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2007475 MRI manifestations of renal oncocytoma.JI Jiansong(纪建松) , et al. Dept Radiol, Sir Run RunShaw Hosp, Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou 310016. Chin JRadiol 2007;41(10):1087 -1089. Objective To analyze the MRI findings of renal on-cocytoma, and to improve the ability for the diagnosis.Methods We retrospectively reviewed MRI findings ofsults Sixcases had a solitary lesion, and 1 of themac-companied with renal clear-cell carcinoma. Tumors ap-peared as round with diameter 1.5 to 3.8 cm,…  相似文献   

Introduction Disturbance of the regulation of cell apoptosis can lead to cell over-proliferation, and decrease of apoptosis can result in tumorigenesis ortumor development. The apoptotic signaling pathway is regulated by a variety of factors and is based on the balance between cell death and survival factors.[1, 2] The central players in apoptosis are caspases, and one important route to activation of the caspases involves the translocation of cytochrome C (Cyt-C) from mitochondria to cytosol…  相似文献   

SourceofbloodsupplyoflivercavernoushemangiomaandsclerosisandembolizationtreatmentLIGouWei1,ZHAOZhongRong2,LIBaoSheng1,LI...  相似文献   

2007462 Dynamic expression of survivin duringhepatocarcinogenesis in rats.FENG Zhenbo (冯震博),et al. Dept Pathol, Guangxi Med Univ, Nanning530021. Chin J Oncol 2007;29(9):662 -665. Objective To determine the dynamic expression ofsurvivin gene in hepatocarcinogenesis of rats induced byaflatoxin B1 (AFB1).Methods 78 Sprague-Dawleyrats were used in this study. Hepatocellular carcinomawas induced in the rats by aflatoxin B1. Liver and HCCtissues were examined by immunohistochemistry and…  相似文献   

2005229 Using ANN and serum protein pattern models in liver cancer diagnosis. WANG Jia-xiang (王家祥)?,et al. Zhejiang Cancer Instit Hangzhou 310000. Natl Med J Chin, 2005:85(13) :189-192. Objective: To set up a method for the detection of the serum protein fingerprint pattern, by using the protein chip technology for exploration of serum protein fingerprint pattern models based on the artificial neural network in diagnosis of liver cancer. Methods:  相似文献   

Number Nonstandard 4 days 4 days day FoLlrd Zhotlrs 2hs hr,hrsr 10 seeoz,ds 10 year Ten尹 O,12 years 012 year 4认吧eks Four wk 2刀飞。11tlls T叭0m0 IOn飞hu〕tes 1毛prll」妇 50%(V/闭 50%(m/V) 1M 10林M INHCI INHZS(〕4 4rd edition 15yearexPerlence 18,5 kL)a 259,kg一‘/d一1 6900 1000印m SeC 1 Pg·七1 10 kilograms 13 000印m 10009 Ge们eballk TellL 1冶n和l 切们01 30 SeC 19/dl OD26o Q飞eg/L A260 nlr bP相似文献   

AIM:The conception of quality of life has been widelyaccepted by clinic doctors.Evaluations of the treatmenteffect of chronic diseases have been changed to dependnot only on the survival time,but also on the quality of lifeof the patients.Fuzhou City and Changle County are high-incidence areas of the gastric cancer in Fujian Province.The aims of this research were to compare the quality oflife of urban patients with that of rural patients and analyzethe factors influencing quality of life of gastric cancerpatients in Fujian Province.METHODS:The samples were drawn with clustersampling.The urban sample consisted of 162 patients aged25 to 75 with 143 males and 19 females.The rural sampleconsisted of 200 patients aged 32 to 78 with 166 malesand 34 females.The patients in both the urban and ruralareas were investigated,and their scores on 21 itemsreflecting the quality of life were measured.The methodsof t test and stepwise regression were used to analyze thedata.RESULTS:The average total scores of quality of life of theurban patients and rural patients were 64.11 and 68.69respectively.There was a significant difference betweenthe means of two samples(P=0.0004).Seven variablesin the regression model estimated by the urban sampleand 4 variables in the model by the rural sample were atthe level of significance α=0.05.Family income,nutritionand rehabilitating exercise were selected into both theurban and rural regression models.CONCLUSION:Most of the gastric cancer patients havepoor quality of life in Fujian Province and the rural patientshave lower quality of life than that of urban patients.Thepatients having more family income have better quality oflife,and enhanced nutrition and doing rehabilitating exerciseare helpful in improving the quality of life of the gastriccancer patients.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the efficacy of esomeprazole (Esomeprazole) and flupentixol and melitracen (Deanxit) in treatment of non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (NERD) with depression and anxiety. Methods The diagnosis of NERD was based on the results of esomeprazole scale (reflux diagnostic questionnaires, RDQ) and endoscopy, the degree and frequency of symptoms were graded and scored. Hamilton depression scale was used to evaluate depression and anxiety status. Sixty-three patients were randomly divided into group A (esomeprazole 20 mg qd),B (Deanxit 1 tab  相似文献   

Nu刃比bet Standard Noti(e 4days 4days day FOUrd Zhou了s 2hS hr,hrs,10 SeC0ndS 10 year Tenyr 0,1,Zyears 0,1,Zyear 4weeks FOur wk 2幻比on廿巧TWO rno 10 nUnUt邢TennUn 50%(WV) so%(m/V) 1M 10卜M IN HQ IN H6山4rd edition 15yearexponence 18.5 kDa 4d four d  相似文献   

Number Nonstandard 4 days 4 days Notiee 3 day 4 Fo们rd 5 Zhours 6 Zha 7 hrllrs 8 10secop〔15 9 10year 10 Tenyr 11 0,1,Zyears 120,1,Zyear 134、veeks 14凡urwk 15 2nl〔川山s 16飞场0 pl。 17 10mil,ules 18 TeFlnUI 19 50%(W护) 20 50%恤/V) 21 1 hl 22 10林M 23 IN〕」C 24 INf129口召 25 4rd edition 26 15yeare即erience 27 185kDa 28 259火g一1/d‘1 29 6900 30 IO00rpm 31 SeC 32 1 Pg·Ll 33 10 kilograms 34 13 000甲m 35 10009 36 Gellebark 37 TellL 381’eI、mL 39 lurol 40 30 sec 41 19/dl 42〔)…  相似文献   

Number Nonstandard 4 days 4 days day Fol」rd Zhollrs 2hS hrhrs, 105代onds 10 year Ten yr Standard Noti〔e }:{:; years year 4W〔哭ks Four Wk Zmo]ltlls Twomo 10 nlinutes 1撼nmin 50%(V八了) 50%(m/V) 1M 10林M INHCI INllz以〕4 4rd edltlon 15 yearexPerience 18.5 kl)a 25 gtkg一,/dl 6900 1000 rPm Se( 1 PgL一1 10 kilograms 13 000 rPm 10009 Gel、eballk TellL Tell mL turol 30 sec 19/dl OD26o (万leg/L A260 plll bP<0 .05 4d four days d Four days 2h 2h h 105 10 years Ten years O,1,Zyr 01…  相似文献   

Number Nonstandard Standard NotiCe 4 days 4 days day Fourd Zhollrs 2hs hr,hrs- 10 seconds 10 year Ten yr 0,12 years 0,1,2 year 4weeks rour wk 2monlll污 T、vomo 10 mlntltes Tennlul 50%(V/V) 50%(m/V) 1M 10林M INI』CI IN玩9〕‘ 4rd edition In figures,tables and numerieal narrahon In text narration After Arabie nurnerals Atthebegllnu,gofasentence After Arabic nllrnerals After Arabie numerals After Arabic 1llln飞erals After Arabie】ILI们nerals hi textnarration At thebe即u刀们gof…  相似文献   

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Nu.nb,r Notice、,l吃4 days 4days day FOUrd Zhours 2hS hr,h门矛10 seconds 10 year介nyr 0,1,Zye胡0,1一2 year 4w倪ks Four wk Zmon公姆TWo扣no 10 nUnUt翻T劝m川50%(刃的50%(m/v) 1M 10林M IN HQ IN H6O.七d edition 15 yeare义PerlenCe 18.5 ko舀25 g.kg,/d”In  相似文献   

Number NotiCe 4 days 4 days day Fourd Zhours 2hS hr,hrs, }} SeC0ndS year Tenyr 0,1,2 years 0,1,2 year 4weeks 4d four days d Four days 2h 2h h 105 10 years Ten years 0,1,2yr 012 yr 4wk Four weeks 2 n10 Twomonths 10 nlln Ten minUteS 500 mL/L 5009/L lmol/L 10卜mol/L lmol/LHCI 0 .5 mol/L HZSO月 4出edition 15一year exPerience 185k妈18 500u or初r18 500 259/(kg吐)or 259/kg Per day 6 900 1 000r/刀1】n S In figUres,tables andnumeriealnarration In textn盯ration After Arabic nunler…  相似文献   

Number Standard 4 days 4 days day FOUrd Zhours 2hS hr,hrsz 10 seeonds 10 year Tenyr 0,1,2 years 01,2 year 4weeks Four wk Zmonths Two mo 10 rnlnutes Ten〔nLn 50%(WU) 50%(m/V) 1M 10卜M IN HCI IN HZSO门 4Id edition 15 year exPerienee 18.5 kDa 259次g一,/d一, In figUres,tables and numerieal narration In text narratlon After Arahie nu〔nerals At the beg~ing of a sentence After Arabie nunlerals 户汪ter Arabie numerals After Arabic numerals After A rabic ntllnerals In textnarra…  相似文献   

Number Nonstandard Standard Notiee 4 days 4 days day Fol江d 2 110tlts 2hs hr,hrs, 10 seconds 10 year Tell厂 0,1,Zyears 0,1,Zyear 4w能ks FoUr Wk Zmonths Two爪0 10n五nules Ten 1llJll 50%(巧甲) 50%(m/V) 1M 10林M INHCI IN HZ日〕心 4rd edition 巧year exPerience 185 kDa 259,kgl/d诬 6900 1000 rpm S已二 1 Pg七1 10 kilograms 13 000 rPm 10009 Cenebank TenL Ten mL timOI 305仪 19/dl ODZ印 ()leg/L A260们n飞 bP相似文献   

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