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This study explored perceptions of child caregivers concerning the Child Development Associate (CDA) competencies and process. A survey instrument was administered to 145 center-based, preschool Head Start educational personnel in order to collect data. Subjects with CDA Credentials, in CDA training, and without CDA participation agreed that the CDA competencies were congruent with their professional needs. Subjects with CDA Credentials perceived that the CDA process had helped them become more competent according to the CDA competencies.  相似文献   

One of the primary objects of the Association of Health Care Information and Medical Records Officers is to ensure the supply of qualified personnel. Frank Sargeant, the association's chairman describes how it fulfils that role.  相似文献   

The authors present two training approaches used in assisting Head Start staff to increase the effectiveness of their work with families affected by substance abuse. The Workshop Model and the Team Consultation Model evolved from feedback from the participants and demonstrates the willingness of the consultants and Head Start administration to collaborate to find effective methods of training on substance abuse and related issues. This project was supported by the Administration for Children and Families, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Grant #90CD078/03.  相似文献   

Integration of clinical material appears to involve three major steps: identification of the pertinent information; organization of that information in some logical sequence; and determination of its meaning to specific applications. The concept of 'Condition Diagramming' has been developed to help students to integrate the large volumes of clinical data that they are expected to learn. It utilizes a defined format to establish what information is needed and where it fits in relation to the patient's current status. Data organized in this manner may be easier to comprehend and use in medical decision-making. Several potential applications of this approach are presented.  相似文献   

Limited information exists regarding asthma management practices and education needs of Head Start directors and staff. This paper describes asthma management practices and education needs of Head Start directors and staff in 15 Baltimore, Md., Head Start programs. From February to December 2000, all Head Start staff and directors were asked to complete a survey. Data from 268 Head Start staff and 12 Head Start directors were analyzed. Results revealed discrepancies between Head Start staff and directors regarding location of asthma medications and presence of asthma action plans in programs. Both Head Start staff and directors stated they had no curriculum to teach Head Start children how to manage asthma. This finding provides evidence that asthma education is needed in Head Start programs. Findings also indicate a need for improved communication between Head Start directors and staff.  相似文献   

目的:为了提高消毒供应中心培训效果,培养和提高消毒供应中心工作人员的理论与实践能力,保证消毒灭菌质量。方法对消毒供应中心工作人员实施分阶段目标教学法,制定总目标和阶段目标。第一阶段为适应期,第一周。第二阶段为学习实践期,第2~4周。第三阶段考核评价期,第5周。第四阶段全面素质考核期,第6~8周。第五阶段为轮转期,第13周。结果实施分阶段教学模式后,提高了培训质量,理论和操作考试成绩较传统的培训方法均有统计学意义(P≤0.005)。结论分阶段目标教学法能较好地指导消毒供应中心实际工作,提高培训效果,为消毒供应中心提供有效的培训方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents the conceptual and organizational elements that have guided the development of the Center for Public Health Research (CPHR) in Mexico. The CPHR was established in August 1984, in the midst of the most profound health care reform in Mexico in the last 40 years. The reform has included, among other measures, a Constitutional amendment recognizing the social right to health care, an energetic effort to decentralize the system so that each state will run its own services, an ambitious drive to extend primary health care coverage to all the population, and a strong promotion of research as the basis for strategic planning and for the development of standards of care. The creation of the CPHR is a response to the need for a firm base of epidemiologic and health systems research in Mexico. This need arises from the increasing complexity of the country's organizational arrangements for health care. In addition, the patterns of morbidity and mortality are also becoming more intricate, as Mexico is experiencing an epidemiologic transition whereby chronic diseases, mental ailments, and accidents are on the rise even as the incidence of infectious diseases and malnutrition continues to be high. As a unit of the Ministry of Health, the CPHR must strike a balance between relevance to decision making and excellence in the strict adherence to the norms of scientific research. To do so, it has developed a conceptual framework based on a tridimensional matrix. The dimensions of the matrix include substantive areas (i.e., the phenomena to be researched), knowledge areas (i.e., the disciplines pertinent to public health), and methodological areas (i.e., the methods to be applied in each project). The intersection of these dimensions produces different configurations of "research modules" that can be adapted to changing priorities. Current priorities of the CPHR include epidemiologic studies of the emerging conditions in the transition, migration and health, child survival, social organization and primary health care, health systems management, quality of care, and the development of information systems and quantitative models for public health research. Research projects are undertaken in a matrix type of organization in which academic departments are structured according to problems rather than disciplines. The analysis of Mexico's Center for Public Health Research may contribute to similar endeavors in other countries and also to the wider development of comparative studies on research organizations.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe accessibility of public facilities for all is an issue increasingly gaining focus in policy debates, especially regarding the ageing population.ObjectiveThis paper describes a psychometric approach to the development of a new instrument for assessing the accessibility of public entrances.MethodsItems to include were selected by means of literature review and classified according to a typology of person-environment fit that uses the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as theoretical framework. Content validity was assessed by a scientific panel approach and construct validity by using simulation techniques and correlation analysis with a related construct. Reliability was evaluated by inter-rater agreement analysis, where 15 strategically selected public entrances were assessed by five rater pairs.ResultsContent validity was assessed as high (3.6 on a scale from 1 to 4) and correlation indicating convergent validity between instrument scores and a related construct was moderate (rs = 0.60, p < 0.001). Inter-rater reliability was acceptable to good (kappa 0.42, overall agreement 81%). After an iterative process including review of validity and reliability results, the resulting assessment instrument consisted of 56 items in 7 sections.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated good content validity and acceptable to good inter-rater reliability. Though initial results were promising, user involvement and further testing of construct validity is needed. The goal of the new instrument is a feasible tool for planning, evaluation and accomplishment of policies intended to make public entrances accessible for all. The extent to which the instrument succeeds remains to be tested by practical use.  相似文献   

The COVID‐19 pandemic created an urgent need for staff development. However, COVID‐19 has created many challenges, including the inability to meet in‐person, travel restrictions to conferences, overwhelming clinical demands on already overextended faculty members and the increased need to focus on personal health and safety. Although current challenges were immediately met with solutions borne out of an emergency, questions remain on how to identify and sustain best practices and further evolve staff development beyond the immediate crisis. Reviewing the Medical Adaptations series revealed several lessons. Several authors used cognitive apprenticeship to provide scaffolding upon which learners can build skills, knowledge and attitudes. Additionally, moderators were recommended during live educational sessions in order to manage the chat box and engage the audience. Comprehensive IT support was key. A post‐session debrief helped deepen understanding and provided a space for peer support and community building. Building a repository for educational materials was recommended. Although we made significant gains in the ability to offer staff development, we must consider potential and unintended consequences and explore how we can use transformative learning theory to capitalize on what we have gained. Utilizing technology can potentially increase access to online learning; however, when not implemented carefully, it can magnify inequities. While providing IT support can serve to mitigate some inequities borne by socioeconomic and generational differences, additional strategies should be implemented to account for English as a second‐language learners; those with disabilities who do not have access to adaptive technology; and other marginalized groups who may already feel vulnerable to presenting arguments in oppositions of authority or the majority. Crafting online education experiences to allow for small group, peer‐to‐peer and social interactions is vital to continued professional and identity development. Now that the urgency has lessened, taking time to ensure what is being offered follows best practices in developing and disseminating quality online education is paramount for broad acceptance.  相似文献   

Childhood developmental assessment is an essential skill that medical students must attain during their education. The authors describe a new technique which is neither laborious nor time-consuming for both staff and students. Groups of 40 students were taught normal developmental examinations using a novel interactive approach during a lecture. The method proved successful in terms of student evaluation, cost effectiveness of medical teaching time and acceptability to the children used for the demonstration. Audio-visual equipment, available in most teaching centres, was used that was easily and cheaply installed for the purpose of the session.  相似文献   

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