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Multiple studies have documented higher uninsurance rates among rural compared to urban residents, yet the relative adequacy of coverage among rural residents with private health insurance remains unclear. This study estimates underinsurance rates among privately insured rural residents (both adjacent and nonadjacent to urban areas) and the characteristics associated with rural underinsurance. We found that 6 percent of privately insured urban residents were underinsured; the rate increased to 10 percent for rural adjacent and 12 percent for rural nonadjacent residents. Multivariate analyses suggest that rural residents' underinsurance status is related to the design of the private plans through which they have coverage.  相似文献   

The lengths of time adults are without health insurance have increased since 1988, as shown by data from 1,235 household interviews completed during 1992 in Nebraska. Rural residents without insurance have experienced longer such spells than their urban counterparts. Thus, while rates of uninsurance are nearly the same between urban and rural residents, important differences exist. The relationship between insurance status and physician utilization is consistent during the five years (1989 to 1993) covered in this study. Continuously insured persons have the most physician visits, followed by those intermittently insured, followed by those continuously uninsured. The number of physician visits was expected to increase when respondents moved from uninsured to insured status. However, among urban respondents, the number of visits declined; among residents in rural frontier counties (fewer than six person per square mile) and for respondents in rural nonfrontier counties, there was no significant difference. This study points out some differences between rural and urban populations regarding insurance status, even when the overall rates of uninsurance are equal.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Although research shows higher uninsured rates among rural versus urban individuals, prior studies are limited because they do not examine coverage across entire rural families. PURPOSE: This study uses the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) to compare rural and urban insurance coverage within families, to inform the design of coverage expansions that build on the current rural health insurance system. METHODS: We pooled the 2001 and 2002 MEPS Household Component survey, aggregated to the family level (excluding households with all members 65 and older). We examined (1) differences in urban, rural-adjacent, and rural nonadjacent family insurance coverage, and (2) the characteristics of rural families related to their patterns of coverage. FINDINGS: One out of 3 rural families has at least 1 uninsured member, a rate higher than for urban families-particularly in nonadjacent counties. Yet, three fourths of uninsured rural families have an insured member. For 42% of rural nonadjacent families, this is someone with public coverage (Medicaid/SCHIP or Medicare); urban families are more likely to have private health insurance or a private/public mix. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies to expand family coverage through employers may be less effective among rural nonadjacent than urban families. Instead, expansions of public coverage or tax credits enabling entire families to purchase an individual/self-employment plan would better ensure that rural nonadjacent families achieve full coverage. Subsidies or incentives would need to be generous enough to make coverage affordable for the 52% of uninsured rural nonadjacent families living below 200% of the federal poverty level.  相似文献   

The Midwest is often overlooked in national studies of health insurance status. We analyzed the economic and social characteristics of uninsured and underinsured individuals and households in a Midwestern state using both bivariate and multivariate techniques. As in much of the country, economic factors, particularly income and employment, were most significant in accounting for insurance coverage. Unexpectedly, rural and urban residents were equally likely to lack insurance. Results indicate that in rural areas, underinsurance may be a greater problem than uninsurance, and that income-based health insurance is more effective than employer-provided plans in reaching all Americans.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Rural residents are disproportionately represented among the uninsured in the United States. PURPOSE: We compared nonelderly adult residents in 3 types of nonmetropolitan areas with metropolitan workers to evaluate which characteristics contribute to lack of employment-related insurance. RESEARCH DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: Data were obtained from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, pooled across 3 panels (1996--1998) to enhance the rural sample size. Econometric decomposition was used to quantify the contribution of employment structure to differences in the probability of being offered employment-related health insurance. FINDINGS: The most rural workers are 10.4 percentage points less likely to be offered insurance compared with urban workers; the difference is smaller for residents of other rural areas. In rural counties not adjacent to urban areas, lower wages and smaller employers each account for about one-third of the total difference. CONCLUSIONS: Health insurance disparities associated with rural residence are related to the structure of employment. Major factors include smaller employers, lower wages, greater prevalence of self-employment, and sociodemographic characteristics.  相似文献   

The Census Bureau produces annual state-level estimates of health insurance coverage using the Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and Economic Supplement. Many states also conduct their own population surveys of health insurance status; in most cases, the state survey estimates of uninsurance are lower than the estimates produced by the CPS. This discrepancy fuels debate about the true count of uninsured Americans and changes in that number over time. This paper compares state survey and CPS estimates of uninsurance, highlights key reasons for these differences, and discusses the policy implications of this persistent discrepancy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the impact of being uninsured and barriers to obtaining health care coverage for people in a rural state. Focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted with uninsured people, small business owners, health care providers, and key informants (such as state health officials, business leaders, and safety net providers). Uninsured people recognize the difficulties they face trying to obtain insurance and health care because of cost and ineligibility for public programs. Health care providers are frustrated in their care of the uninsured because of inability to obtain needed resources. Small business owners struggle with decisions about whether to provide health insurance or not, and find cost the greatest barrier. The impact of uninsurance on individuals, families, health care providers, and small business owners in a rural state is great, both economically and emotionally. Comprehensive approaches must be taken to increase access to health insurance and health care.  相似文献   

Context: Rural residents are more likely to be uninsured and have low income.
Purpose: To determine if rural residents in Arkansas have decreased access to eye care services and use them less frequently than urban residents.
Methods: Data from the 2006 Visual Impairment and Access to Eye Care Module from the Arkansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) were used in the analysis. Adults age 40 years and older were included (n = 4,289). Results were weighted to reflect the age, race, and gender distribution of the population of Arkansas. Multiple logistic regression was used to adjust for demographic differences between rural and urban populations.
Findings: Significantly fewer rural residents (45%) reported having insurance coverage for eye care services compared with residents living in urban areas (55%). Rural residents were less likely (45%) than urban residents (49%) to have had a dilated eye exam within the past year. Among residents aged 40-64, those from rural areas were more likely than their urban counterparts to report cost/lack of insurance as the main reason for not having a recent eye care visit.
Conclusions: In 2006, rates of eye care insurance coverage were significantly lower for rural residents while use of eye care services differed slightly between rural and urban residents. Rural residents in Arkansas age 40-64 would benefit from having increased access to eye care insurance and/or low cost eye care services.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: National studies report patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) have difficulty finding bilingual physicians; however, it is unclear whether this situation is primarily a result of an inadequate supply of bilingual physicians or a lack of the insurance coverage necessary to gain access to bilingual physicians. In California, 12% of urban residents are Spanish-speaking with some limited proficiency in English. The majority of these residents (67%) are uninsured or on Medicaid. METHODS: In 2001, we performed a mailed survey of a probability sample of primary care and specialist physicians practicing in California. We received 1364 completed questionnaires from 2240 eligible physicians (61%). Physicians were asked about their demographics, practice characteristics, whether they were fluent in Spanish, and whether they had Medicaid or uninsured patients in their practice. RESULTS: Twenty-six percent of primary care and 22% of specialist physicians in the 13 urban study counties reported that they were fluent in Spanish. This represented 146 primary care and 66 specialist physicians who spoke Spanish for every 100,000 Spanish-speaking LEP residents. In contrast to the general population, there were only 48 Spanish-speaking primary care and 29 specialist physician equivalents available for every 100,000 Spanish-speaking LEP patients on Medicaid and even fewer (34 primary care and 4 specialist) Spanish-speaking physician equivalents for every 100,000 Spanish-speaking physician equivalents for uninsured Spanish-speaking LEP patients. CONCLUSION: Although the supply of Spanish-speaking physicians in California is relatively high, the insurance status of LEP Spanish-speaking patients limits their access to the physicians. Addressing health insurance-related barriers to care for those on Medicaid and the uninsured is critical to improving health care for Spanish-speaking LEP patients.  相似文献   

This study assessed the importance of county characteristics in explaining county-level variations in health insurance coverage. Using public databases from 2008 to 2012, we studied 3112 counties in the United States. Rates of uninsurance ranged widely from 3% to 53%. Multivariate analysis suggested that poverty, unemployment, Republican voting, and percentages of Hispanic and American Indian/Alaskan Native residents in a county were significant predictors of uninsurance rates. The associations between uninsurance rates and both race/ethnicity and poverty varied significantly between metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties. Collaborative actions by the federal, tribal, state, and county governments are needed to promote coverage and access to care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide an assessment of how well the Medicaid program is working at improving access to and use of health care for low-income mothers. DATA SOURCE/STUDY SETTING: The 1997 and 1999 National Survey of America's Families, with state and county information drawn from the Area Resource File and other sources. STUDY DESIGN: Estimate the effects of Medicaid on access and use relative to private coverage and being uninsured, using instrumental variables methods to control for selection into insurance status. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHOD: This study combines data from 1997 and 1999 for mothers in families with incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find that Medicaid beneficiaries' access and use are significantly better than those obtained by the uninsured. Analysis that controls for insurance selection shows that the benefits of having Medicaid coverage versus being uninsured are substantially larger than what is estimated when selection is not accounted for. Our results also indicate that Medicaid beneficiaries' access and use are comparable to that of the low-income privately insured. Once insurance selection is controlled for, access and use under Medicaid is not significantly different from access and use under private insurance. Without controls for insurance selection, access and use for Medicaid beneficiaries is found to be significantly worse than for the low-income privately insured. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that the Medicaid program improved access to care relative to uninsurance for low-income mothers, achieving access and use levels comparable to those of the privately insured. Our results also indicate that prior research, which generally has not controlled for selection into insurance coverage, has likely understated the gains of Medicaid relative to uninsurance and overstated the gains of private coverage relative to Medicaid.  相似文献   

When the Affordable Care Act of 2010 is fully implemented, it will extend health insurance coverage to many adult Americans who currently lack it. It is not known, however, how the health reform legislation will affect children and parents who would otherwise be uninsured. Based on our analysis, the Affordable Care Act has the potential to cut the number of uninsured children by about 40 percent, from 7.4 million to 4.2 million, and the number of uninsured parents by almost 50 percent, from 12.7 million to 6.6 million. However, the actual impact will depend on increasing the share of children and parents who are enrolled in public coverage and on other implementation outcomes. Most strikingly, if the requirement that states continue their Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage is rescinded and if Congress does not continue funding CHIP, the uninsurance rate of children could more than double, increasing from 4.2 million to 7.9-9.1 million children. In that case, the uninsurance rate among children would be higher than if the Affordable Care Act had not been adopted.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. PURPOSE: To estimate the prevalence of and recent trends in smoking among adults by type of rural location and by state. METHODS: Random-digit telephone survey of adults aged 18 years or older who participated in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 1994-1996 (n = 342,055) and 2000-2001 (n = 385,384). The main outcome measure was current cigarette smoking, defined as persons who smoke every day or some days, while nonsmokers were those who smoke not at all or reported never having smoked as many as 100 cigarettes. FINDINGS: The prevalence of smoking changed little from the mid-1990s; in 2000-2001, it was 22.0% in urban areas, 24.9% in rural adjacent areas, 24.0% in large rural nonadjacent areas, and 24.9% in small rural nonadjacent areas. For rural locations combined, smoking prevalence was not below the 12% goal of Healthy People 2010 for any state, although the 12.5% prevalence in rural Utah approached this target. Prevalence was > or = 28% for rural residents of Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. Since the mid-1990s, the prevalence of smoking for rural respondents decreased by more than 2 percentage points in 6 states: California, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah. However, it increased by 2 percentage points or more in 10 states: Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking remains a refractory public health problem. Better ways to curb smoking in rural America are needed.  相似文献   

There are large differences in US health insurance coverage by racial and ethnic groups, yet there have been no estimates to date on how implementation of the Affordable Care Act will affect the distribution of coverage by race and ethnicity. We used a microsimulation model to show that racial and ethnic differentials in coverage could be greatly reduced, potentially cutting the eight-percentage-point black-white differential in uninsurance rates by more than half and the nineteen-percentage-point Hispanic-white differential by just under one-quarter. However, blacks and Hispanics are still projected to remain more likely to be uninsured than whites. Achieving low uninsurance under the Affordable Care Act will depend on effective state policies to attain high enrollment in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program and the new insurance exchanges. Coverage gains among Hispanics will probably depend on adoption of strategies that address language and related barriers to enrollment and retention in California and Texas, where almost half of Hispanics live. If uninsurance is reduced to the extent projected in this analysis, sizable reductions in long-standing racial and ethnic differentials in access to health care and health status are likely to follow.  相似文献   

Loss of employment and declining incomes meant that five million Americans lost employment-based health insurance during the recent economic recession (2007-09). All groups of Americans were affected, but the growth in the number of uninsured people was particularly noticeable for whites, native-born citizens, and residents of the Midwest and South. Adults did not benefit nearly as much as children from public programs designed to offset the decline in employer-sponsored insurance and thus bore all of the burden of rising uninsurance. Throughout the past decade, even in good economic times, the number of Americans with employer-sponsored insurance has fallen, and the number of uninsured Americans has increased. This finding underscores the importance of planned coverage expansions under the Affordable Care Act.  相似文献   

Enactment of ambitious health reform laws in Massachusetts and Vermont in 2006 helped instigate a wave of state legislative activities to expand coverage to uninsured people. We identify thirty-nine states that have enacted laws in at least one access category since 2006. At least thirteen states have begun processes to enact comprehensive reforms to cover at least half of their uninsured residents. Key activities involve coverage expansions for uninsured children and for uninsured adults; regulatory changes in small-group and individual insurance markets; and individual and employer mandates. The future extent and durability of this wave are uncertain.  相似文献   

Urban and Rural Differences in Health Insurance and Access to Care   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study considers differences in access to health care and insurance characteristics between residents of urban and rural areas. Data were collected from a telephone survey of 10,310 randomly selected households in Minnesota. Sub-samples of 400 group-insured, individually insured, intermittently insured, and uninsured people, were asked about access to health care. Those with group or individual insurance were also asked about the costs and characteristics of their insurance policies.
Rural areas had a higher proportion of uninsured and individually insured respondents than urban areas. Among those who purchased insurance through an employer, rural residents had fewer covered benefits than urban residents (5.1 vs 5.7, P < 0.01) and were more likely to have a deductible (80% versus 40%, P < 0.01). In spite of this, rural uninsured residents were more likely to have a regular source of care than urban residents (69% versus 51%, P < 0.01), and were less likely to have delayed care when they thought it was necessary (21% versus 32%, P<0.01). These differences were confirmed by multivariate analysis.
Rural residents with group insurance have higher out-of-pocket costs and fewer benefits. Uninsured rural residents may have better access to health care than their urban counterparts. Attempts to expand access to health care need to consider how the current structure of employment-based insurance creates inequities for individuals in rural areas as well as the burdens this structure may place on rural providers.  相似文献   

Triple jeopardy: rural, poor, and uninsured.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The purpose of this study is to identify populations in a sparsely populated region that are less likely to obtain medical care. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of more than 5,000 elderly persons who participated in telephone interviews after being identified through more than 65,000 calls to residential listings. Subjects were persons aged 65 years and older who resided in 108 counties in western Texas. The response rate was 72%. The probability of seeing a physician in the last 6 months for urban and rural residents was modeled using multiple logistic regression analysis. Among rural residents, characteristics that were significantly (p < 0.05) associated with not recently visiting a physician when health status is held constant included belief in home remedies, having less than a high school education, lack of health insurance, and low income. Among urban residents, Hispanic ethnicity and skepticism about medical care were negatively associated with having a recent visit, whereas being religious was positively associated. Despite the availability of Medicare coverage, several subgroups of the elderly population have impaired access to medical care in this sparsely populated region. Intensified outreach efforts are indicated.  相似文献   

Objectives: Describe the population, Medicaid, uninsured, and otolaryngology practice demographics for 7 representative rural Southeastern states, and propose academic‐affiliated outreach clinics as a service to help meet the specialty care needs of an underserved rural population, based on the “medical mission” model employed in international outreach clinics. Methods: A needs assessment was conducted via review of medical licensing and practice location data from state medical licensing authorities, together with population, Medicaid, and uninsured data from state health/human services departments and the US Census Bureau. Results: In all states examined, there are significantly more practicing otolaryngologists per capita in urban areas compared to rural areas (P < .05), with the exception of West Virginia, where the difference was not statistically significant (P= .33). In the majority of the states examined, there were higher rates (expressed as a percentage of total county population) of both Medicaid recipients and uninsured patients in rural counties compared to urban counties. Notable exceptions include Louisiana and West Virginia, where there are higher percentages of Medicaid patients in urban areas, and Kentucky and Tennessee, where there are higher percentages of uninsured patients in the urban areas (P < .05 for each comparison). Conclusions: Borrowing design elements from the international outreach clinics, which involve many US otolaryngologists, a similar medical mission model could be of benefit domestically. There are rural areas of the Southeast where visiting outreach clinics could improve access to otolaryngology care and facilitate effective use of existing “safety net” health care resources.  相似文献   

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