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Both light and melatonin, appropriately timed, have been shown to phase-shift human circadian rhythms. In addition, both light and melatonin have acute physiological and behavioural effects. Depending on the dose, melatonin can reduce core body temperature and induce sleepiness. Conversely, light at night increases body temperature and enhances alertness and performance. The acute and phase-shifting effects of light and melatonin have justified their investigation and use in the treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Melatonin is the treatment of choice for blind people with non-24 h sleep/wake disorder. Current research is directed towards optimizing these therapies with respect to time of administration, dose and formulation of melatonin, intensity, duration and spectral composition of light. Our studies in totally blind people with non-24 h sleep/wake disorder have shown that, in addition to improving sleep, daily administration of melatonin can entrain their free-running circadian rhythms. The ability of melatonin to entrain free-running rhythms depends, in part, on the time of melatonin administration relative to the subject's circadian phase. Subjects who were entrained by melatonin began their treatment in the phase advance portion (CT 6-18) of the published melatonin phase-response curves (PRCs), whereas those who failed to entrain began their melatonin treatment in the delay portion of the PRC. Whether the effect of light on the human circadian axis can be optimized by altering its spectral composition has been investigated. Recently, it was demonstrated that light-induced melatonin suppression in humans is sensitive to short wavelength light (420-480 nm; lambda(max) approximately 460 nm), a response very different to the classical scotopic and photopic visual systems. Whether other nonvisual light responses (e.g. circadian phase resetting) show a similar spectral sensitivity is currently being studied.  相似文献   

Plasma melatonin, cortisol and prolactin (PRL) levels were measured over a 24-h period in 13 drug-free patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and in matched healthy subjects. The circadian profiles of melatonin and PRL were altered in patients; the circadian rhythm of cortisol was preserved, although at a higher level compared with normal controls. These changes were significantly related to the severity of the obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Further studies need to clarify the state- or trait-dependent character of these abnormalities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify effects of hormonal and temperature rhythms on circadian fluctuations of sleep propensity. Ten healthy females underwent 24-h sleep deprivation and entered the circadian sleep propensity assessment setting under the ultra-short sleep-wake schedule. During the experiment, sleep propensity rhythm, rectal temperature, and 24-h serum hormone profiles (melatonin, cortisol and thyroid-stimulating hormone) were investigated. The circadian sleep propensity rhythms had two apparent peaks (afternoon and nocturnal peaks) and a trough (nocturnal sleep gate). The timings of the nocturnal sleep gate and the nocturnal peak were correlated exclusively with temperature and melatonin rhythms (P < 0.05), while that of the afternoon peak was significantly correlated with habitual wake time and melatonin rhythm. These results indicate that the circadian sleep propensity rhythm is influenced not only by the circadian pacemaker, but also by sleep habit.  相似文献   

Abstract Sleep and plasma melatonin rhythms were measured longitudinally in a sighted young man (21 years old) under a day-night environment. At each measurement, the responsiveness of the melatonin rhythm to a single light pulse was examined in addition to the 24-hour profile. In experiment 1, the timing of sleep was decided by the subject himself. Although most sleep episodes were observed between 21:02 h and 10:55 h, the plasma melatonin rhythm free-ran for a period of 24.18 h. In experiment 2, the sleep-wake schedule of the subject was strictly fixed. The subject was instructed to go to bed at 24:00 h and wake up, at the latest, before 8:00 h for 40 days. The melatonin rhythm, however, continued to free-run for a period of 24.12 h. Nocturnal melatonin level could not be suppressed by a 3-hour light pulse of 500 lx, but was suppressed by a pulse of 1000 lx. It is concluded that internal desynchronization occurred in this particular sighted subject where the sleep-wake rhythm was entrained by the 24-hour day-night environment, whereas the plasma melatonin rhythm free ran, and that a forced sleep schedule did not act as a strong zeitgeber.  相似文献   

The onset of melatonin secretion under dim light conditions (DLMO) and the circadian temperature rhythm during a constant routine were assessed in 6 female controls and 6 female patients with winter depression (seasonal affective disorder, SAD) before and after bright light treatment. After sleep was standardized for 6 days, the subjects were sleep-deprived and at bedrest for 27 h while core temperature and evening melatonin levels were determined. The DLMO of the SAD patients was phase-delayed compared with controls (2310 vs 2138); with bright light treatment, the DLMO advanced (2310 to 2135). The minimum of the fitted rectal temperature rhythm was phase-delayed in the SAD group compared with the controls (0542 vs 0316); with bright light treatment, the minimum advanced (0542 vs 0336).  相似文献   

1. The circadian rhythm of plasma melatonin was investigated in normal men 18–30 years (N=5), normal men 50–70 years (N=5) and in six patients with endogenous depression.

2. The environmental photoperiod was 11 hours.

3. The subjects and patients were indoors with lights on from 07:00 until 23:00 hours.

4. Blood samples were obtained every 4 hours over a 24 hour period, with additional sampling at 22:00 and 02:00 hours.

5. Plasma melatonin was estimated by radioimmunoassay compared to both groups of controls.

6. In the depressed patients, the levels of melatonin were low throughout the 24 hour period.

7. The depressives had a delayed onset of the dark phase of the rhythm.

8. The patients also showed peak melatonin levels occurring earlier than in the controls.

9. Circadian rhythm of melatonin and therefore of its pacemaker may be altered in endogenous depression.  相似文献   

Abstract Effects of daily melatonin intake on the circadian rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, rectal temperature and plasma cortisol were examined in a sighted man who had suffered from the non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome. The subject lacked the nocturnal melatonin rise in plasma, but showed robust circadian rhythms in rectal temperature and plasma cortisol. The sleep-wake rhythm free-ran with a period longer than 24 hours. Daily melatonin intake at 21:00 h concentrated sleep episodes in the nocturnal period (24:00–8:00 h), and increased the length of the episodes. A single oral dose (3 mg) of melatonin increased plasma melatonin levels to about 1300 pg/mL within one hour and remained at pharmacological levels for approximately 6 hours. The trough of rectal temperature and the circadian rise of plasma cortisol were fixed to the early morning. A higher dose of melatonin (6 mg) did not improve the general feature. After the cessation of melatonin intake, the sleep-wake rhythm began to free-run together with the circadian rhythms in rectal temperature and plasma cortisol. It is concluded that daily intake of melatonin at early night time resets the circadian rhythms in a sighted man who lacked the nocturnal melatonin rise and showed free-running circadian rhythms in routine life.  相似文献   

Sympathetic regulation of chicken pineal rhythms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult hens were chronically cannulated and held in light-dark (LD) 12:12 h lighthing regimes or in constant darkness (DD). Periodic blood sampling for 5–9 days revealed circadian rhythms in plasma melatonin titres. Superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCG-X) performed 1 week after hatching had little or no effect on these rhythms in LD, but unlike normals. SCG-X birds did not sustain persistent rhythms in DD. In SCG-X birds, norepinephrine (NE) infusion for 12 h of each 24 h in DD significantly reduced plasma melatonin titres during the infusion and re-established a rhythm.After each experiment, hens were killed, their pineals were removed and assayed by HPLC-EC for NE. dopamine (DA). serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxy-3-indole-acetic acid (5-HIAA). SCG-X resulted in a 90% depletion of pineal NE: DA content was reduced to undetectable levels. Pineal 5-HT and 5-HIAA were also reduced by SCG-X.The chicken pineal contains circadian oscillators which persist in vitro8.19.29. The results reported here suggest that noradrenergic fibres from the SCG regulate the pineal's inherent rhythmicity. NE normally released from sympathetic terminals during the bird's day may synchronize oscillators within the pineal by inhibiting melatonin synthesis.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effect of melatonin on jet lag a field study was undertaken. The process of re-entrainment of circadian melatonin rhythm was investigated in six subjects. Except during 24-h blood sampling, the subjects were exposed to natural zeitgeber (time giver) outdoors and given 3 mg melatonin at 23:00 h. The subjects were exposed to bright sunlight from 3000 to 12000 lx. All of them showed orthodromic re-entrainment with taking melatonin, while two out of the six did not show orthodromic re-entrainment without taking melatonin. Melatonin accelerated the rate of the re-entrainment of the circadian melatonin rhythm. Melatonin was useful to jet travel from Tokyo to Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Fourteen inpatients with dementia showing sleep and behavior disorders (average age = 75 years), and 10 control elderly people (average age = 75 years) were carefully observed for 2 months. Four weeks of morning light therapy markedly improved sleep and behavior disorders in the dementia group. The measurement of sleep time and the serum melatonin values suggests that sleep and behavior disorders in the dementia group are related to decreases in the amplitude of the sleep-wake rhythm and decreases in the levels of melatonin secretions. Morning light therapy significantly increased total and nocturnal sleep time and significantly decreased daytime sleep time. These results indicate that morning bright light is a powerful synchronizer that can normalize disturbed sleep and substantially reduce the frequency of behavior disorders in elderly people with dementia.  相似文献   

Nocturnal melatonin profiles before and one year after beginning shift-work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Nocturnal serum melatonin profiles were determined twice for seven single women, during their time of employment as nurses (baseline), and after one year (follow up), in order to investigate the effects of shift-work on nocturnal melatonin secretion. All subjects were working in the same hospital under an irregularly rotating three-shift system. Five (5) mL blood samples were drawn six times at 2 h intervals between 20:00–06:00 hours under dim light conditions (< 50 lux). The same sampling procedures were repeated the following year. The results showed pronounced inter-individual differences in melatonin concentrations. There was a trend towards increasing maximum melatonin concentration (MAX melatonin) at follow up, with a similar tendency seen in summed melatonin (the sum of six measured melatonin concentrations). A trend was also seen towards increasing melatonin ratio at 06:00 hours (the percentage of melatonin concentration at 06:00 hours by summed melatonin) at follow up. Melatonin concentration at 06:00 hours was significantly higher at follow up, and a significant correlation between Morningness-Eveningness score (M-E score) at baseline and increased summed melatonin at follow up was also seen. These results suggest that: nocturnal melatonin secretion does not significantly increase after beginning shift-work; and that greater increases in melatonin secretion at follow up are found in subjects with higher M-E scones (increased morning type). With more subjects, however, there may be significant increase in MAX melatonin and/or summed melatonin in the follow-up study.  相似文献   

Several studies have established that melatonin synthesis occurs in the retina of vertebrates, including mammals. In mammals, a subpopulation of photoreceptors (probably the cones) synthesize melatonin. Melatonin synthesis in the retina is elevated at night and reduced during the day in a fashion similar to events in the pineal gland. Both the MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptors are present in the retina and retinal melatonin does not contribute to circulating levels, suggesting that retinal melatonin acts locally as a neurohormone and/or neuromodulator. Melatonin synthesis in the retina of mammals is under the control of a circadian oscillator, and circadian rhythms in melatonin synthesis and/or release have been described for several species of mammals. These rhythms are present in vivo, persist in vitro, are entrained by light and are temperature compensated. The cloning of the gene responsible for the synthesis of the enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (the key enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway) has allowed studies of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the generation of retinal melatonin rhythmicity. The present review focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate melatonin synthesis. In particular, we discuss how the photic environment and the circadian clock interact in determining melatonin levels, in addition to the role that melatonin plays in retinal physiology.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether the production of melatonin, a hormone regulating sleep in relation to the light/dark cycle, is altered in Huntington's disease. We analyzed the circadian rhythm of melatonin in a 24‐hour study of cohorts of control, premanifest, and stage II/III Huntington's disease subjects. The mean and acrophase melatonin concentrations were significantly reduced in stage II/III Huntington's disease subjects compared with controls. We also observed a nonsignificant trend toward reduced mean and acrophase melatonin in premanifest Huntington's disease subjects. Onset of melatonin rise was significantly more temporally spread in both premanifest and stage II/III Huntington's disease subjects compared with controls. A nonsignificant trend also was seen for reduced pulsatile secretion of melatonin. Melatonin concentrations are reduced in Huntington's disease. Altered melatonin patterns may provide an explanation for disrupted sleep and circadian behavior in Huntington's disease, and represent a biomarker for disease state. Melatonin therapy may help the sleep disorders seen in Huntington's disease. © 2014 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.  相似文献   

Effects of aroma on sleep and biological rhythms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The polysomnogram (PSG), blood melatonin concentration, rectal temperature, and answers to a self-evaluation questionnaire about the effects of agarwood (jinkoh in Japanese), which has been reported to have sleep-promoting effects were examined. The subjects tested were male medical students, who were free of otorhinolaryngological diseases and were non-smokers. The results of sleep stage and other sleep variables, and those of rectal temperature rhythm and blood melatonin concentrations showed no significant differences between the baseline nights, experimental nights, and recovery nights.  相似文献   

为探讨视交叉上核 (SCN)神经元对褪黑素敏感性的昼夜节律改变的机制 ,先对仓鼠进行持续光照或摘除松果腺 ,然后制成下丘脑薄片 ,记录昼夜周期中 SCN神经元的自发单位放电 ,并观察其对褪黑素的反应。结果表明 ,取自正常光照动物的脑薄片 ,SCN对外源性褪黑素产生抑制反应的单位数量有昼多夜少的节律性。取自持续光照条件下或摘除松果腺动物的 SCN,对外源性褪黑素反应的昼夜节律性消失。持续光照条件下 ,起抑制反应的单位数量增加 ,引起反应的阈值无明显改变 ;在摘除松果腺后 ,起抑制反应的单位数量减少 ,引起反应的阈值升高。实验结果提示 ,SCN神经元对外源性褪黑素敏感性 ,与内源性褪黑素水平和褪黑素受体的适应性调制有关 ,还可能与松果腺和内源性褪黑素的其他神经生化作用有关。  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of hormone concentrations in alcohol withdrawal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract We investigated the circadian rhythm of hormones (Cortisol, melatonin) in alcoholic patients during and 1 month after alcohol withdrawal. Patients with delirium tremens had irregular serum hormone concentration rhythms during withdrawal, which normalized after the withdrawal period. Patients without delirium tremens had normal circadian rhythms even during the withdrawal period. We speculated that the disturbance of the biological oscillator, in terms of the decline of synchronizing function or the decrease in synchronizing factors, caused abnormal circadian rhythms of hormone release during delirium tremens.  相似文献   

High-affinity melatonin receptors are present in rat suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), and their density exhibits a daily rhythm regulated by the light/dark cycle. In this study we demonstrate that the light regulation of these receptors depends on a circadian mechanism. Pinealectomized rats kept in constant darkness were subjected to 1-hr light pulses delivered across the circadian cycle. The density of melatonin receptors was significantly increased when photic exposure was performed during subjective night, and not different from control animals kept in darkness when the light pulse was applied during subjective day. The protein product (Fos) of the immediate early gene c-fos studied in the same paradigm showed globally the same circadian sensitivity phase. These results clearly show that, although the rhythmic appearance of melatonin receptor density in SCN follows and is directly regulated by the standard light/dark cycle, this light regulation is not passive. As is the case with Fos-like protein, it is only during a precise phase of the circadian cycle that light is able to regulate the density of melatonin receptors in SCN. © 1996 Wiley-Liss,Inc.  相似文献   

The rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the rat pineal gland is under the control of the biological clock, which is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN). Previous studies demonstrated a daytime inhibitory influence of the SCN on melatonin synthesis, by using gamma-aminobutyric acid input to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). Nevertheless, a recent lesion study suggested the presence of a stimulatory clock output in the control of the melatonin rhythm as well. In order to further investigate this output in acute in vivo conditions, we first measured the release of melatonin in the pineal gland before, during and after a temporary shutdown of either SCN or PVN neuronal activity, using multiple microdialysis. For both targets, SCN and PVN, the application of tetrodotoxin by reverse dialysis in the middle of the night decreased melatonin levels. Due to recent evidence of the existence of glutamatergic clock output, we then studied the effect on melatonin release of glutamate antagonist application within the PVN in the middle of the night. Blockade of the glutamatergic input to the PVN significantly decreased melatonin release. These results demonstrate that (i) neuronal activity of both PVN and SCN is necessary to stimulate melatonin synthesis during the dark period and (ii) glutamatergic signalling within the PVN plays an important role in melatonin synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadectomy and gonadal hormone treatment of castrated rats or ovariectomized (OVX) rats bearing brain lesions on the circadian rhythms of slow wave sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep (PS) have been studied under a 14/10 light-dark schedule. Cortical EEGs and dorsal neck EMG were used to monitor SWS, PS and alertness. Intact female rats showed two daytime SWS peaks, one daytime PS peak and a small night PS peak except during proestrus. In intact male rats, the morning SWS peak and night PS peak were variable and SWS and PS peaks in daytime were dissociated. Orchidectomized (ORX) rats showed the morning SWS peak and disrupted the dissociation of SWS and PS peaks. Furthermore, gonadectomy increased the night PS peak. Posterior deafferentation of the hypothalamus (PDM) eliminated the night PS peak. Estradiol (E2B) injection to long term OVX rats eliminated the night PS peak from the first day of injection. However, E2B injection into androgenized OVX rats, ORX rats and OVX rats bearing septal lesion or MPO roof cut did not eliminate night PS peak. E2B injection to short term OVX rats or OVX rats with PDM lesions delayed the E2B-induced elimination of night PS peak. From these results, it is suggested that: (1) sexual dimorphism exists in the circadian sleep rhythm itself, and this difference partly depends on the hormonal environment produced by sex steroids; (2) the rise and fall of night PS peak reflects the neurohumoral environment in female rats; (3) the appearance of night PS peak involves the abolition of negative feedback of sex steroids and the posterior neural input into hypothalamus; and (4) the elimination of night PS peak on natural proestrus and following E2B treatment of OVX rats requires the intact positive feedback system of estradiol.  相似文献   

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