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蒋红卫 《医药论坛杂志》2005,26(18):12-12,14
目的评价某宾馆室内装修后空气中有害物质污染水平。方法随机抽取不同类型房间,布点39个,对空气中甲醛、苯、氨进行监测。结果该宾馆室内甲醛、苯、氨平均浓度均超过国家(GB/T18883~2002)卫生标准分别为1.1倍、1.7倍、0.3倍。不同楼层甲醛、苯、氨浓度无显著性差异(P>0.05),同一楼层不同类型房间室内甲醛、苯、氨浓度有显著性差别(P<0.05)。结论控制室内装修污染要选用绿色环保材料,加强室内通风换气。  相似文献   

为了解公共场所空气甲醛污染的状况及造成室内甲醛污染的因素,为被监督单位建立更加完善的管理制度提供依据,我们对七台河市大型中高档宾馆客房、舞厅、桑拿浴室进行了空气甲醛污染监测。1对象和方法1.1对象:七台河市大型中高档宾馆客房、舞厅、桑拿浴室,皆为刚装修新开业。1.2  相似文献   

<正>随着生活水准的不断提高,人们对装修、装饰的要求日益复杂化,因此由建筑材料、装饰物品等释出的甲醛成为室内公共场所空气的主要污染来源。为了解太原市商场空气中甲醛污染状况,加大对商场的卫生监管力度,保障销售人员及广大消费者的身体健康,我所于2013年6月至9月对太原市辖区内58家商场的甲醛污染状况进行了调查,报告如下。  相似文献   

孙莉 《中国实用医药》2012,7(11):266-267
目的 对家装后的居室空气质量进行检测,以保障人们身体健康.方法 依据<公共场所空气中甲醛测定方法 GB/T 18204.26-2000 酚试剂分光光度法>,对不同装修时间的不同功能的房间进行甲醛含量的检测.结果 全年共检测1289份样品,检测点南卧室浓度最高,为11.3 mg/m-3,超出国家标准137.5倍,总体超标率为96.5%.其中装修后三个月内检测的甲醛含量明显高于装修后超过三个月的结果.结论 装修后相当一段时间内,住户室内甲醛污染严重,严重危害人们的健康,家庭装修环保应该越来越被重视.  相似文献   

段延安 《中国当代医药》2014,(16):147-148,151
目的了解某油田办公场所及居民住宅装修后甲醛污染状况,分析甲醛的来源及毒性,以提供预防措施。方法按照GB/T18883—2002《室内空气质量标准》对某油田装修后的35个办公场所和80套居民住宅室内空气中的甲醛浓度进行检测。结果35个办公场所甲醛浓度超标率为2314%,80套居民住宅甲醛浓度超标率为45.6%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。居民住宅甲醛超标点主要在客厅、卧室、书房,超标率分别为31.2%、57.5%、36.2%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论装修应遵循“合理设计,提倡简约”的原则,选购环保绿色建材,加强装修污染治理,选择合理入住时间。  相似文献   

新装居室空气中甲醛的测定及遗传毒性试验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
装修材料所产生的有毒气体 ,可对室内空气造成污染 ,我们为进一步了解装饰居室内空气中甲醛的污染状况及对小鼠的遗传毒性 ,做了此项调查研究。1 材料与方法1 1 样品的采集和分析 选择山西医科大学新建宿舍住宅装修完 1个月后进行甲醛浓度的测定。每户设3个采样点 ,同时设室内和室外对照点。用GS 3大气采样器采集。流量为 0 5L min ,时间 15min ,同时记录室温和气压。连续采样 3d实验分析用乙酰丙酮分光光度法测定[1] 。 1个月后再以同样步骤采集测定。1 2 小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验 取雄性昆明种小鼠 30只 (本校动物实验中心提…  相似文献   

越来越多的人认为家庭装修带来的甲醛污染是我国不少儿童患上白血病的诱因。南昌市疾控中心日前对该市50个家庭儿童房进行了甲醛抽样检测,结果发现,其中甲醛浓度超出国家标准“每立方米0.10毫克”的约有40个房间。据负责本次检测的南昌市疾控中心公共卫生监测所所长林莉介绍,本次被检测出甲醇超标的儿童房主要有三种类型:一是豪华装修型,大量使用装饰材料,陈列了较多儿童家具;二是使用了劣质装修材料;三是微量积多型,儿童房内窗帘、布艺、塑料玩具及服装等生活用品均释放出不等的甲醛量。家庭装修导致室内环境污染,越来越被认为是  相似文献   

目的了解新旧银行营业网点办公区内空气质量的状况。方法甲醛采用MODELHE-102型甲醛测定仪现场测定,苯、甲苯、二甲苯采用SQC-1000型大气采样器活性炭管采样,Agilent Technologies 6890N气象色谱仪FID检测器测定,新风量采用Telaire-7001型红外二氧化碳、新风量测定仪测定。结果对16处营业中的营业网点及11处新装修的营业网点空气质量进行检测,旧营业网点的不符合项为新风量,合格率为18.2%。新营业网点不符合项为污染物,甲醛超标率最高,点超标率为38.8%,最高浓度为0.665mg/m3,最高点超标6.7倍;苯、甲苯、二甲苯点超标率分别为9.6%、22.3%、15.2%,最高浓度分别为0.260mg/m3、0.840mg/m3、0.620mg/m3,最高点超标分别为2.6倍、4.2倍、3.1倍。结论旧营业网点新风量不达标,主要原因为抽风换气不足;新营业网点通风换气比较好,但存在装修污染物超标,其中甲醛是主要污染物,其次为苯系物,装修材料中木材、油漆、涂料、办公家具是造成污染的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的了解穆棱市新装修住房空气中甲醛污染状况。方法选择穆棱市新装修住房,对空气中甲醛浓度进行监测。结果153个房间,超标率为29.41%(45/153)。结论提示穆棱市居民宜选择在5~9月进行装修,使甲醛得到有效的挥发,从而降低室内甲醛浓度,住户入住时间宜为11月至次年4月,以减少甲醛对人体的影响。  相似文献   

上一期大众课堂我们介绍了甲醛对人体的危害,这一期我们就要谈谈大家最关心的话题——到底怎样防止甲醛污染。新房装修“三不” 1.不做吊顶、包墙裙、包暖气罩等设计装修首先应遵循简约的原则, 由于目前市场上的各种装饰材料都会释放出一些有害气体,即使是符合国家标准的材料,在一定量的室  相似文献   

目的  研究建立符合《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》要求的生物制品生产厂房的设计确认(design qualification,DQ)文件。 方法   将生产厂房的DQ文件分为DQ方案和DQ报告。对工艺布局、生产厂房、净化空调系统、洁净暖房、洁净冷库DQ进行探讨。 结果   通过设计与确认,以文件和记录证明生物制品厂房的设计符合预定用途和药品生产质量管理规范。 结论   建立了符合药品生产质量管理规范的生物制品生产厂房的设计确认文件,为生产安全有效的生物制品奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Current data on atmospheric pollutions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atmospheric pollutions (AP) are very important for human health and ecological equilibrium. They may be natural or anthropogenic and in this later case they can appear outdoor or indoor. Urban air pollution is the most known form of AP. Its main sources are industries, individual and collective heating and now mainly automobile traffic in most cities. Classical AP indicators are SO2, particles, NOx, CO and Pb measured in networks. Important factors of AP are amounts of pollutants emitted and local climatic and meteorological characteristics. Health effects of AP peaks and of AP background levels are not well known. But generally, mean AP levels of SO2 and particles decreased in the last years in most towns as the consequence of collective actions on the three main sources of AP and on fuels, emission and immission levels; but more is wanted about motor-cars. Progress are necessary for limitation of three major ecological risks: "acid-rain" (SO2 and NOx derivatives, ozone,...) which participates in lake and forest attacks; "green house" effects whose air CO2 concentration increase is the main responsible, and stratospheric ozone depletion mainly due to freons (CFC); the consequences of these two last phenomena are not well known but ecological and health risk exist. Besides, indoor air pollution (IAP) is very important because we live more than 20 h a day indoor. IAP may be occupational (a lot of chemical or biological agents) or not. In the later case air pollutants are very various: CO, NOx and particles from heating or cooking, formaldehyde from wood glue, plywood or urea-formol foams, radon and derivatives in some granitic countries, odd jobs products, cosmetics, aero-allergens of chemical or biological origins, microbes,... Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is also an important pollutant complex. Risks of IAP are real or potential: acute risk is obvious for CO, aero-allergens, formaldehyde, NOx,...); irritations are produced by ETS, formaldehyde, solvants,...; long term or potential risks are of concern for asbest, radon,... A complex and bad known pathology is described in a lot of modern buildings as the "Sick Building Syndrom". Indoor air quality is very dependant of the quality of ventilation and possible air treatment. It may be considered in all urban epidemiological studies about air pollution.  相似文献   

The bronchodilator effects of nine sympathomimetic amines were tested by reduction of histamine-induced bronchospasm in guinea-pigs. Their order of potency was: isoprenaline > adrenaline > noradrenaline > orciprenaline > ethylnoradrenaline > phenylephrine > amphetamine = tyramine > ephedrine. In guinea-pigs ventilated with 10% CO2 in air, there was a marked decrease in the bronchoconstrictor activity of histamine. Under these conditions, isoprenaline, adrenaline, noradrenaline and orciprenaline were as effective as bronchodilators as they had been in guinea-pigs ventilated with air, ethylnoradrenaline was less effective, phenylephrine, amphetamine and tyramine were completely inactive, and ephedrine potentiated the bronchoconstrictor action of histamine. After returning the guinea-pigs to ventilation with air, the bronchoconstrictor activity of histamine and the bronchodilator effects of the sympathomimetic amines were restored. The cardiovascular effects of histamine and of all the sympathomimetic amines used were diminished during ventilation with 10% CO2 in air and were restored after ventilation with air was resumed.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated the changes in dopamine, homovanillic acid, 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and norepinephrine content in striatum of rats ventilated with 5% oxygen in nitrogen gas. We also examined the effects of flunarizine, a calcium channel blocker, on these catecholamine levels. During 10–20 min. of hypoxia, the dopamine content gradually increased and the 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and norepinephrine levels decreased, while the concentration of homovanillic acid remained unchanged. The concentrations of these substances subsequently returned to control values after 4 hr of room air breathing. In animals pretreated with intravenous flunarizine injection, there was a slight increase in dopamine, with no appreciable change in homovanillic acid or 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid content during 10–20 min. of hypoxia. The decrease in norepinephrine which occurred during 10–20 min. of hypoxia was identical between non-treated and flunarizine-treated animals. Catecholamine levels subsequently returned to control values after 4 hr of room air breathing. These results suggest that flunarizine minimizes the alterations in striatal catecholamine contents during hypoxic ventilation.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in dopamine, homovanillic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and norepinephrine content in striatum of rats ventilated with 5% oxygen in nitrogen gas. We also examined the effects of flunarizine, a calcium channel blocker, on these catecholamine levels. During 10-20 min. of hypoxia, the dopamine content gradually increased and the 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and norepinephrine levels decreased, while the concentration of homovanillic acid remained unchanged. The concentrations of these substances subsequently returned to control values after 4 hr of room air breathing. In animals pretreated with intravenous flunarizine injection, there was a slight increase in dopamine, with no appreciable change in homovanillic acid or 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid content during 10-20 min. of hypoxia. The decrease in norepinephrine which occurred during 10-20 min. of hypoxia was identical between non-treated and flunarizine-treated animals. Catecholamine levels subsequently returned to control values after 4 hr of room air breathing. These results suggest that flunarizine minimizes the alterations in striatal catecholamine contents during hypoxic ventilation.  相似文献   

临床科室消毒灭菌效果监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为了解临床各科室消毒灭菌工作的现状,加强医院感染的预防与控制提供依据。方法:对35个临床科室的空气,使用中的消毒液、高压蒸汽灭茵效果、医护人员手和物体表面的消毒灭菌质量进行监测。结果:2008年全年空气消毒合格率为92%,消毒液和高压蒸汽灭菌合格率为100%,医护人员手和物体表面消毒合格率分别为97%和85%。结论:制定医院感染预防与控制措施,加强医院感染消毒灭菌效果的监测,及时发现医院感染的各种隐患,降低医院感染的发生率。  相似文献   

手术室通风与空气消毒质量探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察手术室通风后消毒与直接消毒的效果。方法统计20例术后开窗通风后再进行空气消毒与20例术后直接空气消毒的效果,并进行分析。结果术后开窗通风后再进行空气消毒20例全部达标;术后直接进行空气消毒14例达标,6例未达标。开窗通风后再消毒的达标率明显高于直接消毒的达标率(P<0.05)。结论术后通风后再进行手术间空气消毒比常规术后立即进行空气消毒更能保证手术室空气消毒质量。  相似文献   

Ephedrine reduces the bronchoconstrictor effects of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine in guinea-pigs ventilated with air, but during ventilation with 10% carbon dioxide in air, when blood pH is lowered and blood PCO2 is raised, ephedrine enhances the bronchoconstrictor responses to all three drugs. Pretreatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors did not affect the bronchodilator actions of ephedrine, but significantly increased its action in enhancing bronchoconstrictor responses during ventilation with 10% carbon dioxide in air. It is suggested that ephedrine sensitizes bronchial smooth muscle to constrictor drugs and this effect is manifested when the bronchodilator action of ephedrine is abolished. The findings suggest a potentially hazardous effect of ephedrine in the treatment of severe asthmatic attacks.  相似文献   

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