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目的 探讨下颈椎骨折脱位伴关节突交锁的手术方式选择.方法 对68例下颈椎骨折脱位合并关节突交锁患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.其中单侧小关节脱位33例,双侧小关节脱位35例.美国脊髓损伤协会(ASIA)评分:A级5例,B级11例,C级9例,D级10例.所有患者均于术前行颅骨牵引,关节突交锁复位的则行前路减压植骨融合内固定术治疗;否则行后路切开撬拨复位或关节突切除复位固定、前路植骨融合内固定术.结果 术中均无大血管、气管、食管、脊髓意外损伤.平均随访41.5个月,所有患者均复位良好,颈椎椎间高度和生理曲度维持良好,术后6个月后植骨全部融合,无钢板螺钉并发症.不完全性脊髓损伤患者术后神经功能均有一定恢复.结论 手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位并关节突交锁疗效确切,根据损伤的具体类型采用适合的手术方式是手术成功的关键.  相似文献   

目的 探讨下颈椎单关节脱位损伤的X线及CT诊断特点.方法 15例下颈椎单关节脱位损伤患者的X线及CT影像进行观察.结果 X线侧位片示:脱位椎体向前移位的距离<25% 15例;脱位椎下位椎体关节侧块后缘到椎板线的距离突然改变13例;脱位椎体的双侧上关节突"领结"征12例.正位片示:脱位颈椎的棘突脱位侧偏移15例.斜位片示:小关节脱位或交锁5例.CT示:异常的"汉堡包"征7例;合并单侧关节突的骨折8例;脱位椎及上方的椎体旋转13例;脱位椎体和下位椎体的"双环征"12例.结论 结合受伤机制、临床表现和X线、CT的特征性征象,能对下颈椎单关节脱位损伤做出正确诊断.  相似文献   

颈椎骨折、脱位并关节突交锁在严重颈椎损伤中经常发生,因损伤严重及复位困难易致颈椎不稳和颈髓损伤,对患者造成极大痛苦.但颈椎骨折,脱位并关节突交锁是否应早期手术治疗及采取何种手术方式尚有争论.笔者自1999年1月至2006年12月对我院收治的35例颈椎骨折、脱位并关节突交锁患者进行早期前路手术治疗,疗效满意.现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈椎单侧关节突交锁的不同治疗方法选择.方法 32例颈椎单侧关节突交锁,行头颅牵引复位成功8例,其中3例维持牵引1个月后改行头颈胸石膏固定,余5例行前路减压植骨融合内固定术.23例牵引失败,其中14例行前路切开复位、椎间盘切除植骨融合内固定术;3例前路复位失败行椎间盘切除加椎体次全切除减压植骨内固定术,1例前路复位失败改行后路切开复位后再前方植骨内固定术;3例行后路切开复位侧块内固定植骨融合术,2例行后路切开复位减压、前路椎间盘切除减压植骨内固定术.1例由于漏诊,伤后8个月行前路减压植骨融合术.结果 平均随访18个月.发现颈椎不稳2例,均为仅行牵引复位,未做融合术者.颈前路手术者植骨块术后12周均获骨性融合.颈椎生理曲度及椎间隙高度恢复较好.无内固定并发症,亦无治疗中神经并发症.结论 下颈椎单侧关节突交锁的治疗需要综合考虑多方面的因素,包括是否伴有椎间盘损伤、是否合并后柱骨折、脊髓压迫及损伤情况.对伴有创伤性颈椎间盘突出的单侧关节突交锁者,前路减压复位稳定术是首选方法,对于不伴椎间盘突出者,可试行牵引复位或直接后路切开复位固定.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈椎钩突骨折的损伤机制及诊治特点。 方法 回顾分析自 1976年 1月至 1999年 12月收治的 9例颈椎钩突骨折 ,其中男 4例 ,女 5例 ;年龄 18~ 31岁 ,平均 2 3.5岁。单侧颈椎钩突骨折 5例 ,双侧颈椎钩突骨折 2例 ,同侧 2个颈椎钩突骨折 2例。C5钩突骨折 4例次 ,C6 钩突骨折 7例次。非手术治疗 3例 ,手术治疗 6例。全组获随访 3~ 2 4年 ,平均 11年。结果 本组手术治疗患者效果优良 ;非手术治疗患者遗留不同程度颈痛、头晕、手麻等症状 ,其中 2例患者 30岁时有明显颈椎退变 ,3例患者 35岁时均诊断为颈椎病。 结论 本组颈椎钩突骨折的损伤机制是由于颈部的瞬时旋转和侧屈暴力造成 ,且有颈部侧屈和 (或 )旋转位受伤史。一旦颈椎左右侧屈正位片X线检查发现一侧椎间隙增宽 (>2mm) ,应行CT检查明确诊断 ,CT扫描层厚最好控制在 2mm。该种骨折如果治疗不当 ,将明显提前颈椎病发生时间  相似文献   

后-前路联合手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位伴关节突交锁   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
目的探讨经后-前路联合手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位、关节突交锁伴不全四肢瘫的疗效。方法44例下颈椎骨折脱位、关节突交锁伴不全四肢瘫患者,先侧卧位局部麻醉,经后正中切口暴露脱位节段的上椎板上缘至下椎板下缘,采用撬拨复位技术解除关节突的交锁;复位后可做两节段的侧块螺钉固定或棘突问钛线缆、钢丝固定(Stauffer法);然后变换体位为仰卧位,全身麻醉下经颈椎前路清除脱位椎间的椎间盘、上下终板,常规髂骨块植骨融合、钢板内固定。结果无围手术期死亡,无切口感染、喉返神经麻痹、内固定相关并发症,伤口均I/甲愈合。术后X线片示所有患者的脱位均完全矫正,无残留小关节半脱位和后凸畸形;未出现脊髓和(或)神经损伤加重者;术后14 d时改良Frankel分级明显改善。结论采用局部麻醉下后路切开复位固定再前路联合手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位、关节突交锁伴不全四肢瘫是一种安全有效的方法,其优点为时间短、创伤小等。  相似文献   

经前路颈椎单侧关节突交锁撑开复位机制的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨经前路单侧颈椎关节突交锁撑开复位的方法及机制。方法对9具颈椎标本,通过手法脱位制成9个单侧关节突交锁模型,对其行经前路减压撑开复位及生物力学测试。测定撑开螺钉成不同角度(0°、10°、20°、30°)、螺钉成相同角度时椎体中央置钉与交锁侧(偏中心1 cm)置钉、纵向牵引与无纵向牵引之间时的撑开扭力及撑开椎间高度值。结果(1)撑开螺钉成20°、30°时撑开椎间高度值、撑开螺钉成30°时撑开扭力值均较撑开螺钉成0°时明显降低(P<0.05或0.01);(2)撑开螺钉成相同角度时交锁侧置钉的撑开扭力较中央置钉明显降低(P<0.01);(3)纵向牵引一定重量(3 kg)时撑开扭力较无纵向牵引时低(P<0.05)。结论螺钉至少成20°角以上(特别是30°)、交锁侧撑开、纵向牵引一定重量(3 kg或3 kg以上)是经前路颈椎单侧关节突交锁撑开复位的最有效的方法。  相似文献   

颈椎关节突交锁的治疗探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颈椎脱位伴关节突交锁,在颈椎损伤中比较常见。主要的治疗方法有手法复位、牵引复位及手术复位植骨融合固定,但何种方法最理想—直存有争议。近年国外主张手术的报道较多[1~4],而国内未见报道。现就我院1984年8月~1992年8月收治的41例颈椎关节突交锁...  相似文献   

采用Ⅰ期前后路联合手术治疗下颈椎骨折脱位合并关节突绞锁14例,脱位颈椎均解剖复位,植骨于术后3~4个月均融合.该治疗能使下颈椎骨折脱位伴小关节突绞锁患者完全恢复颈椎序列,解除压迫,有利于脊髓功能恢复.  相似文献   

作者对连续30例颈椎损伤的住院病人做了椎前间隙的研究。鉴于椎前肿胀的发生率和损伤类型和/或损伤机制之间可能有关系故将本病再细分成齿状突骨折、绞型骨折(Hangman Fracture),过屈扭伤、椎体压缩骨折、关节突绞锁、关节突压缩、过伸扭伤。一般认为在颈椎损伤中血肿或水肿都可使颈前增宽。作者认为水肿不常见,因局部组织太少不能引起明显的水肿性肿胀。因而椎前增宽和椎前血肿的概念使用是相同的。以50例未损伤病人的正常宽度上限做为参考。在30例受伤的病人中发现有18例由于血肿致椎前软组织增宽。除了过屈扭伤和关节突压缩者外,都有  相似文献   

Injuries to the cervical spine at the C3-C4 level involving the bony elements, intervertebral disks, and ligamentous structures are rare. We present 25 cases of traumatic C3-C4 injuries sustained by young athletes and documented by the National Football Head and Neck Injury Registry. Review of the cases reveals that the response of energy inputs at the C3-C4 level differ from those involving the upper (C1-C2) and lower (C4-C5-C6-C7) cervical segments. Specifically, the C3-C4 lesions appear to be unique with regard to the infrequency of bony fracture, difficulty in effecting and maintaining reduction, and a more favorable recovery following early, aggressive treatment. In the majority of instances, injury at this level results from axial loading of the cervical spine. Lesions were distributed into specific categories: 1) acute intervertebral disc herniation (N = 4), 2) anterior subluxation of C3 on C4 (N = 4), 3) unilateral facet dislocation (N = 6), 4) bilateral facet dislocation (N = 7), and 5) fracture of vertebral body C4 (N = 4). Analysis of these 25 cases suggests that traumatic lesions of the cervical spine in general can be classified as involving the upper (C1-C2), middle (C3-C4), or lower (C4-C7) segments. This is based on our observations from this series that C3-C4 lesions 1) generally do not involve fracture of the bony elements; 2) acute intervertebral disc herniations are frequently associated with transient quadriplegia; 3) reduction of anterior subluxation of C3 on C4 is difficult to maintain; 4) reduction of unilateral facet dislocation is difficult to obtain by skeletal traction and is best managed by closed manipulation and reduction under general anesthesia; and 5) reduction of bilateral facet dislocation is difficult to obtain by skeletal traction and is best managed by open methods. The more favorable results observed in this series of immediate reduction of both unilateral and bilateral facet dislocations deserves emphasis. In two cases of unilateral facet dislocation reduced within 3 hours of injury and subsequently fused anteriorly, significant neurologic recovery occurred. The other four patients, two who underwent an open reduction and laminectomy and two treated closed with skeletal traction, remained quadriplegic. In the four instances of bilateral facet dislocation where reduction was achieved by either closed or open methods, although there was no neurologic recovery, all four patients survived their injuries. However, the three patients who were not successfully reduced died.  相似文献   

Thoracolumbar facets are not as commonly dislocated as are those of the cervical spine. It is, however, crucial to make an early and accurate diagnosis of thoracolumbar facet dislocation since the injury may be unstable and require reduction and internal fixation. This paper presents three major CT patterns of thoracolumbar facet fracture dislocation. The first represents anterior subluxation of the vertebral body with anteriorly locked facets. The second is a lateral vertebral body subluxation with laterally locked facets. The third is an acute kyphosis with little vertebral body subluxation but superiorly dislocated facets. Since the vertebral body subluxation may be missed on axial CT images, these facet-dislocation patterns should be recognized by identifying the paired superior and inferior facets and establishing their congruency. Identification of the facets is accomplished by their orientation with respect to the vertebral body (superior facets are directed posteromedially and inferior facets are directed anterolaterally) as well as by the shape of the articular surface (superior facet articular surface is concave, inferior facet articular surface is flat or convex).  相似文献   

目的 探讨无脊髓损伤下颈椎脱位的手术方法选择及疗效.方法 分析总结2004年1月-2009年6月手术治疗的无脊髓损伤下颈椎脱位患者11例.根据Allen分类均为牵开屈曲型损伤,其中Ⅰ度脱位7例,Ⅱ度脱位1例,Ⅲ度脱位3例.陈旧性脱位8例,新鲜脱位3例,均为单纯颈椎外伤,不合并其他脏器损伤.单纯前路复位内固定椎间植骨融合7例,前后路联合复位内固定植骨融合4例.术后随访观察临床疗效.结果 11例患者手术经过顺利,术前11例Frankel分级E级,术后11例Frankel分级E级.X线片示11例患者均恢复颈椎正常序列和曲度.随访3~31个月未出现脊髓损伤症状及再脱位.术后3.5~5.5个月(平均4.3个月)达植骨融合.结论 合并关节突交锁的下颈椎脱位宜Ⅰ期行前后路联合复位内固定,无关节突交锁者可单纯前路复位椎间植骨融合.复位及内固定植骨融合术是治疗无脊髓损伤型下颈椎脱位的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的 研究椎动脉损伤在闭合性颈椎创伤中的发病率及其与颈椎损伤机制、类型、损伤程度的相关性 ,观察椎动脉损伤后的临床症状、体征 ,探讨早期正确诊断的方法。 方法 于2 0 0 0年 8月~ 2 0 0 2年 2月间 ,利用颈部动脉磁共振血管造影 (MRA)技术 ,连续观察 4 6例闭合性颈椎创伤患者 ,结合颈椎X线、MRI、CT检查及患者的临床症状、体征综合分析。 结果 4 6例闭合性颈椎创伤中 ,12例 (2 6 % )伴椎动脉损伤。其中 7例为双侧损伤 (4例一侧未显影、一侧狭窄 ,3例双侧狭窄 ) ,5例为单侧损伤 (均为一侧狭窄 ) ;10例椎动脉损伤患者无任何症状 ,2例出现眩晕、恶心呕吐、面部麻木、偏盲等症状。椎动脉损伤与屈曲型损伤及颈椎严重不稳定相关 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,与小关节绞锁、横突孔骨折及脊髓完全性损伤明显相关 (P <0 .0 1)。 结论 椎动脉损伤是闭合性颈椎创伤的较常见并发症 ,其临床症状体征缺乏特异性。颈椎创伤中的颈椎严重不稳定、屈曲型损伤、伴有脊髓完全性损伤、小关节绞锁和 (或 )横突孔骨折应高度怀疑椎动脉损伤。临床医师应对此类损伤有较高的警惕性 ,常规进行颈部动脉MRA检查是最有效的早期正确辅助诊断方法。  相似文献   

We measured the distance between the spinolaminar line and the articular pillars of the cervical spine (the laminar space), identified on lateral radiograph, to determine the diagnostic value of changes in this measurement in cases of unilateral facet dislocation. Twenty-seven cases of unilateral facet dislocation were compared with 70 normal spines and with 29 cases of hyperflexion injuries without unilateral facet dislocation. Abrupt alteration of the laminar space between two adjacent levels was found to be an accurate measure of rotation of the spine at the levels concerned; on the basis of this alteration, we were able to correctly diagnose 23 of 27 cases of unilateral facet dislocation and 22 of 23 cases of unilateral facet dislocation between C2 and C6. In only two of the 70 normal cases was a similar alteration of the laminar space seen, and one of these was due to a previous fracture. In none of the 29 cases of hyperflexion injury without unilateral facet dislocation was there abrupt alteration of the laminar space. We conclude that abrupt alteration of the laminar space is an accurate determinant for rotational anomalies of the cervical spine and, in particular, for unilateral facet dislocation.  相似文献   

Unilateral dislocation at the lumbosacral junction is a rare injury associated with severe hyperflexion and rotation of the lumbar spine. Plain film findings suggesting facet dislocation are usually confirmed with computed tomography. Most surgeons advocate early open reduction, internal fixation, and fusion.  相似文献   

目的探讨一期前后路联合手术治疗陈旧性下颈椎骨折脱位的临床应用价值。方法16例陈旧性下颈椎骨折脱位患者,术前采用颅骨牵引,先行后路小关节突松解复位,棘突间自体髂骨植骨钢丝固定手术,完成后更换体位,实施前路椎间盘摘除或椎体次全切椎管减压椎间植骨前路锁定钢板系统固定术,对所有患者术前、后及随访复查时进行JOA评分。结果15例获得完全复位,1例未复位,复位率90.1%。除1例JOA评分术后下降外,其余均有所改善,无术中、后并发症,随访6个月~1.5年、平均12.1个月,未见内固定失败,植骨均融合。结论同期前后路联合手术治疗下颈椎陈旧骨折脱位是一种较好的手术方法,具有复位率高,椎管减压彻底,颈椎术后获得即刻稳定,内固定牢固,融合率高等优点。  相似文献   

不同运动负荷下腰椎应力的三维非线性有限元分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:利用三维非线性有限元分析,研究1500N压力和15Nm弯矩下的脊椎前屈、后伸、侧弯和扭转运动时腰椎应力分布,探讨腰椎运动损伤的力学机制.方法:基于L3-L4节段的CT扫描数据建立有限元模型.根据腰椎三关节复合体结构,观察椎间盘膨出内陷尺度、纤维环应力水平、小关节负荷水平及后部结构等效应力分布来评价运动负荷导致的力学变化. 结果:压力和前屈负荷引起椎间盘前部受压膨出,后伸和侧弯负荷引起椎间盘在后部和后外侧部膨出.扭转不仅引起单侧小关节高负荷承载,还造成椎间盘后外侧区纤维环应力集中.后伸时小关节负荷虽低于扭转,但高于侧弯和前屈.椎弓根和椎弓峡部在压力和后伸负荷下等效应力较高.结论:椎间盘对压力的耐受性好于拉力,椎间盘后外侧区是各负荷下变形最大的区域,该部纤维环易于出现高应力而失败.小关节对腰椎活动特性有重要作用,扭转、后伸和高压力负荷引起小关节承受高负荷和小关节应力失败有关.椎弓根和椎弓峡部以及椎体前上部皮质骨区在屈伸和压力负荷下容易出现与应力相关的破坏.  相似文献   

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