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目的比较小儿鞘状突未闭经腹腔镜和开放手术治疗的临床效果。方法回顾性分析西安市第九医院自2012年1月至2015年12月行鞘状突高位结扎治疗12岁以下小儿腹股沟斜疝和鞘膜积液共92例,其中开放手术组45例,单孔腹腔镜组47例。对两组手术时间、出血量、切口长度、住院时间、治疗费用、切口感染、阴囊水肿、术后复发等情况进行比较分析。结果两组手术均顺利完成,术后随访3~6月无复发。腹腔镜组术中无中转开放,发现对侧鞘状突未闭9例,单侧手术时间[(21.6±5.6)min vs.(64.5±20.1)min]、平均出血量[(2.1±0.6)vs.(20.0±5.3)mL]、切口长度[(7.2±2.6)mmvs.(36.0±3.9)mm]、住院时间[(5.4±0.5)d]等各指标均少于开放组,而治疗费用[(5 250.22±478.31)元vs.(4 657.19±657.32)元]高于开放组,差异具有统计学意义。结论单孔腹腔镜下鞘状突高位结扎具有创伤小、住院时间短、可同时发现处理对侧隐性鞘状突未闭以及更为突出的美容效果等特点,值得在有条件的医院开展。  相似文献   

探索单孔腹腔镜治疗小儿鞘膜积液的有效性和安全性。回顾性选取71例鞘膜积液患儿,按手术方式分为传统手术组(n=36,行传统鞘状突高位结扎术)和单孔腹腔镜组(n=35,行单孔腹腔镜鞘状突高位结扎术),从安全性、有效性进行评价。两组在住院时间、术后疼痛次数、肠功能恢复时间、术中出血量、手术时间、并发症方面比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05),而住院费用传统手术组明显少于单孔腹腔镜组(P0.05)。目前单孔腹腔镜鞘状突高位结扎术治疗鞘膜积液是安全有效的,提示临床上应进一步细化鞘膜积液术前诊断,从而利于手术方法的选择。建议临床上针对双侧鞘膜积液和复发鞘膜积液患儿采用单孔腹腔镜治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜整体分离鞘状突和精索在小儿腹股沟型隐睾手术中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2008年2月至2014年2月,广东省佛山市第一人民医院施行小儿腹股沟型隐睾腹腔镜手术95例患儿临床资料,将其中应用腹腔镜整体分离鞘状突和精索实现隐睾松解的患儿与其他不同手术方式的患儿进行比较,对比手术时间、手术出血量,以及术中损伤和术后并发症的发生率。结果腹腔镜手术治疗小儿腹股沟型隐睾共95例、125侧,按鞘状突开闭状态和睾丸位置的不同进行分型并实施不同手术方式:鞘状突闭合低位睾丸型8例、12侧(A组),腹腔镜探查后转阴囊切口松解固定隐睾;鞘状突闭合高位睾丸型6例、7侧(B组),腹腔镜下经腹膜后松解精索血管及隐睾;鞘状突未闭低位睾丸型8例、11侧(C组),腹腔镜内环口结扎后转阴囊切口松解固定隐睾;鞘状突未闭高位睾丸型73例、95侧(D组),应用腹腔镜下整体分离鞘状突和精索实现隐睾松解固定。各组手术时间、手术出血量差异无统计学意义;各组均无术中副损伤;术后并发症发生率:A组0%,B组42.9%,C组9.1%,D组4.2%。结论对于鞘状突未闭的腹股沟型隐睾,整体分离鞘状突和精索的方法松解隐睾能避免精索血管和输精管损伤;对于鞘状突闭合的腹股沟型隐睾,因无鞘状突腹膜引导松解精索,术后缺血性并发症发生率较高,不推荐在腹腔镜下松解。  相似文献   

目的探讨用大圆针行经脐部单孔法腹腔镜下鞘状突高位结扎术治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝及鞘膜积液的临床价值。方法广州市番禺区钟村医院自2010年1月至2015年6月收治的32例腹股沟斜疝及鞘膜积液患儿进行手术治疗,患儿均在单孔腹腔镜监视下,使用大圆针完成高位缝合未闭的鞘状突,并对手术时间、手术出血量、手术并发症、复发率进行分析。结果 32例手术均在腹腔镜下顺利完成,手术时间为6.5~22.5 min,平均13.2min,术平均中出血量均小于5 mL。25例获得随访6~36月,平均21.6月,并未发现有并发症及复发病例。结论使用大圆针行单孔法腹腔镜高位缝合鞘状突治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝及鞘膜积液操作简便、创伤小、安全有效、术后恢复快、不留瘢痕,非常适合在基层医院开展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨单孔腹腔镜鞘状突高位结扎术治疗小儿交通性鞘膜积液的可行性。方法:回顾性分析腹腔镜鞘状突高位结扎治疗小儿鞘膜积液的临床资料,探讨小儿鞘膜积液手术方法的安全性和有效性。结果:单孔腹腔镜鞘状突管高位结扎,手术过程顺利,无一例中转为开放手术,术中均发现未闭合鞘状突。手术瘢痕小且隐蔽,复发率低。结论:单孔腹腔镜治疗小儿交通性鞘膜积液手术安全可行。  相似文献   

目的探讨采取小横切口术式和应用腹腔镜行鞘状突高位结扎术的临床应用及经验。方法总结分析38例小儿鞘状突未闭,其中20例行小横切口术式,18例行腹腔镜术式。比较两者的适应症,手术时间,并发症,住院时间,住院费用和治疗效果。结果20例行小横切口术式,手术时间平均45±10min,无一并发症发生;18例行腹腔镜手术,手术时间平均60±10min,2例发现双侧鞘状突未闭,行双侧鞘状突高位结扎;3例出现腹膜外血肿,其中1例中转横切口手术;5例术后鞘膜积气积液,局部处理后痊愈。结论小横切口术式和腹腔镜手术均可作为治疗小儿鞘状突未闭的首选方式,,疗效肯定,小横切口术式禁忌症少,手术时间短,并发症少且易于医生操作;腹腔镜术式创伤小,术后恢复快,不留疤痕.对伴有双?病变的患者尤为适用。  相似文献   

目的 比较经脐单通道与两孔腹腔镜下腹膜外结扎鞘状突治疗小儿鞘膜积液的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2018年8月至2020年3月,连云港市第一人民医院收治的400例临床表现为单侧的鞘膜积液病例。根据手术方法分为两组,A组(200例):采用经脐单通道腹腔镜下硬膜外穿刺针引导prolene线完全腹膜外结扎鞘状突治疗小儿鞘膜积液。B组(200例):采用两孔腹腔镜法。结果 两组共400例患儿均顺利完成腹腔镜手术,无中转开放手术,术中探查发现内环口开放情况:A组:单侧37例,双侧163例,B组:单侧21例,双侧179例。A组在平均手术时间[单侧(14.62±3.20)vs(19.29±2.12)min,双侧(23.82±5.24)vs(29.93±5.22)min],术后平均住院天数[(2.98±0.38)vs(3.26±0.54)d]方面均短于B组,差异有统计学意义。术后B组发生切口疝2例,两组均无阴囊水肿、血肿及切口感染发生。术后随访3个月至1年,两组在术后近、远期并发症方面差异均无统计学意义。结论 经脐单通道腹腔镜下采用硬膜外穿刺针完全腹膜外结扎鞘状突治疗小儿鞘膜积液的方法简便,安全有效,创伤小,是治疗小儿鞘膜积液的理想术式之一。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜辅助带线针经皮腹膜外鞘状突缝合环扎治疗小儿鞘膜积液的效果。方法回顾分析2008年7月至2009年4月21例鞘膜积液患儿采用腹腔镜治疗资料,年龄中位数2岁(1岁-6岁),术前诊断左侧7例,右侧10例,双侧4例。腹腔镜直视下用5ml注射器将生理盐水注射于内环口后壁腹膜外,水压分离腹膜与输精管、精索血管间隙,2-0不吸收带线针穿刺入腹腔,缝合环扎鞘状突,打结于腹膜外皮下。结果手术时间平均25min(15~60min),无腹内脏器损伤、阴囊血肿、伤口感染等。手术前后血红蛋白、血碳酸氢根比较差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。6例(28.6%)术前诊断为单侧者在术中确诊对侧存在开放鞘状突,同法处理。术后住院时间1d-5d(平均2d)。随访1个月~10个月,无复发、切口疝及睾丸萎缩等发生。结论腹腔镜小儿鞘膜积液腹膜外缝合环扎可行、微创、安全、美容效果好。  相似文献   

目的 观察右旋美托咪啶预防全麻下小儿腹腔镜鞘状突高位结扎术和疝修补术后躁动的效果.方法 将30例腹腔镜下鞘状突高位结扎和疝修补术患儿随机分为对照组和观察组,每组15例.对照组于麻醉后手术前10 min静脉泵注生理盐水20 ml;观察组于同样时间点泵注右旋美托咪啶1 μg/kg和生理盐水稀释液20 ml.记录两组麻醉时间、手术时间、术后拔管时间和停留恢复室时间;麻醉前和苏醒期最大躁动评分和围手术期心率变化.结果 两组患儿麻醉时间、手术时间、术后拔管时间和停留PACU时间和术前躁动评分无统计学差异(P>0.05);观察组的术后躁动评分和躁动发生率低于对照组(P<0.05);两组围手术期无心动过缓发生.结论 1 μg/kg的右旋美托咪啶可以降低小儿腹腔镜手术术后躁动的发生率,且无心动过缓副作用发生.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经脐微型腹腔镜下内环高位结扎术联合包皮环套术治疗小儿腹股沟疝、精索鞘膜积液及包茎的可行性及优点。方法:对470例腹股沟疝、精索鞘膜积液、包茎患儿先施行经脐微型腹腔镜下内环高位结扎术,随后行包皮环套术。结果:患儿均顺利完成腹腔镜下内环高位结扎术及包皮环套术。术后恢复顺利,随访1~10年,腹股沟疝、精索鞘膜积液无复发。结论:经脐微型腹腔镜下内环高位结扎术治疗小儿腹股沟疝、精索鞘膜积液较传统手术方法具有创伤小、美观、手术操作简便、手术时间短、并发症少、术后康复快等优点。同时联合包皮环套术后容易清洗、护理,避免了二次手术与麻醉,减少了治疗费用,减轻了患儿的痛苦,是安全、可行的。  相似文献   

W. Liu  R. Wu  G. Du 《Hernia》2014,18(3):345-349


The development of laparoscopic processus vaginalis repair has provided an alternative approach to the management of inguinal hernia and hydroceles in children. Here we describe our new technique for laparoscopic extraperitoneal ligation of processus vaginalis with subumbilical single-port using a modified Kirschner pin.


A 5-mm trocar for an operative laparoscope was placed through an infraumbilical incision. A Kirschner pin with a hole in one flat terminal was inserted at the point of the internal inguinal ring. The processus vaginalis was closed extracorporeally by a non-absorbable suture, which was introduced into the abdomen through the Kirschner pin performing dissection within the extraperitoneal space in a series of movements. When a contralateral patent processus vaginalis is present, laparoscopic-assisted extracorporeal ligation is performed during the same operation.


Between September 2010 and September 2012, 211 children (130 cases of inguinal hernia and 81 cases of hydrocele) underwent processus vaginalis repair using this novel technique. A contralateral patent processus vaginalis was present and thus simultaneously closed in 20 patients with unilateral inguinal hernias and 12 patients with unilateral hydroceles. The mean operative time was 18 min (8–35 min). The mean follow-up period is 12 months (range 5–24 months), and no recurrence and complications has been observed to date.


This article describes a unique technique of extracorporeal circuit ligation of processus vaginalis using a minimally invasive technique as afforded by a reused modified Kirschner pin. Single-port laparoscopic processus vaginalis repair using this instrument is feasible and seems to be safe.  相似文献   



Laparoscopic surgery is an alternative procedure for pediatric inguinal hernia (PIH), with a major trend toward increasing use of extracorporeal knotting and decreasing use of working ports. We report our experience with the modified single-port laparoscopic herniorrhaphy for repair of PIH and retrospectively evaluate a consecutive series of 1,107 cases in our institution.


Between February 2006 and July 2011, 1,107 children with indirect inguinal hernia were treated by laparoscopic surgery. All patients underwent high ligation surgery with a modified single-port laparoscopic technique, mainly performed by extracorporeal suturing with an ordinary taper needle (1/2 Arc 11?×?34). The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed.


All surgery was successful without any serious complications. During the operations, contralateral patent processus vaginalis was found and subsequently repaired in 221 cases (20.0?%). The mean operative time was 11 (range 5?C14) min in 815 cases of unilateral repair and 20 (range 14?C27) min in 292 cases of bilateral repair. The mean of postoperative hospital stay was 48 (range 26?C52)?h. Complications occurred in seven cases (0.63?%) and were properly managed, with no major impact on outcome of the operations. There were six recurrent cases (0.54?%) in the patients who had been followed-up for 9?C74?months. There was no obvious scaring visible in any patients after treatment.


The modified single-port laparoscopic technique for the repair of PIH is a safe and reliable procedure with minimal invasion and satisfactory outcome. It is easy to perfect and to perform and therefore is a worthy choice for PIH.  相似文献   

Z. Cui  Y. Liu  W. Zhang  F. Sun 《Hernia》2016,20(4):579-584


Several single-port laparoscopic hernial repair methods have been designed to treat inguinal hernia in children, but reliable and safe ligation of the hernial sac should be further investigated. This study aimed to investigate a new technique for laparoscopic percutaneous double ligation for pediatric inguinal hernias with a set of home-made instruments.


Before each operation, a set of home-made instruments were prepared, including a curved puncture needle, a lasso suture, a dual ligation suture, and occasionally, a flat-headed puncture needle for obese patients. After a series of operational steps, the hernial sac was doubly extracorporeally ligated, leaving only one puncture point in the inguinal region and one incision in the navel.


Between October 2011 and September 2013, 236 children (211 boys and 25 girls) underwent hernial repair using this novel technique. In 38.8 % (85/219) of patients with the preoperative diagnosis of unilateral inguinal hernia, contralateral patent processus vaginalis was confirmed during the laparoscopic surgery and subsequent repair was performed. In 134 cases of unilateral repair, the mean operative time was 11 min (range 5–16 min), and it was 19 min (range 13–29 min) in 102 cases of bilateral repair. No recurrence or complications have been observed to date.


This study shows a unique technique of percutaneous double ligation of the hernial sac using a minimally invasive technique with the aid of a transabdominal 5-mm telescope and a set of home-made instruments. Single-port laparoscopic hernial repair using this technique is feasible and appears to be safe.

经脐两孔无瘢痕腹腔镜鞘状突口腹膜外缝扎术的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨经脐两孔无瘢痕腹腔镜鞘状突口腹膜外缝扎术的可行性。方法:回顾分析为90例患儿行经脐两孔无瘢痕腹腔镜鞘状突口腹膜外缝扎术的临床资料。结果:90例手术均获成功,单侧单纯鞘状突口缝扎时间3~8m in,平均5m in。结论:经脐腹腔镜鞘状突口腹膜外缝扎术设计合理、简练、可行,需用器械简单,术后腹壁无可见瘢痕,值得推广。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We review our experience with laparoscopic Palomo varicocele ligation using the LigaSure device in children and adolescents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between June 2003 and December 2004, 25 varicoceles were treated by laparoscopic Palomo varicocele ligation using LigaSure vascular sealing. Patient ages ranged from 10 to 19 years (mean, 14.5 years). Indications for surgery included grade II-III varicocele or ipsilateral testicular hypotrophy. One patient was affected by recurrent contralateral inguinal hernia and 2 presented with an ipsilateral patent processus vaginalis. We placed a 5-mm umbilical port for access, and kept pneumoperitoneum below 15 mm Hg. Under laparoscopic guidance, two additional ports of 3 and 5 mm were inserted in the lower right and left quadrants, respectively. Once the vessels were isolated, the vascular sealant was applied 3-4 times to ensure coagulation of the spermatic vessels; the vessels were then divided with laparoscopic 5-mm scissors. Inguinal hernia and patent processus vaginalis were treated according to Schier's technique. All procedures were performed in our day surgery facility. RESULTS: Mean operative time was 18 minutes, which is significantly less than the time required in a similar group of 12 patients who underwent laparoscopic clip ligation. There were no perioperative complications. Eleven of 16 patients recovered testicular size. Two patients had postoperative hydrocele: the first was treated successfully with scrotal aspiration, while the other patient required scrotal hydrocelectomy. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic Palomo varicocele sealing can be performed safely and rapidly and is highly successful in correcting varicoceles in young males. We also found it to be the ideal technique to correct the associated inguinal hernia or patent processus vaginalis.  相似文献   

S. Ceccanti  A. Zani  E. Mele  D. A. Cozzi 《Hernia》2014,18(3):339-342


To report our experience using a modified orchidopexy with division and non-ligation of the processus vaginalis.


We performed a single-centre retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent orchidopexy between December 2005 and October 2008 at our institution. In the present technique, the processus vaginalis was gently peeled off the spermatic cord structures as high as possible and severed at the level of the internal inguinal ring without its ligation. Postoperative follow-up was routinely offered to all patients. Additionally, we made a special clinical follow-up, ranging from 1 to 69 months (median 34).


One hundred and twenty-three patients, aged 1–11 years (median 3), underwent 147 orchidopexies during the study period. Of these, 25 were accomplished using conventional division and ligation of the processus vaginalis, and in the remaining 122 orchidopexies, the processus vaginalis was only divided. Of the 137 testes available at follow-up, 134 were in the scrotum and 3 (2 %) required re-do orchidopexy due to secondary reascent, including 2 treated with division only of the processus vaginalis. None of the patients experienced postoperative hydrocele or inguinal hernia development.


Our findings confirm that division without ligation of a patent processus vaginalis is usually followed by spontaneous peritoneal scarring and complete closure of the internal inguinal ring. Present technique is as effective as traditional orchidopexy and saves extra time spent for meticulous closure of the processus vaginalis or peritoneal tears.  相似文献   

Abstract Background: There are many variable techniques for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in children. The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of the laparoscopic hernia technique, which is based on the same surgical principles as conventional open herniotomy. Subjects and Methods: Between November 2008 and August 2011, 207 pediatric patients with inguinal hernia were included in this study under informed consent. All of the patients underwent the laparoscopic technique of sac transection and intracorporeal ligation. An asymptomatic contralateral patent processus vaginalis (cPPV) was repaired using the same method. Patients were routinely followed for 2 years. Perioperative complications and recurrence rate were evaluated. Results: In total, 202 patients were enrolled in the final analysis. The mean follow-up period was 12.5 months. The percentage of patients with cPPV was 39.2%. The mean operation time was 26 minutes for unilateral hernias and 34 minutes for bilateral hernias. One patient had a mild hematoma in the inguinal area in the immediate postoperative period, but it resolved spontaneously within 7 days. Recurrence and metachronous hernias have not been observed thus far. Conclusions: Laparoscopic hernia sac transection and intracorporeal ligation can be a safe and effective alternative for conventional herniotomy.  相似文献   

腹腔镜下手术治疗腹股沟型隐睾   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨腹腔镜下睾丸固定术治疗腹股沟型隐睾的可行性及微创优势. 方法 腹股沟型隐睾患儿90例.年龄8个月~6岁,平均17个月.左侧24例、右侧53例、双侧13例,共103个睾丸.腹腔镜下离断鞘状突或疝囊,松解腹膜后精索,将睾丸拉入腹腔,离断引带;将睾丸拉入阴囊固定. 结果 90例103个睾丸手术均顺利,无中转开放手术者.平均手术时间(32.7±5.2)min.103个睾丸患侧鞘状突未闭93侧(90.3%);77例单侧隐睾对侧鞘状突未闭12例(15.6%).术中发生皮下气肿3例(3.3%),拔出套管后,经切口排出气体,气肿消失.术后随访6~12个月,103个睾丸均在阴囊内,无萎缩及睾丸回缩. 结论 腹腔镜下腹股沟型隐睾固定手术安全、有效,弥补了开放术式破坏腹股沟管解剖完整性、腹膜后高位松解困难等缺陷.  相似文献   

腹腔镜鞘突管高位结扎术治疗小儿鞘膜积液   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 :探讨腹腔镜鞘突管高位结扎术治疗小儿鞘膜积液的可行性。方法 :回顾分析行腹腔镜鞘突管高位结扎术治疗小儿鞘膜积液的临床资料。探讨小儿鞘膜积液的成因、临床表现、手术方式及治疗原则。结果 :腹腔镜鞘突管高位结扎手术时间平均为 15min ,双侧手术增加 5min ,无术后并发症 ,住院天数 2~4d ,近期随访无术后复发 ,切口疤痕小且隐蔽。结论 :腹腔镜鞘突管高位结扎术治疗小儿鞘膜积液安全可行  相似文献   

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