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目的:总结采用自体肾移植术治疗长段输尿管缺损的临床疗效和体会。方法对10例输尿管中上段结石患者,在经输尿管硬镜钬激光碎石时出现长段输尿管黏膜袖套状剥脱或全层撕脱,内镜下放置双 J 管失败,无法行输尿管端端吻合或再植,于损伤发生2 h 至9 d 后行自体肾移植术。结果1例术前肾功能严重减退患者术后7 d 出现移植肾栓塞,其余9例随访5~75个月,移植肾血流灌注良好,肾功能维持正常水平;1例术后4个月出现膀胱吻合口狭窄致自体移植肾中度积水,给予微创经皮肾穿刺造瘘引流;尿路感染1例,经抗感染治疗后好转,未见复发。结论针对医源性长段输尿管撕脱伤患者,及时施行自体肾移植可以有效恢复尿路完整性并保持肾功能,且并发症发生率低。  相似文献   

自体膀胱瓣管-移植肾肾盂吻合术处理输尿管坏死   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨自体膀胱瓣管移植肾肾盂吻合术处理肾移植术后输尿管长段坏死的效果。方法13例患者肾移植术后发生输尿管长段坏死,将其膀胱皮瓣围绕输尿管内支架管(双J管)缝合成管状,以代替坏死的输尿管,上部修剪成斜形后,与移植肾肾盂吻合。留置双J管做支架管,切口留置胶管引流。结果13例患者均成功进行移植肾肾盂膀胱瓣管吻合术,其中1例术后7d发生严重肾周感染而切除移植肾,其余12例肾功能恢复良好,术后随访1年,2例出现返流,人、肾1年存活率分别为100%(13/13)、92.3%(12/13)。结论自体膀胱瓣管移植肾肾盂吻合术是治疗肾移植术后输尿管长段坏死的有效手段。  相似文献   

报告7例供肾输尿管短缺情况下肾移植术中尿路重建的方法。其中行供肾与受者输尿端端吻合4例,供肾肾盂与受者输尿管吻合2例,供肾肾盂与受者膀胱吻合1例。除1例供肾肾盂与受者输尿管吻合术后发生漏尿外,均愈合良好。随诊6~24个月未发现吻合口狭窄。供肾肾盂与受者膀胱吻合1例,术后反复发生泌尿系感染。提示当移植肾发生输尿管短缺时,只要针对具体情况,采取灵活的手术方法,是可以在肾移植术中使尿路重建的。  相似文献   

目的探讨活体肾移植中有单发结石的供肾的处理方法及疗效。方法总结3例术前发现单侧肾结石的活体肾移植供肾的处理经验。切取该侧肾脏作为供肾,并在体外行输尿管镜完整取石,之后按常规术式行肾移植术。结果 3例受体术后均未出现移植物功能延迟恢复、急性排斥反应等早期并发症。3对供、受体分别随访34、45、62个月,行移植肾泌尿系统的彩色多普勒超声检查,供体保存肾及受体移植肾均未见新发结石及尿路梗阻表现。所有供、受体肾功能良好。3例供体随访至今,未发现尿常规异常。其中1例受体术后发生Ig A肾病,考虑为肾病复发,与结石无关。结论对于活体肾移植术中的单发结石,采用供肾切取后体外输尿管镜取石是处理供肾结石的有效方法。  相似文献   

肾移植病人尿路结石的诊治(附五例报告)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨肾移植术后尿路结石的诊断与治疗。方法:对5例肾移植并发泌尿系结石病人进行诊治。其中供肾内残留结石1例,膀胱输尿管吻合口处狭窄并发结石3例,肾移植后内置支架管形成结石1例。予以观察排石治疗2例,输尿管取石、输尿管膀胱再吻合术3例次,ESWL1例次。结果:5例病人均人肾存活,随访1-13年。1例未行手术处理者已存活13年。结论:肾移植术后尿路结石的治疗与常人相同,但应注意尿酸盐结石的成因治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨肾移植术后移植肾输尿管狭窄的开放手术技巧与效果。方法首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院泌尿外科于2019年1月—2020年1月共行166例单肾移植,共发生5例肾移植术后输尿管狭窄,根据梗阻部位的不同采用了不同的开放手术术式进行治疗,回顾性分析这组患者的临床资料及预后。结果5例患者中,男性3例,女性2例,平均年龄42.6岁。其中2例患者原发病为Ⅱ型糖尿病,3例患者为肾小球肾炎。输尿管梗阻确诊的平均时间为肾移植术后143.8 d,行开放手术平均时间为肾移植术后209.8 d,确诊梗阻时平均血肌酐水平为271.94μmol/L。所有患者均因出现移植肾积水合并血肌酐进行性升高经影像学检查确诊,首先采取内支架或经皮肾造瘘紧急挽救肾功能。待肾功能恢复稳定后,根据梗阻段位置,3例患者行移植输尿管-膀胱再吻合术,1例患者行原输尿管-移植肾输尿管端端吻合术,1例患者行膀胱皮瓣翻转代输尿管术。5例患者开放手术平均时间为2.6 h,术中平均出血量为32 ml。开放手术后,5例患者均预后良好,开放手术后平均血清肌酐恢复至111.5μmol/L,尿量正常,无外科并发症发生。随访半年后,5例患者均未再发生输尿管梗阻。结论移植肾输尿管梗阻是肾移植术后常见外科并发症之一,腔内治疗中远期效果有限,根据不同梗阻部位选择不同术式进行开放手术,是治疗移植肾输尿管狭窄的有效方案。  相似文献   

近期移植肾输尿管狭窄的原因探讨及防治   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探讨肾移植术后近期移植肾输尿管狭窄的原因及其防治。方法:收治肾移植术后近期输尿管狭窄患者8例,通过B超及手术探查了解狭窄梗阻的发生部位,并根据狭窄周围探查情况,推断造成狭窄的原因。结果:经手术探查发现,造成狭窄的原因多样,且多与手术操作不当有关。8例患者经手术重建输尿管膀胱通道,病情改善,移植肾功能恢复。术后观察10个月无复发。结论:肾移植术后近期移植肾输尿管狭窄的原因多与术中操作不当有关;若在输尿管膀胱吻合术中注意某些环节,则可减少部分输尿管狭窄的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨采用改良膀胱壁瓣输尿管成形术(改良Boari术)治疗婴幼儿供肾肾移植术后输尿管长段坏死的疗效。方法回顾性分析济南军区总医院泌尿外科2012年1月至2014年4月施行婴幼儿供肾肾移植术后发生移植肾输尿管长段坏死的3例受者临床资料。第1例为婴儿供者双肾整块移植。第2例和第3例为同一名幼儿供者双侧供肾分别移植给2例成人受者。3例受者分别于术后21,23,26d出现移植肾区肿胀、疼痛,切口渗液或阴囊水肿,以及血清肌酐升高;行移植肾彩色多普勒超声示。肾周积液增多;1例受者行CT尿路造影示造影剂大量外漏、单侧肾积水、输尿管扩张。手术探查切除坏死的输尿管后行改良Boari术,将移植肾输尿管残端插入自体膀胱管状瓣内1-2cm,不作吻合,仅行黏膜和浆肌层缝合加固。术后酌情选用抗生素控制尿路感染,定期行肾功能检测和移植肾彩色多普勒超声检查,术后6个月复查CT尿路造影。结果3例患者均成功进行改良Boari术,手术时间分别为85,90,115min,术中无明显出血,术后切口愈合良好。3例患者分别在术后12,13,16周顺利拔除双J管,血清肌酐均下降至正常范围。截至2014年3月,术后随访6-18个月,复查移植。肾彩色多普勒超声和CT尿路造影均未发现移植肾积水、肾周积液、尿漏或尿液返流等异常。结论改良膀胱壁瓣输尿管成形术是治疗婴幼儿供肾肾移植术后输尿管长段坏死的有效方法。  相似文献   

移植肾输尿管结石1例吕军,李清荣,谭尚恒患者,女,46岁。1993年5月31日在我院行同种肾移植术,供肾为尸体肾,修肾时未发现异常。移植肾恢复血循环后2分钟开始分泌尿液,行输尿管膀胱吻合时,留置硅胶管插管距肾盂约2cm处受阻,观察尿液引流良好而未做进...  相似文献   

目的总结肾离体手术在肾移植中的临床应用经验。方法 2002年2月至4月第四军医大学西京医院泌尿外科分别行离体肾肿瘤剜除术后自体肾移植1例和离体供肾输尿管镜下钬激光碎石清石术后亲属活体肾移植1例。分析2例受者临床资料并进行文献复习。结果病例1:离体手术中肿瘤完整剜除,病理检查切缘未见癌组织,自体肾移植手术顺利;随访7个月,血清肌酐、血尿素氮水平略高于正常,无需透析,无肿瘤复发及转移。病例2:输尿管镜下可见离体供肾内两枚直径分别为8和12mm的结石,均成功取出;肾移植术中留置输尿管支架;术后未见相关并发症,随访10个月,移植肾内未见结石复发。结论肾离体手术有助于减少手术损伤,最大限度地维护患者肾脏功能,减少等待肾移植人群。正确选择适应证至关重要。  相似文献   

目的 探讨移植肾输尿管上段并发症的处理方法。方法 4例不同原因所致的移植肾输尿管并发症,在无法行膀胱输尿管吻合的情况下,经腹腔或腹膜外途径。将受者输尿管与供肾肾盂吻合,内置双“J”管,经过充分的内,外引流,达到治疗输尿管病变的目的。结果 4例中有3例可正常排尿,1例尚需进一步治疗,随访2个月至1年,人,肾存活良好。结论 对于移植肾输尿管上端病变,采用自身输尿管与供肾肾盂吻合是一种处理较复杂移植肾输尿管病变的好方法。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis article aims to describe an original technique to correct refluxing native ureters observed during a prerenal transplantation study. The correction is performed by intravesical ligation of the native refluxing ureters at the same time as renal transplantation without simultaneous nephrectomy.MethodsBetween January 2004 and December 2010 we performed intravesical ligation of a refluxing ureter simultaneous with a transplantation procedure without a concomittant native nephrectomy in 12 of 345 subjects (3.47%). The 8 bilateral and 4 unilateral ligations were performed on 11 cadaveric and 1 living-related nonidentical donor transplantations. The implantation of the kidney donor ureter was performed anatomically in the bladder trigone through a transvesical ureteroneocystostomy with a transmural, submucosal antireflux tunnel.ResultsEarly and late postoperative recovery was satisfactory in all patients. There was no documented kidney area pain, proven urinary tract infection, morbidity or mortality attributed to the procedure.ConclusionsIntravesical ligation is a practical technique to manage vesicoureteral reflux into the native ureters simultaneously with the ureteral implantation of the kidney donor in a single surgical renal transplant procedure without native kidney nephrectomy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨重肾双输尿管畸形供肾在亲属活体肾移植中的应用.方法:回顾性分析2005~2009年2例确诊为重肾双输尿管畸形供者行亲属活体肾移植的临床病例资料,总结治疗经验.结果:2供者术程顺利,无手术并发症,术后肾功能正常,2受者术后肾功能恢复良好,无手术并发症.结论:重肾双输尿管畸形供肾应列入边缘供体范畴,术前应充分评估,我们的处治方法是安全可行的.  相似文献   

Ligation of the native ureter in renal transplantation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: Native ureteral ligation may be required in renal transplantation when ureteroureterostomy is performed. Native nephrectomy has been done to avoid the complication of hydronephrosis after native ureteral ligation. We reviewed the records of renal transplant recipients who underwent native ureteral ligation to determine the incidence of post-ligation symptoms and need for native nephrectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 1,275 renal transplants performed from January 1986 through September 1999, including 278 cases (22%) of native ureteral ligation. The majority of patients had anuria or oligouria before transplantation, although 3 were not dialysis dependent. Followup was 1 to 140 months. Charts were reviewed for flank pain, infection and the need for native nephrectomy. RESULTS: Six of 278 patients (2.2%) required native nephrectomy 7 to 82 months after transplantation with flank pain as the indication in all. The cause of renal failure was polycystic disease in 3 of the 6 cases, unknown in 2 and diabetes in 1. The patient with diabetes had papillary necrosis and bleeding in the nephrectomized kidney. None of the 278 patients had infection and early post-ligation flank pain developed in only 1 (0.4%). CONCLUSIONS: The native ureter may be safely ligated during renal transplantation. Late nephrectomy may be required in a small percent of cases, most commonly in those of polycystic disease. The need for nephrectomy is most often related to the original renal disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ureteral complications of renal transplant recipients with more than one donor ureter METHODS: Between 1967 and 1997, 19 patients (median age 34 years, range 6-62 years) received renal transplants from donors with more than one ureter. There were 18 donor organs with two ureters, and one patient underwent en bloc renal transplantation with four donor ureters. In nine patients, the ureters were implanted separately at the bladder dome according to the extravesical technique of Witzel, Sampson, Lich and R?hl. In 10 patients, we performed a modification of this extravesical technique according to Nghiem with a side-to-side anastomosis of the ureters before completing the ureteroneocystostomy. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 55 months (range 2-218 months), no graft loss due to ureteral complications was noted. One patient died due to myocardial infarction, seven patients returned to dialysis without ureteral complications. There were two patients (one patient after side-to-side ureteral anastomosis, one patient with separate implantation of the two ureters) with ureteral obstruction of one donor ureter. Both patients underwent open surgical revision with temporarily placement of internal ureteral stents. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of multiple ureters from donor kidneys is associated with a higher complication rate in our patient population compared with donor kidneys with one ureter. There was no difference in the long-term outcome between the two implantation techniques used.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the complications of duplicated ureters in renal transplant recipients. METHODS: Between 1983 and 2004, 12 patients (median age 34 years) received renal transplants from donors with duplicated ureters. In four patients the ureter to bladder anastomoses were performed separately according to the method described by MacKinnon, including two cases transplanted with ureteral catheters because of narrow widths. In the following cases of eight duplicated ureters an anastomosis was performed between the distal part of each ureter to form a common ureteral ostium, which was connected to the urinary bladder. A ureteral catheter was used to the splint ureterovesical anastomosis. RESULTS: No graft loss to ureteral complications was observed. There was no ureteral necrosis in the postoperative period. No clinical symptoms of ureteral junction obstruction were revealed after removing the ureteral catheter. By ultrasound examination four patients showed a slight temporary pyelocaliectasis was observed and four patients developed temporary urinary fistulas. CONCLUSION: Our ureterocystoneostomy procedures with duplicated ureters were safe and useful in kidney transplantation.  相似文献   

目的 报告自体肾盂输尿管在肾移植术中的应用。方法 应用自体肾盂输尿管治疗各种移植肾输尿管并发症18例,男13例,女5例,年龄28~56岁,平均42岁。10例尿瘘患者,3例行自体输尿管与移植肾盂成形术,2例行自体输尿管与移植肾输尿管吻合术,5例行自体肾盂移植、肾盂成形术;5例移植肾输尿管过短术中均行自体输尿管与移植肾输尿管吻合术;3例移植肾输尿管狭窄均行自体输尿管与移植肾输尿管吻合术。结果 术后随访3个月~8年,2例因慢性排斥反应,移植肾失功,余16例移植肾功能正常。结论 自体肾盂输尿管是治疗某些肾移植后输尿管并发症的一种有效方法。  相似文献   



Complications of the transplant ureter are the most important cause of surgical morbidity after renal transplantation. The presence of ureteral duplication in the renal graft might result in an increased complication rate. We analyzed our data of double-ureter renal transplantations using a case-control study design. Additionally, we performed a review of the literature.


From January 1995 to April 2012, 12 patients received a donor kidney with a double ureter (0.8%). We created a control group of 24 patients matched in age, sex, donor type, and ureteral stenting. Patient charts and surgical reports were reviewed retrospectively.


In 7 patients both ureters were separately anastomosed to the bladder. In 4 patients a common ostium was created. In 1 patient 1 of the 2 ureters was ligated. No postoperative urologic complications occured. In the single-ureter group, the urologic complication rate was 17% (P = .71). Mean creatinine levels after transplantation were comparable between both groups.


A double-ureter donor kidney is not associated with an increased complication rate after renal transplantation and yields equal outcomes as compared to single-ureter donor kidneys. We conclude that transplantation of a kidney with a duplicated ureter is safe.  相似文献   

目的:探讨膀胱瓣输尿管成形术(boari flap ureteroplasty,BFU)治疗移植肾输尿管梗阻的效果和经验。方法:回顾性分析我院近5年来应用BFU治疗10例移植肾输尿管梗阻患者的临床资料及随访结果,观察移植肾输尿管是否再次发生梗阻和积水。结果:所有患者移植肾输尿管梗阻均得到完美重建,随访1~5年B超检查未见移植肾梗阻和积水,移植肾功能维持正常。结论:BFU是治疗肾移植术后输尿管长段梗阻的有效方法,且近、远期疗效满意。  相似文献   

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