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文献报道AIDS合并肠结核较少,临床表现和内镜特点均不典型,易造成误诊.我们对一例AIDS合并肠结核病例在抗结核治疗后病情恶化的情况进行分析,旨在提高认识,减少该病的误诊误治.  相似文献   

本文对1例手术证实为合并肠结核的艾滋病(AIDS)病例进行分析,旨在提高对艾滋病继发肠病的诊断认识,减少误诊误治.  相似文献   

肠结核26例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对26例肠结核临床特点进行分析,提高对肠结核病的诊断能力。方法回顾性调查了肠结核病患者26例,分析结核病既往史、临床表现、辅助检查、组织病理学检查、药物及手术治疗情况。结果26.92%肠结核继发于肺结核;65.38%肠结核合并有肠外结核。除肺结核外尚有结核性胸膜炎、结核性腹膜炎、淋巴结结核、皮肤结核、肝结核等。合并小肠憩室2例。26例中,24例经腹部手术和病理组织学检查确诊。肠结核临床表现常无特异性,部分患者全身情况较好,无结核中毒症状,无伴发肠外结核病,易误诊、误治。结论临床医师应提高对肠结核病的判断力,重视对肺内、外结核病的检查,在急腹症的鉴别诊断中不能忽视肠结核。结肠镜检查加组织病理学检查及结核杆菌检查是确诊肠结核的较好方法,全消化道钡餐检查及钡灌肠检查、PPD试验对诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 汇总分析我国近五年临床肠结核误诊为克罗恩病的主要原因,结合国内外相关的临床诊断新进展,探讨预防肠结核误诊的临床对策.方法 利用万方医药期刊全文数据库、维普资讯中文科技期刊数据库、清华同方CNKI数据库和中国生物医学文献数据库,对2008年1月~2012年12月发表的有关肠结核误诊为克罗恩病的文献进行检索、复习及汇总统计分析.结果 收集回顾性文献7篇,包含病例数416例,肠结核误诊率为41.42%(95% CI 44.84%~35.44%),最易误诊的前三位疾病依次为克罗恩病、溃疡性结肠炎和结肠癌,分别占肠结核误诊疾病构成比的24.24%、19.1%和11.6%.收集病案汇总性文献7篇,包含肠结核误诊为克罗恩病的病例数36例,其中2例仅依靠电子肠镜下的肉眼观察未等待病理检查结果既盲目诊断,1例治疗后未随诊复查及活检取材困难,8例与未详细询问病史和严格体格检查有关,25例在完善电子肠镜、病理组织学检查、抗酸染色、胸片和PPD等各项检查后仍出现诊断失误,后由于治疗效果欠佳,通过行手术治疗、术中病理组织学检查、多次复查肠镜及组织病理检查和抗酸染色、肺部CT及试验性抗痨治疗后才明确诊断.结论 现我国临床上肠结核易误诊为克罗恩病的主要原因是临床医生严格执行诊治规程的意识不足和对于不典型病案,临床常用诊断手段的鉴别能力有限.需进一步提高临床医生严格执行诊疗规程的意识.组合运用非侵入性标志物或可提高肠结核和克罗恩病鉴别诊断效率.  相似文献   

肠结核患者2例因反复腹泻1年入院, 被误诊为克罗恩病. 经病理、胸片及痰涂片确诊为肠结核. 本文提示肠结核与克罗恩病鉴别诊断困难, 暂时不能确诊时, 应首先考虑按结核病处理这一相对安全的原则.  相似文献   

AIDS是HIV侵入人体后破坏人体的免疫功能,继而可发生机会性感染、肿瘤和神经系统病变等,最终导致患者死亡的一种严重传染病.在HIV感染病程中可累及造血系统,其中合并贫血的发生率为63% ~95%,是HIV感染者最常见的血液系统并发症[1].但合并纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血(PRCA)并不多见,且易被误诊.现将我院诊治的1例AIDS合并PRCA患者介绍如下.  相似文献   

在诸多肠道炎症性病变中,肠结核和克罗恩病是两大重要的疾病。肠结核与克罗恩病的临床、影像学、内镜和病理学表现均十分相似。虽然肺结核的存在有利于肠结核的诊断,但肠结核误诊为克罗恩病的概率仍很高。有文献报道肠结核误诊率高达20~50%[1-2]。为提高肠结核的诊断,我们回顾性分析了2002年1月至2005年12月收治的16例曾被误诊为克罗恩病的肠结核患者的临床资料,现报告如下。  相似文献   

肠结核55例临床特点及误诊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来世界范围内结核发病率呈上升趋势,我国肠结核发病率也随之上升[1].由于肠结核症状、体征非特异,实验室检查和影像学检查也难发现特异性改变,临床表现与克罗恩病、肠道淋巴瘤十分相似,增大了诊断难度,易误诊.本文对55例肠结核患者临床特点及诊治情况进行分析,有助于近一步提高对该病的认识,以期提高诊断的准确性.  相似文献   

目的 对误诊为间质性肺疾病(ILD)的艾滋病(AIDS)合并肺部感染患者临床、影像学及病理学特征进行探讨,以提高对AIDS合并肺部感染的认识.方法 收集我院2005年3月~2010年12月AIDS合并肺部感染患者13例,均具有完整临床资料和肺间质性改变,并复习相关文献.结果 13例患者均为男性,平均年龄50.76岁.HIV感染途径为经输血3例(23.1%),性传播10例(76.9%).临床表现为发热8例(61.5%),进行性加重的呼吸困难9例(69.2%),咳嗽5例(38.4%),体重下降7例(53.8%).有吸烟史9例(69.2%).最初诊断为非特异性间质性肺炎5例,肺泡蛋白沉积症2例,过敏性肺炎3例,肺组织细胞增生症1例.胸部影像学表现为双侧肺间质纹理改变4例(30.8%),斑片状磨玻璃影9例(69.2%).结论 AIDS合并肺部感染临床表现无特异性,临床遇有发热、呼吸困难、低氧血症、体重下降,胸部影像学检查提示间质纹理改变或斑片影等肺间质性改变时,应警惕AIDS合并肺部感染,及时行HIV抗体检查.  相似文献   

在诸多肠道炎症性病变中,肠结核和克罗恩病是两大重要的疾病。肠结核与克罗恩病的临床、影像学、内镜和病理学表现均十分相似。虽然肺结核的存在有利于肠结核的诊断,但肠结核误诊为克罗恩病的概率仍很高。有文献报道肠结核误诊率高达20~50%[1-2]。为提高肠结核的诊断,我们回顾性分析了2002年1月至2005年12月收治的16例曾被误诊为克罗恩病的肠结核患者的临床资料,现报告如下。资料与方法一、一般资料误诊的16例肠结核患者中,男性9例,女性7例;年龄6~50岁,平均(23.6+12.5)岁,其中,6~18岁3例,19~35岁9例,36~50岁4例,19~35岁组占56.3%。病史2个月至4年。合并肺结核5例(31.2%),结核性腹膜炎3例(18.8%),腹腔淋巴结结核2例(12.5%),单纯肠结核6例(37.5%)。并发不完全性肠梗阻10例,完全性肠梗阻1例,肠出血2例(1例消化道大出血)。所有病例在外院行结肠镜检查及肠黏膜活检,均诊断为克罗恩病,并给予强的松、柳氮磺胺吡啶或美沙拉嗪(爱迪沙)治疗1~6个月。二、主要临床表现16例患者临床表现以腹痛、腹泻、发热、消瘦、盗汗为主,其次为腹胀、呕吐,便秘。生育期妇女闭经及...  相似文献   

Intestinal tuberculosis is relatively unfrequent in Western countries, but immigrants and AIDS patients remain groups at particular risk for this disease. The diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis is often difficult to establish because of close similarities with other conditions, in particular Crohn's disease. We report a case of jejunal tuberculosis in a 33-year-old man with severe weight loss and unexplained fever. The diagnosis was obtained on histological examination of the distal jejunum biopsies performed during pushed video-enteroscopy. Interestingly, culture of the biopsies and specific PCR remained negative. Dramatic improvement was observed during the first days of antituberculous treatment. The main clinical and paraclinical manifestations of intestinal tuberculosis are also reviewed, as well as recent epidemiologic observations and new developments in diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

目的: 探讨腹腔结核患者并发肠穿孔的危险因素。方法: 回顾性分析2013年1月至2020年12月成都市公共卫生临床医疗中心收治的腹腔结核并发肠穿孔患者37例(肠穿孔组),采用随机数字表法选取同期腹腔结核未并发肠穿孔患者39例(对照组)。采用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析腹腔结核患者并发肠穿孔的危险因素。结果: 肠穿孔组有2例患者因感染性休克未接受手术治疗,35例患者接受手术治疗。肠穿孔组8例患者死亡,病亡率为21.6%(8/37)。对照组39例患者经治疗后病情好转出院。肠穿孔组结核病病史≤3个月者占54.1%(20/37),并发艾滋病者占29.7%(11/37),并发贫血者占64.9%(24/37),并发低蛋白血症者占86.5%(32/37),CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数<150个/μl者占51.4%(19/37),并发肠梗阻者占45.9%(17/37),腹部症状为首发症状者占73.0%(27/37);对照组结核病病史≤3个月者占79.5%(31/39),并发艾滋病者占5.1%(2/39),并发贫血者占33.3%(13/39),并发低蛋白血症者占43.6%(17/39),CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数<150个/μl者占7.7%(3/39),并发肠梗阻者占20.5%(8/39),腹部症状为首发症者占46.2%(18/39),两组比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为5.564、8.104、6.541、15.263、17.565、5.564、5.650,P值均<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,腹部症状为首发症状(OR=23.828,95%CI:2.946~192.744)、并发肠梗阻(OR=10.292,95%CI:1.607~65.899)、低蛋白血症(OR=43.455,95%CI:3.697~510.796)和CD4+ T淋巴细胞计数<150个/μl(OR=25.706,95%CI:2.231~296.223)是肠穿孔的独立危险因素,而结核病病史≤3个月(OR=0.026,95%CI:0.003~0.247)为保护因素。结论: 肠梗阻、低蛋白血症、CD4+T淋巴细胞计数<150个/μl、腹部症状为首发症状是腹腔结核患者并发肠穿孔的危险因素,当腹腔结核患者出现上述危险因素时要警惕发生肠穿孔的可能。  相似文献   

目的提高对HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核临床表现的认识。方法选取2007年以来我院收治的HIV(+)/AIDS并发肺结核的病例共90例为观察组(A组),及同期住院的HIV(-)的单纯肺结核病例90例为对照组(B组)进行回顾性对照分析。结果A组发烧和体重下降较B组更常见,而咳嗽和咯血较B组少见;A组痰抗酸杆菌阳性率显著低于B组;A组结核分枝杆菌培养阳性率显著低于B组;肺结核的x线表现为弥漫性浸润或粟粒性阴影及合并空洞率,A组和B组无显著性差异,而A组影像学胸腔积液显著高于B组;A组合并肺外结核较B组多见,其中以淋巴结核,结核性胸膜炎、脑膜炎,肠结核多见;PPD结核菌素反应阳性率A组显著低于B组。结论HIV(+)/AIDS患者并发肺结核临床表现不典型。  相似文献   

Recent reports have described an increase in cases of tuberculosis in several urban centers. To investigate the possible relationship between tuberculosis and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), we reviewed case records at a New York City hospital between 1978 and 1985. During this period, tuberculosis occurred in 15.1 percent of AIDS patients with a history of parenteral drug use and 4.4 percent of all other patients with AIDS. The yearly rate of tuberculosis more than doubled during the study period; this increase was entirely attributable to cases among patients with AIDS or AIDS-related complex and parenteral drug users, a group at high risk for the development of AIDS. Patients with AIDS and tuberculosis were younger and more frequently men than other patients with tuberculosis, and were more likely to have extrapulmonic disease. In the majority of patients, tuberculosis occurred prior to confirmation of CDC-defined AIDS. Forty-four percent of patients with AIDS-related complex at the time of diagnosis of tuberculosis subsequently developed AIDS. Mycobacterium tuberculosis appears to be yet another opportunistic agent to which patients with AIDS retroviral-induced immunodeficiency are susceptible.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome--Florida   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Florida reported 1858 cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and 8455 cases of tuberculosis from January 1, 1981, through October 31, 1986. Of the patients with AIDS, 159 (8.6%) also had tuberculosis, and 154 (1.8%) of the patients with tuberculosis also had AIDS. Among patients with both diagnoses, tuberculosis was diagnosed before AIDS by more than 1 month in 50%, was diagnosed within 1 month before or 1 month after the diagnosis of AIDS in 30%, and was diagnosed more than 1 month after the AIDS diagnosis in 20%. Compared with patients with AIDS only, patients with both diagnoses were also more likely to be Haitian, black (other than Haitian), or Hispanic. Compared with patients with tuberculosis only, patients with both diagnoses were more likely to be younger, male, Haitian, black (other than Haitian), and Hispanic, have extrapulmonary tuberculosis and negative tuberculin skin tests, and have noncavitary chest roentgenograms. These data suggest that patients with AIDS may have an increased risk of tuberculosis and that patients with both diagnoses differ in important demographic and clinical characteristics from patients with AIDS only or tuberculosis only.  相似文献   

Intestinal perforation is an extremely uncommon complication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. We report a case of HIV infection in a male injecting drug user (IDU) with intestinal tuberculosis complicated with multiple ileal perforations at the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Imphal, Manipur. The emergency surgical therapy supported by antitubercular drugs (ATT) and parenteral nutrition saved the life of this patient who presented in a critical state of shock. The patient manifested with extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which is one of the criteria of AIDS. The authors stress the possibility that in future, tubercular complication till now considered atypical, may become more frequent.  相似文献   

Intestinal perforation is an extremely uncommon complication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection. We describe two cases of multiple intestinal perforations secondary to MTB in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) presenting at the Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center over a 2-month period. For each case, this was the first presentation of AIDS. One of the two patients had concurrent pulmonary involvement. One patient died, and the other responded to therapy and was discharged in stable condition. The most striking finding in both cases was the extremely large number of acid-fast bacteria seen transmurally on the pathological specimens. This might be related to impaired T-cell function. The resurgence of MTB infection in North America, in the presence of the AIDS epidemic, may result in an increasing frequency of unusual presentations, such as intestinal perforation. Intestinal perforation due to MTB should be considered in HIV-infected patients presenting with an acute abdomen.  相似文献   

A patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) had tuberculosis present as an endobronchial mass simulating bronchogenic carcinoma. Endobronchial tuberculosis may be another unusual manifestation of tuberculosis in patients with AIDS. This manifestation of tuberculosis may be missed unless there is a high degree of suspicion. Proper cultures and biopsy specimens should be taken from sites where endobronchial abnormalities are noted in patients at risk for AIDS.  相似文献   

艾滋病合并结核病的诊断与治疗   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
目的 探讨艾滋病合并结核病的临床特点和治疗方法 .方法 对1995~2000年期间在本院诊断的10例艾滋病合并结核病的患者进行分析.结果 (1)临床分型血行播散型肺结核合并结核性脑膜炎3例,淋巴结结核4例(其中肠系膜淋巴结结核1例、纵隔淋巴结结核+颈部淋巴结结核1例、颈部淋巴结结核2例),原发型肺结核3例,同时合并其它机会性感染如卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎(PCP)等.(2)免疫功能检测和结核菌素试验CD+4(2~87)×106/L,其中7例CD+4<50×106/L,平均CD-4(33±13)×106/L.10例结核菌素(PPD)试验均阴性.(3)治疗5例联合抗结核+高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HLAART),5例单用抗结核治疗,其中HAART组CD+4细胞上升明显,与单独抗结核治疗相比,差异有显著性(P<0.05).结论 CD+4细胞下降可能是艾滋病并发结核病的主要原因.结核菌素试验对诊断无帮助.艾滋病合并结核病的患者,血行播散型肺结核多、肺外结核多、合并症多、临床表现复杂多样、治疗时间长.联合高效抗逆转录病毒治疗能缩短病程,改善艾滋病合并结核病的预后.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis has been reported previously in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who are at increased risk of prior infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We performed a population-based study of AIDS and tuberculosis in San Francisco using the Tuberculosis and AIDS Registries of the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Of 287 cases of tuberculosis in non-Asian-born males 15 to 60 yr of age reported from 1981 through 1985, 35 (12%) also had AIDS, including 23 American-born whites. Patients with tuberculosis and AIDS were more likely to be nonwhite and heterosexual intravenous drug users than were AIDS patients without tuberculosis. Fifty-one percent had tuberculosis diagnosed before AIDS, and 37 percent had AIDS diagnosed at least 1 month prior to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Although the lungs were the most frequent site of tuberculosis in both AIDS and non-AIDS patients, 60% of the AIDS group had at least 1 extrapulmonary site of disease compared to 28% of the non-AIDS group (p less than 0.001). Nonsignificant tuberculin skin tests were more common in AIDS patients (14 of 23 patients tested) than in non-AIDS patients (12 of 129 patients tested; p less than 0.0001). Chest radiographs in AIDS patients showed predominantly diffuse or miliary infiltrates (60%), whereas non-AIDS patients had predominantly focal infiltrates and/or cavitation (68%). Response to antituberculosis therapy was favorable in AIDS patients, although adverse drug reactions occurred more frequently than in non-AIDS patients (p less than 0.02).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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