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广东省疟疾传播媒介的地理分布生态习性和传疟作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
-目的:研究广东省疟疾传播媒介的地理分布、生态习性和传疟作用。方法:采用按蚊密度调查方法和生态习性调查方法在广东疟疾流行区进行传疟媒介普查。结果:广东有个县(市)发现嗜人按蚊,嗜吸人血,兼吸牛血;9-10月份为密度高峰,与疟疾发病高峰相一致。全省绝大多数县发现中华按蚊、微小按蚊和日月潭按蚊的分布,三者均主吸牛血,兼吸人血。子孢子自然感染率嗜人按蚊为0.35%-0.54%,中华按蚊为0.15%-0.93%,微小按蚊为0.23%-5.94%,日月潭按蚊为0.05%。结论:在广东确认自然界有传疟作用的有嗜人按蚊、中华按蚊、微小按蚊和日月潭按蚊,其中嗜人按蚊和微小按蚊是当前广东省疟疾流行的重要媒介,中华按蚊是疟疾传播中起次要作用的媒介。  相似文献   

深圳地区疟疾暴发流行主要传播媒介的调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
深圳地区1983年发生间日疟暴发流行,为了判定当地疟疾主要传播媒介,提供制定灭疟措施的科学依据。为此进行此项调查。 方法选择若干疟疾暴发点,包括疟疾发病率高的山坳区临时工棚、发病率低的低丘区临时工棚和农村居民点,用半通宵捕蚊方法进行按蚊调查。 结果与讨论共发现嗜人按蚊(原称雷氏按蚊嗜人亚种)、中华按蚊、微小按蚁、日月潭按蚊、嵌斑按蚊、美彩按蚊、多斑按蚊、带足按蚊和小洁按蚊  相似文献   

目的 研究广东省疟疾传播媒介的地理分布、生态习性和传疟作用。 方法 采用按蚊密度调查方法和生态习性调查方法在广东疟疾流行区进行传疟媒介普查。 结果 广东有 12个县 (市 )发现嗜人按蚊 ,嗜吸人血 ,兼吸牛血 ;9~10月份为密度高峰 ,与疟疾发病高峰相一致。全省绝大多数县发现中华按蚊、微小按蚊和日月潭按蚊的分布 ,三者均主吸牛血 ,兼吸人血。子孢子自然感染率嗜人按蚊为 0 .35 %~ 0 .5 4 %,中华按蚊为 0 .15 %~ 0 .93%,微小按蚊为 0 .2 3%~5 .94 %,日月潭按蚊为 0 .0 5 %。 结论 在广东确认自然界有传疟作用的有嗜人按蚊、中华按蚊、微小按蚊和日月潭按蚊 ,其中嗜人按蚊和微小按蚊是当前广东省疟疾流行的重要媒介 ,中华按蚊是疟疾传播中起次要作用的媒介  相似文献   

近 10 年来,每年省内有近千万外来流动人口,时常引起局部疟疾流行。1988~1997 年全省报告疟疾49 206例,疟疾年发病率在0.18% ~1.24% ;检出疟原虫阳性病人95 328 例,平均每年检出9 533 例,其中外来人口疟疾病人占 53.3% ,本省居民占46.7% 。间日疟是广东当前流行的唯一虫种,偶见输入性恶性疟,罕见输血感染三日疟。在 166 个病灶点进行传疟媒介调查,人诱捕获9 种按蚊,其中嗜人按蚊和微小按蚊发现子孢子自然感染。嗜人按蚊的媒介能量调查显示,昆虫学接种率为 0.084~0.665 ,即在该区平均居住1.5~11.9 d 就可能感染疟疾。拟除虫菊酯浸泡蚊帐防治疟疾及传疟媒介可获得良好效果,也是处理流动人口疟疾疫点的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解福建省微小按蚊分布区疟疾流行态势,评价防治效果。方法 采用回顾性调查的方法,收集1982~2001年闽南微小按蚊分布区13个县(市、区)的疟疾疫情及媒介监测资料进行统计分析。结果 1982~1994年25个疟疾暴发点均发生在流动人口聚居的采石场、砖瓦厂及邻近村庄。1992年疟疾以外地输入及外来民工聚居地感染为主,之后逐渐扩散到本地居民感染。1995年本地感染占病例总数的91.79%(917/999),经采取治疗传染源和灭蚊并重的综合性防治措施,至2001年本地感染仅占16.67%(4/24),而输入病例则由1996年的14.95%(48/321)上升为83.33%(20/24)。1985年以来在13个县36个村(点)捕到微小按蚊,微小按蚊数占按蚊总数的24.85%,1996年以后仅在2个县2个村(点)捕到微小按蚊。结论 福建省微小按蚊分布区疟疾流行趋于控制,所采取的综合性防治措施效果显著。  相似文献   

广西1985~1989年达到部颁基本消灭疟疾标准的26个县(市)进行5年的病原学和血清学监测。结果表明,以微小按蚊、嗜人按蚊和中华按蚊为媒介的地区,达标后5年来发热病人血检平均原虫阳性率分别为0.020%、0.041%和0.006%。在基本消灭疟疾达标后的第5年,微小按蚊地区年带虫发病率比达标当年年带虫发病率上升1.7倍;嗜人按蚊地区(第4年)上升1.9倍;中华按蚊地区下降67.86%。显示以中华按蚊为媒介的地区,考核达标后5年来疟疾疫情稳定,以微小按蚊和嗜人按蚊为媒介的地区,疫情波动性较大,局部地区出现疟疾回升。  相似文献   

目的了解缅甸边境地区高效氯氰菊酯室内滞留喷洒控制疟疾媒介按蚊的效果,为中缅边境地区疟疾媒介按蚊控制提供科学依据。方法 2018年7-10月在缅甸边境地区克钦邦选择3个居民点,采用0.03 g/m~2高效氯氰菊酯进行室内滞留喷洒,采用诱蚊灯法捕蚊,监测按蚊种群密度变化情况。3个试验点同时于喷洒前15 d和喷洒后每间隔15 d监测1次,每次连续观察3个通宵,连续监测75 d。结果高效氯氰菊酯共喷洒2 273户,覆盖率95.46%,消耗杀虫剂132.5 kg;喷洒前15 d, 3个居民点按蚊平均密度为4.16只/(灯·夜),其中微小按蚊占捕获按蚊总数的79.14%,密度3.29只/(灯·夜);喷洒后15 d, 3个居民点按蚊平均密度为0.47只/(灯·夜),其中微小按蚊平均密度为0.17只/(灯·夜)。喷洒前后按蚊和微小按蚊平均密度差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。喷洒后第75 d按蚊密度为1.24只/(灯·夜),微小按蚊密度为0.16只/(灯·夜),与喷洒前比较差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论高效氯氰菊酯室内滞留喷洒对中缅边境地区缅甸克钦邦疟疾媒介按蚊控制效果明显且持久,但应做好按蚊对杀虫剂抗性监测工作。  相似文献   

泰国山麓地区的巴拉巴按蚊和微小按蚊是主要传疟媒介,经过几年的杀虫剂喷洒仍未能阻断疟疾传播。为此在北部山麓地区观察了两种媒介对滞留喷洒的反应。1970年7月到1972年3月收集了喷洒前的基本数据。1972年3月底试验区居民点进行了第1次  相似文献   

奥里塞邦根据地形可划分为山区、平原和沿海地区三种类型,该邦目前恶性疟流行仍极严重,1984年283 927例疟疾病人中有恶性疟226 279例,占疟疾总例数的79.69%。在印度,1984年共有恶性疟病例655 453例,其中奥里塞邦占了226 279例,为全国恶性疟病例数的35%。早期的调查研究查明,在奥里塞邦发现的12种按蚊中,仅溪流按蚊,印神按蚊和微小按蚊是传疟媒介,库态按蚊似不起作用(疟  相似文献   

为探索社会和自然因素对闽南地区疟疾流行的影响,对与疟疾暴发点有关的调查点人群类型、地理地貌、住房条件、防蚊设备、医疗保健、主要传疟媒介、输入疟疾病例7项社会和自然因素进行Logistic多元回归分析。结果显示,主要传疟媒介、输入病例和调查点人群类型3个变量被选入回归方程,其相对危险度分别为8.56、10.92和4.43。结果表明,闽南地区疟疾暴发点主要发生在有微小按蚊分布的、流动人群聚居的工地。  相似文献   

本文报告海南省1990~1992年采用溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐替代DDT室内滞留喷洒作为疟疾综合性防治措施中防制媒介的主要措施的防疟结果。在以微小按蚊为主要传疟媒介的4个市县,发病率、居民带虫率、发热病人原虫率分别下降了53.61%、85.95%和46.11%;在以大劣按蚊为主要传疟媒介的10个市县,上述指标分别下降了51.05%、39.14%和60.92%。微小按蚊和大劣按蚊密度分别下降了95.46%和74.46%。证明溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐灭蚊防疟效果显著。  相似文献   

We surveyed Nongceng, a village in a south-eastern province of Lao PDR, for malaria and its vectors. Nongceng is situated in a basin and surrounded by rice fields. In February 1998 (dry season), 28.6% of 126 villagers were infected with malaria, and in September 1998 (rainy season), 16.3% of 147 villagers. The prevalence of malaria infection was consistently high in children under 10, and the predominant malaria species was Plasmodium falciparum. In brief surveys of the mosquitoes performed on the same day as the malaria surveys, 2007 Anopheles females from 12 species were collected by means of human bait, animal bait and resting collections. Of the vector species known to be important in transmitting malaria in neighbouring Thailand - An. minimus, An. dirus, and An. maculatus groups - only An. minimus was found. Its density was, however, very low in both seasons and it was therefore unlikely to be the vector. In fact, An. nivipes accounted for more than 65% of all mosquitoes collected and was the most common species collected from human baits. The results of this study show that endemic areas of malaria in Lao PDR are not necessarily related to forest. Rather, An. nivipes is suspected to be the most important vector.  相似文献   

由于流动人口不断增加,传染源不断输入并在当地引起传播,广东省近年来疟疾疫情明显回升。当前疟疾流行主要有以下特点:媒介按蚊广泛存在,确认自然界有传疟作用者有微小按蚊、嗜人按蚊、中华按蚊和日月潭按蚊,前两种是主要媒介;广东省流行的均为间日疟,已不存在当地感染的恶性疟病人;疟疾病例主要分布在流动人口密集的珠江三角洲经济开发区的山丘地带;疟疾病人中有3/4是流动性民工。  相似文献   

In Southeast Asia the biodiversity of Anopheles species in the domestic environment is very high. Only few species are considered major vectors throughout the region, whereas the vector status of other species varies from area to area. Often it is difficult to identify an Anopheles species as a malaria vector in areas with low malaria incidence. The behaviour of Anopheles species largely determines their vector status, and insights into their behaviour are essential to evaluate the appropriateness of vector control measures. This study was conducted in six ecologically different localities in Southeast Asia to rank the different Anopheles species in terms of anthropophily and endophagy in order to estimate their current epidemiological importance. Concurrently, the biting and resting behaviour of the vectors was analysed to evaluate the appropriateness of insecticide-impregnated bed nets and residual house spraying in vector control. Anopheles dirus A was highly anthropophilic at all sites where it occurred. By contrast, the degree of anthropophily exhibited by An. minimus A depended on availability of cattle. Anopheles campestris, An. nimpe, An. sinensis, An. maculatus, An. aconitus showed a high degree of anthropophily in certain villages, indicating their potential of participating in malaria transmission, although the actual incidence of malaria in the study villages can be fully explained by transmission of the major vectors (An. dirus A, An. minimus A and An. sundaicus). Late biting of An. minimus A and biting activity throughout the night of An. sundaicus favour bed nets as a control method for these species, whilst exophilic and outdoor biting in combination with early feeding behaviour of An. dirus A will make both insecticide-impregnated bed nets and indoor residual spraying less suitable for controlling this species. Spatial variation in biting and resting behaviour was observed within almost all Anopheles species. These heterogeneities may result in the differences in epidemiological importance and in response to vector control of Anopheles species in different areas. Moreover, environmental changes and changes in human practice are expected to influence the behaviour, hence the role of the different species in malaria transmission. The effect of environmental changes on vector behaviour should be followed up carefully.  相似文献   

广西微小按蚊和中华按蚊感染海南株间日疟原虫,发现广西微小按蚊对海南株间日疟原虫易感性较高,卵囊阳性率为85.2%(23/27),腺感染率为70.6%(12/17);中华按蚊卵囊阳性率为1.9%(2/106),腺感染率为0(0/93);而对照组海南大劣按蚊卵囊阳性率为38.0%(35/92),腺感染率为56.5%(39/69)。  相似文献   

目的 了解福建省微小按蚊分布区疟疾流行态势 ,评价防治效果。 方法 采用回顾性调查的方法 ,收集1982~ 2 0 0 1年闽南微小按蚊分布区 13个县 (市、区 )的疟疾疫情及媒介监测资料进行统计分析。 结果  1982~ 1994年 2 5个疟疾暴发点均发生在流动人口聚居的采石场、砖瓦厂及邻近村庄。 1992年疟疾以外地输入及外来民工聚居地感染为主 ,之后逐渐扩散到本地居民感染。 1995年本地感染占病例总数的 91.79% (917/999) ,经采取治疗传染源和灭蚊并重的综合性防治措施 ,至 2 0 0 1年本地感染仅占 16.67% (4 /2 4) ,而输入病例则由 1996年的 14 .95 % (4 8/3 2 1)上升为83 .3 3 % (2 0 /2 4)。 1985年以来在 13个县 3 6个村 (点 )捕到微小按蚊 ,微小按蚊数占按蚊总数的 2 4.85 % ,1996年以后仅在 2个县 2个村 (点 )捕到微小按蚊。 结论 福建省微小按蚊分布区疟疾流行趋于控制 ,所采取的综合性防治措施效果显著。  相似文献   

本文对咯萘啶与磺胺多辛和乙胺嘧啶配伍,多年来在海南和云南的抗药性地区治疗恶性疟的结果进行综合分析,认为这种配伍不宜用于抗药性恶性疟地区的防治。因为:(1)未能明显地延缓恶性疟原虫对该种伍用产生抗药性,纵向监测于用药8年后,出现RⅢ病列,药后24h的减虫率明显下降(P<0.05);(2)恶性疟治疗后28d,60%左右的病例仍携带配子体,经大劣按蚊和微小按蚊血餐后,在诞腺中可查见子孢子,表明此种配伍治疗后,会引起恶性疟的传播与扩散。  相似文献   

Anopheles minimus, an important malaria vector of South East Asia, has reappeared in the Singhbum hills, East-Central India where deforestation and DDT residual spraying had reportedly eliminated it during the Malaria Eradication Programme. The species reported has been identified as sibling species A of the An. minimus complex. An. minimus is susceptible to both deltamethrin and DDT. The study shows that the environmental conditions in this region still favour the existence of the species and one of the possible reasons for its reappearance may be the scaling down of residual insecticide spraying in the area.  相似文献   

Ikonos-derived malaria transmission risk in northwestern Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We mapped overall malaria cases and located each field observed major malaria vector breeding habitat using Global Positioning System (GPS) instruments from September 2000 to October 2003 around the three malaria-endemic villages of Ban Khun Huay, Ban Pa Dae, and Ban Tham Seau, Mae Sod district, Tak Province, Thailand. The land-use/land-cover classifications of the three villages and surrounding areas were performed on IKONOS satellite images acquired on 12 November 2001 with a spatial resolution of 1 x 1 m. Stream network was delineated and displayed. Proximity analysis was performed on the locations of the houses with and without malaria cases within a 1.5 km buffer from An. minimus immature mosquito breeding habitats, mainly stream margins. The 1.5 km used in our proximity analysis was arbitrarily estimated based on the An. minimus flight range. A statistical t-test at 5% significance level was performed to evaluate whether houses with malaria cases have higher proximities to streams than houses without malaria cases. The result shows no significant difference between proximity to streams between houses with malaria cases and houses without malaria cases. We suspect that the actual flight range of An. minimus may be greater than 1.5 km. The An. minimus larval habitat deserves more detailed investigation. Further studies on human behavior contrary to that required for adequate malaria control among these three villages are also recommended.  相似文献   

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