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Taylor  GA; Lotze  A; Kapur  S; Short  BL 《Radiology》1986,161(2):347-350
Diffuse pulmonary opacification is commonly seen on chest radiographs from infants with severe respiratory failure treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The chest radiographs and clinical records of 18 such infants were reviewed to determine the correlation among degree of abnormality on chest radiograph (as determined by a radiographic score), clinical severity of disease (as measured by ECMO requirements [ECMO flow rate]), and dynamic lung compliance determinations. Increasing lung compliance and decreasing ECMO flow rates correlated well with decreasing (improving) radiographic score. Pathologic changes were mainly those associated with intensive respiratory support and the underlying pulmonary condition. One patient had diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage. Other than bleeding, no distinctive pathologic features could be attributed to therapy with ECMO. We conclude that the degree of pulmonary opacification seen in infants undergoing ECMO therapy is an accurate reflection of markedly decreased lung compliance and lung volumes caused by hyaline membrane formation, pulmonary edema, and atelectasis associated with the various causes of severe respiratory failure.  相似文献   

The value of MR imaging was compared with that of high-resolution CT in assessing chronic infiltrative lung disease in 25 patients. The cases included nine patients with usual interstitial pneumonia, six with sarcoidosis, four with hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and six with miscellaneous conditions. The diagnosis was proved by biopsy (n = 17) or by means of clinical, laboratory, and radiologic criteria (n = 8). All patients had 1.5-T MR imaging and CT of the chest. Cardiac-gated T1-, proton density-, and T2-weighted spin-echo sequences were obtained. Initially, the MR images were assessed independently; later they were compared directly with the corresponding CT scans. In six patients, MR images and CT scans were obtained before open lung biopsy, and the images and scans were assessed prospectively. CT was superior to MR imaging in the anatomic assessment of the lung parenchyma and in showing fibrosis. However, areas of air-space opacification (ground-glass opacities) were seen as well on MR as on high-resolution CT. In the six patients who had open lung biopsy, areas of air-space opacification seen on MR and on CT corresponded to areas of active alveolitis or air-space infiltrates pathologically. Follow-up in six patients showed equal degrees of change in the air-space opacification over time on MR and CT. We conclude that, although MR imaging is inferior to high-resolution CT in the assessment of chronic infiltrative lung diseases, it may play a role in the assessment and follow-up of patients with air-space opacification.  相似文献   

High resolution CT (HRCT; 1-2 mm collimation scans reconstructed with a high spatial frequency algorithm) is an established technique for the evaluation of diffuse infiltrative lung diseases. For many of these diseases, the features shown on HRCT correlate well with the histopathological abnormalities. The purpose of this pictorial essay is to illustrate HRCT appearances in various diffuse infiltrative lung diseases.  相似文献   

Thin-section computed tomography (CT) was performed in 244 patients with infiltrative lung diseases and 29 healthy control subjects to evaluate the frequency, profusion, and diagnostic value of subpleural parenchymal micronodules. These areas of increased attenuation (less than 7 mm in diameter) were analyzed in four groups: coal miners with chest radiographic findings of coal worker's pneumoconiosis (n = 61), coal miners with no radiographic evidence of pneumoconiosis (n = 73), patients with nonoccupational chronic infiltrative lung disease (n = 110), and healthy adults (n = 29). Subpleural parenchymal micronodules were observed with high frequency in pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis, coal worker's pneumoconiosis, and sarcoidosis but were also seen in 14% of control subjects. Predominant sites of lesions were the posterior subpleural areas in the upper lobes. Subpleural parenchymal micronodules have no diagnostic value when observed as an isolated CT finding but may suggest that diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, sarcoidosis, or pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis when observed in association with mild parenchymal lesions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺腺癌局部生长的螺旋CT表现特点与组织病理基础的基础关性。方法:34例手术病理证实的肺腺癌采用扫描。结合组织病理发现,观察和评价和评价在螺旋CT上肿瘤内部结构,密度分布、边缘特征及周围肺组织改变。结果:34例肺腺癌中,肿块密度均匀14例(41%),不均匀20例(59%),分叶片22例(65%),空泡征10例(29%),短毛刺16例(47%),支气管气相7例(21%),血管集束征16例(47%),胸膜凹陷征19例(56%),毛玻璃样(ground galass opacity,GGO)征7例(21%),GGO征病理上代表肿瘤细胞沿肺泡壁生长,同时残留含气肺泡组织。结论:肺腺癌的螺旋CT表现可反映肿瘤生长的组织病理学特征。  相似文献   

Fibrous stroma found in two patients with chronic pancreatitis was investigated. The helical CT-pathologic correlation confirmed that fibrous stroma found in the subcapsular zone of the pancreatic parenchyma corresponded to the area that was identified as a hypodense zone in the early phase by spiral CT and became isodense with the internal parenchyma in the delayed phase. These CT findings have an important implication for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Smoking-related interstitial lung diseases (SRILD) are a heterogeneous group of entities of unknown cause. These diseases include desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP), respiratory-bronchiolitis-related interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD), pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis (LCH) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). High-resolution CT is highly sensitive in the detection of abnormalities in the lung parenchyma and airways. Ground-glass attenuation can occur in DIP and RB-ILD. Whereas DIP is histologically characterized by intra-alveolar pigmented macrophages, RB-ILD shows alveolar macrophages in a patchy peribronchiolar distribution. LCH shows nodular infiltrates on histopathological examination containing varying amounts of characteristic Langerhans’ histiocytes. The HRCT findings are characteristically bilateral, symmetrical and diffuse, involving the upper lobe zones with sparing of the costophrenic angles. The most prominent CT features are nodules (sometimes cavitary) measuring 1 to 10 mm in diameter, cysts and areas of ground-glass attenuation. Pathologically, IPF is characterized by its heterogeneity with areas of normal clung, alveolitis and end-stage fibrosis shown in the same biopsy specimen. High-resolution CT findings consist of honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis and intralobular interstitial thickening with subpleural and lower lung predominance. Since coexisting lesions in the same cases have been observed, a better understanding of the different smoking-related interstitial lung diseases (SRILD) allows a more confident and specific diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠滋养细胞疾病(GTD)的MRI表现及与病理改变的相关性,旨在提高对本痛的认识.方法:回顾性分析21例妊娠滋养细胞疾病患者的MRI表现、病理资料、手术所见及临床资料.结果:21例中葡萄胎9例,主要MRI表现为子宫体积增大,宫腔内有葡萄状或蜂窝状囊泡影,病变包膜完整;其中8例行增强扫描,显示囊泡无明显强化,7...  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠滋养细胞疾病(GTD)的MRI表现及与病理改变的相关性,旨在提高对本痛的认识.方法:回顾性分析21例妊娠滋养细胞疾病患者的MRI表现、病理资料、手术所见及临床资料.结果:21例中葡萄胎9例,主要MRI表现为子宫体积增大,宫腔内有葡萄状或蜂窝状囊泡影,病变包膜完整;其中8例行增强扫描,显示囊泡无明显强化,7例囊泡间分隔较均匀强化,1例分隔强化欠均匀.侵袭性葡萄胎及绒毛膜癌各6例,MRI检查示宫体扩大,腔内蜂窝状或囊实性异常信号影,分隔杂乱;包膜不完整,侵犯肌层;3例合并病变内出血;12例宫腔内或肌层内血管增粗、增多;11例子宫周围血管增多、纡曲;其中5例行增强扫描,显示肿瘤内分隔及实性部分强化,囊性部分无明显强化,2例病变内有片状强化.结论:妊娠滋养细胞疾病的MRI表现具有一定特征性,MRI能较好地显示病变的内部结构、明确肿瘤范围,结合临床病史及实验室检查可以作出诊断,并可在早期提示病变的良恶性,从而指导临床制订治疗方案.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the thin-section CT features of small peripheral carcinomas of the lung on the basis of pathologic findings of tumor growth patterns. Thin-section CT and pathologic correlation was evaluated in 19 patients with surgically verified small peripheral carcinomas of the lung ( < 20 mm in size) that had been detected in a screening trial for lung cancer using spiral CT. Four thin-section CT types of nodules were observed: (a) type L1 (4 of 19, 21 %), a fairly well-defined nodule with ground-glass attenuation, corresponding to tumor lepidic growth without alveolar collapse; (b) type L2 (4 of 19, 21 %), a partly lobulated nodule with a low but inhomogeneous attenuation, corresponding to tumor lepidic growth with scattered foci of alveolar collapse; (c) type L3 (4 of 19, 21 %), an ill-defined nodule with an irregularly shaped higher-density central zone in a ground-glass attenuation peripheral zone, accompanied by convergence of the bronchovascular structures from the surrounding lung parenchyma, which corresponded to desmoplastic response in the central zone and to tumor lepidic growth in the peripheral zone; and (d) type H (7 of 19, 37 %), a well-defined nodule with a solid homogeneous attenuation, corresponding to tumor hilic growth. Thin-section CT features of small peripheral carcinomas of the lung can be classified into four types, based on the density distribution of the tumor, which reflect the histologic findings. Received: 4 September 1998; Revised: 25 November 1998; Accepted: 17 March 1999  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the computed tomographic (CT) features of myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor of the lung with histopathologic correlation. The medical records and imaging studies of eight patients with pathologically proven myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor of the lung were reviewed. On radiographs and CT images, a poorly circumscribed mass or nodule was evident in five patients (six lesions), and a well-circumscribed lesion was evident in three patients (three lesions). Seven lesions were peripheral and two were centrally located. At CT, five lesions were of heterogeneous attenuation and four homogeneous. Increased perilesional parenchymal abnormalities, which were caused by peribronchial inflammatory infiltrates, were observed in three cases. The predominant histopathologic feature was organizing pneumonia type in three cases, lymphoplasmacytic type in three cases, and both organizing pneumonia and lymphoplasmacytic type in two cases. Variable degree of fibrous histiocytoma type was observed in all cases. The imaging characteristics of myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor of the lung are variable and nonspecific. The authors conclude that most cases appear as solitary, peripheral lesions with a predilection for the lower lobes. Associated findings may include perilesional inflammatory changes. Because myofibroblastic inflammatory tumor cannot be reliably differentiated from other pulmonary lesions based solely on the imaging appearance diagnostic biopsy is mandatory. Interpretation of the imaging findings combined with the histopathologic features of disease may help make correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

High resolution CT of the lung parenchyma with pathologic correlation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors describe a technique for directly correlating high resolution CT scans and gross and histologic sections of the lung. They conclude that HRCT provides anatomic detail comparable to that seen on gross tissue inspection.  相似文献   

目的 探讨非哺乳期乳腺炎性病变的MRI表现及其病理基础.方法 回顾性分析术前行动态增强乳腺MRI检查,且经病理确诊的非哺乳期乳腺炎性病变患者78例.其中27例行DWI检查.观察MR图像上病灶的动态增强特点及DWI表现.病灶内部强化分为环形强化、不均匀强化(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型)、均匀强化及集簇状强化.观察4种主要病理改变(脓肿、导管扩张、炎性囊肿和其他炎性表现)的出现情况.将MRI和病理结果进行对照.结果 78例中,环形强化55例,不均匀强化Ⅰ型10例,不均匀强化Ⅱ型9例,均匀强化2例,集簇状强化2例.27例行DWI的患者中,17例病灶内部强化为环形强化,在DWI上均呈中央高信号,其病理表现多为炎性囊肿(9例)和脓肿(8例);1例呈环形强化,在DWI上呈周边高信号,其病理表现为炎性囊肿;3例呈不均匀强化Ⅰ型,在DWI上均呈不均匀高信号,其病理表现均为其他炎性表现;6例呈不均匀强化Ⅱ型,在DWI上均呈类圆形或条状高信号,其病理表现为脓肿(5例)及导管扩张(3例).结论 非哺乳期乳腺炎性病变在MRI上具有一定特征,其MRI表现和病理基础有关.  相似文献   

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