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目的探讨肾移植受者疾病应对方式、服药依从性及其自我管理的特点,并分析应对方式对服药依从性和自我管理依从性的影响。 方法采用便利抽样选取2019年3月至5月广州医科大学附属第三医院器官移植随访门诊就诊的肾移植受者作为研究对象。采用一般情况调查表、医学应对问卷、免疫抑制剂依从性Basel评估量表(BAASIS)及肾移植受者自我管理调查量表作为调查工具。所有问卷调查均在肾移植受者门诊随访时进行。采用成组t检验比较肾移植组和慢病常模组面对、回避和屈服因子得分。应用分层回归方程分析肾移植受者应对方式对服药依从性和自我管理的影响。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。 结果肾移植受者面对因子得分[(19.8±2.9)分]最高。肾移植组和慢病常模组回避因子得分分别为(15.1±2.7)和(14.4±3.0)分,差异有统计学意义(t=-2.320,P<0.05)。肾移植受者BAASIS得分平均为(22.2±2.6)分,125例受者中53例(42.4%)受者服药依从性好。36例(28.8%)曾在过去1个月中至少漏服1次免疫抑制剂;19例(15.2%)在过去1个月中曾出现至少1次连续漏服状况;63例(50.4%)曾在过去1个月中提前或推迟2 h服药;9例(7.2%)曾不按医嘱剂量服药。肾移植受者自我管理总得分为(91±8)分,其中68例(54.4%)自我管理水平良好,57例(45.6%)自我管理处于中等水平。受者饮食、治疗、躯体活动和社会心理管理得分分别为(29.5±3.0)、(33.4±3.4)、(15.7±2.1)和(12.4±1.6)分。面对、回避和屈服3个变量分别解释服药依从性总变异的8.6%,治疗管理总变异的13.7%,躯体活动管理总变异的7.0%,社会心理管理总变异的25.0%,整体自我管理总变异的15.0%。服药依从性的预测因子为屈服(β=-0.252,P<0.01),饮食管理的预测因子为面对(β=0.212,P<0.05),治疗管理的预测因子为面对(β=0.348,P<0.01),躯体活动管理的预测因子为面对(β=0.255,P<0.01),社会心理管理的预测因子为面对和屈服(β=0.394和-0.271,P均<0.01),整体自我管理的预测因子为面对(β=0.365,P<0.01)。 结论肾移植受者应对方式是服药依从性和自我管理的重要影响因素,应重视其对待疾病的态度和方式,及时转换其消极的应对策略,以提高其服药依从性和自我管理水平。 相似文献
肾移植受者术后生育一直是移植界和生殖界专家关注的重要课题,本文结合目前文献重点对生育时机的选择、生育对移植肾以及免疫抑制剂对生育的影响等问题进行综述. 相似文献
目的 探索肾移植患者自我管理行为改变的特征,为改善患者的自我管理行为提供参考.方法 运用质性研究中的扎根理论方法,以研究者本人为研究工具,采用 目的抽样法和理论抽样法,选取2020年4月至2021年3月在苏州市某三级甲等医院泌尿外科接受过肾移植手术的17例患者作为研究对象,分别于患者出院后2周、2个月、3个月、6个月、1年、2年进行6次面对面半结构式访谈,采用三级编码的方法对访谈资料进行整理和分析.结果 肾移植患者自我管理行为改变呈现两个明显特征,即肾移植患者自我管理行为轨迹(尝试、摸索、重塑、超越)和行为改变类型(遵医坚持型、随心所欲型和遵医-随心徘徊型).结论 肾移植患者自我管理行为轨迹是多阶段变化的过程,其自我管理行为改变类型复杂多样.建议医护人员可根据患者自我管理行为改变的特征,制订多阶段、个性化的干预策略. 相似文献
目的了解尸肾移植受者和亲属活体肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁状况。方法采用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对71例尸肾移植受者(尸肾组)和74例亲属活体肾移植受者(活体组),于移植术后第3个月进行问卷调查。结果两组SAS、SDS评分显著高于常模(均P〈0.01);活体组SAS评分显著高于尸肾组(P〈0.01)。活体组焦虑、抑郁阳性率显著高于尸肾组(均P〈0.05)。结论肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁普遍存在。亲属活体肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁较尸肾移植受者更严重。 相似文献
目的 了解尸肾移植受者和亲属活体肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁状况.方法 采用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对71例尸肾移植受者(尸肾组)和74例亲属活体肾移植受者(活体组),于移植术后第3个月进行问卷调查.结果 两组SAS、SDS评分显著高于常模(均P<0.01);活体组SAS评分显著高于尸肾组(P<0.01).活体组焦虑、抑郁阳性率显著高于尸肾组(均P<0.05).结论 肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁普遍存在.亲属活体肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁较尸肾移植受者更严重. 相似文献
目的探究肾移植受者术后感染情况及其危险因素。 方法回顾性分析2018年1月1日至12月31日于首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院接受肾移植的94例受者临床资料。供肾均采用Lifeport行低温机械灌注,并向灌注液中加入头孢哌酮舒巴坦钠以预防供者来源感染。根据受者术后3个月内体液培养结果,将94例受者分为感染组和对照组。采用卡方检验比较感染组和对照组受者性别、灌注液培养阳性比例和移植肾功能延迟恢复(DGF)发生率。采用Wilcoxon符号秩和检验比较两组受者年龄、移植前血清肌酐水平和住院时间。将单因素分析中有统计学差异的变量纳入Logistic回归进行多因素分析。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。 结果术后3个月内94例受者中41例受者血、尿、痰及引流液标本中培养出病原菌,感染率为43.6%(41/94),且感染多发生于术后1周至1个月内,占34.0%(32/94)。41例受者共发生58例次感染,病原菌多来源于泌尿系统感染,占51.7%(30/58),其次为手术部位和血液系统感染,分别占32.8%(19/58)和13.8%(8/58),呼吸道感染占比最低,为1.7%(1/58)。27例受者为单一病原菌感染,14例为2种及以上病原菌感染。41例受者共分离出66株病原菌,其中细菌占89.4%(59/66),真菌占10.6%(7/66)。截至2019年7月10日,94例受者均存活,所有感染经治疗后均好转,未出现严重感染性疾病或因感染发生移植物丢失。单因素分析结果表明,感染组与对照组年龄、性别、移植前血清肌酐水平及住院时间差异均无统计学意义(z=-0.206、χ2=0.628、z=-0.599、z=-0.031,P均>0.05);两组受者灌注液培养阳性比例及DGF发生率差异均有统计学意义(χ2=0.031和0.274,P均<0.05)。Logistic回归多因素分析结果显示,灌注液培养阳性是引起肾移植术后感染的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。 结论肾移植受者术后感染发生率较高,感染部位主要为泌尿系统,灌注液培养阳性是肾移植术后感染独立危险因素。 相似文献
男性肾移植受者性功能状态的调查 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
目的 :观察男性肾移植受者性功能状态变化。 方法 :随机选择 2 6~ 45岁、术后半年以上、血肌酐 2 0 0μmol/L以下的已婚男性肾移植受者 60例 ,对他们病前、肾衰后及肾移植术后性功能状态进行了回顾性调查并将结果进行统计学分析。 结果 :受者肾衰后性功能明显下降 ,而肾移植术后性功能普遍得到改善 ,但尚未恢复到病前水平。受者普遍担心性生活会对移植肾产生不良的影响。 结论 :肾移植可明显改善男性尿毒症病人性功能 ,对肾移植受者及其配偶进行性生理咨询和指导十分必要 相似文献
肾移植患者出院指导需求的调查分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
目的 了解肾移植患者对出院指导内容、形式的需求,使出院指导具有针对性、科学性、实效性。方法 对60例肾移植术后患者进行出院指导内容、形式的需求及出院后与医务人员联系方式的需求调查。结果 除仍对饮食与用药指导有较高的需求外.患者迫切需要了解婚姻、生育知识(65.0%),如何恢复工作(61.7%)及参加社会活动(58.3%)等;最受患者欢迎的指导形式为医务人员讲解和演示(98.3%);最希望的联系方式为电话随访(85.0%)。结论 出院指导的内容和形式应具有针对性,尽量满足患者需要,使其早日回归社会,提高其生活质量。 相似文献
Y. Tamura A. Urawa S. Watanabe T. Hasegawa T. Ogura K. Nishikawa Y. Sugimura T. Komori M. Okada 《Transplantation proceedings》2018,50(8):2521-2525
Kidney transplantation is performed as a useful treatment to improve the quality of life (QOL) of patients with end-stage renal failure; however, the correlation between mood status and QOL among recipients post-kidney transplantation have yet to be clarified.Methods
Sixty-eight post-kidney transplantation patients who visited our institution between March and December 2016 were enrolled in this study. The QOL of the participants as measured by the Short Form-36 Health Survey Version 2 (SF-36v2) questionnaire was compared to results gathered from hemodialysis patients in a previous study. To identify the factors associated with QOL, a multiple regression analysis was performed, including some physical, mental, and socioeconomic characteristics as well as the Profile of Mood States as independent variables.Results
The QOL of the transplantation group was significantly higher for all 8 subscales of SF-36v2 compared to the hemodialysis group. Among the factors, greater age and higher Confusion levels were related to lower physical QOL. In addition, higher Vigor and lower Fatigue levels were related to higher mental QOL, while the condition of having an occupation was related to higher role/social QOL.Conclusion
The QOL of recipients after kidney transplantation was better than that of hemodialysis patients. It is important to pay attention to mood status, especially confusion and fatigue, in order to maintain and improve the QOL of the recipient after kidney transplantation. Kidney transplantation can be a beneficial treatment not only physically but also psychologically and socially. 相似文献12.
L. Illesy D.Á. Kovács R.P. Szabó A.B.L. Asztalos B. Nemes 《Transplantation proceedings》2017,49(7):1522-1525
Kidney transplantation is indicated for end-stage renal disease. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) causes structural degeneration of the kidney and eventually becomes end-stage renal disease. ADPKD patients usually have several renal and nonrenal complications. We analyzed our kidney transplantation activities between 1991 and 2010 regarding ADPKD. We followed up with patients to December 31, 2016. Data were collected as patient and graft survival rates, the prevalence of polycystic manifestation of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, and the attendance of urinary tract infection. Among the 734 kidney transplantations, 10.9% (n = 80) had an ADPKD. Four patients (5%) had diverticulum perforation. The prevalence of post-transplantation urinary tract infection was higher in ADPKD patients (55.9%) compared to non-ADPKD patients (44.1%). The 1-, 3-, and 5-year overall survival rates in ADPKD recipients versus non-ADPKD patients are 77.5%, 70.0%, and 67.5% versus 86.4%, 83.0%, and 80.1%, respectively. Patients with ADPKD were transplanted at an elder age compared to others (median: 47.5 years vs. 39.9 years). Female patients had longer graft survival times than males. ADPKD implies multiple cystic degeneration of the kidneys; however, it can cause structural degeneration in other organs. It is typical for ADPKD patients to have an acute abdominal-like syndrome. Immunosuppressive drugs can hide the clinical picture, which makes early diagnosis difficult. 相似文献
Damjan Kovač Luka Kovač Tonja Mertelj Lili Steblovnik 《Transplantation proceedings》2021,53(3):1080-1084
BackgroundPregnancy after kidney transplantation is an uncommon event. In addition to the risk to the child and the mother, pregnancy has a certain risk for the transplanted kidney.MethodsWe made a retrospective analysis of pregnancy and kidney function over a 49-year period in women with transplanted kidneys monitored at the National Transplant Centre, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.ResultsWe analyzed 22 pregnancies in 18 women (26-39 years old) 78 ± 37 months after transplantation. Serum creatinine before conception was 92 ± 26 μmol/L; 3 years after delivery, it was 117 ± 67 μmol/L. There were no rejections during pregnancy. Three rejections occurred in the first 9 months after delivery. The median duration of pregnancies was 37 weeks. Preeclampsia occurred in 4 women and severe eclampsia occurred in 2 women. In 19 cases, delivery was by caesarean section. One child was born with trisomy of chromosome 21 and 3 children were born with minor congenital anomalies.ConclusionsRenal function and proteinuria did not deteriorate 3 years after pregnancy, even after 2 pregnancies. Rejections in the early post-pregnancy period were common. Preeclampsia was more frequent than in the average population. The incidence of major congenital anomalies was comparable to that seen in pregnant women without immunosuppression. 相似文献
目的比较儿童DCD供肾成人单肾移植与标准DCD供肾移植(成人供肾成人单肾移植)的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析本院2011年11月至2014年4月完成的97例DCD供肾移植供受者的临床资料。根据供者年龄将其分为儿童DCD供肾成人单肾移植组(SPKT组,3岁年龄18岁,20例)和标准DCD供肾移植组(SCDKT组,年龄≥18岁,73例),比较两组供受者一般情况、受者术后不同时间点血肌酐水平、各种并发症的发生率及移植肾和人的1年存活率。结果 SPKT组供者年龄、体重、移植肾长度显著小于SCDKT组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);SPKT组受者术后1年内蛋白尿发生率显著高于SCDKT组(P0.01);两组受者移植肾和人的1年存活率比较无统计学差异(P0.05);供受者其它指标比较均无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论与标准DCD供肾移植相比,尽管蛋白尿发生率较高,但儿童DCD供肾成人单肾移植近期临床效果良好,远期效果有待进一步研究。 相似文献
X.Y. Zheng S. Han L.M. Wang Y.H. Zhu L. Zeng M.S. Zhou 《Transplantation proceedings》2014,46(10):3426-3430
BackgroundThe state of organ transplantation in general in China is experiencing transition; however, living-donor organ transplantation has gained more attention recently. We have found that because traditional Chinese ideas, few Chinese transplantation surgeons have the quality of life (QOL) and mental health of living transplantation donors and recipients as their focus in care giving. Physicians outside of China typically have a different view. This study investigated QOL and psychology characteristics in Chinese living-related kidney donors and recipients after transplantation.MethodsDemographics, socioeconomics, transplantation processes, QOL scores, and psychosocial outcomes of 169 pairs of living-related kidney donors and recipients were analyzed using a self-made socio-demographic questionnaire, the short-form 36 health survey, and the Zung self-rating anxiety and depression scales.ResultsThe majority of both donors (81.8%, 90/110) and recipients (83.1%, 103/124) were at secondary school or lesser education levels. Eighty-five and five tenths percent (94/110) of donors and 54.8% (68/124) of recipients were of moderate or low incomes. In addition, the donors were predominantly female (61.8%, 68/110), 6 of whom (5.5%, 6/110) stated that their transplantation had a negative impact on marriage due to kidney donation. The evaluation of the donors' QOL was not significantly different from that of the Chinese norm. The recipients' QOL was obviously improved comparing with the hemodialysis patients. There was no anxiety and depression among donors, but slightly anxious (1.6%, 2/124) and depressive (5.6%, 7/124) symptoms were found among recipients.ConclusionLiving-related kidney transplantation did not adversely affect the lives and psychological aspects of donors and significantly improved the QOL of recipients. Screening donors strictly, perfecting the medical care system, intensifying follow-up and social supports, and providing necessary healthy and psychological counseling should be fundamental prerequisites. 相似文献
N. Masaki K. Iwadoh A. Kondo I. Koyama I. Nakajima S. Fuchinoue 《Transplantation proceedings》2018,50(4):978-981