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Studies by comparative genome hybridization have suggested that 5p amplification is related to tumor progression in urinary bladder cancer. In this study seven genes (TAS2R, ADCY2, DNAH5, CTNND2, TRIO, ANKH, and MYO10) located to 5p15.31-5p15.1 were analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization using a tissue microarray containing samples from tumors and cell lines with known 5p amplification by comparative genome hybridization. Amplification frequency was highest for TRIO, which maps to 5p15.2 and encodes a protein with a putative role in cell-cycle regulation. To further investigate the role of TRIO amplification in bladder cancer, a tissue microarray containing samples from 2317 bladder tumors was used for fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. TRIO amplification was strongly associated with invasive tumor phenotype, high tumor grade, and rapid tumor cell proliferation (Ki67 LI) (P < 0.0001 each). Only 7 of 456 pTaG1/G2 tumors (1.5%) but 62 of 485 pT1-4 carcinomas (12.8%) had TRIO amplification. TRIO amplification was not associated with poor prognosis. Using a frozen bladder tumor tissue microarray RNA in situ hybridization confirmed that TRIO is up-regulated in amplified tumors. It is concluded that TRIO up-regulation through amplification has a potential role in bladder cancer progression.  相似文献   

To identify the location of one or more putative tumor suppressor genes that may be involved in urinary bladder cancer, we examined 82 such tumors for allelic losses at 19 microsatellite loci on 8p. Loss of heterozygosity was observed in 31 of the cases. Deletion mapping identified a commonly deleted region at 8p22, within the 1-Mb interval flanked by D8S1135 and AFM177XB10. Allelic loss at 8p22 was associated with higher tumor grade (17/31, 55%, vs. 12/51, 23%; P = 0.0013). Furthermore, no tumor that retained heterozygosity for markers at 8p22 had metastasized to distant organs, whereas a substantial portion of tumors that lost alleles in that region had done so (0/51, 0%, vs. 6/31, 20%; P = 0.001). These data imply that loss or inactivation of tumor-suppressing activity encoded on 8p contributes to malignancy and to the metastatic potential of bladder cancers.  相似文献   

Tumor proliferation in bladder cancer is associated with tumor behavior. To assess the association between Ki-67 labeling index (LI), p53, and c-erbB-2 overexpression, formalin-fixed tissue samples of 160 patients with transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder were studied by immunohistochemistry. Ki-67 LI was strongly associated with tumor stage (P < .0001), tumor grade (P < .0001), and p53 status (P = .0014) but not with erbB-2 overexpression (P > .2). Ki-67 LI was higher in p53-positive tumors (19%) than in p53-negative tumors (14%) when all stages were compared. Ki-67 LI was independent of p53 expression in pTa tumors (p53-positive, 9%; p53-negative, 11%), showing that p53 overexpression alone is not sufficient to induce rapid tumor cell proliferation in pTa tumors. Ki-67 LI also was independent of p53 expression in pT2 to pT4 tumors (p53-positive, 20%; p53-negative, 23%), indicating that p53 expression is not necessary for rapid tumor cell proliferation in advanced stages. However, there was a striking difference in Ki-67 LI between p53-positive pT1 tumors (22.0% ± 8.8 standard deviation [SD]; n = 20) and p53-negative pT1 tumors (9.7 ± 8.3 SD; n = 22; P = .0001). These results suggest that increased proliferation in p53-positive pT1 tumors is caused by additional alterations that occur during tumor progression.  相似文献   

Overexpression of p53 anderbB-2 was studied by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed tissue samples of 179 patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. p53 immunostaining was strongly correlated with tumour stage (P<0.0001). This was driven by a marked difference in p53 expression between pTa (37% positive) and pT1 (71%) tumours, while there was no difference between pT1 and pT2-4 tumours. Similarly, a strong overall association between p53 expression and grade (P<0.0001) was driven by a marked difference between grade 1 (28%) and grade 2 tumours (71%), and there was no significant difference between grade 2 and grade 3 tumours. Surprisingly, the frequency oferbB-2 overexpression was higher in pT1 tumours (74%) than in either pTa (49%;P=0.0265) or pT2-T4 (56%;P=0.0645) tumours. Both p53 anderbB-2 expression was also associated with metastasis. Metastases were found in 77% of patients with p53 positive primary tumours, but in only 50% of the patients with p53 negative primary tumours (P=0.022). Metastases were found in 66% of patients witherbB-2 positive primaries, but in only 37% of theerbB-2 negative primaries (P=0.020). Of 32 patients with positivity for both p53 anderbB-2, 84% developed metastases, as compared to 49% of patients with positivity for either one or neither positive (P=0.002). We conclude that both p53 anderbB-2 over-expression are associated with early invasion in bladder cancer. Furthermore, p53 anderbB-2 may be important predictors for metastasis.  相似文献   

This study has analysed 65 urothelial carcinomas for allelic imbalance at 22 loci of chromosome 5 and has determined three regions of interest. A commonly duplicated region was mapped to chromosome 5p between loci D5S1473 and D5S819, one region of deletion to chromosome 5q22-23 between loci D5S2055 and D5S659, and another to chromosome 5q33-34 between loci D5S1456 and D5S1465. An allelic imbalance was detected in 54% of the cases. Only 10% of grade 1 tumours showed allelic changes at chromosome 5, whereas 60% and 63% of grade 2 and grade 3 cancers, respectively, had alterations of chromosome 5. The frequency of chromosome 5 changes increased from 24% in pTa tumours up to 72% in pT3-4 tumours. Of particular interest, ten out of 12 urothelial carcinomas showing metastatic growth in regional lymph nodes at the time of cystectomy had alterations at chromosome 5. No specific region, but genetic changes in general were associated with the grading and staging of bladder cancers.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress markers and peroxiredoxins are connected to cancer. A large set of urinary bladder carcinomas were studied for the expression of nitrotyrosine and 8-hydroxydeguanosine (8OHdG), two markers indicating oxidative damage. Serum and urine 8-OHdG were assessed in a subset of patients. We also analysed immunohisto-chemically the expression of nrf2, keap1, all six peroxiredoxins (prx) and thioredoxin (trx) in these tumors. 15 % of the cases showed 8OHdG and 36 % nitrotyrosine positivity. Expression of nitrotyrosine and 8OHdG associated with a poor prognosis (p=0.050, p=0.011, respectively). Peroxiredoxin positivity ranged from 39 % to 84 % lowest expression being for prx 4 and highest for prx 3. Prx 4 expression associated with a poor prognosis (p=0.025) with high grade (p=0.044) and larger tumors (p=0.023). Cytoplasmic trx positivity was seen in 91 % and nuclear in 59 % of tumors. Nuclear and cytoplasmic trx associated with each other (p<0.001), and nuclear trx associated with prx 6 (p=0.001), prx 2 (p<0.001), and prx 5 (p<0.001). 8OHdG associated with nuclear trx positivity (p=0.002), inversely with prx 1 (p=0.025) and with keap1 (p=0.020). Nuclear nrf2 was associated with nitrotyrosine (p=0.042). The results show that the amount of oxidative stress in urinary bladder tumors affects the prognosis of the patients. Of antioxidative enzymes, prx4 associated with an unfavourable prognosis. Selective inhibition of prx4 expression might then be one additional option of treatment of bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Altered p53 status is a frequent event in bladder cancer and reported to have prognostic significance. We studied the TP53 gene and its product in 76 patients affected with urinary bladder carcinomas by immunohistochemistry (mAb DO-7), polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformational polymorphism (exons 4-8) followed by direct sequencing of shifted bands, and loss of heterozygosity in 17p (p53CA). H-RAS mutations were also studied. The receiver operating characteristic curve and the logistic-regression analysis were used to evaluate the validity of immunohistochemistry in predicting TP53 mutations. A p53-positive nuclear phenotype was defined by a cutoff of 20% tumor cells being immunoreactive and was found in 23 cases, while TP53 mutations were detected in 22 cases, four of them with a negative p53 phenotype. TP53 deletions were identified in 23 cases. No H-RAS gene mutations were observed. There was a significant association between phenotype and genotype results. Moreover, a significant association was observed between p53 status and tumor stage and grade, being alterations more common in high-stage and high-grade tumors (both chi2 test; P < .01). Deletion of 17p significantly correlated with tumor stage (P < .01) and grade (P = .01), allelic losses being more common in advanced disease. Data from these studies suggest that genetic assays are necessary for the optimal determination of TP53 alterations, mainly in tumors with a p53 negative phenotype, and especially in early stage tumors for which p53 status may assist in determining its progression to invasive disease. Since p53 alterations are significantly associated to clinicopathological features of poor prognosis, the inclusion of both p53 phenotype and TP53 mutation status into a predictive panel of tumor markers for bladder cancer is recommended.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Deletions in chromosome 3 occur frequently in uterine cervical carcinoma (CA-CX). The common consensus regions deleted during CA-CX development are not well defined, and have not been correlated with tumour progression. AIMS: To define specific regions of chromosome 3 deleted during development of CA-CX and to correlate these with clinicopathological data. METHODS: Deletion mapping of chromosome 3 was done in seven cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and 43 primary CA-CX samples using 20 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. RESULTS: Deletions of chromosome 3 were significantly associated with tumour progression. High frequencies (33-53%) of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) were found in 3p26.1, 3p22.3, 3p21.2, and 3p13, suggesting the location of putative tumour suppressor genes (TSGs) in these regions. Among these four regions, deletions in 3p21.2 were suggested to occur early during CA-CX development. A significant correlation was found between LOH at 3p26.1 and 3p22.3 with tumour progression from stage I/IIB to stage III/IV. No association was found with the highly deleted regions and human papillomavirus positivity, parity, or menopausal status. Microsatellite size alteration was seen in only seven of the samples. However, rare biallelic alterations were seen in and around the highly deleted regions. Loss of normal copy of chromosome 3 and interstitial alterations in chromosome 3p were seen in some samples. CONCLUSION: These four regions on chromosome 3p may be differentially deleted during specific stages of CA-CX development. The putative TSGs located in these regions may have a cumulative effect on tumour progression.  相似文献   

Aberrant expression and mutation of E-cadherin is frequent in gastric carcinoma (GC) especially of the diffuse type. The frequency of CDH1 (gene encoding E-cadherin) mutation in populations with high incidence of diffuse GC and its prognostic significance is unknown. One hundred seventy-seven gastrectomies from Mexican mestizo patients with intestinal (53), mixed (55), or diffuse (69) GC were included. In addition, 101 endoscopic biopsies from patients with GC not subjected to surgery were analyzed. Immunohistochemistry against wild-type E-cadherin (clone 36) and against 2 mutation-specific antibodies (MSA) recognizing mutant CDH1 lacking exon-8 (del 8) or exon-9 (del 9) were performed. Staining was correlated with histotype, tumor node metastasis stage, and follow-up. Abnormal or absent E-cadherin expression (clone 36) was identified in 84% GC, predominantly in diffuse or mixed tumors (P = 0.004) in advanced stages (P = 0.003). No survival differences at 1 and 2 years were observed among patients showing normal, abnormal, or absent wild type E-cadherin expression. Overall reactivity with the MSA was observed in 10 (5.6%) patients who were treated with surgery. In 140 patients, dead from the disease or alive with the disease, the survival at 1 and 2 years was 37% versus 17% and 14% versus 0 for patients without and with del 8/9 positivity, respectively (log rank P = 0.01). Biopsies from patients with inoperable-GC (101) rendered 5 (4.95%) with del 8 or 9 immunoreactivity. Abnormal E-cadherin expression is frequent in GC. However, exon 8 or 9 deletions were observed in only 5.3% tumors in this series from Mexico, at a lower rate than previously published, but associated with a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

Schistosoma haematobium, a parasitic flatworm that infects more than 100 million people, mostly in the developing world, is the causative agent of urogenital schistosomiasis, and is associated with a high incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the bladder. During infection, eggs are deposited in the bladder causing an intense inflammatory reaction. Angiogenesis is defined as the formation of new blood vessels from preexisting ones and is recognized as a key event in cell proliferation and carcinogenesis and spread of malignant lesions. A growing amount of evidence points to angiogenesis playing a key role in schistosomiasis‐associated bladder cancer. Thus, identifying biomarkers of this process plays an important role in the study of cancer. Here, we review recent findings on the role of angiogenesis in bladder cancer and the growth factors that induce and assist in their development, particularly SCC of the bladder associated to urogenital schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

The authors have further characterized the normal human tissue distribution and tumor expression of two highly restricted tumor-associated antigens, detected by mouse monoclonal antibodies M344 and 19A211, which are primarily expressed on low-grade superficial urinary bladder tumors. This study was conducted using immunohistochemical staining of frozen and deparaffinized sections of human normal and tumor tissues. The antigens are stable and well preserved on deparaffinized tissue sections. M344 antibody identifies a high-molecular-weight determinant on a cytosolic protein component of over 300,000 Mr. This antigen was not detected on any normal tissue analyzed, including 14 specimens of normal urothelium and 22 cases of cystitis; however, M344 was positive in 74.5% of Ta-T1 tumors and 11% of T3-T4 tumors. 19A211 antibody identifies a sialylated epitope on a cytoplasmic protein complex of 100,000 to 200,000 Mr. This antigen also was expressed preferentially on low-grade superficial bladder tumors (77% Ta-T1) and less frequently on deeply infiltrating tumors (10% T3-4). 19A211 was negative on all normal cells tested, with the exception of umbrella cells, in approximately 25% of the normal urothelium and cystitis specimens studied. Either one or both of these tumor-associated antigens are detected in approximately 80% of low-grade papillary superficial tumors and carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder. The expression of these antigens on a subset of low-grade bladder tumors, known to progress in only about 10% of cases, suggests that phenotypic differences may reflect biologic potential. Beyond their possible biologic significance, antibodies M344 and 19A211 may provide clinically useful probes for early detection and stratification of urinary bladder tumors.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to analyze the prognostic significance of tumor budding in muscle-invasive urothelial carcinomas of the urinary bladder, and also to determine an optimal threshold value in evaluation.Patients and methodsThe study included 108 patients diagnosed with muscleinvasive conventional urothelial carcinoma between 2010 and 2020. Tumor budding was evaluated on H&E-stained slides. The critical tumor budding number was determined with the “receiver operating characteristics (ROC)” curve. Cases with a tumor budding number of ≤6 were categorized as low, and cases with >6 as high tumor budding.ResultsThe univariate Cox proportional hazards regression model for recurrence-free survival showed that lymphovascular invasion (P = 0.001), tumor budding (P = 0.012), pT stage (T4 vs. T2) (P = 0.005), and lymph node metastasis (P = 0.009) were significantly associated with recurrence-free survival. The multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model utilizing backward stepwise (wald) method revealed that only LVI (P = 0.001) was independent risk factor for recurrence-free survival. The univariate Cox analysis showed that lymphovascular invasion (P = 0.001), tumor budding (P = 0.004), pT stage (T4 vs. T2) (P = 0.003), and lymph node metastasis (P = 0.001) were significantly associated with overall survival. The multivariate Cox analysis (backward stepwise (wald) method) revealed that tumor focality (P = 0.018), pT stage (T4 vs. T2) (P = 0.015), and lymphovascular invasion (P = 0.002) were independent factors for overall survival.ConclusionsOur findings suggested that the evaluation of tumor budding may be a useful parameter for predicting outcome in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer.  相似文献   

AIMS: Chromosome 3p allele loss is a frequent event in many common sporadic cancers including lung, breast, kidney, ovarian, and head and neck cancer. To analyse the extent and frequency of 3p allelic losses in T1N0 and T1N1 invasive sporadic breast cancer, 19 microsatellite markers spread along 3p were analysed in 40 such breast carcinomas with known clinicopathological parameters. METHODS: Loss of heterozygosity analysis was carried out using 3p microsatellite markers that were non-randomly distributed and chosen to represent regions that show hemizygous and/or homozygous losses in lung cancer (lung cancer tumour suppressor gene region 1 ( LCTSGR1) at 3p21.3 and LCTSGR2 at 3p12), and regions demonstrating suppression of tumorigenicity in breast, kidney, lung, and ovarian cancer. RESULTS: Allelic loss was seen at one or more loci in 22 of these clinically early stage sporadic breast tumours, but none had complete 3p allele loss. Several regions with non-overlapping deletions were defined, namely: (1) 18 tumours showed loss at 3p21-22, a physical distance of 12 Mb; (2) 11 tumours showed loss at 3p12 within a physical distance of 1 Mb, this region is contained within LCTSGR2; (3) six tumours showed loss at 3p25-24, including the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) locus; (4) five tumours showed loss at 3p14.2, including the fragile histidine triad (FHIT) locus. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest study to date defining the extent and range of 3p allelic losses in early stage invasive breast cancer and the results indicate that region 3p21-22 containing LCTSGR1 and a region at 3p12 within LCTSGR2 are the most frequent sites of 3p allelic loss in these breast carcinomas. This suggests that tumour suppressor genes located in these regions may play important roles in the development of breast cancer. There was an association between increasing 3p allelic loss and increasing tumour grade and loss of progesterone (p = 0.0098) and oestrogen (p = 0.0472) receptor expression, indicating a link between 3p allelic loss and the regulation of differentiation.  相似文献   

Primary carcinoid tumor of the urinary bladder.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A 62-year-old woman who presented with urinary frequency and microscopic hematuria was found to have a 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.6-cm polypoid carcinoid tumor of the urinary bladder. The tissue resected from the base after removal of the polypoid lesion disclosed a small focus of residual carcinoid tumor, associated with Brunn's epithelial nests, cystitis cystica, and cystitis glandularis. Tumor cells exhibited strong argyrophilia and weak argentaffinity. Immunohistochemical staining reactions were strongly positive for chromogranin and serotonin, and electron microscopy revealed characteristic dense-core granules. Flow cytometric evaluation revealed an aneuploid cell population with a DNA index of 1.20.  相似文献   

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