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We measured pulmonary function on 182 healthy Japanese children 6 to 16 years of age living in the Tokyo area. Static lung volumes, RV/TLC (%), FRC/TLC (%), FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC (%), MMFR, MVV, f, VE and VO2 were measured. Multiple regression equations were obtained and the results were compared with those derived from the other equations (Kanagami (1958), Ishida (1955]. The predicted values were about 10 approximately 25% higher with our equations than those obtained from the other equations which were made more than 30 years ago. These differences were attributed to the recent improvement in growth of the Japanese children. For this reason we think it is better now to adopt new equations for the prediction of normal values in Japanese children.  相似文献   

The age distribution of antibody to simian rotavirus (SA-11) was studied in serum specimens obtained from 399 children aged to 5 years and living in the city of Recife (PE), located in the north eastern region of Brazil. Sera were examined for group-specific rotavirus antibody using a blocking enzyme immunoassay (bELISA) and a hemagglutination inhibition antibody (HIA) test, and for anti-VP2, anti-VP4, anti-VP6, and anti-VP7 antibodies using an immunoblotting assay (IBA). Antibody prevalence was similar in all bELISA and HIA assays, showing a steep rise in the 6- to 17-month-old age groups. The results indicate early acquisition of antibody to rotavirus. The majority of children aged 2 to 4 years had bELISA (50% to 60%) and HIA (70% to 81%) antibodies. There was an association in prevalence data obtained by HIA and bELISA with immunoblotting (IBA), revealing four serologic profiles. Children with profiles I and II (60%) respectively had HAI and ELISA antibody or HAI antibody alone and all had immunoprotective antibodies to VP4 and/or VP7. These children were regarded as “immune,” resembling convalescent patients with a rotavirus infection. Children with profile III (4%) had no HIA antibody and only non-protective anti-VP6 and/or VP7 antibody, and were considered to be “partially immune.” Children with profile IV (36%) had no detectable antibody and were classified as “nonimmune.” These children should be considered to be susceptible to rotavirus infection, with the risk of developing clinically severe diarrhea. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1995~1998年广东省0~4岁儿童先天畸形死亡监测结果   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
目的:探讨先天畸形对五岁以下儿童的危害程度,为做好儿童保健工作规划提供依据。方法:按广东省卫生厅《关于开展广东省妇幼卫生监测的通知》的要求,根据《中国五岁以下儿童死亡监测方案》,对1995-1998年全省42个监测点(市、县)的40万5岁以下儿童的先天畸形死亡进行监测。结果:4年平均婴儿和1-4岁儿童先天畸形死亡率分别为175.75/10万、7.57/10万。先天心脏病是婴儿、1-4岁儿童先天畸形死亡的第1位死因。农村儿童先天异常死亡率是城市的1.7倍。儿童先天畸形死亡率无明显的地理、性别差异,有明显的年龄差异:新生儿>婴儿>1-4岁儿童。先天畸形死亡占我省0-4岁儿童死亡的12.16%。结论:广东0-4岁儿童先天畸形死亡情况还比较严重,尤其是先天性心脏病并非全是不治之症,而它却成为婴儿、1-4岁儿童先天畸形死亡的第1位死因,应该引起各级有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

In the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1), the epidemiology of resting pulse rate was examined in preschool children. Among 2800 children aged 1 to 5 years, pulse rate was higher in younger than in older children, and in girls than in boys. Only at ages 4 and 5 was pulse rate lower in blacks than in whites. Of numerous other variables, only height and Southern geographic region showed independent associations with pulse rate. In a subgroup of 1056 children whose mothers were also examined, the child's pulse rate was significantly correlated with the mother's rate at ages 2, 3, and 5. Previously reported negative correlations with mother's blood pressure were not seen. Boys with hypertensive mothers had lower age-adjusted pulse rates, but girls had higher pulse rates than children of normotensive mothers. Further research is needed to determine the mechanisms of these epidemiologic patterns and their relationship to the risk of hypertension and heart disease in later life.  相似文献   

For children, two of the anthropometric indices used to assess nutritional status, weight-for-age and height-for-age, depend on the accurate estimation of the child's age. The effect of using age as either last attained year or as last attained year rounded up with half a year in the calculation of prevalence of malnutrition was looked at, using data of children (n= 208), aged between 2 and 5 years,living in the vicinity of the planned Maguga Dam, near Piggs Peak in Swaziland. Date of birth was not known for 41.3% of the children. For children whose date of birth was not known, using age as either last attained year or last attained year rounded up with half a year in the calculation of anthropometric indices profoundly affected the estimated prevalence of malnutrition in the population. The magnitude of malnutrition was lower when age was taken as last attained year. To ensure correct interpretation and use of anthropometric data it is imperative that the methods used to calculate ages are correctly specified and recorded in all documents.  相似文献   



The Millennium Development Goals recognise child health and survival as an important socio-development issue.


To determine the correlates of diarrhoea among children aged below 5 years in north Sudan.


We conducted secondary data analysis of the Sudan Multiple Cluster Indicators Survey II.


Altogether, 23,295 children were included in the survey. Half (50.0%) of the children were males, and 22.5% of them were of age less than one year. Boys were 3% (p=0.044) more likely to have diarrhoea compared to girls. Compared with the oldest age group (48–59 months), children less than 6 months of age and those aged 36–47 months had 25% and 18% lower prevalence of diarrhoea, respectively, while children aged 6–24 months and those aged 24–35 months had 1.5 fold and 1.17 fold higher prevalence of diarrhoea. Children in urban areas were 6% more likely to have diarrhoea. Children from households with 1 or 2 people per room were 8% less likely to have diarrhoea compared to children from households with more than 3 people per room.


Diarrhoea was associated with child''s age, gender, and social status. Our findings provide a useful baseline for interventions and comparisons with future studies.  相似文献   

To study the prevalence and possible predictors of bronchial responsiveness we examined a cross-section of 527 children aged 7-16 years from Copenhagen. The method used included an interview with the child and the parents, skin prick test with common allergens and se-IgE. Bronchial responsiveness was measured by a histamine inhalation test. We found that 79 (16%) of the children had bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BH), defined as a 20% fall in FEV1 with a provoking concentration of histamine (PC20) at 8 mg/ml or less. Atopic symptoms defined as asthma, rhinitis or eczema were significantly (P less than 0.001) correlated to BH both in prevalence and degree of BH. None of the children with urticaria had BH. The degree of bronchial responsiveness was also significantly influenced (P less than 0.001) by family disposition to atopy, whereas we found no correlation between BH and "passive" smoking, specific skin test in unselected children, or elevation of IgE in children without atopic symptoms. We conclude that BH is severest in children with asthma, independent of elevated IgE or positive skin prick test. Children with rhinitis, dermatitis, or asymptomatic BH have the same degree of BH; this differed from that in children with asthma.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of pathogenicity in EPEC strains were studied in tissue culture. Escherichia coli was isolated as the predominant organism in the primary culture of 1293 (70.54%) diarrhoeal cases. 284 (90.44%) cases from the age group of 1-6 months showed Escherichia coli as the predominant organism. Classical Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) were detected in 311 (24.05%) cases. Among EPEC isolates 277 (89.06%) did not produce either LT or ST. 32 (10.28%) produced LT or ST. 2 strains produced verotoxins belong to serotypes 0:86; K:61, 0.26; K:60, serogroups 0.86:K61 0142:K86, 0:128:K67, 0 126: 71, 0125:K 70, 0119: k69 showed localised adherence and serogroups 0111:K58-055:K59 showed both localised and diffused adherence to HeLa cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of pathogenicity in EPEC strains were studied in tissue culture. Escherichia coli was isolated as the predominant organism in the primary culture of 1293 (70.54%) diarrhoeal cases. 284 (90.44%) cases from the age group of 1-6 months showed Escherichia coli as the predominant organism. Classical Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli) were detected in 311 (24.05%) cases. Among EPEC isolates 277 (89.06%) did not produce either LT or ST 32(10.28%) produced LT or ST. 2 strains produced verotoxins belong to serotypes 0:86; K:61, 0:26; K:60, sero groups 0.86 :K:61, 0.142:K 86, 0.128:K 67, 0.126:K 71, 0125:K 70 0119:K69 showed localised adherence and serogroups 0111:K58-055:K59 showed both localised and diffused adherence to HeLa cells.  相似文献   

北京地区0-1岁儿童发育迟缓筛查现状研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的研究2011-2012年北京市0-1岁儿童发育迟缓社区筛查状况,为政府制定政策提供依据。方法北京市社区卫生服务中心采用丹佛发育筛查法(Denver developmental screening test,DDST)对辖区内0-1岁儿童进行发育迟缓筛查,并按工作常规要求网上直报2011、2012年儿童发育迟缓筛查数据。使用SPSS17.0进行统计分析。结果 2012年0-1岁儿童发育迟缓筛查率全市(户籍+非户籍)为63.31%,户籍在册儿童筛查率为72.64%,非户籍为47.92%,与2011年全市49.95%(其中户籍57.43%,非户籍37.18%)相比,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),筛查率明显提高。有4个区县全市筛查率超过85%,城区、近郊、远县地区全市筛查率2012年均高于2011年,城区已完成十二五指标,与远、近郊各区县差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论各区县筛查工作发展很不平衡,远、近郊各区县总体筛查水平较低,下步工作中应该继续加大发育筛查人员培训力度、加强发育筛查工作的管理力度并根据地区情况分类管理。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The age below 5 years is considered a prudential limit for immunotherapy in view of the possible severity of side-effects. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) seems to be safe, but no study in very young children is available. We performed a safety post-marketing surveillance study in children below 5 years. METHODS: Children aged 3-5 years with respiratory allergy receiving SLIT were followed-up for at least 2 years. A diary card for side-effects was filled by parents at each dose given. Local and systemic side-effects were graded as: mild (no intervention, no dose adjustment), moderate (medical treatment and/or dose reduction), severe (life-threatening/hospitalization/emergency care). The comparative safety of different allergens and regimens was also assessed. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-six children (mean age 4.2 years, 67 male) were included. Seventy-six (60%) had rhinitis with asthma, 34 (27%) rhinitis only and 16 (13%) only asthma. Immunotherapy was prescribed for mites (62%), grasses (22.2%), Parietaria (11.9%), Alternaria (2.4%) and olive (1.5%). Eighteen children underwent an accelerated build-up. The total number of doses was about 39,000. Nine side-effects were reported in seven children (5.6% patients and 0.2/1000 doses). Two episodes of oral itching and one of abdominal pain were mild. Six gastrointestinal side-effects were controlled by reducing the dose. All side-effects occurred during up-dosing phase. No difference in terms of safety among the allergens used was observed. CONCLUSION: SLIT is safe also in children under the age of 5 years.  相似文献   

The effects of undernutrition on motor coordination and performance of 139 4.0-6.5 year-old Senegalese children were studied. The sample was partitioned into three nutritional history groups: 54 children exposed chronically to a mild-to-moderate form of undernutrition (group A), 52 children hospitalized for severe undernutrition during infancy and nutritionally rehabilitated but who had been subsequently exposed to moderate undernutrition (group B); and 33 children from well-off urban households (group C). Tests included six items from the McCarthy (arm coordination) and the Charlop-Atwell (gross motor coordination) scales, and five motor fitness items (endurance run, shuttle run, distance throw, standing long jump, grip strength). Performances improved with age, and boys performed better than girls in all motor fitness tests except the jump, but not in motor coordination items. In general, group C performed better than group A and B in most of the tests. Body dimensions explained a significant part of variance of motor performance, and stature was the main predictor. After removing the effect of age and body size, differences between nutritional groups disappeared in motor performance, but persisted in certain motor coordination items. It is concluded that chronic undernutrition reflected by reduced body size and perhaps muscle mass is an important determinant of the motor performance of preschool Senegalese children.  相似文献   

In the present case-control study, out of the the eleven risk factors of delayed immunization, only seven, namely family size, sex, number of children < 5 years, material education, paternal education, distance from health centre and low socio-economic status were found to be significantly associated. The common causes for delayed immunization were negligence on part of parents, unawareness about the use of vaccine and sickness of child. Thus, health education of the parents is recommended.  相似文献   

Zou D  Grote L  Peker Y  Lindblad U  Hedner J 《Sleep》2006,29(3):367-374
SUBJECT OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of a portable monitoring device based on peripheral arterial tonometry to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). To propose a new standard for limited-channel device validation using synchronized polysomnography (PSG) home recordings and a population-based cohort. DESIGN: Single-night, unattended PSG and Watch_PAT 100 (WP_100). SETTING: Home environment. PARTICIPANTS: Ninety-eight subjects (55 men; age, 60 +/- 7 year; body mass index, 28 +/- 4 kg/m2) consecutively recruited from the Skaraborg Hypertension and Diabetes Project. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The WP_100 records peripheral arterial tone, heart rate, oxygen saturation and actigraphy for automatic analysis of respiratory disturbance index (RDI), apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation index (ODI), and sleep-wake state. The accuracy of WP_100 in RDI, AHI, ODI, and sleep-wake detection was assessed by comparison with data from simultaneous PSG recordings. The mean PSG-AHI in this population was 25.5 +/- 22.9 events per hour. The WP_100 RDI, AHI, and ODI correlated closely (0.88, 0.90, and 0.92; p < .0001, respectively) with the corresponding indexes obtained by PSG. The areas under the curve for the receiver-operator characteristic curves for WP_100 AHI and RDI were 0.93 and 0.90 for the PSG-AHI and RDI thresholds 10 and 20 (p < .0001, respectively). The agreement of the sleep-wake assessment based on 30-second bins between the 2 systems was 82 +/- 7%. CONCLUSIONS: The WP_100 was reasonably accurate for unattended home diagnosis of OSA in a population sample not preselected for OSA symptoms. The current design, including simultaneous home PSG recordings in population-based cohorts, is proposed as a reasonable validation standard for assessment of simplified recording tools for OSA diagnosis.  相似文献   

The Children's Orientation and Amnesia Test (COAT) was developed to assess posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) and cognitive functioning in children and adolescents who are in the early stages of recovery from traumatic brain injury. The COAT is composed of 16 items designed to assess general orientation, temporal orientation, and memory. The original norms are inadequate for several age groups because they were based on small sample sizes and may have been compromised by ceiling effects. In this study, normative data were collected for children between the ages of 8 and 13 (N=248). Regression-predicted age norms were calculated and presented in tabular form. These results provide important reference data for interpreting COAT scores of children who have sustained traumatic brain injuries.  相似文献   

Trisomy 13 in a female over 5 years of age.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A case of simple trisomy 13, confirmed by G-banded chromosome analysis, is reported in a Caucasian female over 5 years of age. There is no cytogenetic evidence available for mosaicism in the propositus or her parents. The patient's salient clinical features are: profound mental and motor retardation; microcephaly with trigonocephaly; ear malformations; small, sunken eyes; unusual eyebrows; cleft lip and palate; bulbar nose; coloboma iris; polydactyly; unusual dermatoglyphic patterns; large adductor thumbs; enlarged great toes; multiple capillary haemangiomas; club feet; inguinal and umbilical hernias; hyperconvexed fingernails; and seizure disorder.  相似文献   

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