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枣庄市区糖尿病流行病学调查结果分析枣庄市立医院(277102)周晶吕祥龙王专运俞淑静费大东随着生活水平的不断提高,糖尿病(DM)发病率逐渐增高。为了解DM和糖耐量减低(IGT)的患病率及其易患因素,我们对枣庄市1021例人口进行了DM、IGT流行病学...  相似文献   

自2003年1月以来,我们对枣庄地区18岁以上人群进行了随机抽样调查,旨在分析高血压病的发病率并探讨对策。  相似文献   

结核病严重影响人民健康,是我国重点防治疾病之一。从2000年全国结核病的流行病学抽样调查结果分析[1],我国结核病疫情还相当严重。老年人作为社会的脆弱人群。特别在农村,由于文化水平低,没有固定的经济来源;在一些边远和贫困地区,交通不便,卫生服务可及性差,使患者肺结核病知识知晓率低或就诊困难,造成老年结核病发现率低;老年肺结核中传染源多,且在家中接触小孩较多,容易引起结核病的传播。为了进一步了解广州市老年肺结核病流行情况,现对2005年末在广州市开展的结核病流行病学调查结果简报如下。对象与方法一、调查方法与对象抽样方法采用整群随机,按广州市街道及人口比例抽样方法。2005年末户籍总人口744万,按老年人口10%~15%计算,广州市老年人口约70~100万。按抽样人口比例为1∶150。计算出广州市应有流调点为24个,平均每个调查点的实检人数应为250人。二、检查方法1.对所有人群进行胸部X线检查:咳嗽、咳痰超过3周或有咯血的肺结核可疑症状者,胸透发现异常阴影及已知肺结核患者均摄胸部X线片。2.细菌学检查:对胸透异常及有肺结核可疑症状者均收集3个痰标本(即时痰、夜间痰和次日清晨痰);3个痰标本进行涂片和前2号标本的...  相似文献   

目的 了解北京大兴农村地区老年糖尿病(DM)和空腹血糖受损(IFG)发生的情况和特点.方法 纳入大兴长子营地区60岁以上人群3036例,通过问卷调查统计糖尿病知晓以及治疗情况、吸烟情况、检查身高和体重,计算体重指数(BMI=体重/身高2);水银血压计测量血压;酶法检测空腹血糖、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、血尿酸(UA);直接法检测高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、改良苦味酸法检测血肌酐(Cr);全自动血液分析仪测定白细胞总数(WBC)和血小板总数(PLT).结果纳入人群中IFG患者358例、DM患者712例,DM的知晓率、治疗率和控制率分别为64.10%、61.10%和19.94%.DM患者、IFG患者与血糖正常人群的BMI、血压、TC水平均无差异;与血糖正常的人群相比,IFG和DM患者吸烟指数更高,TG、LDL-C、UA、WBC、PLT水平升高(P<0.05),DM患者TG高于IFG患者,HDL-C水平低于正常血糖人群.结论 ①大兴长子营地区老年T2DM知晓率和治疗率较高,但控制率较低;②老年T2DM患者较正常血糖人群心血管危险因素更多;③IFG期心血管危险因素与T2DM接近.  相似文献   

结核病严重影响人民健康,是我国重点防治疾病之一。从2000年全国结核病的流行病学抽样调查结果分析[1],我国结核病疫情还相当严重。  相似文献   

目的了解安阳市地方性氟中毒流行现况,为制定地方性氟中毒防治策略和规划提供数据。方法按照"河南省地方性氟中毒流行病学调查实施方案"的要求,对全市10个县(市、区)全部进行调查,调查居民饮水含氟量、儿童氟斑牙、成人氟骨症患病情况。结果共调查乡(镇)108个,自然村3 723个,发现水氟超标自然村454个,占12.1%;儿童氟斑牙检出率超过30%的自然村425个,儿童氟斑牙检出率43.69%,在4个县共发现氟骨症患者1 157人。结论地方性氟中毒分布与既往资料对比已发生明显变化;氟危害仍然较严重。  相似文献   

河北省鼠疫自然疫源地范围比较小 ,只局限于河北省北部的康保县 ,位于河北与内蒙古接壤地区。自5 0年代开始对该地开展了疫源调查。 1971年首次从该地分离出鼠疫菌 ,判定为河北省长爪沙鼠鼠疫自然疫源地。相继于 1984年发现了血清阳性 ;1994年发生了动物鼠疫流行。其后再无动物鼠疫流行。多年来我们对疫源地自然概况、啮齿动物种群数量、媒介动物和主要疫源动物长爪沙鼠生态等进行了大量调查研究。1 疫源地概况  河北省康保鼠疫自然疫源地位于河北最北部 ,东经 113°11′ ,北纬 4 2°14′ ,与内蒙古的化德、白旗、太卜寺旗相接壤。属于蒙…  相似文献   

曲阜市南辛镇1963~1989年炭疽病流行病学调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 1963~1989年,曲阜市南辛镇相继发生人、畜炭疽病6起,为探讨发病规律,保护人、畜健康,现将调查资料分析报告如下。 一、资料来源 资料来源于1963~1989年6起炭疽病的现场调查。全部病人、病畜,经病灶分泌物、排泄物及血液涂片镜检或培养,均检出革兰氏染色阳性粗大杆菌。 二、流行概况 1963年8月刘楼村首次发生人畜间炭疽病流行。人发病8例,发病率1.9%,死亡1人。牛发病8头,发病率50%,死亡5头,病死率62.5%,羊发病159只,发病率65%,死亡108只,病死率67.92%,猪发病13头,发病率12.9%,死亡2头,病死率1538%。在间隔6年后,1969、1978、1989年在邻近  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在评估大港油田地区成人糖尿病的患病率.方法 对2009年5月至2011年10月在大港油田总医院查体中心体检的3000名20岁以上成年人进行研究.经过一夜禁食,受试者行75 g口服葡萄糖耐量试验,根据空腹血糖和餐后2h血糖水平来诊断糖尿病和糖尿病前期,同时测量身高、腹围、血压、血脂.对糖调节受损[空腹血糖受损(IFG)+糖耐量减低(IGT)]者行24h尿微量白蛋白及眼底照相检查.结果 糖尿病患病率随年龄增长而升高(20~ 39岁人群3.6%,40 ~ 59岁人群11.9%,大于 60岁人群21.6%),也随体重增加而升高.体重指数(BMI) 20.0 ~24.9 kg/m2人群8.2% 25.0~27.9 kg/m2人群13.6%、≥28 kg/m2人群20.2%].糖调节受损者中9.8%出现24 h尿微量白蛋白升高,10.1%出现眼底病变.结论 大港油田地区成年人糖尿病和糖尿病前期患病率较高.早期诊断、早期预防尤为重要.  相似文献   

目的了解成都地区成年人DM和DM前期患病率的流行病学情况。方法用多级多层整体抽样方法,于2007年调查成都玉林、龙泉两个地区共计2248人。DM诊断采用1999年WHO标准。结果DM和DM前期的总患病率分别为11.1%、14.2%;标化后分别为8.2%、12.2%;男性DM患病率高于女性(P〈0.05),两性问DM前期患病率无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。DM及DM前期患病率随年龄增长而增加(P〈0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示DM的危险因素有年龄、腰围、静息心率、BP和TG。DM前期危险因素分别为年龄、高血压史、静息心率、BMI、TC、血尿酸。HDL-C为保护性因素。结论成都地区的DM及DM前期患病率均较高,且有进一步增加趋势,须及时采取有效措施,干预糖代谢异常的流行。  相似文献   

肥胖与糖尿病、糖耐量异常的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我们选用 1996年~ 1997年甘肃省糖尿病流行病学调查的有关资料作为分析 ,研究体重指数 (BMI)和腰围 /臀围比值(WHR)分析肥胖与糖尿病 (DM)、糖耐量减低 (IGT)的关系。对象与方法1.研究对象 :全部资料来源于 1996年 1月~ 1997年 3月甘肃省 6个市、区 370 0人糖尿病流行病学调查结果。DM、IGT诊断采用 1985年 WHO诊断标准。本组患者基本上是 2型糖尿病。被调查的 370 0人中 ,男性 16 95人 ,女性 2 0 0 5人。男 :女 =0 .85 :1。其中 ,发现 DM 132人 ,占 3.5 7%。IGT 143人 ,占 3.86 %。2 .方法 :受试者均脱外衣、脱鞋 ,同一体重计…  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether abnormal endothelial function is present in early stages of diabetes, such as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG). Endothelial function was assessed by measuring flow-mediated dilatation and nitrate-induced dilatation of the brachial artery using high-resolution ultrasound. Fasting serum lipid levels were determined, and glucose and insulin values in response to a 75-g oral glucose load were also measured. The results showed the following new findings: (1) compared with subjects with normal glucose tolerance, those with IFG and IGT had impaired flow-mediated dilatation, more remarkable in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus than those with IFG and IGT, and (2) flow-mediated dilatation was inversely and strongly related to the extent of hyperglycemia. In conclusion, endothelial dysfunction is present in subjects with IGT and IFG, indicating endothelial damage in these stages.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study of glucose tolerance in the residents of a Jewish home for the aged (JHA) is now in its 25th year. Of 1,177 supposedly nondiabetic persons screened on admission from 1965 to 1986, 22.5% had impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), reflecting its undiagnosed prevalence among the Jewish elderly in the community. The incidence of IGT was lower in 1969-1973, when the average age on admission was 77 years, than in 1982-1986, when the average age was 83.5 years. However, aging was not the only factor affecting glucose tolerance (GT). The rise in the residents' age in the last 10 years was not accompanied by an increased rate of deterioration of GT in the annual screenings of 1970-1984, suggesting that there was a delay in the effect of age on IGT and diabetes mellitus (DM). This was attributed mainly to the multimodal antidiabetic regimen (ADR) prevailing in the JHA in those years. Relaxation of this regimen was associated with a marked increase in the incidence of IGT and DM in the screenings of 1985-1987. When 25 newly diagnosed diabetics were put on a diabetic diet, 60% had normal or improved glucose tolerance tests (GTT) one to five years later. By contrast, in over half of the 80 residents whose first GTT did not indicate diabetes and whose diet was not as strictly controlled, the repeat GTT showed deterioration and was diabetic in 31%. Conclusions: Screening led to early diagnosis and institution of antidiabetic measures, probably avoiding or postponing the need for antidiabetic medication with its risk of iatrogenic hypoglycemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

武汉地区中老年人糖耐量受损和2型糖尿病患病率调查   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
采用抽样分层横断面现场调查方法对武汉地区2600名40岁以上成人进行问卷调查,结果显示武汉地区40~90岁一般人群糖尿病标化患病率为7.7%,糖耐量异常的标化患病率7.3%,从总体上看有随年龄增长而增加的现象。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess, by a house to house study, the prevalence of diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and their associated risk factors in Benghazi, Libya using 75 gram oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and ADA 1997 and WHO 1998 diagnostic criteria. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A multistage cluster sampling was used to select the study population. A total of 314 men and 554 women underwent a standard 75 grams OGTT. The response rate was 77.7% for males and 89.2% for females. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of IGT was 8.5% (95% confidence interval (CI) 5.8 - 11.3) (men 8.6% 95% CI 7.7-9.6, women 8.5% 95% CI 5.0 -11.9), and that of diabetes was 14.1% (95% CI 10.9-17.1) (men 16.3% 95% CI 14.5-18.3 women 13.0% 95% CI 10.0 - 16.1). Diabetes was present in 19.4% (95% CI 15.4-20.5) (men 22.7% 95% CI 20.2-25.4, women 17.6% 95% CI 14.1-19.1) in 30-64 years age range. Prevalence of diabetes was slightly higher in urban than in rural areas (14.5% vs 13.5%). The prevalence of newly diagnosed diabetes in urban and rural areas were 3.6% and 7.3% respectively and that of known diabetes were 10.9% and 6.3% respectively. Associated risk factors with diabetes and IGT were age, family history of diabetes, hypertension, BMI, WHR and serum cholesterol. CONCLUSION: Diabetes is emerging as an important public health problem in Libya and should rank very high in the priority list of health planners.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus in 99 patients (53 M, 46 F; mean age 10.5±6.9 years), with cystic fibrosis. Glucose tolerance was evaluated in all patients without overt diabetes using the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Six patients showed a pathological OGTT and 2 patients had insulin-requiring diabetes mellitus. The mean age of the patients with impaired glucose tolerance was significantly higher than that of the subjects with normal glucose metabolism (p<0.0001). Patients with overt diabetes mellitus were the oldest subjects in the study group. Preliminary results of this study were presented at the XX European Pancreatic Club, August 29–31, 1988. Budapest, Hungary and published in Digestion40, 72, 1988.  相似文献   

We evaluated variations in glucose measurements and the reproducibility of glucose tolerance classification in a high-risk screening setting in general practice. Screening for diabetes was performed in persons aged 40-69 years. Based on capillary fasting (FBG) and 2-h blood glucose (2 hBG) individuals with impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and diabetes had a second test done after 14 days. Intra-individual coefficients of variation (CV) were estimated in each glucose tolerance class using the approximation CV(2)(x)=var(ln(x)). Bland-Altman plots with limits of agreement were made. In the total population, the CV(intra) was 7.9% and 13.8% for FBG and 2 hBG, respectively. Limits of agreement ranged from -1.15 to 1.67 mmol/l for FBG and from - 2.62 to 3.27 mmol/l for 2 hBG. One individual with IFG and 22.5% with IGT had diabetes at the second test, 76.1% with diabetes had this diagnosis confirmed, and about 30% with IFG and IGT had normal glucose tolerance at the second test. The expected values of repeated capillary blood glucose measurements were about+/-1 and+/-3 mmol/l for FBG and 2 hBG, respectively. Yet, 70% of high-risk prediabetic individuals were persistently classified with abnormal glucose regulation; diabetes was confirmed in 76% of the cases.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis Coffee contains several substances that may affect glucose metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between habitual coffee consumption and the incidence of IFG, IGT and type 2 diabetes.Methods We used cross-sectional and prospective data from the population-based Hoorn Study, which included Dutch men and women aged 50–74 years. An OGTT was performed at baseline and after a mean follow-up period of 6.4 years. Associations were adjusted for potential confounders including BMI, cigarette smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary factors.Results At baseline, a 5 cup per day higher coffee consumption was significantly associated with lower fasting insulin concentrations (–5.6%, 95% CI –9.3 to –1.6%) and 2-h glucose concentrations (–8.8%, 95% CI –11.8 to –5.6%), but was not associated with lower fasting glucose concentrations (–0.8%, 95% CI –2.1 to 0.6%). In the prospective analyses, the odds ratio (OR) for IGT was 0.59 (95% CI 0.36–0.97) for 3–4 cups per day, 0.46 (95% CI 0.26–0.81) for 5–6 cups per day, and 0.37 (95% CI 0.16–0.84) for 7 or more cups per day, as compared with the corresponding values for the consumption of 2 or fewer cups of coffee per day (p=0.001 for trend). Higher coffee consumption also tended to be associated with a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes (OR 0.69, CI 0.31–1.51 for 7 vs 2 cups per day, p=0.09 for trend), but was not associated with the incidence of IFG (OR 1.35, CI 0.80–2.27 for 7 vs 2 cups per day, p=0.49 for trend).Conclusions/interpretation Our findings indicate that habitual coffee consumption can reduce the risk of IGT, and affects post-load rather than fasting glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

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