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1. Intracellular microelectrodes were used to obtain recordings from neurons in layer II/III of rat frontal cortex. A bipolar electrode positioned in layer IV of the neocortex was used to evoke postsynaptic potentials. Graded series of stimulation were employed to selectively activate different classes of postsynaptic responses. The sensitivity of postsynaptic potentials and iontophoretically applied neurotransmitters to the non-N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) was examined. 2. As reported previously, low-intensity electrical stimulation of cortical layer IV evoked short-latency early excitatory postsynaptic potentials (eEPSPs) in layer II/III neurons. CNQX reversibly antagonized eEPSPs in a dose-dependent manner. Stimulation at intensities just subthreshold for activation of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) produced long-latency (10 to 40-ms) EPSPs (late EPSPs or 1EPSPs). CNQX was effective in blocking 1EPSPs. 3. With the use of stimulus intensities at or just below threshold for evoking an action potential, complex synaptic potentials consisting of EPSP-IPSP sequences were observed. Both early, Cl(-)-dependent and late, K(+)-dependent IPSPs were reduced by CNQX. This effect was reversible on washing. This disinhibition could lead to enhanced excitability in the presence of CNQX. 4. Iontophoretic application of quisqualate produced a membrane depolarization with superimposed action potentials, whereas NMDA depolarized the membrane potential and evoked bursts of action potentials. At concentrations up to 5 microM, CNQX selectively antagonized quisqualate responses. NMDA responses were reduced by 10 microM CNQX. D-Serine (0.5-2 mM), an agonist at the glycine regulatory site on the NMDA receptor, reversed the CNQX depression of NMDA responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were made from antidromically identified motoneurons in transverse (500 microns) lumbar spinal cord slices of neonatal (12-20 day) rats. 2. Electrical stimulation of ventral rootlets evoked, with or without an antidromic spike or initial segment potential, a depolarizing response (latency, 1-4.2 ms), a hyperpolarizing response (latency, 1.5-3.5 ms), or a combination of two preceding responses in 38, 6, and 8% of motoneurons investigated. 3. The hyperpolarizing response was reversibly eliminated by low Ca2+ (0.25 mM), d-tubocurarine (d-Tc; 10 microM) or strychnine (1 microM), suggesting that this response represents an inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP) mediated by glycine or a related substance release from inhibitory interneurons subsequent to their activation by axon collaterals in a manner analogous to the Renshaw cell circuitry described for the cat motoneurons. 4. The depolarizing responses were excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), because they could be graded by varying the stimulus intensity and were reversibly abolished in low Ca2+ solution. 5. Membrane hyperpolarization increased the amplitude of EPSPs, and the mean extrapolated reversal potential was -4 mV. 6. EPSPs were augmented, rather than diminished, by dihydro-beta-erythroidine (1 microM) or d-Tc, arguing against a role of recurrent motor axon collaterals in initiating the responses. 7. The conduction velocity of the fibers initiating the EPSPs ranged from 0.35 to 0.96 m/s, indicating that these fibers were unmyelinated. Furthermore, the EPSP exhibited a constant delay when the stimulus frequency was varied from 1 to 5 Hz, and the synaptic delay estimated by extrapolation was less than 1 ms, suggesting that it was a monosynaptic event. 8. After complete separation of the ventral and dorsal horns by a knife cut, stimulation of ventral rootlets could still evoke an EPSP in motoneurons. 9. Superfusion of the slices with the nonselective glutamate receptor antagonist kynurenic acid (0.2-1 mM) or the selective quisqualate/kainate receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX) (0.5-1 microM) reversibly diminished the EPSPs. 10. EPSPs evoked by stimulation of dorsal and ventral rootlets exhibited different latency and waveform in the same motoneurons. 11. The results provide evidence that activation of ventral root afferents evoked an EPSP mediated by glutamate or a related substance in a population of motoneurons. Furthermore, the afferent pathway mediating the EPSP appears to be monosynaptic and confined to the ventral horn.  相似文献   

The subthalamic nucleus (STN) directly innervates the output structures of the basal ganglia, playing a key role in basal ganglia function. It is therefore important to understand the regulatory mechanisms for the activity of STN neurons. In the present study, we aimed to investigate how the intrinsic membrane properties of STN neurons interact with their synaptic inputs, focusing on their generation and the properties of the long-lasting, plateau potential. Whole cell recordings were obtained from STN neurons in slices prepared from postnatal day 14 (P14) to P20 rats. We found that activation of glutamate receptor-mediated excitatory synaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked a plateau potential in a subpopulation of STN neurons (n = 13/22), in a voltage-dependent manner. Plateau potentials could be induced only when the cell was hyperpolarized to more negative than about -75 mV. Plateau potentials, evoked with a depolarizing current pulse, again only from a hyperpolarized state, were observed in about half of STN neurons tested (n = 162/327). Only in neurons in which a plateau potential could be evoked by current injection did EPSPs evoke plateau potentials. L-type Ca(2+) channels, Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels, and TEA-sensitive K(+) channels were found to be involved in the generation of the potential. The stability of the plateau potential, tested by the injection of a negative pulse current during the plateau phase, was found to be robust at the early phase of the potential, but decreased toward the end. As a result the early part of the plateau potential was resistant to membrane potential perturbations and would be able to support a train of action potentials. We conclude that excitatory postsynaptic potentials, evoked in a subpopulation of STN neurons at a hyperpolarized state, activate L-type Ca(2+) and other channels, leading to the generation of a plateau potential. Thus about half of STN neurons can transform short-lasting synaptic excitation into a long train of output spikes by voltage-dependent generation of a plateau potential.  相似文献   

Our previous studies of calcium (Ca(2+)) currents in cortical pyramidal cells revealed that the percentage contribution of each Ca(2+) current type to the whole cell Ca(2+) current varies from cell to cell. The extent to which these currents are modulated by neurotransmitters is also variable. This study was directed at testing the hypothesis that a major source of this variability is recording from multiple populations of pyramidal cells. We used the whole cell patch-clamp technique to record from dissociated corticocortical, corticostriatal, and corticotectal projecting pyramidal cells. There were significant differences between the three pyramidal cell types in the mean percentage of L-, P-, and N-type Ca(2+) currents. For both N- and P-type currents, the range of percentages expressed was small for corticostriatal and corticotectal cells as compared with cells which project to the corpus callosum or to the general population. The variance was significantly different between cell types for N- and P-type currents. These results suggest that an important source of the variability in the proportions of Ca(2+) current types present in neocortical pyramidal neurons is recording from multiple populations of pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

Summary A slice preparation of rat frontal agranular cortex preserving commissural inputs has been used for intracellular recording from layer V pyramidal cells, in order to characterize the synaptic potentials induced by stimulation of the corpus callosum and to reveal the subtypes of amino acid receptors involved. Stimulation of the corpus callosum induced EPSPs followed by early IPSPs with a peak latency of 30 ± 2 ms and late IPSPs with a peak latency of 185 ± 18 ms. Reversal potentials for early and late IPSPs were –75 ± 5 mV (early) and –96 ± 5 mV (late). Late IPSPs were more dependent on extracellular K+ concentration. The early IPSPs were blocked by GABAA antagonists, bicuculline and picrotoxin, whereas the late IPSPs were reduced by the GABAB antagonist, phaclofen. CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione), an antagonist of non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, suppressed both EPSPs and late IPSPs at 5 µM. Early IPSPs remained at this concentration but were suppressed by 20 µM CNQX. In Mg2+-free solution, EPSPs were larger and more prolonged than in control solution. These enhanced EPSPs persisted after 5 to 20 µM CNQX, but were reduced in amplitude, and their onset was delayed by 3.6 ± 0.8 ms. The remaining EPSPs were suppressed by 50 µM APV (DL-2-amino-5-phosphono-valeric acid), an antagonist of NMDA receptors. In Mg2+-free solution containing 5 to 20 µM CNQX, the late IPSPs were not diminished. The remaining late IPSPs were suppressed by APV or by phaclofen. By contrast, the amplitude of early IPSPs was not affected by APV in Mg2+-free solution containing 5 µM CNQX. These results show that stimulation of the corpus callosum can induce GABAA and GABAB dependent IPSPs and NMDA and non-NMDA dependent excitation. It is suggested that these four types of amino acid-based transmission are conveyed by intracortical pathways with different characteristics.  相似文献   

Properties of mEPSCs recorded in layer II neurones of rat barrel cortex   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Voltage-clamp recordings from layer II neurones in somatosensory cortex of rats aged between 12 and 17 days showed a high frequency of spontaneous postsynaptic currents (sPSCs), which on average was 33 ± 13 Hz ( s.d .). sPSCs were mediated largely by glutamatergic AMPA receptors. Their rates and amplitudes were independent of blocking sodium channels with 1 μ m tetrodotoxin (TTX). Most of them, therefore, represent genuine miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). The rise time of the fastest (10 %) mEPSCs was 288 ± 86 μs (10-90 %) and the half-width was 1073 ± 532 μs. The amplitude was −5.9 ± 1.1 pA with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.44 ± 0.14. The rate of mEPSCs was very temperature sensitive with a Q 10 (33-37 °C) of 8.9 ± 0.9. Due to this temperature sensitivity, we estimated that the microscope lamp contributed an increase in temperature of about 4 °C to the tissue in the focal volume of the condenser. Cell-type differences in the rate of mEPSCs were found between pyramidal/multipolar and bipolar cells. The latter had a frequency of about a third of that seen in the other cell groups. Recordings in layer II are ideally suited to investigate mechanisms of spontaneous transmitter release.  相似文献   

Thalamocortical (TC) cells in the ventrobasal thalamus make direct excitatory connections with regular-spiking (RS) cells in layer 4 of the somatosensory cortex, but also make disynaptic feedforward inhibitory connections with the RS cells by layer 4 fast-spiking (FS) cells. In this study, we investigated connection rules of the feedforward inhibitory circuit from multiple TC cells to multiple RS cells, at the level of synaptic potentials. Using thalamocortical brain slices of young mice (postnatal days 12-16), we made simultaneous patch-clamp recordings from three adjacent cortical cells (two RS cells and one FS cell), combined with minimal stimulation of presumed single TC fibers. We found that nearly all (97%) of TC fibers, which generated excitatory inputs onto RS cells, also generated divergent excitatory inputs onto adjacent FS cells. Some 44% of TC fibers generated divergent excitatory inputs onto adjacent pairs of RS cells. We then combined the triple patch-clamp recording with multisite (two to three) minimal stimulation of single TC fibers and found that 86% of FS cells received convergent inputs from all of the stimulated TC fibers. We also found that 68% of FS cells generated divergent inhibitory inputs onto adjacent pairs of RS cells. The results indicate that spikes in TC cells, which excite RS cells, also excite adjacent FS cells with high fidelity. The results also indicate that FS cells receive convergent excitatory inputs from multiple TC cells and then send divergent inhibitory outputs to multiple RS cells.  相似文献   

The location of the human nociceptive area(s) near the Sylvian fissure is still controversial in spite of evidence from imaging and evoked potential studies that noxious heat stimuli activate somatosensory areas in that region. Some studies have suggested the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) on the upper bank of the Sylvian fissure posterior to the central sulcus, others the anterior insula or parietal area 7b. In this study, we applied dipole source analysis techniques to laser-evoked potentials (LEPs) that were recorded from subdural grid electrodes in three patients. As a functional marker, auditory-evoked potentials (AEPs) with a generator on the opposite bank of the Sylvian fissure were recorded from the same electrodes. The LEP global field power (GFP), a measure of spatial variance, showed a first peak at about 150 ms latency, corresponding to the latency of the N1 recorded from the scalp. In contrast to scalp recordings, the amplitude of the first GFP peak recorded from the grid was larger than the second peak (P2). This finding suggests that the generator of N1, but not that of later LEP components, was close to the subdural grids. When a regional source was fitted to the first GFP peak, its location was within the frontoparietal operculum in all patients. On average, the LEP source was 13 mm anterior, 6 mm superior, and 2 mm medial of the AEP source. This relative location also suggests a source within the frontoparietal operculum overlying the insula. At the latency of the first GFP peak, source orientation pointed inward, suggesting a generator within the inner vertical surface of the operculum. Somatotopy was assessed in one patient and was consistent with that of the projection area of the presumed nociceptive thalamic nucleus posterior part of the ventromedial nucleus, but differed from that of SII. These findings suggest that the nociceptive area in human parasylvian cortex that is activated most rapidly by noxious heat pulses may be separate from the tactile SII area.  相似文献   

1. Using isolated slices of rat cingulate and sensorimotor cortex, intracellular recordings were obtained from pyramidal neurons in layer III. Simultaneous extracellular recordings were obtained from neurons in ventral layer III and layer IV. Spike-triggered averaging was employed to investigate synaptic connections from neurons in layers III/IV to pyramidal cells in layer III. 2. Of 701 simultaneously recorded pairs of neurons, comprising 699 extracellularly and 128 intracellularly recorded neurons, synaptic connections were demonstrated in 30 pairs. Of these, 29 were excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and 1, an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP). Single-axon EPSPs with a wide variety of amplitudes were recorded: the range recorded at membrane potentials between -68 and -72 mV was 0.079-2.3 mV. Comparing recordings obtained from different cells, EPSP amplitude was found to be independent of both the membrane resistance of the postsynaptic neuron and the EPSP time course; i.e., the largest EPSPs were not necessarily those recorded from neurons with the highest input resistance, nor those with the briefest time course. 3. Shape indices: width at half amplitude and rise-time, indicative of both proximal and distal synaptic locations were obtained. Normalized rise-times were between 0.1 and 2 times the membrane time constant and half-widths between 0.8 and 20 times. 4. The majority of postsynaptic neurons displayed nonlinear voltage relations typical of pyramidal neurons, and the contribution to EPSP shape of voltage-dependent currents was investigated. EPSP amplitude and duration were found to be dependent on membrane potential. The majority of single-axon EPSPs (26 of 29), increased in amplitude and duration with membrane depolarization over the range -95 - -50 mV, despite the significant decrease in driving force for the EPSP that would be expected to accompany such large depolarizations. This increase coincided with an increase in the amplitude of voltage responses to small injected current pulses. 5. It is concluded that the amplitude and time course of single-axon EPSPs recorded in cortical pyramidal somata are affected not only by the amplitude of the postsynaptic current and the location(s) of the synapse(s) relative to the soma, but also by voltage-dependent currents. The possibility that the increase in amplitude and duration of these EPSPs with membrane depolarization is due to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor involvement is discussed.  相似文献   

Y Hori  K Endo 《Neuroscience letters》1992,142(2):191-195
Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings were made from spinothalamic and spinomesencephalic tract neurons in thin-slice preparations of rat spinal cord. In the presence of tetrodotoxin, spontaneous inward and outward postsynaptic currents were observed near the resting membrane potential. These currents were divided into miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) mediated by glutamate, and miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) mediated by glycine or gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Glutamatergic mEPSCs had two components mediated by NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. Analyzing these miniature synaptic currents, valuable information concerning the pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms underlying modulation of synaptic transmission in the spinal dorsal horn could be obtained.  相似文献   

Developmental cortical malformations are common in patients with intractable epilepsy; however, mechanisms contributing to this epileptogenesis are currently poorly understood. We previously characterized hyperexcitability in a rat model that mimics the histopathology of human 4-layered microgyria. Here we examined inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic currents in this model to identify functional alterations that might contribute to epileptogenesis associated with microgyria. We recorded isolated whole cell excitatory postsynaptic currents and GABA(A) receptor-mediated inhibitory currents (EPSCs and IPSCs) from layer V pyramidal neurons in the region previously shown to be epileptogenic (paramicrogyral area) and in homotopic control cortex. Epileptiform-like activity could be evoked in 60% of paramicrogyral (PMG) cells by local stimulation. The peak conductance of both spontaneous and evoked IPSCs was significantly larger in all PMG cells compared with controls. This difference in amplitude was not present after blockade of ionotropic glutamatergic currents or for miniature (m)IPSCs, suggesting that it was due to the excitatory afferent activity driving inhibitory neurons. This conclusion was supported by the finding that glutamate receptor antagonist application resulted in a significantly greater reduction in spontaneous IPSC frequency in one PMG cell group (PMG(E)) compared with control cells. The frequency of both spontaneous and miniature EPSCs was significantly greater in all PMG cells, suggesting that pyramidal neurons adjacent to a microgyrus receive more excitatory input than do those in control cortex. These findings suggest that there is an increase in numbers of functional excitatory synapses on both interneurons and pyramidal cells in the PMG cortex perhaps due to hyperinnervation by cortical afferents originally destined for the microgyrus proper.  相似文献   

To characterize the low-frequency depression (LFD) of synaptic transmission in the visual cortex, we recorded field potentials and minimal excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) from layer II/III following intracortical stimulation at various frequencies in cortical slices of rats. Field potentials were stable at 0.017 Hz, but showed an amplitude depression at 0.033-0.1 Hz at stimulus intensity of 1.5 times the threshold for induction of the postsynaptic component and at 0.1-0.2 Hz at intensity of 1.2 times the threshold. The LFD was input-specific and its magnitude correlated with the stimulus frequency. An interruption of stimulation for 15 min yielded a nearly complete recovery from LFD. Minimal EPSPs tested at 0.1-1.7 Hz often showed LFD with similar features. However, some inputs were stable or even facilitated during repeated stimulation. At 0.1 and 0.2 Hz, >50% of inputs were stable, whereas 10% and 25% were depressed, respectively. At 0.5 and 1.7 Hz, LFD was observed in >60% and 80% of inputs, respectively. The magnitude of LFD strongly varied across inputs. In 3 of the 41 inputs analyzed, LFD was so strong that these inputs became virtually silent. Occurrence of responses to the second pulse in the paired-pulse paradigm when the first response was absent and recovery of depressed EPSPs following stimulus interruption or shift to a lower frequency suggest that these synapses were presynaptically silent due to a lowered probability of transmitter release. Altogether, the results indicate that testing intervals of <10 or even < or =30 s cannot be regarded as completely neutral. At the single-cell level, frequency-dependent changes were strongly heterogeneous across different inputs. LFD and its spontaneous recovery may underlie the previously described "post-rest" potentiation, and should be taken into account when considering information processing in cortical networks.  相似文献   

The action of some cholinergic drugs has been studied on the field potentials evoked by orthodromic stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) in guinea-pig olfactory cortex slices maintained in vitro. A reversible depression of the electrically evoked surface-negative field potential (N-wave) was seen following superfusion of muscarine (10-200 microM) or mixed-agonist choline esters but not nicotinic agonists. This depression was blocked by atropine and pirenzepine, but not d-tubocurarine or by antagonists active at gamma-aminobutyric acid or adenosine receptors. Little effect of muscarinic agonists was observed on the compound action potential recorded from the LOT, or on pial surface DC potential. A possible presynaptic site of action of muscarinic agonists in the olfactory cortex is discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic transmission is considered to be a neuronal model of learning. Recently, the probability of induction of associative LTP in layer V cells in sensorimotor neocortex was shown to be much higher in the awake cat than in the slice preparation. We hypothesised that the loss of extrinsic noradrenergic activity in the slice might account for this difference, particularly since a beta-adrenergic enhancement of field potentials has been seen in this preparation. We therefore bath-applied noradrenaline (NA) or the beta 1-adrenergic agonist, isoprenaline (ISO) to elucidate the cellular basis of the enhancement of field potentials, and to see if the drugs increased the probability of induction of associative LTP in slices. We found that NA and ISO produced a dose-dependent, reversible reduction of spike accommodation and an increase in excitability but had no effect on the depolarizing slope or peak amplitude of sub-threshold EPSPs, and that drug application did not increase the probability of induction of LTP. We conclude that: (1) the enhancement of field potentials and late components of EPSPs (7) can be explained by the known actions of beta-adrenergic drugs on membrane currents in layer V cells, and (2) the lower probability of induction of associative LTP in slices cf. the awake cat cannot be due solely to the loss of noradrenergic activity.  相似文献   

Anatomic, imaging, and lesion studies suggest that insular or parietal opercular cortical structures mediate the sensation of nonpainful cold. We have now tested the hypothesis that cold stimuli evoke electrical responses from these cortical structures in humans. We recorded the response to cold stimuli from electrodes implanted directly over parasylvian cortex for the investigation of intractable seizures. The results demonstrate that slow potentials can be evoked consistently over structures adjacent to the sylvian fissure in response to nonpainful cold. The polarity of these cold evoked potentials (EPs) for electrodes above the sylvian fissure is opposite to those below. These results suggest that the generator of cold EPs is close to the sylvian fissure in the parietal operculum or insula.  相似文献   

Properties of the action potential and subthreshold response were studied in large layer V neurons in in vitro slices of cat sensorimotor cortex using intracellular recording and stimulation, application of agents that block active conductances, and a single-microelectrode voltage clamp (SEVC). A variety of measured parameters, including action-potential duration, afterpotentials, input resistance, rheobase, and membrane time constant, were similar to the same parameters reported for large neurons from this region of cortex in vivo. Action-potential amplitudes and resting potentials were greater in vitro. Most measured parameters were distributed unimodally, suggesting that these parameters are similar in all large layer V neurons irrespective of their axonal termination. The voltage response to subthreshold constant-current pulses exhibited both time and voltage dependence in the great majority of cells. Current pulses in either the hyperpolarizing or subthreshold depolarizing direction cause the membrane potential to attain an early peak and then decay (sag) to a steady level. On termination of the pulse, the membrane response transiently overshoots resting potential. Plots of current-voltage relations demonstrate inward rectification during polarization on either side of resting potential. Subthreshold inward rectification in the depolarizing direction is abolished by tetrodotoxin (TTX). The ionic currents responsible for subthreshold rectification and sag were examined using the SEVC. Steady inward rectification in the depolarizing direction is caused by a persistent, subthreshold sodium current (INaP) (54). Sag observed in response to a depolarizing current pulse is due to activation of a slow outward current, which superimposes on and partially counters the persistent sodium current. Both sag in response to hyperpolarizing current pulses and rectification in the hyperpolarizing direction are caused by a slow inward "sag current" that is activated by hyperpolarizing voltage steps. The sag current is unaltered by TTX, tetraethylammonium, (TEA), Co2+, Ba2+, or 4-aminopyridine. Fast-rising, short-duration action potentials can be elicited by an intracellular current pulse or by orthodromic or antidromic stimulation. Spikes are blocked by TTX. The form of the afterpotential following a directly evoked spike varies among cells with similar resting potentials. Biphasic afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) with fast and slow components were most frequently seen. About 30% of the cells displayed a depolarizing afterpotential (DAP), which was often followed by an AHP. Other cells displayed a purely monophasic AHP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The perirhinal cortex (PRC) is a supra-modal cortical area that collects and integrates information originating from uni- and multi-modal neocortical regions, transmits it to the hippocampus, and receives a feedback from the hippocampus itself. The elucidation of the mechanisms that underlie the specific excitable properties of the different PRC neuronal types appears as an important step toward the understanding of the integrative functions of PRC. In this study, we investigated the biophysical properties of the transient, I A-type K+ current recorded in pyramidal neurons acutely dissociated from layers II/III of PRC of the rat (P8–P16). The current activated at about −50 mV and showed a fast monoexponential decay (τh >> 14 ms at −30 to +10 mV). I A recovery from inactivation also had a monoexponential time course. No significant differences in the biophysical properties or current density of I A were found in pyramidal neurons from rats of different ages. Application of 4-AP (1–5 mM) reversibly and selectively blocked I A, and in current clamp conditions it increased spike duration and shortened the delay of the first spike during repetitive firing evoked by sustained depolarizing current injection. These properties are similar to those of the I A found in thalamic neurons and other cortical pyramidal neurons. Our results suggest that I A contributes to spike repolarization and to regulate both spike onset timing and firing frequency in PRC neurons.  相似文献   

Summary In the primary visual cortex of adult rats the cellular and subcellular distribution of protein kinase C isozymes II and III (PkCII/III) was examined by immunohistochemical methods with a monoclonal antibody against PkCII/III. Strong PkC(II/III)-immunoreactivity was found in neurons and astrocytes. Immunopositive neurons exhibited morphological features characteristic for both pyramidal and non-pyramidal cells. They were distributed in layers II through VI but were concentrated in layers II/III. At the electron microscopic level immunoprecipitate was found predominantly in distinct regions of the somata, except the nuclei, and only a few labeled dendrites and axons were seen. Two different patterns of cytoplasmic immunoreactivity could be distinguished. In most neurons, PkC(II/III)-staining was confined to cytoplasmic spots associated with the Golgi complex, while a few neurons exhibited additional labeling in the vicinity of the cell membrane. Moreover, PkC(II/III)-immunoreactivity was present in numerous astroglial processes and in the perikaryal cytoplasm of a subpopulation of astrocytes.Present data provide morphological indications for specifie functions of PkC isozymes II and III in neurons as well as in astrocytes.  相似文献   

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