided into two types, the elastic type such as the pulmonary artery and the muscular type such as the bronchial artery. So it is thought that the histologic observation of an anomalous artery in comparison with normal pulmonary and bronchial arteries may offer an important clue to consider in elucidating the origin and development of pulmonary sequestration.  相似文献   

目的观察小脑动脉的起始位置、行程特点及其与三叉神经根的毗邻关系,为三叉神经微血管减压术提供解剖学依据。方法采用12个福尔马林固定的成人头部标本,在手术显微镜下分别解剖小脑上动脉、小脑下前动脉、小脑下后动脉及三叉神经等结构。观察相关动脉、神经的位置、走行特点,测量上述动脉的起始段外径及其与三叉神经根最近距离等相关数据。结果共发现小脑上动脉27支,2支压迫三叉神经根,5支与神经根接触,其余无接触压迫者与三叉神经的最近距离为(3.87±1.58)mm(0.55~6.30 mm);小脑下前动脉23支,压迫神经根1例,与之接触者2例,其余20支小脑下前动脉与三叉神经根最近距离为(4.67±1.77)mm(2.65~9.50 mm);小脑下后动脉21支,与三叉神经根最近距离为(17.12±3.86)mm(10.45~25.70 mm),未发现与之接触或压迫者。结论小脑上动脉与三叉神经关系密切,常与三叉神经接触并压迫神经,成为三叉神经痛发生的主要结构。小脑下前动脉与三叉神经相距稍远,也可与三叉神经接触或压迫神经。小脑下后动脉与三叉神经相距较远,但偶尔也会压迫三叉神经根导致三叉神经痛。  相似文献   

目的 观察小脑动脉的起始位置、行程特点及其与三叉神经根的毗邻关系,为三叉神经微血管减压术提供解剖学依据。 方法 采用12个福尔马林固定的成人头部标本,在手术显微镜下分别解剖小脑上动脉、小脑下前动脉、小脑下后动脉及三叉神经等结构。观察相关动脉、神经的位置、走行特点,测量上述动脉的起始段外径及其与三叉神经根最近距离等相关数据。 结果 共发现小脑上动脉27支,2支压迫三叉神经根,5支与神经根接触,其余无接触压迫者与三叉神经的最近距离为(3.87±1.58) mm(0.55~6.30 mm);小脑下前动脉23支,压迫神经根1例,与之接触者2例,其余20支小脑下前动脉与三叉神经根最近距离为(4.67±1.77)mm(2.65~9.50 mm);小脑下后动脉21支,与三叉神经根最近距离为(17.12±3.86) mm(10.45~25.70 mm),未发现与之接触或压迫者。 结论 小脑上动脉与三叉神经关系密切,常与三叉神经接触并压迫神经,成为三叉神经痛发生的主要结构。小脑下前动脉与三叉神经相距稍远,也可与三叉神经接触或压迫神经。小脑下后动脉与三叉神经相距较远,但偶尔也会压迫三叉神经根导致三叉神经痛。  相似文献   

眼动脉的解剖变异及临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察眼动脉的变异情况及其临床意义。方法:手术显微镜下解剖15例(30侧)福尔马林固定标本的眼动脉起始,观察眼动脉起始位置,起始处与脑膜环的关系,眼动脉与脑膜中动脉的交通支情况。结果:有93.3%的眼动脉起始自颈内动脉,6.7%眼动脉起始自脑膜中动脉。其中53.3%起始于硬脑膜下,30%起始于远侧硬膜环上,而起始于床突段的占6.7%,海绵窦段占3.3%。眼动脉与脑膜中动脉间存在交通支的占25%。结论:眼动脉起源存在变异及异常交通支,在行上颌动脉栓塞前要评估是否存在这些变异。  相似文献   

The internal iliac arteries (IIA), and especially the distal segment, course very deep in the pelvis and are generally difficult to access surgically. The recent development of simple and reliable methods to investigate proximal ischemia of the lower extremities has led to discovery of more candidates for elective revascularization of the IAA. The classic approaches to the IAA, i.e., the transperitoneal and homolateral retroperitoneal routs have certain disadvantages. We present a new crossed retroperitoneal approach to the IAA and the results of such method in six cadavers. In all six cases, the entire IAA could be exposed without any particular problems. This novel approach to the IAA seems to be both simple and reproducible.  相似文献   

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