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本文测量了18 例(雄4,雌14)成年太行山猕猴下颌骨的12 项变量。结果显示:太行山猕猴下颌骨变量有其自身特征。用Ottestat方法对有关变量建立性别判别函数式,其判别率达86.86%  相似文献   

太行山猕猴颅骨变量的相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的,方法对19例太行山猕猴颅骨变量进行了测量,测量定点参数吴汝康,王香等方法。所测变量进行相关分析,R聚类和回归分析,并同其它猕猴亚种颅骨变量进行比较。结果:所测变量之间呈间长趋势,其相关程度在不同变量之间存在一定差异;与其它猕猴资料比较,表现出一定的形态结构差异。通过聚类分析,可知所计算欧氏距离的远近与其实际地理分布大致吻合。  相似文献   

目的:为了解太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta)掌面指间Ⅰ区花纹类型的特征及在性别间是否存在差异。方法:对55例(♂20例,旱35例)太行山猕猴掌面指间Ⅰ区的花纹类型进行调查,并与日本高崎山猕猴和屋久岛猕猴掌面指间Ⅰ区花纹类型进行比较。数据分析采用SPSS 20.0。结果:太行山猕猴指间Ⅰ区斗形纹(W)是最为常见的类型,占78.9%,其次是箕形纹(L),开放形花纹(O)几乎不存在;雌雄性太行山猕猴掌面指间Ⅰ区花纹类型存在显著性差异,屋久岛猕猴和高崎山猕猴掌面指间Ⅰ区花纹类型性别间也存在显著性差异。3组猕猴的掌面指间Ⅰ区斗形纹和双箕形纹均是雄性高于雌性,而Ⅰ区开放形花纹和箕形纹是雌性高于雄性。结论:雄性猕猴掌面指间Ⅰ区花纹类型较雌性更复杂,可能与雌雄个体在群体中角色的不同有关;3组猕猴指间Ⅰ区肤纹特征相互之间均有差异,这主要是由于长期地理分布隔离和遗传漂变所致,推测太行山猕猴、高崎山猕猴和屋久岛猕猴分化的时间较早,分化后交流很少。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴掌(跖)面花纹强度的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:研究太行山猕猴掌面和跖面的花纹强度(PI)在两性之间和左右两侧之间的差异性。方法:运用SPSS11.0统计软件,对53只猕猴(♂:20,♀:33)的掌面和跖面7个主要花纹区,即近端小鱼际(HP)、远端小鱼际(HD)、大鱼际(TH)及指间4区(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)的花纹强度进行统计分析。结果:掌面和跖面所有研究变量没有一项达显著性差异水平。结论:掌面和跖面的花纹强度在两性之间和左右两侧之间都没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

王凤产 《解剖学报》2018,49(5):671-676
目的 探讨太行山猕猴掌面肤纹嵴线走向特征。 方法 对52例(♀37例、♂15例)太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta)掌面肤纹的嵴线走向进行调查,建立太行山猕猴掌面肤纹嵴线走向模型,并与日本猕猴进行比较。 结果 在种群水平上,太行山猕猴掌面指间Ⅱ区嵴线走向末端主要至2、5、6区, 6区频率最高;掌面指间Ⅲ区嵴线走向末端主要结束于6区,掌面小鱼际角1区域嵴线多呈现12/4/2走向;掌面肤纹嵴线走向侧别之间差异没有显著性(P>0.05),为对称结构;雌雄性之间,掌面角1的嵴线走向差异具有显著性(P<0.05),角7、角8嵴线走向性差不明显(P>0.05);太行山猕猴和两组日本猕猴(Macaca fuscata)掌面肤纹嵴线走向相互之间种属差异明显(P<0.01)。 结论 猕猴肤纹的嵴线走向特征可以作为研究种属差异的一个指标。  相似文献   

目的:进一步了解太行山猕猴掌骨形态学特征.方法:测量30例成年太行山猕猴掌骨标本10个形态学变量.数据用SPSS13.5统计软件分析处理,建立掌骨的多元判别函数模型.结果:第1根和第5根掌骨正确判别率是100.0%,中间3根正确判别率范围是92.2%~95.6%,回代检验和交互检验结果相似,说明判别函数稳定有效.结论:...  相似文献   

太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨的形态学   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:了解成年太行山猕猴的掌骨和跖骨形态学特征。方法:对28例(雄性10例,雌性18例)太行山猕猴的掌骨和跖骨6项变量进行测量,运用SPSS 11.5统计软件,分别建立掌骨和跖骨判别函数。结果:第1掌骨和跖骨很容易与其他4个掌骨和跖骨区分,第3和第4掌骨之间的形态特征有很大的重叠,第2和第4跖骨之间有很大的重叠。第2、第3和第5掌(跖)骨之间容易鉴别。其正确判别率掌骨为92.0%,跖骨为100.0%。结论:各掌骨和跖骨之间有明显的形态学特征。各掌骨或跖骨的长度顺序在不同的物种是不同的。根据多变量判别函数很容易将大部分掌骨或跖骨进行区分。  相似文献   

肤纹(dermatoglyphics)是灵长类形态学中一个重要的研究内容。国内有关灵长类肤纹的研究较多,作者曾对太行山猕猴掌(跖)面的花纹强度进行了详细的报道,但目前为止尚未见有关太行山猕猴肤纹脊数的研究报道。本研究试图通过对太行山猕猴掌(跖)面相应花纹区肤纹脊数的比较研究,获得较为详实的资料。1材料和方法1.1材料本研究对52(♂:18,♀:34)例太行山猕猴掌、跖面7个花纹区,即近端小鱼际(Hp)、远端小鱼际(Hd)、大鱼际(Th)和指间Ⅰ-Ⅳ区的花纹脊数为形态指标,研究肤纹脊数的性差  相似文献   

太行山猕猴主要分布在太行山南坡中条山南端,是我国黄河以北分布最集中、数量最多、面积最大的猕猴自然分布种群。在形态、行为、遗传、食性、骨学方面均具有其特殊性。踝关节的距骨作为最坚固的骨骼之一,在国内有关该部位的研究报道较少。本研究主要对太行山猕猴距骨进行测量统计分析,找出两性间差异较大的变量,建立判别函数,为太行山猕猴的基础研究和生物学研究积累资料。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨长度比率的性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨长度比率的性别差异。 方法 测量27例太行山猕猴掌骨(雄性10例,雌性17例)和30例跖骨(雄性12例,雌性18例)的长度变量,根据5根掌骨和跖骨长度的可能组合得到相应长度比率。用SPSS13.0统计软件进行单因素方差分析(雄性12例,雌性18例)。 结果 一些掌骨和跖骨的长度比率在性别之间存在明显性差(P<0.05)。掌骨长度比率性差最大的是第2掌骨∶第4掌骨(2Mc∶5Mc)和第4掌骨∶第5掌骨(4Mc∶5Mc)(P<0.01)。跖骨长度比率性差最大的是第1跖骨∶第3跖骨(1Mt∶3Mt)和第1跖骨∶第4跖骨(1Mt∶4Mt)(P<0.05)。 结论 当控制标本大小时,掌骨和跖骨存在性差。提示身体性差大小不是这些性差存在的基础。猕猴掌骨和跖骨长度比率性差很可能与出生前性激素的释放有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨盆骨有关变量在性差判别中的作用。方法:对24例(♀15,♂9)成年太行山猕猴盆骨15项变量时行测量,进行单变量性别判别分析和多变量逐步判别分析。结果:有6项变量性别间差异显著。选择盆骨有关变量建立的性别判别函数式,正确判别率为87.5%~100.00%。结论:用猕猴盆骨变量时行性别判别具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Summary Five rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained to emit a coo vocalization with a duration of at least 500 msec. After stable performance was achieved cerebellar lesions were introduced, and various pre- and postlesion measures of phonation and of laryngeal EMG activity were compared to assess the effects of the lesions. The phonatory changes were interpreted with respect to possible laryngeal or respiratory modifications. The relation between fundamental frequency and intensity of phonation was changed in some animals, with no obvious alterations in either fundamental frequency or intensity considered separately. Intensity of phonation was decreased while duration was prolonged in two animals. Fundamental frequency of phonation was also affected in some animals. Reliable laryngeal EMG was obtained in two animals and was affected by cerebellar lesions. These results indicate that normal cerebellar function is involved in the control of fundamental frequency, intensity, duration, and the coordination of the laryngeal and respiratory systems for the control of phonation.  相似文献   

Behavioral thresholds to pure tones were obtained from adult rhesus monkeys that had been exposed to lead during early development and unexposed cohort controls. Thresholds were elevated (by 2–9 dB) for the previously lead exposed monkeys at all frequencies tested (125–8,000 Hz in octave steps). Although the magnitude and direction of the differences were similar to significant effects reported for children, the more difficult task and much smaller sample sizes in this study of monkeys may have precluded obtaining significant differences at the same magnitude of effects observed in children. Thresholds for one lead‐exposed monkey were significantly elevated at midrange frequencies in agreement with electrophysiological results obtained in another study [Lasky, Maier, Snodgrass, Hecox, and Laughlin [1995] Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 17, 633–644]. Behavioral measurements during the threshold task indicated less engagement for lead exposed monkeys than for controls. In addition, the lead exposed monkeys completed testing at significantly fewer frequencies and were significantly more difficult to test than control monkeys by tester ratings. These results are consistent with reports concerning the behavior of lead exposed children. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 51: 289–300, 2009  相似文献   

目的:探讨太行山猕猴掌(跖)骨长度与质量间性别差异.方法:对29例(13雄,16雌)成年太行山猕猴的掌(跖)骨长度和质量进行测量.采用SPSS 13.0软件,用方差分析、判别分析和主成分分析等对掌骨和跖骨长度和质量的性别差异进行比较.结果:猕猴掌骨和跖骨长度或质量的性差显著.长度变量性差大于质量变量性差;掌骨长度或质量的性差大于跖骨长度或质量的性差.结论:猕猴掌骨和跖骨长度或质量性差大小不同.这种性差的起源可能与生命早期的性激素水平有关.  相似文献   

Summary The high tonic discharge rates of globus pallidus neurons in awake monkeys suggest that these neurons may receive some potent excitatory input. Because most current electrophysiological evidence suggests that the major described pallidal afferent systems from the neostriatum are primarily inhibitory, we used retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to identify possible additional sources of pallidal afferent fibers. The appropriate location was determined before HRP injection by mapping the characteristic high frequency discharge of single pallidal units in awake animals. In animals with injections confined to the internal pallidal segment, retrograde label was seen in neurons of the pedunculopontine nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra, caudate, putamen, subthalamic nucleus, parafascicular nucleus, zona incerta, medial and lateral subthalamic tegmentum, parabrachial nuclei, and locus coeruleus. An injection involving the external pallidal segment and the putamen as well resulted in additional labeling of cells in centromedian nucleus, pulvinar, and the ventromedial thalamus.Abbreviations AC anterior commissure - CG central grey - CM centromedian nucleus - CN caudate nucleus - DM dorsomedial nucleus - DR dorsal raphe nucleus - DSCP decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle - GPe globus pallidus, external segment - GPi globus pallidus, internal segment - LC locus coeruleus - LL lateral lemniscus - MG medial geniculate nucleus - ML medial lemniscus - NVI abducens nucleus - OT optic tract - Pbl lateral parabrachial nucleus - Pbm medial parabrachial nucleus - Pf parafascicular nucleus - PPN pedunculopontine nucleus - PuO oral pulvinar nucleus - RN red nucleus - SCP superior cerebellar peduncle - SI substantia innominata - SNc substantia nigra, pars compacta - SNr substantia nigra, pars reticulata - STN subthalamic nucleus - TMT mamillothalamic tract - VA ventral anterior nucleus - VLc ventral lateral nucleus, pars caudalis - VLm ventral lateral nucleus, pars medialis - VLo ventral lateral nucleus, pars oralis - VPI ventral posterior inferior nucleus - VPM ventral posterior medial nucleus - VPLc ventral posterior lateral nucleus, pars caudalis - ZI zona incerta  相似文献   

目的探讨在1个猕猴种群中用掌骨和指骨的长度鉴定性别。方法采用直接测量法对11例雄性和25例雌性猕猴的掌骨和指骨长度进行测量。数据处理分析采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件。结果手骨的性别正确判别率从近侧掌骨到远侧指骨逐渐增加。5根掌骨和5根远节指骨长度的性别判别率分别是88.9%和100.0%,第1根手骨(包括1节掌骨和2节指骨)和第5根手骨(包括1节掌骨和3节指骨)总长度的性别判别率分别是90.3%和100.0%。因子分析结果显示,19根手骨形态分组是以排(掌骨、近节指骨、中节指骨和远节指骨)为单位,而不是以列(5根指骨)为单位。结论猕猴掌骨和指骨长度变量可以有效地识别性别,对非人灵长类的生物系统演化关系有一定的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

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