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Des essais ont été faits dans ľutilisation des paramètres bialogiques pour déterminer la fréquence optimale de stimulation cardiaque. Dans cette étude, le rapport entre fréquence respiratoire et fréquence cordiaque a étéétabli chez 67 patients au cours de ľexercice. Ensuite, un système de stimulation cardiaque qui repondrait àľactivation radiotélémétrique a été posé chez onze patients. Dans deux cos un système automatique a été implanté avec succès. A present, les résultats de cette stimulation pilotée par la fréquence respiratoire sont satisfaisants.
Efforts have been made to utilize biologic parameters for determining optimal cardiac pacing rates. In this study of 67 patients, a significant relationship between heart rate and respiratory rate was observed during dynamic exercise. A system using a radiofrequency activator to modify pacing rate is described. Eleven patients have received VVI pacemakers with a similar implanted radioreceiver coil. In two patients the fully automatic system has been successfully implanted. The experience with respiratory rate as a determinant of pacing rate is encouraging.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determint; the adequate pacing rate during exercise in ventricular pacing by measuring exercise capacity, cardiac output, and sinus node activity. Eighteen patients with complete AV block and an implanted pacemaker underwent cardiopulmonary exercise tests under three randomized pacing rates: fixed rate pacing (VVJ) at 60 beats/min and ventricular rate-responsive pacing (VVIR) programmed to attain a heart rate of about 110 beats/min ar 130 beats/min (VVIR 110 and VVIR 130, respectively) at the end of exercise. Compared with VVI and VVIR 130, VVIR 110 was associated with an increased peak oxygen uptake(VVIR 110:20.3 ± 4.5 vs VVI: 16.9 ± 3.1; P < 0.01; and VVIR 130: 19.0 ± 4.1 mL/min per kg, respectively; P < 0.05) and a higher oxygen uptake at anaerobic threshold (15.3 ± 2.7, 12.7 ± 1.9; P < 0.01, and 14.6 ± 2.6 mL/min per kg; P < 0.05). The atrial rate during exercise expressed as a percentage of the expected maximal heart rate was lower in VVIR 110 than in VVI or VVIR 130 (VVIR 110: 75.9%± 14.6% vs VVI: 90.6%± 12.8%; P < 0.01; VVIR 110 vs VVIR 130: 89.1%± 23.1%; P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in cardiac output at peak exercise between VVIR 110 and VVIR 130. We conclude that a pacing rate for submaximal exercise of 110 beats/min may be preferable to that of 130 beats/min in respect to exercise capacity and sympathetic nerve activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of atrioventricular (AV) sequential and ventricular pacing at rest and during exercise on parameters of left ventricular performance. Twenty-five patients were studied by means of first pass radionuclide angiography. Pacing rates increased significantly (P < 0.001) during exercise in both pacing modes, resulting in a significant increase in the cardiac index (P < 0.001). Pulmonary transit times decreased significantly (P < 0.001) during exercise in both pacing modes with a significantly shorter pulmonary transit time for AV sequential pacing at rest (P < 0.01) and during exercise (P < 0.05), indicating impaired left ventricular function in ventricular pacing. Regional left ventricular wall movement deteriorated significantly during exercise in both pacing modes (P < 0.02), with a significantly worse performance during ventricular pacing at rest (P < 0.05) and during exercise (P < 0.05). Therefore, the price to be paid for rate response is a deterioration of regional wall movement. An additional loss of AV synchrony worsens the situation. It is concluded that rate modulated pacing requires preservation of AV coordination to optimize left ventricular performance.  相似文献   

Reliability of Minute Ventilation as a Parameter for Rate Responsive Pacing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A minute ventilation sensing rate responsive pacemaker was implanted in 11 patients with bradycardias. Their mean age was 59 +/- 4 years (mean +/- SEM). The pacemaker measures minute ventilation by sensing intravascular impedance using a standard bipolar electrode. The rate responsive programming was simple: apart from ascribing an upper and lower rate, the only programmable parameter was the slope of rate response. This could be derived approximately by assessing the suggested slope value during an exercise test in the 'adaptive VVI' mode. Compared with exercise in the VVI mode, symptom limited treadmill tests in the rate responsive mode showed a 33% improvement of exercise capacity and a 44% improvement of cardiac output as determined noninvasively by continuous wave Doppler measurements of the ascending aortic blood flow. The pacing rate was appropriately increased during a variety of daily activities such as walking at different speeds and gradients, and ascending and descending stairs. Voluntary interference of the respiratory pattern such as during coughing and hyperventilation increased the pacing rate from a resting rate of 70 bpm to 111 +/- 10 and 86 +/- 4 bpm respectively. Continuous talking during exercise attenuated the expected rate response. The pacemaker can sense activity induced by arm swinging. In conclusion, the Meta pacemaker improved cardiac output and exercise capacity in patients with bradycardias. Its rate response was related to workload. Although voluntary interference affected the pacing rate, excessive rate acceleration was not encountered.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic deterioration occurs with ventricular pacing rate increase in the presence of severe chagasic cardiomyopathy. Syncope and orthopnea occurred during ventricular pacemaker evaluation when the pacing rate was temporarily increased by magnet application. Cardiac output decreased by 54%, the arterial blood pressure by 38%. and the pulmonary wedge pressure increased by 54%. Such severe myocardial compromise may limit the use of rate modulated pacemakers.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate exercise performance in 18 dual chamber pacemaker patients believed to be chronotropically incompetent. All patients were paced in a DDD AV synchronous mode at 80 beats per minute (beats/min) as well as an externally triggered, activity responsive VVIR mode. Patients underwent two single blind, randomized symptom-limited treadmill tests (Sheffield protocol). Four of the 18 patients achieved intrinsic rates greater than 100 beats/min and were deleted from the primary study. It was noted that all four of these patients performed best with intrinsic rate response and AV synchrony. Thirteen of the remaining 14 patients demonstrated improved exercise tolerance in the VVIR mode. Average exercise time in the VVIR mode (7:25 +/- 3:12 min) was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) than the DDD mode (6:01 +/- 2:27 min). Work performed was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) in the VVIR mode (4.77 +/- 1.97 METS) than in the DDD mode (3.78 +/- 0.77 METS). Maximum heart rates were 83.86 +/- 5.11 beats/min in DDD mode versus 116.00 +/- 10.56 beats/min in VVIR mode. The results demonstrated that improved exercise tolerance can be achieved with single chamber rate variable pacing compared to DDD pacing in patients with chronotropic incompetence. However, potential symptoms associated with loss of AV synchrony should be ruled out.  相似文献   

Atrial standstill (atrial paralysis) is a rare reason for permanent bradycardia. A case of atrial standstill is presented. A 35-year-old man had suffered from bradycardia since his childhood. For 2 years he had complaints (diminishment of his working capacity, and dyspnea occurred with effort) as well. On admission, a slow (38/min) junctional escape rhythm could be detected. There were no signs of atrial mechanical activity (atrial contraction) according to chest x ray, echocardiography, and the atrial pressure curve. The electrophysiological study revealed that the atria could not be electrically stimulated, and no P wave (A wave) could be recorded on right atrial electrograms. The patient received a rate responsive pacemaker. After pacemaker implantation, he became symptom-free; his working capacity improved markedly and his heart size decreased. Owing to the permanent bradycardia and the lack of atrial stimulation, the atrial standstill represents an indication for ventricular rate responsive pacing. Atrial standstill, permanent bradycardia, and the inability to stimulate the atrium are indications for ventricular rate responsive pacing.  相似文献   

A 58-year-old man with an implanted minute ventilation rate adaptive DDD pacemaker underwent RF ablation of the AV junction because of symptomatic supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Immediately after ablation, while the pacemaker was programmed in the DDDR mode, AV sequential pacing at upper rate was observed. After programming the pacing system to the DDD mode and repeated ablation, no abnormalities were observed. It was concluded that AV sequential upper rate pacing was caused by false interpretation of the RF current by the sensor measuring transthoracic impedance as an indicator for minute ventilation.  相似文献   

Eighteen patients, five women and 13 men, (mean age 70 +/- S.E.M. 2 years) treated with QT sensing rate responsive pacemakers due to symptomatic high degree AV block took part in a double-blind study, comparing the rate responsive (TX) mode with fixed rate ventricular inhibited (VVI) pacing. The pacemaker was blindly programmed to either mode in a cross-over design. During the 1 month period a daily diary of symptoms (chest pain, vertigo, dyspnea, and palpitations) was kept. At the end of each period, a mental stress test and an exercise test were performed. The patient rated the general well-being and stated a preference for one of the modes. In the TX mode the heart rate was significantly higher at the end of exercise compared with VVI (107 +/- 4 vs 73 +/- 3 bpm; P less than 0.001) and the exercise tolerance was improved by 9% (104 +/- 8 vs 96 +/- 7 W; P less than 0.01). The patients reported significantly less dyspnea and fatigue at comparable workloads with TX pacing. During the mental stress test the pacing rate increased by 10% in the TX mode (from 73 +/- 2 to 82 +/- 4 bpm; P less than 0.001). There was a physiological rate variability on 24-hour Holter monitoring. Ten patients reported a significant improvement in feeling of general well-being in the TX mode. Eleven patients preferred the TX mode, five patients could not distinguish between the modes and two patients preferred the VVI mode due to worsening of angina pectoris with TX pacing. This preference for the TX mode was significant (P less than 0.05). The results of this controlled study indicate that TX is preferable to VVI in most cases, but the worsening of angina pectoris in two of the patients and the occurrence of rapid rate oscillations in a third patient are factors that warrant some caution in selecting patients.  相似文献   

A sensor driven algorithm limiting ventricular pacing rate during supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is included in a dual chamber rate modulated pacemaker sensitive to acceleration forces (Relay, 294-03, Intermedics Inc.). According to the intensity of concomitant exercise, the ventricular pacing rate is limited either to the programmed maximum pacing rate (MPR) or to an interim lower limit, called "conditional ventricular tracking limit" (CVTL). The MPR prevails over the CVTL when the sensor calculated pacing rate exceeds the minimal rate by more than 20 beats/mm. The purpose of the study is to determine the clinical safety and efficacy of this algorithm in patients with intermittent SVT. Method: a Relay was implanted in four patients with a bradycardia/tachycardia syndrome and in four patients with complete atrioventricular block (CAVB). All had episodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. The units were programmed in DDDR: rate responsive parameters were adjusted by simulating the rate response during three levels of exercise to let the MPR override the CVTL only during strenuous exercise. Holter monitors and exercise testings were performed at 3-month follow-up. Results: in seven patients, Holter recordings showed Supraventricular arrhythmias at rest with a ventricular pacing rate limited to the CVTL. Appropriate rate increases during exercise testings were also demonstrated. Three devices had to be reprogrammed in DDIR tone patient suffering from nearly permanent atrial flutter and two patients not tolerating the CVTL pacing rate at rest). Conclusion: the CVTL algorithm is effective in protecting against high ventricular pacing rates during Supraventricular arrhythmias. It allows the selection of the DDDR mode even with a high MPR in patients with intermittent SVT.  相似文献   

The ability of rate hysteresis programming with the escape interval longer than the automatic interval lo reduce the hypotensive response to carotid sinus massage at the onset of ventricular pacing was studied in six patients paced for carotid sinus syndrome. Rate hysteresis significantly reduced this hypotensive response and abolished spontaneous symptoms in two patients and symptoms reproduced by carotid sinus massage in four patients.  相似文献   

The ability of rate hysteresis programming with the escape interval longer than the automatic interval lo reduce the hypotensive response to carotid sinus massage at the onset of ventricular pacing was studied in six patients paced for carotid sinus syndrome. Rate hysteresis significantly reduced this hypotensive response and abolished spontaneous symptoms in two patients and symptoms reproduced by carotid sinus massage in four patients.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effects of two different pacing modes—rate adaptive atrial (AAIR) versus dual chamber (DDDR) pacing—were assessed in 12 patients with DDDR pacemakers during upright bicycle exercise first-pass radionuclide angiography using a multiwire gamma camera with tantalum-178 as a tracer. All patients had sinus node disease with intact AV conduction. Patients exercised to the same heart rate in random order in these two different pacing modes, AAIR and DDDR with AV delay (of 100 msec) selected to maintain 100% ventricular capture. Cardiac output in creased significantly above baseline values during exercise in both pacing modes: 154 ± 41% (mean ± SEM, P = 0.002) with AAIR, versus 95 ± 24% (P = 0.004) with DDDR (P = NS between the two modes). The peak filling rate, likewise, increased in both pacing modes (2.3 ± 0.21 end-diastolic volumes/sec to 3.8 ± 0.31 end-diastolic volumes/sec in AAIR [P = 0.0004] and 2.2 ± 0.18 end-diastolic volumes/sec to 3.4 ± 0.27 end-diastolic volumes/sec in DDDR [P = 0.0008]). LV ejection fraction was normal at rest (60 ± 4%, SEM) and did not significantly change with submaximal exercise in either pacing mode (both 56%, P = NS). No significant changes in end-diastolic volume or stroke volume indexes occurred with exercise in either pacing mode. Our study demonstrates that in patients with normal resting LV function, AAIR and DDDR pacing are equally effective in attaining appropriate increases in cardiac output and LV filling during exercise.  相似文献   

La saturation d'oxygene du sang du ventricule droit (So2) serait un capteur idéal pour asservir la fréquence d'un stimulateur implanté. Afin de prouver cette hypothèse, des inesures de So2 au repos et à l'éxercice ont été réalisées chez des sujets normaux et chez des patients porteurs de stimulateurs; ensuite un algorithme a été développé pour faire varier la fréquence de stimulation en fonction de la So2 mesurée. Les résultats suggèrent que cette méthode pourrait être utile aux implants à long terme.  相似文献   

Physiological stimulation can be achieved by either bifocal or rate responsive pacing. The latter pacemakers adapt the heart rate to physical activity by biological signals. Out of many possible approaches only three pacemaker systems for rate responsive pacing are available: the QT-pacemaker (Tx or Quintech), the respiratory biorate pacemaker, and the activity detecting Activitrax. Our own experiences (8 QT, 6 Biorate, 8 Activitrax pacemakers) and a survey of 95 QT- and 37 Biorate pacemakers from 11 centers are reported. The Biorate pacemaker functions without any problems; its present disadvantage is limited programmability. With the Tx pacemaker failing, frequency adaptation (26%) was found more often in the early series, mostly due to voltage polarization at the tip of the electrode. The Activitrax pacemaker gives satisfactory frequency adaptation, largely depending on the activity of the muscles of the shoulder and pectoral region.  相似文献   

The clinical appiicabiJity of rate-responsive pacing (RRP) by means of activity sensing has been tested in 15 patients. The patients (ages 24–85) had sinus node dysfunction (2), atrial fibrillation (7), or sinus rhythm (6) combined with complete atrioventricular block. Exercise capacity was investigated on a bicycle ergometer and on a treadmill in a double-blind cross-over study design following one week each of fixed rate ventricu/ar pacing (70 bpm) and rate-responsive pacing (60/125–150 bpm). The patients answered a questionnaire concerning subjective symptoms. A Holter ECG was recorded during 24 hours of all day activity on rate-responsive pacing. During exercise in the rate-responsive mode, heart rate increased more on the treadmill than on the bicycle. A majority of the patients (13 of 15) preferred rate-responsive pacing mainly due to less dyspnea and tiredness. Exercise capacity improved significantly both on bicycle (+7%; p < 0.01) and on treadmill (+19%; p < 0.01) during rate-responsive pacing. There were no complications during the follow-up period. In conclusion, the activitysensing pacemaker is a valuable supplement to existing types o/ pacemakers. It should be used in patients in whom an atrial electrogram cannot be used for rate triggering.  相似文献   

The observation of a close relationship of heart rate to oxygen uptake (HH-VO2) and heart rate to minute ventilation (HR-VE)has been shown to be of particular value in rate variable pacing. However, the impact of anaerobic threshold (AT)for the HH-VO2 and HH-VE slope has been studied Jess. Twenty-three male and 16 female subjects, mean age 52 ± 7 years, were selected in whom complete heart catherization and extensive noninvasive sludies excluded major cardiopulmonary disease. Semisupine bicycle exercise testing with analysis of respiratory gas exchange was performed using a ramping work rate protocol with work increments of 20 watts/min. At the respiratory AT, determined by the V slope method, oxygen uptake (VO2-AT)was 15.2 ± 3.0 mL/kg in males versus 13.8 ± 2.3 mL/kg in females and heart rate (HR-AT)was 109 ± 18 beats/min versus 119 ± 20 beats/min, respectively. Heart rate was highly correlated (r ±0.9)to VO2 and minute ventilation (VE). A linear regression for HR-VO2, however, was found only in 16/39 and for HR-VE in 11/39 subjects. Assuming the AT as the breakpoint of two linear curves, it could be demonstrated that compared to low exercise HR appeared to increase at maximal exercise more in relation to VO2 but less in relation to VE; in men the individual slopes for HR-VO2 were 2.6 ± 0.7 below but 3.2 ± 1.0 above AT (P < 0.05) and the slopes for HH-VE were 1.6 ± 0.5 below but 1.0 ± 0,4 above AT (P < 0.05). Similarly, in women the individual slopes for HR-VO2 were 3.7 ± 1.4 below but 4.3 ± 1.4 above AT (P < 0.05)and the slopes for HR-VE were 2.1 ± 0.9 below but 1.3 ± 0.4 above AT (P < 0.05). The differences between male and female subjects were significant. The nonlinear behavior of the HB-VO2 and HR-VE relation from rest to maximal exercise should have a particular impact in respiratory controlied pacing systems.  相似文献   

In the past, thought about rate responsive pacing mainly focused on rate increase with exercise but did not consider that a rate increase with postural changes also is mandatory in order to prevent orthostatic reactions. A nightly decrease in pacemaker rate when the body is at rest and in a supine position is a further advantage for the patient's sleep and recovery. Therefore, we developed a sensor that could detect not only rest and body activity but also discriminate between a supine and an upright position. This sensor is a muiticontact tilt switch containing a small mercury ball, as shown in the left panel of the figure below. The principle of discrimination between rest and low and high body activity is realized by the movement of the mercury ball resulting from body motion, which causes openings and closures within the sensor as the ball touches the numerous sensor contacts. In the upright position, a distinct number of contacts at the bottom of the tilt switch are closed. In the supine position, there is no closure of the bottom contacts and a postural discrimination can he achieved. We studied 12 volunteers and 10 pacemaker patients with this new device both at rest and during physical exercise. The right panel of the figure illustrates that the contacts per second correlate to the increase of physical exercise, such as walking on the treadmill. Further studies with an external pacemaker containing a small sensor suitable to fit into the pacemaker are in preparation.  相似文献   

Following the Fontan operation for definitive palliation of the univentricular heart, sinus node dysfunction, and/or atrioventricular block requiring pacemaker therapy is common. In previous studies ventricular rate responsive pacing (VVI, R) resulted in improved exercise performance over VVI pacing in anatomically normal hearts with either sinus node disease or atrioventricular block. In this study, the usefulness of both VVI, R and DDD, R pacing are evaluated in the postoperative univentricular heart following the Fontan operation. Eight postoperative Fontan patients with sinus node disease or atrioventricular block underwent exercise testing using a treadmill protocol. Six patients had single chamber ventricular pacemakers and two patients had dual chambered rate responsive pacemakers. Median age at exercise testing was 14 years. Patients were tested in the VVI, VVI, R, and DDD, R modes acting as their own controls. Heart rate, work rate, oxygen consumption, and respiratory exchange ratio were monitored continuously. Heart rate was significantly increased in the rate responsive modes compared to the VVI mode. In spite of the significant increase in heart rate, there was no change in maximal work rate or oxygen consumption. There was also no significant change in oxygen consumption at ventilatory anaerobic threshold. From these data we would conclude that VVI, R pacing in postoperative univentricular hearts does not result in improved exercise performance and that further study with DDD, R pacing is needed to determine its usefulness in this group of patients.  相似文献   

Optimal Cardiac Pacing in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pacemaker patients with coronary artery disease and angina pectoris fare better with devices providing AV synchrony and rate increase on exercise provided the programmed upper rate is not excessive. Optimal programming requires knowledge of the factors influencing pacemaker rate response, MVO2 and cardiac sympathetic activity. Inappropriately high rates during rate adaptive pacing can be controlled by new multisensor systems with sensor cross-checking to avoid false positive responses with inappropriate increases in the pacing rate. Permanent pacing in patients with intractable angina who are unsuitable for interventional procedures permits more aggressive pharmacological therapy.  相似文献   

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