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The impact of HIV-1 genetic diversity on the performance of laboratory testing is an issue that has to be monitored continuously. An “in-house” real-time PCR assay was developed by the Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA (ANRS) in France for viral load (VL) quantitation based on the amplification of the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) region. This technology has not been used in Argentina yet and considering the HIV-1 diversity in the country, a comparative analysis of this assay was undertaken versus the Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0 Assay (b-DNA). The performance was assessed on 30 drug-naïve HIV-1 infected patients who were characterized previously by phylogenetic analysis of the pol and vpu gene. The results showed that there is a significant linear correlation between values of transformed viral load logarithms measured by both, bDNA and real-time PCR assay and that this assay can be used to quantify viral load in samples from BF-infected patients with the same accuracy and reliability as for B subtype samples. The use of “in-house” real-time PCR to measure DNA in PBMCs correlated strongly with the HIV-1 RNA levels in all specimens.  相似文献   

BG intersubtype recombinants represented 11.6% of HIV-1 isolates in a recent survey in Cuba based on pol sequences, most of them forming a single clade further subdivided into 3 subclades. Here, we analyze 8 near full-length genomes and 1 gag-pol sequence from epidemiologically unlinked Cuban BG recombinants from these 3 subclades (3 from each). Near full-length sequences were also obtained from 3 subtype G and 2 subtype B Cuban viruses. Phylogenetic relationships were estimated via maximum likelihood, and mosaic structures of the recombinants were inferred with the bootscanning, MaxChi, Genconv, and GARD methods. For the near full-length genomes, all recombinants formed a strongly supported clade further subdivided into the same subclades previously defined in pol. Mosaic structures were identical within each subclade and different among subclades, although 5 breakpoints were coincident among all recombinants. Individual phylogenetic trees for nonrecombinant fragments (concatenated B and G subtype segments) indicated a common ancestry for the parental viruses and their relationships to local subtype B and G strains. These results allow us to identify 3 new BG intersubtype circulating recombinant forms in Cuba derived from a common recombinant ancestor, which originated from B and G subtype parental strains circulating in Cuba.  相似文献   

Circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) represent a substantial proportion of HIV-1 isolates in the global pandemic. Characterization of HIV-1 genetic forms, including CRFs, may be relevant to studies on molecular epidemiology, recombination, superinfection, vaccine development, and antiretroviral therapy. This study analyzes near complete genomes of 4 epidemiologically unlinked viruses from Cuba, originally characterized as D/A intersubtype recombinants in pol and env segments. The genomes of 3 viruses exhibited virtually coincident mosaic structures, with multiple segments of subtypes A, D, and G and uniform phylogenetic clustering with each other along the genome. These results allow us to define a new CRF (CRF19_cpx). The 4th analyzed Cuban virus was recombinant between CRF19_cpx and CRF18_cpx (which also circulates in Cuba). CRF19_cpx exhibited homology to an AG intersubtype recombinant virus from Cameroon (CM53392) along approximately 5 kb and clustered with a subtype D virus from Gabon (G109) in gag. Four other viruses from central or west Africa were also phylogenetically related to CRF19_cpx in env fragments. These results allow us to define CRF19_cpx as a second novel CRF of African origin circulating in Cuba, to identify putative representative viruses of its parental strains, and to characterize a unique CRF18/CRF19 recombinant virus.  相似文献   

The high level of genetic diversity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and the continual emergence of recombinant forms have important implications not only for the global evolution of HIV but also for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment strategies. The present study reports the first intersubtype B/G recombinant strain of HIV-1 in Germany. This strain is notable from a clinical perspective, since it was undetectable in the NucliSens HIV-1 QT assay (Organon Tecknika/bioMérieux) and was significantly underquantitated in the Monitor v1.5 test (Roche Molecular Systems) relative to the LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay (Abbott Laboratories). Gag-encoded p24 (gag p24), pol-encoded integrase (pol IN), and env-encoded gp41 (env gp41) immunodominant region (IDR) sequences were characterized to establish group and subtype designation and to evaluate the degree of genetic diversity at primer and probe binding sites of the viral load assays. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that this virus is an intersubtype B/G recombinant strain. The gag p24 region is subtype G, env gp41 IDR is subtype B, and pol IN is a B/G chimera. Nucleotide mismatches within primer and probe-binding sites provided the molecular basis for differences in quantitation observed between viral load assays. Genetic diversity of HIV-1 continues to challenge the reliability of detection and quantitation by viral load assays.  相似文献   

Recombinant polypeptides representing various parts of structural proteins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 were expressed in E. coli. Fragments of the transmembrane proteins gp41 of HIV-1 (HTLV-IIIB) and gp38 of HIV-2 (LAV-2 ROD) proved to be highly antigenic in the immunoblot test system. Each protein was found to be suitable for detection and differentiation of antibodies in sera of patients infected with HIV-1 or HIV-2. Sera of 100 patients from West-Germany, which were confirmed as positive for HIV-1 antibodies, reacted clearly with the HIV-1 recombinant antigen (fpOE-6); no or only weak immune reactions were seen when the analogous recombinant HIV-2 antigen (fpOE-T) was used in the same immunoblot test. An inverse reaction pattern was found with 7 sera from Africa which, by conventional means, were proved to be HIV-2 antibody positive. These sera specifically reacted with the homologous HIV-2 fusion protein and no or only weakly stained bands were identified on the analogous strip with the HIV-1 antigen (fpOE-6).  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a worldwide disease; in most cases, it causes an acute self-limited illness that does not lead to a chronic state. The course of HAV viremia in a homosexual male with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and the correlation between HIV and HAV viral load, alanine aminotranferase (ALT) level, and CD4(+) lymphocyte count were investigated during the course of the infection. HAV RNA was detected quantitatively up to 256 days after clinical onset. To our knowledge, this specific case is the first report of a prolonged infection with hepatitis A in a male with HIV-1. The ALT levels decreased gradually; however, 286 days after clinical onset of hepatitis, ALT levels were three times higher than normal values. HIV viral load was not affected by the infection with HAV and CD4(+) cell count was stable during the course of the co-infection. The duration and the high-titer viremia of hepatitis A virus in an immunodeficient patient constitute a serious risk of the spread of hepatitis A within this population. As inactivated HAV vaccine is safe in HIV-positive subjects, it would be wise to establish a strategy of preventive vaccination in this high-risk group.  相似文献   

Viral and host factors leading to occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection (OBI) are not fully understood. Whether HBV genotype may influence the occurrence and course of OBIs is unknown. Here, we describe the case of a patient infected with HBV genotype A2 who developed symptomatic acute hepatitis and did not seroconvert after loss of HBsAg and HBeAg. The acute phase of hepatitis B was followed by a period of more than 2 years during which the DNA of an intergenotypic HBV/A2/G recombinant was intermittently detected in serum.  相似文献   

All gastrointestinal tract biopsy specimens from 190 patients positive for HIV-1 or with AIDS were reviewed to assess the prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, morphology of infected cells, and the associated histopathological features. Eighteen patients (10 (7.7%) of 129 HIV antibody positive and eight (13.1%) of 61 with AIDS) had CMV identified in 35 biopsy specimens from the following sites: oesophagus (n = 3); stomach (n = 6); small intestine (n = 4); colorectum (n = 18) and perianal area (n = 4). Eleven patients had CMV alone as the potential cause of symptoms and in seven there were coexistent pathogens or Kaposi's sarcoma. The appearance and type of infected cells at different sites was highly variable. Immunocytochemical techniques and electron microscopic examination were performed to confirm the presence of CMV antigen and CMV virus particles and to exclude the possibility of an adenovirus producing similar cytopathic changes. It is important to recognise the different morphological forms of infected cells, and the use of immunocytochemical techniques is recommended in patients at risk for CMV or in whom CMV infection is suspected.  相似文献   

The authors studied the correlation and agreement of commercially available assays in detection and quantification of the HIV-1 intersubtype A/G circulating recombinant form CRF02. The assays under comparison were Bayer Versant HIV-1 RNA, version 3.0; Roche Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor, version 1.5 (standard procedure); and Organon Teknika NucliSens HIV-1 RNA QT. Plasma samples from 114 patients infected with CRF02 were tested by the three assays under standard conditions. Although correlation among the assays was high and statistically significant for subtype B and CRF02, in the latter instance, NucliSens measured average viral load values (3.29 +/- 0.71 log(10) copies/mL) about 4 and >8 times lower than those obtained by Versant (3.90 +/- 0.90 log(10) copies/mL) and Amplicor (4.22 +/- 1.05 log(10) copies/mL), respectively. Furthermore, in a statistically significant percentage of CRF02-harboring samples, NucliSens produced viral load values undetectable or 1 log(10) lower than those obtained in Versant and Amplicor assays. Altogether, these data underline a low performance of NucliSens in detecting and quantifying viremia in plasma samples harboring the CRF02. These results are potentially important as global distribution of new HIV-1 subtypes is expanding, and recombinant strains, particularly CRF02, are emerging and becoming highly prevalent.  相似文献   

In a study to determine the reliability, sensitivity, and specificity of the Chiron RIBA HIV-1/HIV-2 Strip Immunoblot Assay (RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA) for confirmation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 antibodies, 1,263 serum samples from various populations in the United States, Caribbean, Africa, India, and Thailand were evaluated by RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA, and the results were compared with those obtained by an HIV-1 Western blot (immunoblot) assay. All sera were tested by HIV enzyme immunoassay, RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA, and Western blotting. Samples with discrepant results were further tested by an HIV-1 and/or HIV-2 immunofluorescent-antibody assay and HIV-1 p24 antigen assay. The RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA detected all 17 HIV-1 and HIV-2 dually reactive serum samples, all 215 HIV-2-positive serum samples, and 480 of 481 HIV-1-positive serum samples for a sensitivity of 99.8%. Of 548 negative samples, 523 were RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA negative, for a specificity of 95.4%, with 22 (4%) samples interpreted as indeterminate and 3 (0.6%) interpreted as falsely positive. Western blotting detected 391 of 548 negative samples (specificity, 71.4%), with 152 (27.7%) samples interpreted as indeterminate and 5 (0.9%) interpreted as falsely positive. In conclusion, the RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA had a sensitivity comparable to that of Western blotting and could discriminate HIV-1 from HIV-2 in one blot, providing a cost advantage. Because of its high degree of specificity, the RIBA HIV-1/2 SIA further reduced the number of indeterminate results found by Western blotting, providing a more accurate means of assessing seronegative individuals.  相似文献   

Circulating recombinant form (CRF) 01_AE caused an extensive HIV-1 epidemic in Thailand and Southeast Asia. Reanalysis of the recombination pattern of CRF01_AE suggested a more complicated pattern of mosaicism consisting of subtypes A, G, and E. These findings provide evidence that CRF01_AE originated from recombination between at least three different subtypes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Alterations in glucose and lipid metabolism, lactic acidemia, bone disorders, and abnormal body fat distribution have been recognized recently as frequent complications associated with HIV-1 infection and potent antiretroviral therapy, but limited data are available regarding the appropriate management of these disorders. These recommendations were developed to guide physicians actively involved in HIV care in the management of metabolic complications that occur primarily within the context of potent antiretroviral therapy. PARTICIPANTS: A 12-member panel representing international expertise in HIV-1 patient care, antiretroviral therapy, and endocrine and metabolic disorders was selected in the spring of 2000 by the International AIDS Society-USA, a not-for-profit physician education organization. Panel members met in closed meetings beginning in May 2000. All work was funded by the International AIDS Society-USA; the panel members are not compensated for their participation. EVIDENCE: The panel reviewed published results of clinical, epidemiologic, and basic science studies and data and abstracts presented at research conferences, primarily from 1997 to 2002. The panel also considered studies of the pathophysiology and treatment of similar metabolic abnormalities in noninfected persons. Emphasis was placed on results from prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trials when available. PROCESS: For each metabolic complication, 1 or more member(s) reviewed and presented all available evidence to the panel, and then wrote a summary of the evidence and preliminary recommendations. Final recommendations were determined by full group consensus. The summaries were combined into a single working document and all panel members edited and approved all subsequent drafts. CONCLUSIONS: Carefully controlled studies to determine the incidence, etiology, risk factors, and most appropriate treatments for metabolic complications in HIV-1 infection are urgently needed. In the absence of these data, and to prevent acute illness and mitigate long-term risks, the panel recommends routine assessment and monitoring of glucose and lipid levels and assessment and monitoring of lactic acidemia and bone abnormalities if clinical signs or symptoms are detected. With the exception of body fat distribution abnormalities, specific treatments for these complications are also recommended. Successful long-term antiretroviral therapy will require diligent monitoring and preemptive treatment of metabolic complications to optimize the risk-benefit ratio of antiretroviral therapies.  相似文献   

We recently reported the finding of phylogenetically related HIV-1 BG intersubtype recombinant and G subtype nonrecombinant viruses circulating among injecting drug users in the region of Galicia in northwestern Spain. Here, we report the characterization of near full-length genome sequences of nine of these viruses (seven BG recombinant and two of nonrecombinant G subtype), obtained from epidemiologically unlinked individuals. Bootscan analysis reveals that six recombinant viruses share an identical mosaic structure, with two intersubtype breakpoints delimiting a B subtype segment comprising most of Env gp120 and the external portion of Env gp41, with the remaining portions of the genome being of subtype G, thus mimicking a pseudotype virion structure. The seventh BG recombinant virus exhibits breakpoints in env coincident with the other BG viruses but contains additional B subtype segments in gag and pol. In phylogenetic trees of complete genomes and of the B subtype segment of env, all seven BG viruses group in a monophyletic cluster. G subtype portions of the BG viruses group uniformly with the newly derived nonrecombinant G subtype viruses of Galicia in bootscan analysis, which points to the locally circulating G subtype strain as parental of the recombinants. These results allow us to define a new HIV-1 circulating recombinant form (CRF14_BG), the first reported to originate in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Interindividual variability in susceptibility to HIV-1 infection, its transmission, disease progression, and response to antiviral therapy has been attributed to host determinants and variability in multiple genes. Although most people exposed to the virus go on to develop full-blown disease at variable intervals, a proportion of them, labeled as long-term nonprogressors or exposed uninfected, possess 'natural resistance' to infection. A better understanding of genetic and immunologic basis of such a natural resistance to infection would bear important implications in designing therapeutic vaccine designs. The genetic variants that could influence susceptibility to HIV-1 and limit AIDS vary in different populations and among individuals. Meta-analyses of large cohort studies have identified numerous 'AIDS restriction genes' that regulate HIV cell entry (particularly chemokine coreceptors and their ligands), acquired and innate immunity (major histocompatibility complex, killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, and cytokines), and others [tripartite interaction motif 5 α (TRIM5α) and apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G] that influence outcome of HIV infection. Studies carried out in the Indian population with regard to genetic polymorphisms in chemokine receptors have shown that (i) the protective CCR5 Δ32 variant is rare, (ii) CCR5HHE carrying *59402A is associated with increased likelihood of infection and development of AIDS, and (iii) the Indian population generally has low CCL3L1 copy numbers (∼2.3). These data have implications in developing screening tests that could identify people at higher or lower risk of infection and rate of disease progression, predict vaccine responsiveness in clinical trials and understand the pathogenic mechanisms.  相似文献   

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