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浅部真菌病是皮肤科常见多发病。 2 0 0 0年 4月~ 1 0月 ,我院采用特比萘芬软膏 (山东齐鲁制药厂生产 )治疗浅部真菌病 60例 ,取得满意疗效 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料1 .1 病例选择 病例为本院门诊病人 ,临床症状典型 ,真菌学实验室检查为阳性 ,就诊前一月内未使用过全身或局部抗真菌药物 ,无系统疾病 ,能配合治疗和观察者共60例。其中男 3 9例 ,女 2 1例 ,年龄 1 8~ 60岁 ,病程 1 5天~ 5年。体股癣 4 3例 ,手足癣 1 7例。1 .2 治疗方法 洗净患处后将特比萘芬软膏涂于患处 ,每日早晚各一次 ,2周为一疗程 ,一般不另加内服药物。并于治…  相似文献   

我们自2002年9月—2003年3月用葛兰素史克天津有限公司生产的l%盐酸特比萘芬乳膏(商品名为兰美抒乳膏)治疗浅部真菌病取得了满意的疗效,现报道如下。  相似文献   

特比萘芬口服治疗浅部真菌病163例临床疗效观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
笔者于2003-2004年采用特比萘芬(商品名:兰美抒)口服治疗163例浅部真菌病患者,取得满意疗效,现将观察结果报告如下。[第一段]  相似文献   

目的:为了解国产特比萘芬治疗皮肤浅部真菌病的疗效和安全性。方法:用国产特比萘芬治疗107例皮肤浅部真菌病(特比萘芬250mg,口服,1d1次,体股癣连用2w;手足癣连用3w;甲癣连服1周后改隔日顿服,共12w-20w)。结果:停药时痊愈86例,显效14例,进步5例,无效2例。停药时治疗率为80.4%,有效率为93.5%,真菌消除率为97.2%。结论:国产特比萘芬治疗皮肤浅部真菌病疗效好、副作用少。  相似文献   

特比萘芬治疗皮肤浅部真菌病179例   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
用特比萘芬治疗179例皮肤浅部真菌病(250mg/d,手足癣3周,体股癣2周,甲癣至少6周),结果痊愈149例,显效20例,进步6例,无效4例。治愈率为83.2%,有效率为94.4%,真菌清除率为95.0%。  相似文献   

特比萘芬治疗浅部真菌病疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们于 2 0 0 0年 1月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月应用齐鲁制药厂生产的抗真菌药物特比萘芬软膏治疗浅部真菌病 116例 ,疗效显著 ,现将结果总结如下 :1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料 所选病例均为我站皮肤病科门诊患者 ,随机将患者分为两组。治疗组 116例 ,男 76例 ,女 40例 ,年龄 11 5~ 6 1岁 ,平均 30 1岁 ,病程 8天~ 9年。体股癣 72例 ,手足癣 44例 ;对照组 40例 ,男 31例 ,女 9例 ,年龄 13~ 70岁 ,平均 33 9岁 ,病程 14天~ 13年。体股癣 2 8例 ,手足癣 12例。所有患者临床症状典型 ,皮损表现为红斑、丘疹、水疱、结痂、鳞屑、苔藓样变 ,瘙痒 ,…  相似文献   

我科自2003年2月~12月,应用广东彼迪药业有限公司生产的1%特比萘芬喷剂并与2%酮康唑软膏作对照,共治疗浅部真菌病120例,均取得了满意疗效,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

特比萘芬霜治疗皮肤浅部真菌病173例   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
我所于1996年初采用瑞士诺华制药公司提供的1%特比萘芬霜治疗皮肤浅部真菌病173例,取得较好疗效,现报告如下。1临床资料173例均为门诊病例,其中男131例,女42例;年龄2~72岁,平均37岁;病程最短1周,最长25年。所选病例全部为皮疹典型、症...  相似文献   

临床资料我科于2004年8~12月采用特比萘芬乳膏治疗168例皮肤浅部真菌感染患者,取得了良好的疗效,现报道如下。228例患者均为浅部真菌感染患者,治疗前1周停用其它类抗真菌药。采用随机抽样的方法,将其分为两组:①特比萘芬组168例,男98例,女70例,年龄(36±5)岁;②咪康唑霜组60例,  相似文献   

特比萘芬连续疗法治疗浅部真菌病90例临床观察   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
特比萘芬(商品名兰美抒lamisil,原名疗霉舒)是一种丙烯胺类抗真菌药,主要通过抑制真菌角鲨烯环氧化酶达到杀菌作用。因其抗菌作用与细胞色素P450酶系统无关,故不影响人体内分泌功能、肝脏损害极少,与其它药物的相互作用也相当低。特比萘芬抗菌谱广,在低...  相似文献   

Fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails are common worldwide, and their incidence continues to increase. The principal causative agents are dermatophytes, and their geographic distribution is variable. This is reflected in the differing patterns of dermatophytoses seen in different parts of the world. The epidemiology of dermatophyte infection has changed as a result of migration, lifestyle, drug therapy, and socioeconomic conditions. This contribution discusses global patterns of dermatophyte infection and the changing epidemiology of the causative agents.  相似文献   

Superficial fungal infections are common, especially onychomycosis, dermatophytoses, and superficial Candida infections. Most superficial fungal infections are treated with topical antifungal agents unless the infection covers an extensive area or is resistant to initial therapy. Onychomycosis often requires systemic therapy with griseofulvin, itraconazole, or terbinafine. The objective of this review is to provide the practicing dermatologist with the recommended available therapy for the treatment of common superficial fungal infections.  相似文献   

Fungal infection of keratinized tissue is caused by any of the dermatophyte species. The topical allylamines and benzylamines have been especially effective in treating these infections because of their in vitro fungicidal activity and short treatment duration. With the development of new oral azoles and allylamine antifungal agents, there has been a renewed interest in treating superficial skin fungal infections. The use of topical and oral antifungal agents in treating cutaneous fungal infections is examined.  相似文献   

Dermatophytosis continues to be a worldwide problem, constituting a large bulk of cases attending the dermatology outpatient's department in tropical countries. Variable climatic conditions and multiple etiological agents, whose individual prevalence varies with time, prompted an attempt to define the current pattern and etiologic prevalence in our locality, and compare them with earlier studies from different centers. Of consenting patients clinically diagnosed to have superficial fungal infections, 1975 were investigated in the laboratory. All the specimens collected from patient skin, hair or nails were subjected to direct microscopy examination in 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) and fungal culture. Confirmed diagnosis was made only if specimen was KOH and/or culture positive. Male : female ratio was 1.65 : 1. Tinea corporis (21.4%), onychomycoses (14.7%) and tinea capitis (6.2%) were the most common laboratory-confirmed infections. Only 909 patients (47%) out of 1035 clinically suspected patients had evidence of fungal infection by either microscopy and/or culture. Of these 909 patients, 787 (86.5%) were both KOH and culture positive, 25 (2.7%) were KOH negative and culture positive, while 97 (10.6%) were KOH positive but culture negative. In 1051 patients (53%), no evidence of fungal infection was seen. Trichophyton rubrum was the most commonly isolated dermatophyte (55.2%) followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes (19.6%) and Trichophyton tonsurans (2.9%). Candida sp. accounted for 16% of all isolates. Non-dermatophyte moulds (NDM) were isolated only in patients with onychomycoses. Our study revealed a male preponderance, tinea corporis as the commonest clinical type, and dermatophytes as the commonest mycological isolates, which is in agreement with earlier studies. Relying on clinical diagnosis alone without laboratory confirmation may result in overestimation of the problem as evidenced in other studies as compared to our study. Rarely reported NDM appear to be important etiological agents of onychomycoses.  相似文献   

Such newer topical antifungal agents as tolnaftate, haloprogin, clotrimazole and miconazole are effective in the treatment of most superficial fungal infections.  相似文献   

The clinical appearances of infections in 128 patients caused by the mould fungi Hendersonula toruloidea (102) and Scytalidium hyalinum (37) are described. All the patients originated from the tropics or subtropics but those infected with S. hyalinum came from either the Caribbean or West Africa. Forty-one per cent of those studied had a concurrent dermatophyte infection. While the clinical features of Hendersonula and Scytalidium infections resembled those seen in 'dry type' Trichophyton rubrum infections, there were a number of distinctive features. These included the absence of dorsal infection on the feet, lateral and distal onychomycosis with extensive onycholysis and the development of paronychia on the fingers. The majority of affected patients showed no serious underlying abnormality or predisposing skin disease which could facilitate invasion. The routine incorporation of cycloheximide, which inhibits the growth of these organisms, in mycological media may explain why they are infrequently diagnosed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: An open-label study was performed to assess the efficacy and safety of terbinafine in the treatment of eumycetoma. METHODS: Single-center, open-label study, including 27 patients with signs and symptoms of eumycetoma which had developed within 5 years and was confirmed by mycological examination. The intention-to-treat population (n=23) received 500 mg of terbinafine bid for 24-48 weeks. Efficacy evaluations included clinical signs and symptoms (e.g. sinuses open or closed, degree of tumefaction, and emission of grains either present or absent); mycological examinations from Week 24 onwards; and investigators' overall assessment of efficacy (cure, improved since baseline, unchanged since baseline, or deterioration since baseline). Safety evaluations included monitoring of adverse events, laboratory assessments, vital signs and physical examinations. RESULTS: Good clinical improvement was seen in patients who completed the study (n=20). Tumefaction was absent or improved in 80% of patients; sinuses were closed in 50% of patients, and grain emissions were absent in 65% of patients. Of the 16 patients who had repeat mycological assessment, four (25%) were mycologically cured. In the investigators' overall opinion at the end of the study, five (25%) were cured and 11 (55%) were clinically improved. The majority of adverse events reported were mild to moderate, and consistent with the known tolerability profile of terbinafine. CONCLUSION: High-dose terbinafine (1,000 mg/day) is well tolerated and clinically effective in patients with eumycetoma, a difficult-to-treat subcutaneous mycoses.  相似文献   

Skin disease associated with keratinized tissues in animal and human beings has been investigated. The essential oil of Eucalyptus pauciflora in vitro showed strong antifungal activity at 1.0 microl/ml against human pathogenic fungi, viz. Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum audouinii, M. canis, M. gypseum, M. nanum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, T. tonsurans and T. violaceum. The oil has heavy doses of inoculum potential at 1.0 microl/ml. Moreover, it did not exhibit any adverse effects on mammalian skin up to 5% concentrations. Further, we formulated the oil in the form of ointment 'BSHT' (broad spectrum herbal therapy) (1% v/v) and subjected it to topical testing on patients attending the outpatient department of M.L.N. Medical College, Allahabad. Fifty patients were selected on the basis of KOH-positive results and diagnosed as either tinea pedis, tinea corporis or tinea cruris. After the second week of treatment, all patients were KOH-negative. At the end of medication, 60% of patients recovered completely and 40% showed significant improvement from the disease. No KOH-negative cases of relapse were observed when patients were re-examined after 2 months following the end of treatment. Thus, the ointment can be exploited commercially after undergoing successful multicenter clinical trials, which are in progress.  相似文献   

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