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The role of Helicobacter pylori in primary gastric MALT lymphoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AIMS: Helicobacter pylori has been claimed to be an important aetiological factor which raises the risk of mucosa-associated tissue lymphoid (MALT) lymphoma. However, some studies on gastric MALT lymphoma revealed a low rate of H. pylori infection suggesting that not all gastric lymphomas are related to H. pylori infection. The aim of this study was to verify the H. pylori infection frequency in a series of patients with primary gastric MALT lymphomas and to examine the relationship between H. pylori and the pathological features of those lymphomas. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirty-one cases of resected gastric lymphoma were analysed: 10 cases (32%) were low-grade MALT lymphomas and 21 cases (68%) were high-grade MALT lymphomas. Helicobacter pylori was found in only 18 of 31 (58%) cases. Helicobacter pylori infection was significantly correlated with the grade and depth of invasion of MALT lymphoma since 63% of superficial low-grade MALT lymphomas were positive for H. pylori compared with 38% of advanced high-grade MALT lymphomas (P = 0.02). CONCLUSION: We confirmed the relationship between H. pylori infection and a subset of gastric MALT lymphoma. Our results also showed that not all low- and high-grade gastric MALT lymphomas are H. pylori-dependent. This suggests that H. pylori infection may play a promoter role in the development of MALT lymphoma, but its presence is not mandatory for the progression of the lymphoma in view of its low frequency in advanced high-grade MALT lymphoma.  相似文献   

A method for identifying Helicobacter pylori using a non-isotopic in situ hybridisation technique is described. A probe generated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers directed against parts of the Helicobacter pylori 16SrRNA sequence was used. Paraffin wax embedded gastric biopsy specimens from patients with and without gastritis were hybridised with the probe, and the method was shown to be sensitive and specific for H pylori.  相似文献   

Recently, several cases of melioidosis imported to Europe have been reported. The diagnosis of the acute or chronic infection remains challenging. This report describes an optimised protocol for fast and reliable DNA preparation for use in two different polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, namely: (1) a seminested PCR assay targeting a genus specific sequence of the ribosomal protein subunit 21 (rpsU) gene and (2) a nested PCR assay targeting the gene encoding the filament forming flagellin (fliC). Various strains of Burkholderia spp, strains of closely related genera, and spleen tissue samples of experimentally infected mice were investigated. The combination of PCR and sequencing of the amplicons resulted in high sensitivity and specificity. These procedures may allow rapid, sensitive, and reliable detection of B pseudomallei DNA in routinely formalin fixed and paraffin wax embedded samples, thus providing a safe diagnostic tool and avoiding the cultivation of a risk group 3 agent. In addition, this method could be useful for retrospective histopathological investigations.  相似文献   

AIM--To establish a simple and reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodology for random amplification of whole genomic DNA from limited histopathological samples. METHODS--Trace amounts of genomic DNA extracted from fresh tissue and individual lymphoid follicles microdissected from archival paraffin wax tissue sections were amplified using a two-phase PCR protocol with random hexamers as primers (RP-PCR). The randomly amplified DNA samples were used as templates for specific PCR amplifications. To check the fidelity of the RP-PCR, products of the specific PCR amplifications were further analysed by single stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) or sequencing. RESULTS--Using a minute fraction of RP-PCR template pool, multiple PCR analyses, including those for beta globin gene, p53 gene (exon 5-6, exon 7, exon 8-9 and exon 7-9), and rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain gene fragments (VH framework 3 to JH and VH framework 2 to JH) were successfully performed. No artefactual mutations were identified in the products of these specific PCR reactions by SSCP or sequencing when compared with the products from the original DNA. CONCLUSION--This method is simple and reliable, and permits multiple genetic analyses when only a limited amount of tissue is available.  相似文献   

A 79-year-old women with upper abdominal pain, vomiting and weight loss was found at endoscopy to have a large tumour mass in the gastric body. Histology of forceps biopsies revealed an adenocarcinoma of intestinal type. Gastrectomy was performed, but extensive lymph node metastasis precluded a curative surgical approach. Histopathological study of the specimen, however, revealed two distict malignancies, which arose in the setting of Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis with partial mucosal atrophy. One tumour was a gastric carcinoma, while the other was a primary B-cell lymphoma of the stomach (CD20-positive). The lymphoma comprised both a low-grade component (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue- or MALT-type lymphoma), and a high-grade component (large cell lymphoma with CD30-positive giant cells). Infection with H. pylori was confirmed by the serological presence of IgG antibodies to H. pylori-antigens, including antibodies against the 128 kDa protein of the cytotoxin-associated gene (cagA gene) of H. pylori.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate whether nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry can be used to diagnose malignant lymphoma. METHODS: Paraffin wax embedded tissue sections from 31 patients with malignant lymphoma were analysed by nested PCR and immunohistochemistry using standard protocols. RESULTS: Nested PCR amplification of 1 pg DNA confirmed monoclonality in B cell lymphoma; PCR amplification of 10 pg DNA confirmed monoclonality in T cell lymphoma. Twenty seven (87%) samples were diagnosed as malignant lymphoma by nested PCR, and 24 (77%) by immunohistochemistry. Seven samples were diagnosed as malignant lymphoma by nested PCR, but not by immunohistochemistry, whereas the use of both procedures gave a diagnosis of malignant lymphoma in all 31 samples. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of immunohistochemistry and nested PCR can be used to diagnose malignant lymphoma in routine paraffin wax embedded sections.  相似文献   

Helicobacter mustelae-associated gastric MALT lymphoma in ferrets.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Gastric lymphoma resembling gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma linked with Helicobacter pylori infection in humans was observed in ferrets infected with H. mustelae. Four ferrets with ante- or postmortem evidence of primary gastric lymphoma were described. Lymphoma was diagnosed in the wall of the lesser curvature of the pyloric antrum, corresponding to the predominant focus of H. mustelae induced gastritis in ferrets. Two ferrets had low-grade small-cell lymphoma and two ferrets had high-grade large-cell lymphoma. Gastric lymphomas demonstrated characteristic lymphoepithelial lesions, and the lymphoid cells were IgG+ in all ferrets. Lymphoma was confirmed by light chain restriction, which contrasted with the 1.2:1 kappa lambda ratio observed in H. mustelae-associated chronic gastritis. H. mustelae infection in ferrets has been used as a model for gastritis, ulcerogenesis, and carcinogenesis. The ferret may provide an attractive model to study pathogenesis and treatment of gastric MALT lymphoma in humans.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death worldwide. A large body of evidence supports a causal role of Helicobacter pylori in the majority of gastric malignancies. Great strides have been made in understanding the pathogenesis of this relationship, but much remains to be learned. Moreover, because of the high prevalence of infection, the lack of definitive trials, and the challenges of H. pylori treatment, there remains no consensus on the role of routine screening and treatment of this infection to prevent cancer. This article reviews the current knowledge on H. pylori and gastric cancer and presents some of the clinical and public health challenges associated with this pathogen.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efficiency of phenol/chloroform, microwave, and Qiagen spin column based DNA extractions from paraffin wax embedded tissue for use in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, to assess the reliability of amplifying a housekeeping gene to indicate successful viral DNA extraction. METHODS: DNA samples extracted from 20 blocks of cervical carcinoma tissues using the three methods were subjected to PCRs targeting 509 bp and 355 bp of the beta globin gene, and 450 bp and 150 bp of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA. RESULTS: Microwave extraction showed the highest positive rate for beta globin PCR, whereas the spin column method was the most efficient for HPV DNA extraction. When the 509 bp beta globin and 450 bp HPV PCR results were correlated, two of 10, eight of 12, and nine of 10 beta globin positive extractions prepared by means of the phenol/chloroform, microwave, and spin column methods, respectively, yielded HPV DNA of the expected size. For the beta globin negative samples, HPV was detected in three of 10, two of eight, and four of 10 samples. CONCLUSIONS: HPV DNA extraction was most efficient using the Qiagen spin column and had the highest positive predictive value when a housekeeping gene was used as an indicator of successful viral DNA extraction; the phenol/chloroform method was the least efficient. The potential drawbacks of some extraction methods when using a human housekeeping gene to assess the quality of viral DNA extraction need to be considered.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method of DNA extraction from paraffin wax embedded tissues using a spin cartridge system is described. Such DNAs were shown to be suitable for amplification by the polymerase chain reaction, which targeted two human papillomavirus genes and one globin fragment giving rise to products of 450, 150, and 110 base pairs, respectively. Different human tissues, stored for up to 20 years, were successfully amplified, demonstrating the usefulness of this very simple procedure for retrospective studies.  相似文献   

An indirect immunoalkaline phosphatase (IAP) technique was used to evaluate the glomerular deposition of immunoglobulins, C3, C1q and fibrinogen. In 80 renal biopsy specimens the results obtained using this technique were compared with those obtained by direct immunofluorescence to see if it could be used as a viable alternative. The IAP technique was straightforward to perform, it yielded quick results, and was highly reproducible, provided that a standardised short fixation period of two and a half hours was used. For the detection of immunoglobulin deposits, the IAP results correlated well with those of immunofluorescence. Despite poorer performance in identifying complement components and fibrinogen it could, within certain limits, provide an adequate diagnostic alternative to immunofluorescence. Each technique gave false negative results, those of immunofluorescence being related to its failure to identify mesangial deposition of IgA in two cases where its distribution seemed to be focal, and those of IAP to a failure to detect linear deposition of IgG in all three cases of anti-glomerular basement membrane disease.  相似文献   

AIM--To develop a simple but reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to determine the HIV-1 status of patients on formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded lymph node tissue. METHODS--Fifty lymph node specimens, 20 from HIV-1 seropositive and 30 from HIV-1 seronegative patients, were analysed. Lymph nodes with a variety of disease conditions were included in the study. Tissue sections were treated with a DNA extraction buffer containing proteinase K and the crude cell lysate was used in PCR analysis. Nested primers were used to amplify HIV-1 DNA sequences coding for gag, pol and env proteins. PCR products were demonstrated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results were then compared with HIV-1 serology of the patients from whom the tissue was obtained. RESULTS--The PCR method yielded a specificity of 100%, a sensitivity of 95%, a positive predictive value of 100%, and a negative predictive value of 97% when compared with HIV-1 serology. The kappa statistic (0.958) showed an excellent agreement between the PCR method and serology. Furthermore, HIV-1 DNA was demonstrated in lymph node tissue from a serologically unconfirmed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome case necropsied in 1982. CONCLUSION--This PCR method is a simple and reliable means of retrospectively determining the HIV-1 status of patients using formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded lymph node tissue.  相似文献   

The extraction of DNA from formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded tissue can be problematical, with long protocols producing low yields. This report describes a very simple and useful method for amplifying DNA from formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded tissue without the need for prior DNA extraction. This method allows direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based molecular analysis of fixed tissue. It is an invaluable method if clinical biopsy specimens are to be investigated, because extraction of uncontaminated DNA from such small samples can be very difficult or even impossible. It will also facilitate the study of intratumour heterogeneity, with the analysis of multiple small areas from within a single tumour section. In addition, this method can be used for other samples where only a few tests are to be carried out and a stock of DNA is not required, thus shortening the analysis time.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori eradication is generally accepted as the first choice of treatment for stage IE low-grade gastric MALT lymphoma (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue-type lymphoma). Treatment failure may be attributed to the extent of the disease and to progression into an antigen-independent phase. This study assessed the value of morphological grading and the expression of the co-stimulatory markers CD40, CD80 and CD86 and their ligands to predict clinical outcome in 23 consecutive low-grade MALT lymphoma patients treated with H. pylori eradication. Complete regression was achieved in 13/23 patients (56%), partial regression in two (9%), and no response in eight (35%). Histological grading was highly predictive of clinical response, especially in stage IE(1) patients, with complete remissions in 10/12 tumours with purely low-grade (type A) morphology and 1/8 tumours with increased numbers of blasts (type B) (p=0.0046) and was related to the expression of costimulatory markers (p=0.0061). Moreover, CD86 as a single marker proved to be of predictive value for treatment outcome (p=0.0086). These results suggest that morphological grading and immunological criteria can be defined to recognize the transition into the antigen-independent phase of gastric MALT-NHL. In addition to clinical stage, these critera may in future serve as a practical pathological guide to the choice of therapy.  相似文献   

Microdissection was performed on sections cut from formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded archival material, which had been subjected to conventional immunohistochemistry. Crude DNA extracts, which were obtained from these microdissected samples by a simple microwave step, were then added directly to amplification reactions. Analyses using a range of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based techniques, including microsatellite repeat polymorphism analysis at the NM23-H1 locus and sequencing of exons 5, 7, and 8 of the p53 gene, were performed successfully. Universal PCR amplification was also carried out on the microdissected material and probes suitable for use in comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) were obtained in all cases. This technique will enable a range of effective genetic analyses to be carried out on specific subsets of cells that have been characterised previously by immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

Microdissection was performed on sections cut from formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded archival material, which had been subjected to conventional immunohistochemistry. Crude DNA extracts, which were obtained from these microdissected samples by a simple microwave step, were then added directly to amplification reactions. Analyses using a range of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based techniques, including microsatellite repeat polymorphism analysis at the NM23-H1 locus and sequencing of exons 5, 7, and 8 of the p53 gene, were performed successfully. Universal PCR amplification was also carried out on the microdissected material and probes suitable for use in comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) were obtained in all cases. This technique will enable a range of effective genetic analyses to be carried out on specific subsets of cells that have been characterised previously by immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of mycobacterial infections has increased during the past five years. A prompt diagnosis is indispensable for initiating appropriate treatment. Because culturing of mycobacteria takes three to six weeks and sensitivity of microscopic detection of acid fast bacilli is low, amplification methods provide promising possibilities. Recently, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been shown to be useful for confirming a mycobacterial infection, especially in cases with unexpected histological findings or lack of suitable material for culturing. AIMS: To evaluate the impact of PCR based techniques in the detection of mycobacterial infections in uncultured routine histological specimens as an alternative to surgical pathology. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty nine formalin fixed and paraffin wax embedded samples from 141 patients with clinical or histological suspicion of a mycobacterial infection were investigated using three different PCR assays and Southern blotting. PCR results were compared with histology and culture and the patients' clinical findings. RESULTS: When using culture as the reference method, the sensitivity for the detection of mycobacteria of the tuberculosis complex was 90%, specificity was 92%, the positive predictive value was 81%, and the negative predictive value was 96%. The sensitivity for the detection of nontuberculous mycobacteria was 100% and specificity was 78%, the positive predictive value was 26%, and the negative predictive value was 100%. The patients' clinical findings supported the PCR positive results, indicating a mycobacterial infection in 11 of 18 initially culture negative cases and in 21 of 35 PCR positive cases without culture results. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that PCR based techniques are sensitive, specific, and rapid methods for the detection of mycobacteria in routinely processed paraffin wax embedded and formalin fixed histological samples.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of mycobacterial infections has increased during the past five years. A prompt diagnosis is indispensable for initiating appropriate treatment. Because culturing of mycobacteria takes three to six weeks and sensitivity of microscopic detection of acid fast bacilli is low, amplification methods provide promising possibilities. Recently, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been shown to be useful for confirming a mycobacterial infection, especially in cases with unexpected histological findings or lack of suitable material for culturing. AIMS: To evaluate the impact of PCR based techniques in the detection of mycobacterial infections in uncultured routine histological specimens as an alternative to surgical pathology. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty nine formalin fixed and paraffin wax embedded samples from 141 patients with clinical or histological suspicion of a mycobacterial infection were investigated using three different PCR assays and Southern blotting. PCR results were compared with histology and culture and the patients' clinical findings. RESULTS: When using culture as the reference method, the sensitivity for the detection of mycobacteria of the tuberculosis complex was 90%, specificity was 92%, the positive predictive value was 81%, and the negative predictive value was 96%. The sensitivity for the detection of nontuberculous mycobacteria was 100% and specificity was 78%, the positive predictive value was 26%, and the negative predictive value was 100%. The patients' clinical findings supported the PCR positive results, indicating a mycobacterial infection in 11 of 18 initially culture negative cases and in 21 of 35 PCR positive cases without culture results. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that PCR based techniques are sensitive, specific, and rapid methods for the detection of mycobacteria in routinely processed paraffin wax embedded and formalin fixed histological samples.  相似文献   

Tumour tissue from 29 patients with primary brain lymphoma was reviewed to determine if there was an aetiological association between Epstein-Barr virus and polyclonal and monoclonal lymphoproliferations. The morphology and immunophenotype in 24 patients for whom paraffin wax embedded tissue was available were studied. A high grade pleomorphic tumour morphology with plasmacytoid features was seen in 13 tumours. Because of the large number of pleomorphic lymphomas, all tumours were examined for the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus genome using in situ DNA hybridisation. A panel of three biotinylated probes to different sequences in the Epstein-Barr virus genome was used. Positive hybridisation with one or more probes was shown in tumours from 11 patients. The remaining tumours gave no hybridisation signal. There was no correlation between positive hybridisation and morphological subtype or clinical outcome.  相似文献   

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