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Antibodies to SARS coronavirus in civets   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Using three different assays, we examined 103 serum samples collected from different civet farms and a market in China in June 2003 and January 2004. While civets on farms were largely free from SARS-CoV infection, approximately 80% of the animals from one animal market in Guangzhou contained significant levels of antibody to SARS-CoV, which suggests no widespread infection among civets resident on farms, and the infection of civets in the market might be associated with trading activities under the conditions of overcrowding and mixing of various animal species.  相似文献   

SARS coronavirus detection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We conducted a study among healthcare workers (HCWs) exposed to patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) before infection control measures were instituted. Of all exposed HCWs, 7.5% had asymptomatic SARS-positive cases. Asymptomatic SARS was associated with lower SARS antibody titers and higher use of masks when compared to pneumonic SARS.  相似文献   

[目的]建立套式RT-PCR检测SARS冠状病毒的方法。[方法]从广东地区SARS患者尸解肺组织、咽拭子、嗽口水及本实验室分离的SARS冠状病毒(SAPS—CoV)组织培养上清中提取RNA,利用针对SARS冠状病毒多聚酶基因的特异性引物,进行逆转录及套式PCR扩增。扩增出的阳性片段连接入pGEM—T载体中,测序后比较其与其他已知SARS冠状病毒的同源性。[结果]从SARS患者尸解肺组织、咽拭子、嗽口水及SARS冠状病毒组织培养上清中均可扩增出阳性片段,经测序后证实是SARS冠状病毒特有序列。[结论]针对SARS冠状病毒多泵酶基因所建立的套式RT—PCR方法适用于临床标本及组织培养标本中SARS冠状病毒的检测。  相似文献   

Early recognition and rapid initiation of infection control precautions are currently the most important strategies for controlling severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). No rapid diagnostic tests currently exist that can rule out SARS among patients with febrile respiratory illnesses. Clinical features alone cannot with certainty distinguish SARS from other respiratory illnesses rapidly enough to inform early management decisions. A balanced approach to screening that allows early recognition of SARS without unnecessary isolation of patients with other respiratory illnesses will require clinicians not only to look for suggestive clinical features but also to routinely seek epidemiologic clues suggestive of SARS coronavirus exposure. Key epidemiologic risk factors include 1) exposure to settings where SARS activity is suspected or documented, or 2) in the absence of such exposure, epidemiologic linkage to other persons with pneumonia (i.e., pneumonia clusters), or 3) exposure to healthcare settings. When combined with clinical findings, these epidemiologic features provide a possible strategic framework for early recognition of SARS.  相似文献   

目的 研究Vero—E6、MDCK、293细胞对SARS冠状病毒的敏感性,为该病的病原学研究、诊断和疫苗制备奠定基础。方法 用Vero—E6、MDCK及293细胞对广东省部分SARS病人的咽拭子标本进行分离培养,并对分离物使用电镜、间接免疫荧光(IFA)及荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ—PCR)的方法分别检测细胞和(或)培养上清波中的病毒含量。结果 感染SARS病人的咽拭子标本后,Vero—E6细胞出现病变(CPE)最早,电镜中可观察到Vero—E6细胞中大量的病毒颗粒,IFA试验感染病毒的Vero—E6细胞与SAPS病人的恢复期血清呈强阳性反应,FQ—PCR结果显示Vero—E6感染细胞内的病毒含量10^8拷贝/ml,高于293细胞(10^6拷贝/ml)及:MDCK(104拷贝/ml)。结论 三种细胞对SARS相关病毒的敏感性不同,Vero—E6是SARS相关病毒最敏感的宿主细胞。  相似文献   

Inactivated severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus samples were used for an external quality assurance study within the World Health Organization SARS Reference and Verification Network and other reference institutions. Of 58 participants, 51 correctly detected virus in all samples > or =9,400 RNA copies per milliliter and none in negative samples. Commercial test kits significantly improved the outcome.  相似文献   

Detection of SARS coronavirus in patients with suspected SARS   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) were investigated for SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) through RNA tests, serologic response, and viral culture. Of 537 specimens from patients in whom SARS was clinically diagnosed, 332 (60%) had SARS-CoV RNA in one or more clinical specimens, compared with 1 (0.3%) of 332 samples from controls. Of 417 patients with clinical SARS from whom paired serum samples were available, 92% had an antibody response. Rates of viral RNA positivity increased progressively and peaked at day 11 after onset of illness. Although viral RNA remained detectable in respiratory secretions and stool and urine specimens for >30 days in some patients, virus could not be cultured after week 3 of illness. Nasopharyngeal aspirates, throat swabs, or sputum samples were the most useful clinical specimens in the first 5 days of illness, but later in the illness viral RNA could be detected more readily in stool specimens.  相似文献   

Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is usually responsible for mild, self-limiting infections restricted to the enteric tract. We report an outbreak of fatal disease in puppies caused by a pathogenic variant of CCoV that was isolated from organs with severe lesions.  相似文献   

小汤山医院SARS病房内外空气中SARS病毒及其RNA的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解小汤山医院病区空气中的SARS病毒污染情况。方法:2003年6月4日-8日采用FA-Ⅱ型空气微生物采样器在病房、内走廊、护士站和病房排气口下风向5m处4个地点连续采样4d。之后进行空气样本的洗脱、Vero-E6细胞培养、RT-PCR及序列测定。结果:小汤山医院每天采集19个空气样品,4d共采集76个空气样品。病房、内走廊、护士站和病房排气口下风向5m处4个地点均有病毒核酸检出,其中以病房排气口下风向5m处的阳性率最高(58.3%),护士站相对较低(25.0%);病房(52.1%)和内走廊(50.0%)的阳性率相当。结论:小汤山医院空气中SARS病毒的污染比较严重,急性后期的病患仍然从呼吸道大量排毒;但在病房室内外的空气中没有检测到活的SARS病毒,初步评估认为,SARS病人病房采取通风和消毒的措施对降低室内污染程度是非常有益的;而空气消毒和环境因素对SARS病毒的存活有较大的影响,故SARS病人病房排出的空气对周边环境造成的危害很小。  相似文献   

目的:建立传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)实验室检测方法,为SARS病例诊断和现场防治提供依据。方法:用逆转录套式PCR、实时荧光定量PCR检测SARS病毒核酸;酶联免疫法检测血清标本SARS病毒IgM抗体;部分PCR检测阳性或SARS病毒IgM抗体阳性病例的标本进行直接电镜观察;简并引物PCR检测冠状病毒属病毒核酸;鉴别诊断IFA检测血清中肺炎支原体等9种常见呼吸道感染病原IgM抗体,PCR检测军团菌以及甲、乙型流感病毒核酸。结果:检测各类临床标本506份。2003年全省报告临床诊断病例7例,5例检测结果阳性;逆转录套式PCR检测各类标本132份,阳性8份;对其中4份PCR扩增产物(108bp)进行了序列分析,与SARS病毒序列100%同源;实时荧光定量PCR检测各类标本30份,阳性3份;酶联免疫法检测血清标本101份,SARS病毒IgM抗体阳性4份;3个诊断病例的各类标本电镜检查发现冠状病毒样颗粒;IFA检测血清标本75份,嗜肺军团菌IgM抗体阳性9份,乙型流感IgM抗体阳性11份,两者同时阳性3份,其他病原体IgM抗体均为阴性。不明发热病例的标本21份简并引物PCR检测冠状病毒,2份咽拭子标本阳性;漱口液、尿液标本各15份PCR检测军团菌、漱口液25份PCR检测甲、乙型流感病毒结果均为阴性。结论:本研究建立的检测方法与临床诊断有比较好的符合性,对于临床诊断和防治工作具有重要的参考价值。PCR检测SARS-CoV特异性较好,而敏感性有待提高。  相似文献   

间接免疫荧光法在检测SARS冠状病毒特异性抗体中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 利用间接免疫荧光技术(IFA)建立SARS冠状病毒(SARS—CoV)特异性抗体血清学诊断方法。方法 采用组织培养技术,用SARS病人的咽漱液样本,在Vero—E6细胞中培养,分离SARS冠状病毒;用已制备的SARS病毒抗原片与临床确诊为SARS的病人双相血清和正常人对照血清作用,再用荧光标记羊抗人IgM/IgG抗体与之结合,在荧光显微镜下观察荧光图像。结果 通过建立检测SARS冠状病毒特异性抗体的间接免疫荧光方法,在44份SARS临床病例标本中,检出IgG抗体阳性3l份,与临床诊断符合率为70.45%。31份IgG阳性者的急性期血清中IgM检出率为38.70%,IgM最早产生于发病第3天,发病7d以上的6例的IgM抗体均为阳性,滴度在发病12~15d达到高峰(1:80);恢复期血清中IgG抗体最早产生于发病第8天,滴度在发病15~20d达到高峰(1:320~1:640)。97份正常人的血清标本中IgG抗体阳性率为3.09%,IgM抗体为阴性。结论 利用此方法,证实被SARS冠状病毒感染后,在机体中产生有特异性的IgM/IgG抗体;本方法检测结果与临床诊断符合率较高,可以用于早期临床诊断SARS病毒感染和辅助临床做出鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a highly contagious infectious disease which first emerged in late 2002, caused by a then novel human coronavirus, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). The virus is believed to have originated from bats and transmitted to human through intermediate animals such as civet cats. The re-emergence of SARS-CoV remains a valid concern due to the continual persistence of zoonotic SARS-CoVs and SARS-like CoVs (SL-CoVs) in bat reservoirs. In this study, the screening for the presence of SARS-specific T cells in a cohort of three SARS-recovered individuals at 9 and 11 years post-infection was carried out, and all memory T cell responses detected target the SARS-CoV structural proteins. Two CD8+ T cell responses targeting the SARS-CoV membrane (M) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins were characterized by determining their HLA restriction and minimal T cell epitope regions. Furthermore, these responses were found to persist up to 11 years post-infection. An absence of cross-reactivity of these CD8+ T cell responses against the newly-emerged Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was also demonstrated. The knowledge of the persistence of SARS-specific celullar immunity targeting the viral structural proteins in SARS-recovered individuals is important in the design and development of SARS vaccines, which are currently unavailable.  相似文献   

目的了解清远市小学学生SARS冠状病毒(简称SARS-CoV)抗体水平。方法分别于2005年10月和2006年4月,采集清远市2所乡镇小学学生及2003年SARS-CoVIgG检测阳性儿童的血液,用酶联免疫法检测血清中SARS-CoV抗体IgG。结果共检测小学学生血清样本449份,SARS-CoV IgG总阳性率为1.78%(8/449),男、女学生之间阳性率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);其中在9、10、11、12岁年龄组学生中检出SARS-CoV IgG,阳性率分别为2.70%(1/37)、7.58%(5/66)、2.13%(1/80)、0.99%(1/101),4个年龄组阳性率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);8份SARS-CoV IgG阳性血清样本均来自同一学校;对17名2003年SARS-CoV lgG检测阳性的儿童进行追踪重新采血检测,阳性率为11.76%(2/17)。结论该地区小学学生SARS-CoV抗体阳性率较低,存在隐性感染及聚集现象,SARS-CoV抗体IgG水平随时间延长会逐渐下降,甚至消火。  相似文献   

Interferon-beta 1a and SARS coronavirus replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A global outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by a novel coronavirus began in March 2003. The rapid emergence of SARS and the substantial illness and death it caused have made it a critical public health issue. Because no effective treatments are available, an intensive effort is under way to identify and test promising antiviral drugs. Here, we report that recombinant human interferon-beta 1a potently inhibits SARS coronavirus replication in vitro.  相似文献   

SARS vaccine development   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Developing effective and safe vaccines is urgently needed to prevent infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). The inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine may be the first one available for clinical use because it is easy to generate; however, safety is the main concern. The spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV is the major inducer of neutralizing antibodies, and the receptor-binding domain (RBD) in the S1 subunit of S protein contains multiple conformational neutralizing epitopes. This suggests that recombinant proteins containing RBD and vectors encoding the RBD sequence can be used to develop safe and effective SARS vaccines.  相似文献   

目的 对内蒙古自治区赤峰市重症肺炎病例进行病原检测鉴定,分析pol基因的同源性并确定其病原学分类地位.方法采集10例重症肺炎患者的咽拭子样本,采用逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT -PCR)进行流感病毒核酸检测,采用多重PCR方法进行呼吸道病毒鉴定,采用RT - PCR法特异性扩增人冠状病毒OC43、299E、NL63和HKU1的pol基因,阳性样本进行pol基因序列测定及同源性分析.结果 检出1份人冠状病毒HKU1阳性样本,RT-PCR法扩增到长度约440bp的特异性目的片段;其pol基因与人冠状病毒HKU1参比毒株的pol基因的同源性最高达99.7%以上.结论1例重症肺炎患者因感染人冠状病毒HKU1而发病,其他患者的病原学鉴定有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) whose clinical symptoms were masked by Escherichia coli bacteremia. SARS developed in a cluster of healthcare workers who had contact with this patient. SARS was diagnosed when a chest infiltrate developed and when the patient's brother was hospitalized with acute respiratory failure. We highlight problems in atypical cases and offer infection control suggestions.  相似文献   

Two Canadian urban areas received travelers with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) before the World Health Organization issued its alert. By July 2003, Vancouver had identified 5 cases (4 imported); Toronto reported 247 cases (3 imported) and 43 deaths. Baseline preparedness for pandemic threats may account for the absence of sustained transmission and fewer cases of SARS in Vancouver.  相似文献   

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