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Introduction:  The aim of the survey was to assess the status of implant dentistry education and addressed various aspects related to competence level, practical implementation and barriers for further development in the field.
Materials and methods:  An e-mail survey was performed amongst 73 opinion leaders from 18 European countries invited to the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) workshop on implant dentistry.
Results:  Forty-nine surveys were returned (67%) and it was found that theoretical and pre-clinical courses to an average of 36 h are given to undergraduates; 70% reported that students assist or treat patients with prosthetics; 53% reported that students assist with surgery and only 5% is operating patients. In 23% of the schools optional undergraduate courses are available and 90% offer postgraduate training. Barriers for including prosthetics and surgery are lack of time, funding or staff. Partial restorations, including surgery, in the posterior regions may be provided by dentists after attendance at additional courses but complex treatments should be limited to specialists.
Conclusion:  This survey confirms that implant dentistry is part of the undergraduate curriculum, albeit with a disparity in time. Whereas implant dentistry is an important part of clinical practice, coverage in the curriculum is limited and when compared with 10 years ago, even stagnating. Priorities within the curriculum should be evaluated depending on demands and treatment needs of the population. To optimise education, learning guidelines should be developed, based on the expected competencies for practicing dentists. Undergraduate education may start the process that must continue through all levels of education, including the postgraduate level.  相似文献   

Undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom is undergoing major changes. These changes are the result of pressures from three different but interrelated areas. Alterations in the funding and management of higher education and health care, new approaches to curriculum design and advances in clinical practice each have significant impact on how medical education is delivered. Students, teachers, medical schools and hospital and community practice are all affected by these changes.  相似文献   

Videoconferencing is an established method for providing medical education over long distances. Our aims were to assess the feasibility of videoconferencing in dental postgraduate education, to evaluate its practicability, teacher satisfaction and evaluate equipment. Twenty-seven teachers from the 4 London Dental Schools provided 41 postgraduate dental education sessions on a range of topics to regional postgraduate centres and dental practices as part of the Thames Health Region's programme. Videoconferencing was carried out using a relatively inexpensive personal computer system link using ISDN2 telephone lines and Z350 protocol. Presenter views and assessment were obtained by questionnaire, interview and videotape. Teachers felt that minimal additional preparation time was required for videoconferencing and 21/27 preferred it to in-person teaching, most noting the saving in travel time. Only 3 of the teachers were dissatisfied with their ability to communicate, 4 were equivocal and 20 were either pleased or very pleased. The teachers largely enjoyed the experience and performed well in the new medium. However, sound quality proved inadequate in 5/41 links and most sessions included some periods of suboptimal sound. Only 4 teachers were satisfied with their ability to perform question and answer interaction with the audience. We conclude that experienced teachers adapt readily to videoconferencing and learn to communicate effectively very quickly. Teachers were positive about the medium despite its shortcomings and improvements in sound quality would allow a rapid expansion of postgraduate dental education by videoconference.  相似文献   

This paper constitutes a summary of the consensus documents agreed at the First European Workshop on Implant Dentistry University Education held in Prague on 19–22 June 2008. Implant dentistry is becoming increasingly important treatment alternative for the restoration of missing teeth, as patients expectations and demands increase. Furthermore, implant related complications such as peri-implantitis are presenting more frequently in the dental surgery. This consensus paper recommends that implant dentistry should be an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum. Whilst few schools will achieve student competence in the surgical placement of implants this should not preclude the inclusion of the fundamental principles of implant dentistry in the undergraduate curriculum such as the evidence base for their use, indications and contraindications and treatment of the complications that may arise. The consensus paper sets out the rationale for the introduction of implant dentistry in the dental curriculum and the knowledge base for an undergraduate programme in the subject. It lists the competencies that might be sought without expectations of surgical placement of implants at this stage and the assessment methods that might be employed. The paper also addresses the competencies and educational pathways for postgraduate education in implant dentistry.  相似文献   



The clinical experience of undergraduate dental students in Paediatric Dentistry has a profound influence on their future confidence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical experience of undergraduate students in Paediatric Dentistry over five consecutive years and to determine whether changes in teaching practices are reflected in the clinic.

Materials and Methods

In total, 196 records submitted at the end of the Paediatric Dentistry training from the last 5 years (2016–2020) were evaluated. The variables analysed included the number of patients treated per student, the year, and the numbers and types of procedures performed individually across the years. The data were grouped into two categories; pre and post implementation of an electronic portfolio and a change in teaching practices (2016–2017 and 2018–2020 respectively). Data were analysed using Student's t-test or Mann–Whitney for two group comparison, depending on data distribution (α = 5%).


There was a significant reduction in the number of radiographs exposed (p = .013) between the two groups. The number of fissure sealants had increased in recent years (p < .001). Although the number of stainless steel crowns performed remained unchanged (p = .98), there was an increase in the number of crowns placed using the Hall technique (p < .001) and a concurrent decrease in the number of conventional crowns placed (p < .001).


The clinical experience of undergraduate students has changed in line with evolving teaching practices. The use of objective measures such as patient numbers and range of procedures can be used as a method of evaluating student clinical experience. Other assessment tools are still required to evaluate additional aspects of clinical learning in paediatric dentistry.  相似文献   

近年来,在全身麻醉状态下完成门诊儿童口腔诊疗,已逐渐发展成为一种较成熟的行为管理模式。由于门诊儿童口腔诊治时间短、流动性大、周转快,对麻醉及诊疗期的管理提出更高要求。中华口腔医学会镇静镇痛专业委员会组织专家,制定儿童口腔门诊全身麻醉操作指南,从口腔门诊实施全身麻醉的范围、临床基本条件、口腔诊疗种类、诊治前评估与准备、麻醉实施与监测、恢复和苏醒期管理、常见并发症及处理要点等方面给出具有可操作性的实施规范,对促进我国儿童门诊全身麻醉下口腔诊疗安全性和舒适化的快速发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the clinical experience of undergraduate students in paediatric dentistry. This was a prospective study in a clinic teaching paediatric dentistry to undergraduates within a UK dental school. Students who graduated between 1997 and 2001 at King's Dental Institute, London, were required to complete a quantitative record of their clinical activity. The mean undergraduate intake for the 5-year period was 58. Thirty-six (36) sessions each of 2-2 1/2 h duration were available in the course for the clinical treatment of children (one half day per week), a total of 81 h. The undergraduates assessed and planned treatment for 13.4 patients, 3.6 emergency patients and administered 10.4 local analgesics. The mean number of inhalation sedation administrations increased (1.5-3.3) per student during the 5-year period. The mean number of procedures performed by undergraduates for primary teeth was 8.1 restorations in glass ionomer or compomer and 1.9 in amalgam, 1.6 pulpotomies and 0.2 preformed crowns. The mean number of procedures for permanent teeth was 24.5 fissure sealants, 2.6 preventive resin restorations, 1.5 amalgams, 1.7 composites, 1.4 incisal edge restorations and 0.8 root canal treatments. For permanent teeth, the trend was towards an increase in the number of preventive resin restorations (1.9-2.8) and composite restorations (1.4-1.9) but a decrease in the number of amalgam restorations (2.1-0.9) during the 5-year period. Individual students' clinical experience was very variable. Procedures that were performed more than 10 times were experienced by every student. A procedure performed on average two to four times within a year group would be experienced by only 80-90% of the group and less frequently performed procedures would only have been experienced by a minority of graduates. A large number of patients failed to attend or cancelled appointments representing a loss of 21 h of clinical treatment time per student, about 25% of the total time available for the treatment of children in the clinical course.  相似文献   

Introduction:  Although placements in primary care settings remote from dental schools are becoming a common feature of undergraduate dental curricula, little evidence is available regarding the experience of paediatric dentistry gained in this way.
Materials and methods:  Treatment logs relating to salaried primary care placements undertaken by the Class of 2007 at Cardiff University School of Dentistry were examined, particular attention being paid to paediatric-specific procedures.
Results:  Forty-nine logs relating to placements undertaken in South East Wales and 51 relating to those in North Wales were retrieved. In South East Wales, 90% of students gained experience of primary tooth restoration, 61% carrying out primary endodontics. Sixty-three percent of students undertaking placements in South East Wales and 69% of those placed in North Wales gained experience of primary tooth extraction under local anaesthesia. All but three students gained experience of administering inhalation sedation.
Discussion:  The findings of this study should go some way towards reassuring those who have expressed concern that recruitment difficulties within dental schools inevitably lead to increasing numbers of students qualifying without clinical experience of paediatric dental procedures considered to be within the remit of a newly qualified dental practitioner. However, there remains wide variation in the breadth and depth of experience of individual students and it is still possible for some students to graduate without what might be considered core experience in paediatric dentistry.
Conclusion:  Salaried primary care settings are ideally placed to provide students with experience of paediatric-specific procedures. Clinical education in paediatric dentistry should, therefore, incorporate the strengths of dental school and placement education.  相似文献   

As the numbers of elderly adults continue to grow within European populations, the need for dental students to be trained in the management of geriatric patients becomes increasingly important. Many dental schools have developed training programmes in geriatric dentistry in response to the changing oral health needs of older adults. The purpose of this on-line survey was to identify the current status of geriatric dentistry education in European dental schools. A questionnaire relating to the teaching of geriatric dentistry was posted on the Internet, and 194 dental schools in 34 European countries were invited to participate. Data from completed questionnaires were submitted to the investigators via email from 82 schools in 27 countries (42% response rate). Thirty-six percent of schools offered a specific geriatric dentistry course that included didactic teaching or seminar groups, 21% taught geriatric dentistry by means of organised presentations in the curriculum, and 36% taught the subject by occasional lectures. 7% of schools did not teach geriatric dentistry at all. A clinical component to the geriatric dentistry curriculum was reported by 61% of schools and 18% reported operating a specific geriatric dentistry clinic within the school. Of those providing clinical geriatric dentistry training, it was provided within the school in 45% of cases, with a further 29% of schools providing training both within the school and at a remote location. Seven percent of schools operated a mobile dental clinic for treating geriatric patients. Twenty-eight percent of schools had a geriatric programme director or a chairman of a geriatric section and 39% indicated that they plan to extend the teaching of geriatric dentistry in the future. Geriatric dental education has clearly established itself in the curricula of European dental schools although the format of teaching the subject varies widely. It is of concern that geriatric dentistry was not taught at all in 7% of schools. No data are available concerning whether or not geriatric dentistry is taught in the 58% non-responding schools.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the development of an undergraduate Gerodontology course in Athens Dental School. BACKGROUND: Because of demographic changes, undergraduate dental curricula should place appropriate emphasis on the oral care of the elderly. Therefore, the Athens Dental School Curriculum Committee authorised the development of a new Gerodontology course. METHODS: The new course was introduced in the 10th (final) semester of undergraduate studies. Teaching responsibilities were shared amongst staff from various Dental School departments and the National Health System. The course was elective and mainly didactic, consisting of seminars within the Dental School, educational visits to hospitals and geriatric day centres and elective clinical work in the comprehensive care clinic. The students evaluated the course at the end of the semester and indicated its strengths and weaknesses from their perspective. CONCLUSION: The new course was generally satisfying. Based on the experience and evaluation of the first pilot year and taking into consideration the existing barriers, we plan to improve and expand educational activities, mainly including improved methods of teaching and assessment, and more clinical assignments.  相似文献   

Examination of 11-year-old Scots children who had participated in a 5-year, fortnightly dental health education and preventive dentistry programme showed that, compared with a similar age-matched group, the regimen produced mean DMF and DMFS reductions of 48.6% and 42.1%, respectively. In addition, the plaque and gingival indices differed significantly and 22.5% of test children were caries-free compared with only 7.6% of controls.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assist dental researchers to develop their expertise in qualitative research. It sketches the key characteristics of qualitative research; summarises theoretical perspectives; outlines the core skills of qualitative data collection and the procedures which underlie three methods of qualitative research: interviewing, focus groups and concept maps. The paper offers some guidance on writing qualitative research and provides examples of qualitative research drawn from dentistry and dental education.  相似文献   

In May 2000, a questionnaire-based survey was targeted at all Mongolian dentists practising in the capital city of Mongolia in May 2000 with the aim of evaluating attendance at and the self-perceived need for continuing education (CE) in relation to their background characteristics and to their attitude towards CE. The response rate was 98% (n = 245), with 38% of the dentists reporting a CE learning opportunity in at least one of the clinical disciplines of dentistry during the 2 years prior to the survey. A need for CE in at least one of the disciplines was perceived by 58%. A dentist's field of practice and attitude towards CE were the significant factors for attendance, whereas length of working experience, field of practice, holding a postgraduate degree, and having attended CE courses were significant factors for perceiving a need for CE, when controlling for all other variables in the logistic regression analyses (P < 0.05). There seems to be a need for an increased attendance at CE courses among the dentists and a need for preparing them to have a positive attitude towards CE. On the other hand, creating an organized CE system which produces courses for dental practitioners, based on their need, will be at present a challenge for the Mongolian dental profession.  相似文献   

This report summarises the accomplishments of King's College London and Università degli Studi di Brescia in establishing an Anglo-Italian Collaboration. The aim was to develop areas of enterprise in clinical practice, teaching and research that reflected the principles of the Bologna Declaration.  相似文献   

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