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<正>骨盆骨折是较严重的创伤,骨盆前环外固定可增加骨盆环的稳定性,为维持血流动力学平衡创造条件,赢得后续治疗时间。笔者自2003年1月~2008年6月对31例骨盆骨折患者采用骨盆外固定架治疗,取得满意效果。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的评估应用前环皮下内置外固定架(internal fixation,INFIX)联合后环骶髂螺钉治疗不稳定骨盆骨折的临床疗效。方法2016年8月-2017年9月,采用前环皮下INFIX联合后环骶髂螺钉治疗不稳定骨盆骨折19例。其中男14例,女5例;年龄17~69岁,平均40.6岁。致伤原因:交通事故伤11例,高处坠落伤5例,重物砸伤3例。骨折根据Tile分型,B1型2例,B2型6例,C型11例。前环损伤包括双侧耻骨坐骨支骨折12例,单侧耻骨坐骨支骨折5例,耻骨联合分离2例;后环损伤包括骶髂韧带损伤2例,单侧髂骨骨折3例,单侧骶骨骨折11例,单侧骶髂关节脱位2例,双侧骶骨骨折1例。受伤至手术时间2~11 d,平均6.1 d。记录术中出血量及手术时间,观察骨折愈合情况及术后并发症情况。采用Matta评分标准评价骨折复位情况,采用Majeed评分标准评估患者术后功能。结果患者手术时间为47~123 min,平均61.4 min;术中出血量为50~115 mL,平均61.1 mL。术后1例发生植钉处切口浅表感染,1例发生单侧股外侧皮神经激惹,经相应处理后治愈或症状消失。无泌尿系统、生殖系统及肠道等损伤。所有患者均获随访,随访时间12~25个月,平均18.1个月。术后骨折均愈合,愈合时间8~13周,平均9.5周;无骨折不愈合、延迟愈合,内固定物松动、断裂等情况发生。2例术前腰骶丛神经损伤患者中,1例功能完全恢复,1例残留轻度跛行症状。末次随访时采用Matta评分标准评价骨折复位情况,获优13例、良6例,优良率100%;采用Majeed评分标准评价功能,获优15例、良4例,优良率100%。结论应用前环皮下INFIX联合后环骶髂螺钉治疗不稳定骨盆骨折临床疗效满意,并发症较少,是一种微创治疗骨盆环损伤的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经皮骨盆前环内固定支架(INFIX)联合后路钢板治疗骨盆骨折的疗效。方法 INFIX联合后路钢板治疗15例不稳定型骨盆前、后环骨折患者。记录手术情况、骨折复位及愈合情况、术后并发症发生情况。采用Majeed标准评价患者髋关节功能恢复情况。结果 患者均获得随访,时间9~14个月。切口总长度10~14 cm,手术时间80~100 min,术中出血量60~100 ml。术后根据Matta et al标准评价骨折复位情况:优8例,良7例。术后3例发生股外侧皮神经症状,1例切口感染。术后开始部分负重时间3~12周。术后4~8周骨痂开始形成,10~20周骨折均愈合。末次随访时,完全下地行走14例,1例扶拐行走;采用Majeed标准评价患者髋关节功能恢复情况:优14例,良1例。结论 INFIX联合后路钢板治疗骨盆骨折,手术简便,安全系数高,符合骨科微创医疗原则和精准医疗原则,有利于患者术后功能的恢复。  相似文献   

经皮固定骨盆环的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
骨盆骨折多为高能量创伤所致,不稳定的骨盆环损伤常合并严重的出血、休克、腹腔盆腔重要脏器损伤,具有病死率高,后期并发症多的特点,早期精确复位和即刻固定稳定骨盆,能够减少相关的并发症,改善预后。但由于对骨盆骨折所致出血、复杂的合并症及手术创伤等方面的顾虑,限制了急诊开放复位固定手术的应用。随着术中影像学设备的不断发展,骨盆生物力学研究的进一步深入,使经皮固定骨盆环成为早期稳定骨盆的一种理想的微创手术,本文就经皮固定骨盆环的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

骨盆前环骨折是临床常见的骨盆骨折类型,由于其解剖形态的特殊性及损伤机制的复杂性,导致了其治疗方案存在个体化差异。对于骨盆前环骨折采用何种内固定方式,需结合多方面因素,应该由骨折类型、部位、污染、软组织损伤等方面决定。随着影像学及计算机技术的发展,经皮微创治疗骨盆前环骨折逐渐成为可能,现对目前常用的经皮微创治疗骨盆前环骨折的手术方式、适应证及优缺点予以概况和总结。  相似文献   

目的探讨骨盆前环外固定架固定(anterior pelvic external fixation,APEF)与皮下前环内置外架(internal anterior fixation,INFIX)治疗骨盆前环骨折的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2019年1月由河南省人民医院骨科收治的61例骨盆不稳定骨折的患者资料,根据治疗方式分为两组:APEF固定组30例,其中男17例,女13例;年龄36~58岁,平均为(46.2±2.2)岁。骨盆骨折根据Tile分型,B型14例,C型16例;均采用外固定架固定前环。INFIX组31例,其中男14例,女17例;年龄37~60岁,平均为(47.1±2.4)岁。骨盆骨折根据Tile分型:B型13例,C型18例;均采用皮下前环内置外架固定前环。比较两组患者的术后骨折复位质量、手术或术后并发症(包括医源性神经损伤、感染、螺钉松动、骨不愈合等)及疗效等。结果61例患者均获得随访,随访时间12~18个月,平均(14.2±2.3)个月。术后骨折复位质量根据Matta评分标准评定,APEF组优10例,良16例,可3例,差1例,优良率为86.7%;INFIX组优9例,良18例,可2例,差2例,优良率为87.1%;两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。末次随访时根据Majeed骨盆功能评分系统评定疗效,APEF组优15例,良10例,可5例,优良率为83.3%;INFIX组优16例,良12例,可3例,优良率为90.3%;两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者在术后3个月随访时骨折均全部愈合。APEF组3例(10%)患者股外侧皮神经损伤,5例(16.7%)出现螺钉松动,4例(13.3%)发生钉道感染;INFIX组4例(12.9%)出现股外侧皮神经损伤,1例(3.2%)出现皮肤感染,无螺钉松动发生。APEF组股外侧皮神经损伤发生率较INFIX组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);APEF组患者螺钉松动、钉道感染率高于INFIX组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论APEF和INFIX均能提高骨盆的稳定性,但INFIX可获得较好的临床疗效,且并发症发生率较低,患者接受度高。  相似文献   

[目的]介绍经骨盆前环皮下钢板内固定(APIF)术治疗骨盆前环骨折的手术技术,并报告8例患者的临床治疗体会。[方法]总结本院骨科2012年27月间,8例骨盆前环骨折患者采用APIF手术治疗要点,包括手术适应证、切口定位、皮下隧道的创建、接骨板的塑形与固定、手术注意要点。术后逐月随访,分析患者恢复状况,评估APIF手术治疗骨盆前环骨折的安全性及疗效。[结果]8例患者骨盆手术时间207月间,8例骨盆前环骨折患者采用APIF手术治疗要点,包括手术适应证、切口定位、皮下隧道的创建、接骨板的塑形与固定、手术注意要点。术后逐月随访,分析患者恢复状况,评估APIF手术治疗骨盆前环骨折的安全性及疗效。[结果]8例患者骨盆手术时间2070 min,平均35 min;出血量5070 min,平均35 min;出血量50100 ml,平均60 ml。患者术中均未发生血管、神经损伤。术后所有患者均无腹股沟区及大腿外侧的皮肤感觉异常,6例男性患者均无阴囊肿胀、疼痛。患者切口均一期愈合,无深静脉血栓形成。1例患者因其他疾病术后死亡,7例患者术后随访12100 ml,平均60 ml。患者术中均未发生血管、神经损伤。术后所有患者均无腹股沟区及大腿外侧的皮肤感觉异常,6例男性患者均无阴囊肿胀、疼痛。患者切口均一期愈合,无深静脉血栓形成。1例患者因其他疾病术后死亡,7例患者术后随访1218个月,术后随访X线片显示内固定牢固,骨折愈合良好。根据Majeed骨盆骨折评分系统进行功能评价,优6例,良1例。[结论]对于不稳定性骨盆前环损伤,APIF手术是一种安全性高、手术操作简便、微创、疗效肯定、并发症少的的固定方案。  相似文献   

经皮内固定治疗骨盆环损伤   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着交通运输业和工农业的发展,骨盆骨折的发生率逐年升高,且骨盆骨折程度及移位情况复杂,治疗难度较大,致残率及致死率较高。传统上对骨盆骨折采取保守治疗,如骨牵引、骨盆悬吊、石膏固定等方法,致残率高达50%-60%。近年来,随着对骨盆骨折的认识不断深入,尤其在骨盆的解剖、生物力学、影像技术、治疗器械方面的发展,对不稳定性骨盆骨折采取了更加积极的手术治疗,以降低死亡率和致残率。自2003年5月至2008年9月对23例患者不稳定的骨盆骨折进行了手术治疗,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨手术内固定治疗骨盆后环损伤的临床疗效.方法 对22例骨盆后环损伤患者分别采用微创技术椎弓根螺钉固定、骶髂关节空心螺钉固定及骨盆重建带后方髂髂固定3种方式治疗.结果 22例均随访,时间4~22个月.无切口感染、血管神经损伤及内固定松动或断裂,无骨折不愈合.结论 微创椎弓根螺钉固定、骶髂关节空心螺钉固定及骨盆重建带后方髂髂固定3种方式均为治疗骨盆后环损伤的有效方法,根据骨折类型及患者的情况选择不同的内固定方式,可获满意疗效.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨骨盆前、后环微创内固定在骨盆C型骨折治疗中的可行性、技术要点以及临床效果。方法:自2010年12月至2015年12月,选择经髂腹股沟微创小切口重建接骨板内固定治疗骨盆前环损伤;经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定治疗骨盆后环损伤患者18例,男11例,女7例;年龄29~68岁,平均43.6岁。骨折按Tile分型:C1型14例,C2型3例,C3型1例。耻骨骨折合并同侧骶骨骨折12例,耻骨骨折合并同侧骶髂关节脱位2例,双侧耻骨骨折合并单侧骶骨骨折伴耻骨联合分离3例,双侧耻骨骨折合并双侧骶髂关节骨折脱位1例。观察结果包括手术时间、手术出血量、腰骶神经及髂血管损伤情况、骨折复位情况等。结果:所有患者伤口Ⅰ期愈合,无感染、深静脉血栓、腰骶神经及髂血管损伤、异位骨化等并发症发生。根据Matta复位标准,优14例,良3例,可1例。16例患者获得随访,时间6~33个月,平均16.7个月。根据Majeed疗效评价标准,优15例,良1例,Majeed评分92.13±5.44。结论:骨盆前环损伤选择经髂腹股沟微创小切口重建接骨板内固定,骨盆后环损伤选择经皮骶髂关节螺钉内固定治疗骨盆C型骨折具有手术时间短、创伤小、出血少等优点,临床操作安全可行,疗效满意。  相似文献   



INFIX and Pelvic Bridge are two new minimally invasive surgical techniques for unstable pelvic ring injuries, and they have demonstrated early clinical success in small, single-center case-series. The primary objective of this study is to gather evidence speaking to the biomechanical stability of internal bridging methods relative to external fixation, with the expectation of biomechanical equivalence.


Ten human cadaveric pelvic specimens were dissected free of all skin, fat, organs, and musculature and were prepared with a partially unstable pelvic ring injury (OTA/AO 61-B). The specimens were randomized to two groups and were repaired and tested with anterior pelvic external fixation (APEF) and INFIX sequentially, or APEF and Pelvic Bridge sequentially. Testing was performed with each specimen mounted onto a servo-hydraulic testing frame with axial compression applied to the superior base of the sacrum under five axial loading/unloading sinusoidal cycles between 10?N and 1000?N at 0.1?Hz. Relative translational motion and rotation across the osteotomy site was reported as our primary outcome measures. Outcome measures were further analyzed using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to determine differences between non-parametric data sets with significance defined as a p value < 0.05.


We found no statistical difference in translation (p?=?0.237, 0.228) or rotation (p?=?0.278, 0.873) at the fracture site when comparing both new constructs to external fixation. Under the imposed loading protocol, no episodes of implant failure or failure at the bone-implant interface occurred.


Our study provides the biomechanical foundation necessary to support future clinical trial implementation for pelvic fracture patients. While biomechanical stability of these newer, subcutaneous techniques is equivalent to APEF, the surgeon must take into account their technical abilities and knowledge of pelvic anatomy, patient-specific factors including body habitus, and the potential complications associated with each implant and the ability to avoid them.  相似文献   

IntroductionSubcutaneous screw rod system which is popularly known as Pelvic internal fixator (INFIX) has emerged as an alternative to external fixators in management of unstable pelvic injuries. INFIX has shown various advantages over external fixation such as reduced infection rate and patient morbidity. However, it has its own set of complications such as lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury, heterotopic ossification, femoral nerve palsy etc. We intended to conduct a systematic review of the current literature to assess outcomes and complications with INFIX technique of fixation.MethodsA comprehensive search of literature was performed based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and online database of EMBASE, PubMed, Medline and Scopus was searched for all studies in English language till March 2020. Included studies were reviewed for demographic data, fracture type/classification, radiological outcome and functional outcomes. The inclusion criteria were: 1. Studies in English language 2. Clinical studies reporting use of INFIX technique in pelvis fracture where clinical and radiological outcomes were reported.ResultsTwenty-two studies fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this systematic review with total of 619 patients. Radiographic parameters and outcome measures were infrequently reported. Fixation with INFIX in these fractures leads to 87% excellent to good radiological results and 84% excellent to good functional results. Complications include lateral femoral cutaneous nerve irritation (25.3%), heterotopic ossification (24.7%), infection (3%), and femoral nerve palsy (1.6%); which is likely related to placing the bar and screws too deep.ConclusionThis analysis supports the use of INFIX in management of unstable pelvis fractures where anterior fixation is required.  相似文献   

IntroductionSubcutaneous screw rod system which is popularly known as Pelvic internal fixator (INFIX) has emerged as an alternative to external fixators in management of unstable pelvic injuries. INFIX has shown various advantages over external fixation such as reduced infection rate and patient morbidity. However, it has its own set of complications such as lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury, heterotopic ossification, femoral nerve palsy etc. We intended to conduct a systematic review of the current literature to assess outcomes and complications with INFIX technique of fixation.MethodsA comprehensive search of literature was performed based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and online database of EMBASE, PubMed, Medline and Scopus was searched for all studies in English language till March 2020. Included studies were reviewed for demographic data, fracture type/classification, radiological outcome and functional outcomes. The inclusion criteria were: 1. Studies in English language 2. Clinical studies reporting use of INFIX technique in pelvis fracture where clinical and radiological outcomes were reported.ResultsTwenty-two studies fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this systematic review with total of 619 patients. Radiographic parameters and outcome measures were infrequently reported. Fixation with INFIX in these fractures leads to 87% excellent to good radiological results and 84% excellent to good functional results. Complications include lateral femoral cutaneous nerve irritation (25.3%), heterotopic ossification (24.7%), infection (3%), and femoral nerve palsy (1.6%); which is likely related to placing the bar and screws too deep.ConclusionThis analysis supports the use of INFIX in management of unstable pelvis fractures where anterior fixation is required.  相似文献   

ObjectivesAnterior external fixation for pelvic ring fractures has shown to effectively improve stability and reduce mortality. However, these fixators can be associated with substantial morbidity such as pin tract infection, premature loss of fixation, and decreased quality of life in patients. Recently, two new methods of subcutaneous anterior pelvic internal fixation have been developed; the INFIX and the Pelvic Bridge. These methods have the purported advantages of lower wound complications, less surgical site pain, and improved quality of life.We sought to investigate the measured distances to critical anatomic structures, as well as the qualitative and topographic differences notable during implantation of both devices in the same cadaveric specimen.Materials and methodsThe Pelvic Bridge and INFIX were implanted in eleven fresh cadavers. Distances were then measured to: the superficial inguinal ring, round ligament, spermatic cord, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN), femoral nerve, femoral artery, and femoral vein. Observations regarding implantation and topography were also recorded.ResultsThe INFIX had greater measured distances from all structures except for the LFCN, in which its proximity placed this structure at risk. Neither device appears to put other critical structures at risk in the supine position. Significant implantation and topographic differences exist between the devices. The INFIX application lacked “safety margins” concerning the LFCN in 10/11 (90.9%) specimens, while Pelvic Bridge placement lacked “safety margins” with regard to the right superficial ring (1/11, 9%) and the right spermatic cord (1/11, 9%).ConclusionsBoth the Pelvic Bridge and INFIX lie at safe distances from most critical pelvic structures in the supine position, though INFIX application places the LFCN at risk.  相似文献   

Background.Anterior plating is the treatment of choice in anterior pelvic ring fractures. In certain situations where pelvis fracture is associated with open wound, infection, abdominal injury or bladder injury - internal fixation with plate is contraindicated. Conventionally, external fixation is done in such cases. However, External Fixation is associated with pin tract infection, pin loosening, difficult wound care and less patient compliance. The present study was conducted to evaluate a possible ‘middle path’ between the two procedures.Methods.A prospective study was conducted from July 2017 to December 2019.18 adult patients with risk of infection were treated with INFIX. The patients’ data was collected on presentation, preoperatively, intra-operatively and post operatively. The patients were followed up with serial radiographs. Functional status was assessed using Iowa Pelvis Score. After radiological union, implant removal was performed. The patients were followed up for a minimum of 6 months after the removal surgery.Results.The average age of patients in present study was 39.55 years with a male predominance. 16 out of 18 patients were polytrauma cases with ISS more than 15.50% patients had Lateral Compression type of fracture. Radiological union was seen at an average of 3.5 months. After removal, 78% patients had excellent outcome and 22% patients had good outcome. The complications observed were LFCN irritation (27.78%) and asymptomatic heterotopic ossification (22%).Conclusion.Present study concludes that INFIX produces excellent outcome in pelvis fractures with risk of infection where anterior plating is contraindicated.  相似文献   

Background.Anterior plating is the treatment of choice in anterior pelvic ring fractures. In certain situations where pelvis fracture is associated with open wound, infection, abdominal injury or bladder injury - internal fixation with plate is contraindicated. Conventionally, external fixation is done in such cases. However, External Fixation is associated with pin tract infection, pin loosening, difficult wound care and less patient compliance. The present study was conducted to evaluate a possible ‘middle path’ between the two procedures.Methods.A prospective study was conducted from July 2017 to December 2019.18 adult patients with risk of infection were treated with INFIX. The patients’ data was collected on presentation, preoperatively, intra-operatively and post operatively. The patients were followed up with serial radiographs. Functional status was assessed using Iowa Pelvis Score. After radiological union, implant removal was performed. The patients were followed up for a minimum of 6 months after the removal surgery.Results.The average age of patients in present study was 39.55 years with a male predominance. 16 out of 18 patients were polytrauma cases with ISS more than 15.50% patients had Lateral Compression type of fracture. Radiological union was seen at an average of 3.5 months. After removal, 78% patients had excellent outcome and 22% patients had good outcome. The complications observed were LFCN irritation (27.78%) and asymptomatic heterotopic ossification (22%).Conclusion.Present study concludes that INFIX produces excellent outcome in pelvis fractures with risk of infection where anterior plating is contraindicated.  相似文献   

Posterior screw fixation in rotationally unstable pelvic ring injuries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Although the stability of the pelvic ring primarily depends on the integrity of the posterior sacroiliac arch, lateral compression fractures with rotational instability are commonly treated by anterior fixation alone. The objective of the present study was to assess the outcome of patients with these fractures treated by posterior iliosacral screw fixation alone.


Patients with rotationally unstable lateral compression fractures of the pelvic ring (Young and Burgess LC I and LC II or AO/Tile B2) treated by percutaneous iliosacral fixation alone were included. Postoperative complications, need for secondary surgery, malunion, secondary fracture displacement and the time to full-weight bearing were documented.


Twenty-five patients (13 female, 26 male; age: 56 ± 20 years) were treated by percutaneous screw fixation (14 bilaterally, 11 unilaterally). Mean follow-up was 6 ± 4 months, mean time to full weight bearing 9 ± 3 weeks. Revision surgery was necessary in two patients (8%) due to nerve irritation; an additional anterior stabilisation was needed in two other patients (8%) due to secondary dislocation. Wound infection or motor weakness were not encountered, non-union of the posterior arch did not occur. Non-union of the pubic rami, however, occurred in two patients. The presence of malunion of the pubic rami did not affect the time to full weight bearing.


Percutanous iliosacral screw fixation alone is a sufficient technique for the stabilisation of rotationally unstable pelvic fractures with low rates of complications or non-unions. It allows for a minimally invasive treatment thus being a useful option in patients who do not qualify for open anterior fixation.  相似文献   

Straddle fracture, a superior and inferior ramus fracture of both sides, is generally treated conservatively. However, posterior pelvic ring injury is often associated with straddle fracture, leading to unstable pelvic bone fracture that requires surgical treatment. The present study reports the clinical and radiological outcomes of straddle fracture with posterior pelvic ring injury.This study included 73 patients (41 men, 32 women) with a straddle fracture injury. The injury mechanism, injury severity score (ISS), accompanying injuries, presence of posterior pelvic ring injury, and fixation methods for the pelvic fracture were analyzed, and outcomes were evaluated functionally and radiologically.Of the 73 patients, 56 (77%) had a posterior pelvic ring injury and 7 died. In 43 patients, the posterior pelvic ring injuries constituted unstable pelvic injury and were treated surgically. The fixation method was determined based on the severity of the posterior pelvic injury. The patients’ mean ISS was 24.7 points. Radiological evaluation of surgical outcomes in 43 patients revealed the outcomes as anatomic in 20, nearly anatomic in 14, moderate in 5, and poor in 4, whereas functional evaluation revealed the outcomes as excellent in 21, good in 9, fair in 7, and poor in 6.Posterior pelvic ring fracture can accompany straddle fractures, which may lead to pelvic injury instability. Thus, special attention is required for patients with a straddle fracture.  相似文献   

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