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-Connectin/titin-1 exists as an elastic filament that links a thick filament with the Z-disk, keeping thick filaments centered within the sarcomere during force generation. We have shown that the connectin filament has an affinity for calcium ions and its binding site(s) is restricted to the -connectin/titin-2 portion. We now report the localization and the characterization of calcium-binding sites on -connectin. Purified -connectin was digested by trypsin into 1700- and 400-kDa fragments, which were then subjected to fluorescence calcium-binding assays. The 400-kDa fragment possesses calcium-binding activity; the binding constant was 1.0 × 107 M–1 and the molar ratio of bound calcium ions to the 400-kDa fragment reached a maximum of 12 at a free calcium ion concentration of approximately 1.0 M. Antibodies against the 400-kDa fragment formed a sharp dense stripe at the boundary of the A and the I bands, indicating that the calcium-binding domain constitutes the N-terminal region of -connectin, that is, the elastic portion of connectin filaments. Furthermore, we estimated the N-terminal location of -connectin of various origins (n = 26). Myofibrils were treated with a solution containing 0.1 mM CaCl2 and 70 M leupeptin to split connectin filaments into -connectin and a subfragment, and chain weights of these polypeptides were estimated according to their mobility in 2% polyacrylamide slab gels. The subfragment exhibited a similar chain weight of 1200 ± 33 kDa (mean ± SD), while - and -connectins were variable in size according to their origin. These results suggest that the apparent length of the 1200-kDa subfragment portion is almost constant in all instances, about 0.34 m at the slack condition, therefore that the C-terminus of the 1200-kDa subfragment, that is, the N-terminus of the calcium-binding domain, is at the N2 line region of parent filaments in situ. Because the secondary structure of the 400-kDa fragment was changed by the binding of calcium ions, connectin filaments could be expected to alter their elasticity during the contraction–relaxation cycle of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Titin is believed to play a major role in passive tension development in cardiac muscle. The cDNA sequence of cardiac titin in the I-band sarcomeric region was determined for several mammalian species. Contiguous sequences of 3749, 12,230, 6602, and 11,850 base pairs have been obtained for the rat N2B, rat N2BA, dog N2B, and dog N2BA isoforms respectively. The length of the PEVK region of the N2B isoform did not correlate with rest tension properties since the only species showing an altered length was the dog that expressed a shorter form. No differences were found between the N2B PEVK lengths in ventricular and atrial muscle. New N2BA splicing pathways in the first tandem Ig region were found in human and dog cardiac muscle. Most of the rat and dog sequences were 85–95% identical with the reported human sequence. However, the N2B unique amino acid sequences of rat and dog were only 51 and 67% identical to human. The rat N2B unique sequence was 526 amino acids in length compared to 572 in human. The difference in length was due to deletion of amino acid segments from six different regions of the N2B unique domain. Patterns of PEVK exon expression were also much different in the dog, human, and rat. Six separate dog N2BA PEVK clones were sequenced, and all had different exon splice combinations yielding PEVK lengths ranging from 703 to 900 amino acids. In contrast a rat N2BA clone had a PEVK length of 525 amino acids, while a human clone had an 908 amino acid PEVK segment. Thus, in addition to the higher proportion of the shorter N2B isoform found in rat compared with dog cardiac muscle observed previously, shorter N2B unique and N2BA PEVK segments may also contribute to the greater passive tension in cardiac muscle from rats. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Resting length-tension relation was studied in glycerinated preparations of frog semitendinosus and atrial muscles. The sarcomere length was measured by using either the light diffraction method or photomicrographs. When the glycerinated preparation was treated with 1 N NaOH solution and subsequently with 2% SDS solution, the resting tension decreased. In glycerinated semitendinosus muscle the resting tension decreased to below 20% of the value before treatment. However, the glycerinated atrial muscle retained more than 50% of its resting tension in spite of such biochemical treatment. The thermoelasticity of the muscle, which was represented by (formula:see text), was determined. Glycerinated semitendinosus and atrial muscles, which were treated with 0.6 M KCl, showed negative beta at all sarcomere lengths. However, when the glycerinated muscle was treated with both alkali (1 N NaOH) and SDS solution, beta at the shorter length became positive (i.e., a rubber-like property). Since connectin survived the biochemical treatment (either NaOH or SDS), it was concluded that the fraction of resting tension, which remained in spite of the biochemical treatments, might be due to the connectin.  相似文献   

Rat cardiac titin undergoes developmental changes in isoform expression during the period from late embryonic through the first 20–25 days of life. At least five size classes of titin isoforms have been identified using SDS agarose gel electrophoresis. The longest normal isoform is expressed in the embryonic stages, and it is progressively replaced with increasingly smaller versions. The isoform switching is consistent with changes in resting tension from lower values in one-day neonates to higher levels in adult myocytes. Considerable micro-heterogeneity in alternative splicing patterns also was found, particularly in the N2BA PEVK region of human, rat, and dog ventricle. A rat mutation has been identified in which the embryonic-neonatal titin isoform transitions are markedly delayed. These mutant animals may prove useful for examining the role of titin in stretch-activated signal transduction and in the Frank–Starling relationship.  相似文献   

Summary Monospecific polyclonal antibodies against two exceptionally large proteins, titin (a-T) and nebulin (a-N) isolated from rabbit skeletal muscles, were raised in guinea pig. Using an immuno-pre-embedding method, we have localized at the ultrastructural level of resolution the reactivity sites in skinned muscle fibres. At resting length a-T and a-N antibodies recognize epitopes which only partially overlap. a-T antibodies decorate mostly the A band with at least four clearly distinguished lines of reaction and one line in the I band, all near the A/I limit; a-N antibodies bind to the same region, but with wider areas of reaction in both A and I bands. To study whether the localization of these reaction sites varies according to the sarcomere length, skinned rabbit psoas fibres were incubated at sarcomere lengths ranging from maximum shortening to overstretching. The results indicate that lines decorated by a-T move away from the Z disc when the sarcomere is lengthened. With respect to the M line, the behaviour was biphasic. When the sarcomere was stretched up to about 2.8 m, the decorated lines maintain almost the same distance from the M line. When the sarcomere is stretched beyond 2.8 m, all a-T epitopes move away from the M line and the molecule behaves elastically. At resting length the a-N decoration appears to be localized on three large adjacent bands at the I, A/I and A level. The a-N line of reaction at the edge of the A band moves away from the Z discs as the sarcomere lengthens, while a second line which seems to be localized at the tip of the thin filament moves away from M line when the sarcomere lengthens. In non-overlapping sarcomeres a-N antibodies decorate only the tip of the thin filaments. Our results indicate that titin forms a polar filament connecting the M line to the Z line. In short sarcomeres, the filament seems to have some connections with structures of the A band, since titin epitopes do not move during stretching. These connections are lost at longer sarcomere lengths. On the other hand, our results suggest that nebulin is probably not a constituent of the titin filament.  相似文献   

Summary A 2.3 kb region of rabbit cardiac and skeletal muscle titin has been cloned. The cDNA sequences of the two tissues are identical and show 91% identity on the nucleotide level with the corresponding region of human cardiac muscle titin. On the amino acid level the identity is 96% and similarity is 98%. Alignment of predicted amino acid sequences of several homologous kinase domains reveals that the rabbit titin kinase has all the necessary elements of an active catalytic domain and carries a potential regulatory region on its C-terminal end. The distance of the 2.3 kb contig from the 3 end of the message was determined to be 5.7 kb in both tissues using oligonucleotide directed RNase H cleavage of titin mRNAs. This is essentially identical with the length of the fully sequenced human cardiac titin C-terminal end. It therefore appears unlikely that there are major tissue specific differences in this 8 kb cDNA region which encodes the C-terminus of rabbit skeletal and cardiac titin.  相似文献   

Myocardium resists the inflow of blood during diastole through stretch-dependent generation of passive tension. Earlier we proposed that this tension is mainly due to collagen stiffness at degrees of stretch corresponding to sarcomere lengths (SLS) ≥2.2 μm, but at shorter lengths, is principally determined by the giant sarcomere protein titin. Myocardial passive force consists of stretch-velocity-sensitive (viscous/viscoelastic) and velocity-insensitive (elastic) components; these force components are seen also in isolated cardiac myofibrils or skinned cells devoid of collagen. Here we examine the cellular/myofibrillar origins of passive force and describe the contribution of titin, or interactions involving titin, to individual passive-force components. We construct force–extension relationships for the four distinct elastic regions of cardiac titin, using results of in situ titin segment-extension studies and force measurements on isolated cardiac myofibrils. Then, we compare these relationships with those calculated for each region with the wormlike-chain (WLC) model of entropic polymer elasticity. Parameters used in the WLC calculations were determined experimentally by single-molecule atomic force-microscopy measurements on engineered titin domains. The WLC modelling faithfully predicts the steady-state-force vs. extension behavior of all cardiac-titin segments over much of the physiological SL range. Thus, the elastic-force component of cardiac myofibrils can be described in terms of the entropic-spring properties of titin segments. In contrast, entropic elasticity cannot account for the passive-force decay of cardiac myofibrils following quick stretch (stress relaxation). Instead, slower (viscoelastic) components of stress relaxation could be simulated by using a Monte-Carlo approach, in which unfolding of a few immunoglobulin domains per titin molecule explains the force decay. Fast components of stress relaxation (viscous drag) result mainly from interaction between actin and titin filaments; actin extraction of cardiac sarcomeres by gelsolin immediately suppressed the quickly decaying force transients. The combined results reveal the sources of velocity sensitive and insensitive force components of cardiomyofibrils stretched in diastole. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied the AgNOR counts in 30 cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma from salivary glands (n = 18) and non-salivary sites (n=12) in an attempt to correlate them with the evolution of the disease. AgNOR counts per nucleus varied between 1·96 and 6·12 (mean value 4·2 ± 0·99) as compared with 1·21 ± 1·4 in normal salivary tissue. There was no significant difference between cases that had an unfavourable clinical outcome (recurrence, metastases, and/or died of the disease) and cases without disease complications (4·31 vs. 4·03 AgNORs per nucleus). No difference was found between tumours located at salivary and non-salivary sites or between major and minor salivary glands. AgNOR counts also did not correlate with the grade of differentiation of the neoplasms. In adenoid cystic carcinoma, AgNOR counts do not seem to be a prognostic indicator, in contrast to the usefulness of this method in other tumour types.  相似文献   

The immunogenic regions of human Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (huTNF) have been mapped by studying the interaction between various mouse anti-huTNF sera and synthetic huTNF fragments, spanning the entire sequence of huTNF. Three main immunogenic regions were identified within residues 1-23, 95-116 and 137-157 of huTNF and two other less immunogenic regions within residues 117-136 and 37-55. The same huTNF regions were found to contain antigenic sites by binding studies with cognate anti-peptide sera. Competitive binding experiments with shorter synthetic subfragments provided evidence for the location of strong antigenic sites within residues 1-10, 17-23, 104-112 and 137-143. In particular the immunodominant site was found to be located within residues 104-112. huTNF regions corresponding to residues 24-36, 56-75, 76-94, and 147-157 resulted to be not or poorly antigenic. However, treatment of huTNF with Triton X-100 under conditions that partially dissociate the oligomeric quaternary structure resulted in the exposition of sites recognized by sera against peptides huTNF [56-75] and huTNF [76-94], suggesting that antigenic sites not accessible in the oligomeric huTNF are exposed in the dissociated form. The principal antigenic sites in the oligomeric molecule are localized in the flexible N-terminal part and in hydrophilic segments located in the "middle/top" region of the molecule, opposite to the C-terminus. Protein segments of the "bottom" region, close to the C-terminus, were poorly immunoreactive. Neutralization assays of TNF cytolytic activity on L-M cells showed that binding of antibodies to epitopes located in the "middle/top" regions of huTNF does not affect its cytolytic activity, supporting the hypothesis of a receptor binding site location at the "bottom" of TNF trimer.  相似文献   

The MAPT (microtubule-associated protein tau) locus is one of the most remarkable in neurogenetics due not only to its involvement in multiple neurodegenerative disorders, including progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, Parksinson's disease and possibly Alzheimer's disease, but also due its genetic evolution and complex alternative splicing features which are, to some extent, linked and so all the more intriguing. Therefore, obtaining robust information regarding the expression, splicing and genetic regulation of this gene within the human brain is of immense importance. In this study, we used 2011 brain samples originating from 439 individuals to provide the most reliable and coherent information on the regional expression, splicing and regulation of MAPT available to date. We found significant regional variation in mRNA expression and splicing of MAPT within the human brain. Furthermore, at the gene level, the regional distribution of mRNA expression and total tau protein expression levels were largely in agreement, appearing to be highly correlated. Finally and most importantly, we show that while the reported H1/H2 association with gene level expression is likely to be due to a technical artefact, this polymorphism is associated with the expression of exon 3-containing isoforms in human brain. These findings would suggest that contrary to the prevailing view, genetic risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases at the MAPT locus are likely to operate by changing mRNA splicing in different brain regions, as opposed to the overall expression of the MAPT gene.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against the variable (V) regions of both the heavy and light chains are found consistently in fowl antisera to polyclonal human F(ab′)2. When tested by absorption and precipitation with κ-Bence-Jones proteins of known amino acid sequences, nearly all such antisera were found to contain antibodies specific for one or more of the three basic Vκ sequences. This result indicates that a very high proportion of the normal κ-chain population carries determinants which correspond to sequence patterns derived from analyses of pathological monoclonal proteins. Although it was possible to determine the Vκ subgroups of some intact monoclonal immunoglobulins with antisera, the procedure has serious limitations. One of these is the need to absorb all antibody to VH-region antigens with suitable monoclonal λ proteins; of 14 IgM proteins examined with such absorbed antisera, 8 were found to have κI light chains, 3 were κIII, I was κII, and 2 could not be classified. Another limitation, which applies also to Bence-Jones proteins, is the occurrence of antigenically deficient κ-chains, accounting for 10–20% of the proteins tested. One such protein (κIII Rad) did not precipitate with most of the anti-VκIII sera, but differed in only 7 positions from the basic κIII sequence.  相似文献   

The temporal characteristics of visually responsive neurons in a variety of areas of the monkey brain are presented. These data allow a comparison to be made between the latencies of components of the human visual ERP, and the onset latencies of neurons in regions which are candidate sources of these ERP phenomena.  相似文献   

MDMA is a stimulant with unique “prosocial” effects, the physiological and pharmacological mechanisms of which are unknown. Here, we examine the relationship of measures of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system activity to the prosocial effects of MDMA. Parasympathetic activity was measured using respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and sympathetic activity using pre‐ejection period (PEP). Over three sessions, 33 healthy volunteers received placebo, 0.75 mg/kg, and 1.5 mg/kg MDMA under counterbalanced, double‐blind conditions, while we measured subjective feelings, RSA, and PEP. RSA and PEP data were available for 26 and 21 participants, respectively. MDMA increased prosocial and stimulated feelings, decreased RSA, and decreased PEP. At 1.5 mg/kg, subjective prosocial effects correlated with stimulated feelings and PEP, but not RSA. This suggests sympathetic, rather than parasympathetic, effects relate to the prosocial effects of MDMA.  相似文献   

The nonstructural 5B (NS5B) protein of hepatitis C virus possesses RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity and plays an essential role in viral replication. The mutations in NS5B were determined and the correlation with viral load and response to interferon (IFN) were assessed. The entire NS5B region in 33 patients and its thumb domain in 62 patients was sequenced. The number of amino acid substitutions in the NS5B protein, that in thumb domain and the substitution at aa 389 was correlated with viral load and the response to IFN. Multivariate analysis selected only mutation in IFN sensitivity determining region (ISDR) as a factor associated with the viral load and response to IFN. The number of substitutions in the thumb domain and the substitution at aa 389 correlated with the number of substitutions in the ISDR. These results suggest that mutations in NS5B, especially in the thumb domain and at aa 389, have an important effect on viral load and the response to IFN, although they were dependent on mutations in ISDR. Further studies on the relationship between NS5B and NS5A (ISDR) are necessary to elucidate the mechanism of the correlation with viral load and the response to IFN.  相似文献   

目的:研究心脏结构和功能改变与心脏受体自身抗体产生的关系。方法:在缩窄主动脉与阿霉素中毒引起的两种心功能不全大鼠模型上,利用合成的心脏β1与M2受体细胞外第二环抗原肽段进行SA-ESISA检测,观察血清中这两各自身抗体的动态变化。结果:⑴两组模型大鼠血清中的自身抗体在处理前均呈低阳性率、低滴度,于处理后15~20d出现 高阳性率、高滴度,与处理前相比有显著差异。⑵两组大鼠心脏结构和功能的改变与自身抗  相似文献   

The classical pathway C1 complex, and the MBL-MASP and ficolin-MASP complexes involved in activation of the lectin pathway have several features in common. Both types of complexes are assembled from two subunits: an oligomeric recognition protein (C1q, MBL, L-, H- or M-ficolin), and a protease component, which is either a tetramer (C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s) or a dimer ((MASP)(2)). Recent functional and 3-D structural investigations have revealed that C1r/C1s and the MASPs associate through a common mechanism involving their N-terminal CUB1-EGF region. In contrast, the C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s tetramer and the (MASP)(2) dimers appear to have evolved distinct strategies to associate with their partner proteins. The purpose of this article is to review these recent advances.  相似文献   

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