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脊柱损伤主要包括两方面:脊椎骨折及其附着的韧带断裂。前者可按照一般骨折愈合的病理进程达到愈合;断裂的韧带则通过纤维组织的再生修复。脊柱骨折或脱位后合并脊髓损伤的病理改变分为以下几类。1脊髓震荡又称生理性脊髓横断或“脊髓休克”征,是脊髓的一种可逆性功能性紊乱,一般于伤后24~48h内症状体征消失,且不留任何神经系统的后遗症。手术探查未见脊髓有明显器质性改变,无压迫,脑脊液通畅无阻。镜下仅见脊髓灰质中有少数点状出血灶,神经细胞及轴突少数退变,此病理改变持续6~8周。有些学者认为脊髓震荡的病理基础是神经细胞分… 相似文献
脊柱损伤在脊柱外科领域中既古老又充满活力.随着各种先进诊断技术的应用和现代脊柱外科技术的快速发展及相关基础研究的深入,目前脊柱损伤的诊治水平已进入了一个全新的时代.在不断提高脊柱脊髓损伤理论认识的基础上,应规范脊柱损伤的院前救治以提高救治效果;利用CT、MRI等先进诊断技术,重新认识对脊柱损伤伤情的判断,并作为治疗方案制定及手术选择的客观依据和标准;脊柱损伤手术治疗方式的选择始终是争论的焦点,但尽可能地减少手术创伤、保留运动功能和降低并发症是手术者们始终不渝的努力方向.近年来快速发展的胸腰椎后路手术技术有成为主流术式的趋势;要充分重视预防与治疗各种并发症及伤员的早期功能康复,特别是深静脉血栓等 相似文献
目的 探讨脊柱脊髓开放性损伤的临床特点、诊断和治疗.方法 15例脊柱脊髓开放损伤患者,男14例,女1例;年龄15~46岁,平均23岁.损伤部位:颈脊髓2例,胸脊髓11例,腰脊髓2例.刀刺伤12例,火器伤2例,木棍刺伤1例.术前按美国脊髓损伤学会(ASIA)分级:A级1例,B级2例,C级7例,D级4例,E级1例.4例伤口内有异物存留,合并棘突骨折3例,椎板骨折8例,椎体骨折5例.15例均行急诊手术清创,根据损伤具体情况,行椎管探查、血肿清除、异物取出术.结果 术后发生脑脊液漏2例;1例术后伤口感染,无脊髓感染;5例术后神经功有不同程度的恢复.术后ASIA分级:A级1例,B级0例,C级3例,D级10例,E级1例.结论 脊柱脊髓开放性损伤需在充分地术前准备下急诊手术治疗,术前应了解是否有异物存留,手术探查减压,有利于脊髓功能的恢复,减少污染、出血等并发症的发生. 相似文献
目的 探讨脊柱脊髓开放性损伤的临床特点、诊断和治疗.方法 15例脊柱脊髓开放损伤患者,男14例,女1例;年龄15~46岁,平均23岁.损伤部位:颈脊髓2例,胸脊髓11例,腰脊髓2例.刀刺伤12例,火器伤2例,木棍刺伤1例.术前按美国脊髓损伤学会(ASIA)分级:A级1例,B级2例,C级7例,D级4例,E级1例.4例伤口内有异物存留,合并棘突骨折3例,椎板骨折8例,椎体骨折5例.15例均行急诊手术清创,根据损伤具体情况,行椎管探查、血肿清除、异物取出术.结果 术后发生脑脊液漏2例;1例术后伤口感染,无脊髓感染;5例术后神经功有不同程度的恢复.术后ASIA分级:A级1例,B级0例,C级3例,D级10例,E级1例.结论 脊柱脊髓开放性损伤需在充分地术前准备下急诊手术治疗,术前应了解是否有异物存留,手术探查减压,有利于脊髓功能的恢复,减少污染、出血等并发症的发生. 相似文献
我国的脊柱脊髓损伤发生率仍高于发达国家。在诊治过程中,尚有诸多问题存在争议。通过回顾文献并结合笔者的临床体会,本文就其中的几个热点问题做一概述,供临床医师和科研工作者参考。 相似文献
目的 探讨脊柱脊髓开放性损伤的临床特点、诊断和治疗.方法 15例脊柱脊髓开放损伤患者,男14例,女1例;年龄15~46岁,平均23岁.损伤部位:颈脊髓2例,胸脊髓11例,腰脊髓2例.刀刺伤12例,火器伤2例,木棍刺伤1例.术前按美国脊髓损伤学会(ASIA)分级:A级1例,B级2例,C级7例,D级4例,E级1例.4例伤口内有异物存留,合并棘突骨折3例,椎板骨折8例,椎体骨折5例.15例均行急诊手术清创,根据损伤具体情况,行椎管探查、血肿清除、异物取出术.结果 术后发生脑脊液漏2例;1例术后伤口感染,无脊髓感染;5例术后神经功有不同程度的恢复.术后ASIA分级:A级1例,B级0例,C级3例,D级10例,E级1例.结论 脊柱脊髓开放性损伤需在充分地术前准备下急诊手术治疗,术前应了解是否有异物存留,手术探查减压,有利于脊髓功能的恢复,减少污染、出血等并发症的发生. 相似文献
急性脊髓损伤可导致终身残疾和功能障碍,造成沉重的家庭和社会负担。在美国,其初次医疗费用约为28万美元,而残障引起的社会损失约为每人每年5.7万美元。因而,对急性脊髓损伤的研究始终是脊柱外科的热点。手术减压促进神经功恢复、重建脊柱正常序列和稳定性,已被广泛接受作为脊柱脊髓损伤的标准治疗方式。但急性脊髓损伤的治疗现状仍远不尽如人意。目前,研究重点集中在脊髓损伤的病理生理和神经修复再生,并取得了许多重要成就,手术治疗和康复重建也有了新的进展,但其中很多内容尚不成熟、存在争议。笔者就近期的临床研究进展进行综述。 相似文献
目的探讨多发伤中脊柱脊髓损伤早期治疗的意义. 方法回顾我院1998年6月-2003年6月间急诊收治的多发伤伴脊柱脊髓损伤患者116例,其中男97例,女19例;年龄15~69岁,平均38.5岁.损伤严重度评分(ISS)10~51分,平均18.5分.应用伤害控制骨科学观念和VIP 程序救治,对符合条件的脊柱脊髓损伤患者早期采用大剂量甲基强的松龙冲击治疗,病情相对稳定后早期行手术减压和内固定78例,其中前路手术30例,后路手术37例,前后联合入路11例. 结果116例中,生存113例;死亡3例,ISS均≥30分;随访3~48个月,平均24个月.随访时感觉和运动美国脊柱脊髓损伤学会(ASIA)评分较伤后明显改善,无神经功能恶化者.2例椎弓根螺钉断裂,4例伤口深部感染,其中2例换药愈合,2例再次手术清创后愈合. 结论应用伤害控制骨科学和VIP 程序救治合并脊柱脊髓损伤的多发伤的同时,对脊柱脊髓损伤采用临时固定、大剂量甲基强的松龙,病情相对稳定后早期手术治疗,有利于改善预后.多发伤的手术治疗原则为抢救生命--先脏器,后骨折;遵循原则--先开放,后闭合;手术顺序--先四肢,后盆脊;固定选择--优髓内,辅髓外;手术时间--早手术,少并发;治疗目的--利康复,便护理. 相似文献
组织工程脊髓修复脊髓损伤的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
脊髓损伤可以导致损伤平面以下神经功能的破坏性丢失,严重地影响身体多个系统.脊髓损伤的效应随着损伤部位不同而不同,这是脊神经有序地按照脊髓排列的缘故.除了损伤平面以下运动功能受损,同时还伴有感觉异常.其造成的功能缺陷包括心血管系统功能、呼吸系统功能、胃肠道消化功能、排汗功能、性功能以及排尿功能,这些缺陷可继发泌尿系感染、褥疮、肌肉痉挛、慢性神经性疼痛和感觉异常等,更严重的可致命.因此,脊髓损伤成为人类急需解决的医学难题之一,至今仍困扰着无数医学工作者。 相似文献
Neurovascular injuries of the spinal cord 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Neurovascular spinal cord injuries are very prevalent and in a busy trauma center radiology practice these injuries are commonly seen. Imaging neurovascular injuries has been greatly facilitated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). The histopathological changes that occur with spinal cord trauma have been found to correlate well with what is seen on MRI examinations. The MRI findings in spinal cord trauma have also been found to be useful in determining patient prognosis. Spinal cord infarcts due to arterial injury from trauma are relatively rare, but it has been shown by imaging that vertebral artery injuries are not an unusual occurrence. The specific findings associated with neurovascular injuries will be described with an emphasis on the findings on MRI and MRA examinations. MRI and MRA techniques have become the procedure of choice for evaluating neurovascular injuries because of their proven accuracy and because they are non-invasive. Conventional angiography, although, does remain quite useful for evaluating arterial injuries. 相似文献
Traumatic CNS injury is one of the most important health issues in our society and is a risk to all athletes, both in competitive and recreational sports. Our understanding of the pathophysiology has improved tremendously in the last 20 years. This progress has led to the identification of several possible treatments for improving outcome following spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. As no panacea exists, improvements in experimental models have empowered researchers in their search for novel therapeutic strategies. 相似文献
Rugby union injuries to the cervical spine and spinal cord 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Injuries to the cervical spine are among the most serious injuries occurring as a result of participation in rugby. Outcomes of such injuries range from complete recovery to death, depending on the degree of spinal cord damage sustained. Much information has been gained regarding the mechanisms and frequency of such injuries, from case reports and case series studies. The most commonly reported mechanism of injury has been hyperflexion of the cervical spine, resulting in fracture dislocation of C4-C5 or C5-C6. Tracking both the trends of incidence of spinal injuries, and the effectiveness of injury prevention initiatives has proved difficult because of a lack of properly conducted epidemiological studies. Within the constraints of the research published to date, it appears that hookers and props have been at disproportionate risk of cervical spine injury, predominantly because of injuries sustained during scrummaging. While the scrum was the phase of play most commonly associated with spinal injuries throughout the 1980s in most rugby playing countries, there has been a trend through the 1990s of an increasing proportion of spinal injuries occurring in the tackle situation. The majority of injuries have occurred early in the season, when grounds tend to be harder, and players are lacking both practice and physical conditioning for the physical contact phases of the sport. A number of injury prevention measures have been launched, including changes to the laws of the game regarding scrummaging, and education programmes aimed at enforcing safe techniques and eliminating illegal play. Calls for case-registers and effective epidemiological studies have been made by researchers and physicians in most countries where rugby is widespread, but it appears to be only recently that definite steps have been made towards this goal. Well-designed epidemiological studies will be able to provide more accurate information about potential risk factors for injury such as age, grade, position, gender and ethnicity. Research into the long-term effects of participation in rugby on the integrity of the spinal column is warranted. 相似文献
目的 探讨多发伤患者合并脊柱脊髓损伤的临床特点.方法 回顾性分析2004年3月-2009年3月收治的143例合并脊柱脊髓损伤的多发伤患者,统计致伤原因、脊柱损伤节段、合并伤、并发症、治疗方式和转归.结果 高处坠落伤和交通伤是主要致伤原因,分别为77例(53.8%)和55例(38.5%),损伤节段依次为腰椎101处(50.8%)、胸椎61处(30.7%)、颈椎29处(14.6%)及骶尾椎8处(4.0%);合并伤依次为胸部163处(38.6%)、腹部84处(19.9%)、头颈部77处(18.3%)、四肢65处(15.4%)、面部17处(4.0%)和体表16处(3.8%).早期并发症依次为电解质紊乱33例(16.8%)、呼吸系统感染30例(15.3%)和腹胀19例(9.7%);晚期并发症依次为营养不良26例(13.3%)、肌萎缩23例(11.7%)和深静脉血栓11例(5.6%).治疗方式依次为手术治疗106例(74.1%),保守治疗37例(25.9%).治疗前美国脊柱损伤协会(ASIA)评级E级20例(14.0%),治疗后E级53例(37.1%).死亡12例,病死率为8.4%,主要死亡原因为MOF、脑疝、营养衰竭等.随着ASIA残损分级的提高,各组并发症和病死率也显著增加(P<0.05).结论 高能量损伤是多发伤合并脊柱脊髓损伤的主要致伤因素,患者病情重,合并伤复杂,并发症多,治疗棘手,病死率高.Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical features of the multiple trauma patients combined with spine and spinal cord injuries.Methods A retrospective study was performed in 143 multiple trauma patients combined with spine and spinal cord injuries admitted to our department between March 2004 and March 2009.The parameters including injury cause,segment of injuries,associated injuries,complications,treatment methods and outcomes were analyzed.Results Falling and traffic accidents were the main causes for the injuries of spine and spinal cord,accounting for 53.8%(77 cases)and 38.5%(55 cases),respectively.The injured segments involved 101 lumbar vertebrae(50.8%),61 thoracic vertebrae(30.7%),29 cervical spines(14.6%)and 8 sacrococcygeal vertebrae(4.0%).The associated injuries were located at chest(163 regions,38.6%),abdomen(84 regions,19.9%),head and neck(77 regions,18.3%),extremity(65 regions,15.4%),face(17 regions,4.0%)and body surface(16 regions,3.8%).The early complications included electrolyte disturbances in 33 patients (16.8%),respiratory infection in 30(15.3%)and abdominal distention in 19(9.7%).The late complications were malnutrition in 26 patients(13.3%),amyotrophy in 23(11.7%)and deep vein thrombus in 11(5.6%).Treatment methods were operations and expectant treatments in 106 patients (74.1%)and 37(25.9%)respectively.According to American Spinal Injury Association(ASIA)scale,there were 20 patients(14.0%)at grade E before treatment and 53(37.1%)at grade E after treatment.Of all,12 patients were died of mainly multiple organ failure(MOF),cerebral hernia and malnutrition,with mortality rate of 8.39%.There showed an increase of complication and mortality rate with increase of ASIA grade(P < 0.05).Conclusions The spine and spinal cord injuries in patients with multiple trauma are mainly caused by high energy injuries and characterized by high injury severity,complex associated injuries,multiple complications,difficult management and high mortality rate. 相似文献
Wakahara K Matsumoto K Sumi H Sumi Y Shimizu K 《The American journal of sports medicine》2006,34(10):1670-1674
BACKGROUND: Little information has yet been made available on the types and mechanisms of snowboard-related spinal cord injuries or their neurologic involvement. PURPOSE: To review the cause and types of spinal cord injuries seen in snowboarders. STUDY DESIGN: Case series; Level of evidence, 4. METHODS: The subjects were 18 patients (mean age, 24.0 years) referred to the authors' institution for neurologic deficits associated with spinal injuries between November 1, 1995, and April 9, 2005. The clinical features of these patients were reviewed with respect to epidemiologic factors, mechanism of injury, fracture pattern, and neurologic status. RESULTS: The 18 snowboarders with spinal cord injuries constituted a very homogeneous group. First, almost all patients (94.4%) were young men. Second, most of the patients were intermediate or expert boarders. Third, the most common cause of injury was a failure of intentional jumping (83.3%). Fourth, the most commonly affected site was the thoracolumbar junction (66.7%), and the most common type of fracture was an anterior dislocation fracture (66.7%). Finally, in the thoracolumbar group, most patients (83.3%) were classed as Frankel grade A or B. CONCLUSION: It is fundamentally important that snowboarders, especially young men, be made aware of the spinal injury risk associated with jumping. 相似文献
Gunshot wounds are the second leading cause of spinal cord injuries in developed countries, whereas in undeveloped and developing countries, this likelihood is much more. However, the weapon and injury characteristics are very different between those two groups of countries. The aim of this study was to review our experience with gunshot wound-caused spinal cord injury during our struggle with terrorism, to examine surgical and medical complications, and to determine the difference between civilian and military gunshot wounds. One hundred five male patients (mean, 25 years of age) were examined according to completeness, spinal and nonspinal injuries, American Spinal Injury Association classification, motor and pinprick scores, surgical and nonsurgical interventions, surgical complications, and spinal cord injury-related medical complications. This study has shown that the likelihood of completeness was higher in gunshot wounds with high velocity weapons. Because of their higher wounding capacity, the difference between vertebral and neurological levels was not very different as it was on the other etiologies. Fortunately, spinal cord injury-related medical complications were less than expected. 相似文献