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In two experiments employing quite different procedures it was found that the offsets of tones presented in the right ear elicit significantly later responses than do the offsets of tones presented in the left ear. However, no ear differences were observed for responses to the onsets of tones in either experiments, attentional explanations of the results seem unlikely. The results may reflect an echoic memory for right-ear stimuli which is of longer duration than that for left-ear stimuli.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The neurobiological mechanisms of deviant sexual preferences such as pedophilia are largely unknown. The objective of this study was to analyze whether brain activation patterns of homosexual pedophiles differed from those of a nonpedophile homosexual control group during visual sexual stimulation. METHOD: A consecutive sample of 11 pedophile forensic inpatients exclusively attracted to boys and 12 age-matched homosexual control participants from a comparable socioeconomic stratum underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during a visual sexual stimulation procedure that used sexually stimulating and emotionally neutral photographs. Sexual arousal was assessed according to a subjective rating scale. RESULTS: In contrast to sexually neutral pictures, in both groups sexually arousing pictures having both homosexual and pedophile content activated brain areas known to be involved in processing visual stimuli containing emotional content, including the occipitotemporal and prefrontal cortices. However, during presentation of the respective sexual stimuli, the thalamus, globus pallidus and striatum, which correspond to the key areas of the brain involved in sexual arousal and behaviour, showed significant activation in pedophiles, but not in control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Central processing of visual sexual stimuli in homosexual pedophiles seems to be comparable to that in nonpedophile control subjects. However, compared with homosexual control subjects, activation patterns in pedophiles refer more strongly to subcortical regions, which have previously been discussed in the context of processing reward signals and also play an important role in addictive and stimulus-controlled behaviour. Thus future studies should further elucidate the specificity of these brain regions for the processing of sexual stimuli in pedophilia and should address the generally weaker activation pattern in homosexual men.  相似文献   

State‐dependent modulation of sensory systems has been studied in many organisms and is possibly mediated through neuromodulators such as monoamine neurotransmitters. Among these, dopamine is involved in many aspects of animal behaviour, including movement control, attention, motivation and cognition. However, the precise neural mechanism underlying dopaminergic modulation of behaviour induced by sensory stimuli remains poorly understood. Here, we used Drosophila melanogaster to show that dopamine can modulate the optomotor response to moving visual stimuli including noise. The optomotor response is the head‐turning response to moving objects, which is observed in most sight‐reliant animals including mammals and insects. First, the effects of the dopamine system on the optomotor response were investigated in mutant flies deficient in dopamine receptors D1R1 or D1R2, which are involved in the modulation of sleep‐arousal in flies. We examined the optomotor response in D1R1 knockout (D1R1 KO) and D1R2 knockout (D1R2 KO) flies and found that it was not affected in D1R1 KO flies; however, it was significantly reduced in D1R2 KO flies compared with the wild type. Using cell‐type‐specific expression of an RNA interference construct of D1R2, we identified the fan‐shaped body, a part of the central complex, responsible for dopamine‐mediated modulation of the optomotor response. In particular, pontine cells in the fan‐shaped body seemed important in the modulation of the optomotor response, and their neural activity was required for the optomotor response. These results suggest a novel role of the central complex in the modulation of a behaviour based on the processing of sensory stimulations.  相似文献   

EEG activity was recorded in 11 normal subjects and 19 patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) at rest and while they were viewing a series of ten 4 sec continuous lights. Topographical cortical changes were assessed using 32-channel EEG power estimate maps. The percent changes from baseline to stimulation, for the first 5 and the last 5 light stimuli, were calculated and topographically mapped. Patients with GAD showed less decrease in alpha activity during the first 5 stimuli and more alpha activity during the last 5 stimuli in comparison to normal controls. Delta, theta, alpha, beta I and beta II did not show any difference during the resting periods. The topographical distribution of response to light was different in each group. Normal controls had a parieto-occipital reactivity and GAD patients a centro-parietal one with the maximum difference between the two groups being located in the occipital region. During the stimulation, beta I activity was decreased in controls and increased in patients. The diminishing reactivity of the patients is interpreted as a diminution of attention to external stimulation because of competing internal interferences. The pattern of regional reactivity suggests the importance of the centro-parietal and/or occipital regions in anxiety.  相似文献   

Although the neural substrates of induced emotion have been the focus of numerous investigations, the factors related to individual variation in emotional experience have rarely been investigated in older adults. Twenty-six older normal subjects (mean age, 54) were shown color slides to elicit emotions of sadness, fear, or happiness and asked to rate the intensity of their emotional responses. Subjects who experienced negative emotion most intensely showed relative impairment on every aspect of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Intense positive emotion was associated with relatively impaired performance on the Rey Complex Figure Test. The volume of frontal brain structures, however, was not associated with emotion responses. Hemisphere-specific executive dysfunction was associated with greater intensity of emotional experience in normal older subjects. The role of these differences in intensity of induced emotion and impairment in executive function in daily social and vocational activity should be investigated.  相似文献   

EEG activity was monitored in 15 normal subjects at rest and while they were given 10 sec continuous light or tone stimuli of different intensities. Topographical cortical changes were assessed using 16-channel EEG power estimate maps of the left hemisphere. Statistical analyses were performed using analyses of variance and t test, and the reactivity of the EEG, i.e., the percent change from the baseline state, in response to stimulation, was topographically mapped. Significant EEG reactivity was recorded in alpha, theta and delta bands without modification in the beta band. Stimulation-induced effects were maximum in the posterior part of the brain for both tone and light. The light effect was stronger than tone in the alpha band, but no differences in modality effect were recorded in the delta or theta band. Analysis of frequency bands within the alpha and theta band revealed a different pattern of reactivity with different regional involvements for tone and light. EEG reactivity occurred mainly in 7-10 Hz frequency bands with no significant change in 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 Hz. Reactivity was maximal in the temporal area during tone for 7-9 Hz and in the occipital region during light for 8-10 Hz. The 8 and 9 Hz frequency bands showed increased blocking with an increase in stimulus intensity. Taken together, the results indicate that visual and auditory stimuli both produce an EEG amplitude decrease which is greatest over their respective primary sensory cortex.  相似文献   

Although heterosexual and homosexual individuals clearly show differences in subjective response to heterosexual and homosexual sexual stimuli, the neurobiological processes underlying sexual orientation are largely unknown. We addressed the question whether the expected differences in subjective response to visual heterosexual and homosexual stimuli may be reflected in differences in brain activation pattern. Twenty-four healthy male volunteers, 12 heterosexuals and 12 homosexuals, were included in the study. BOLD signal was measured while subjects were viewing erotic videos of heterosexual and homosexual content. SPM02 was used for data analysis. Individual sexual arousal was assessed by subjective rating. As compared to viewing sexually neutral videos, viewing erotic videos led to a brain activation pattern characteristic for sexual arousal in both groups only when subjects were viewing videos of their respective sexual orientation. Particularly, activation in the hypothalamus, a key brain area in sexual function, was correlated with sexual arousal. Conversely, when viewing videos opposite to their sexual orientation both groups showed absent hypothalamic activation. Moreover, the activation pattern found in both groups suggests that stimuli of opposite sexual orientation triggered intense autonomic response and may be perceived, at least to some extent, as aversive.  相似文献   

Support is provided for a primary neural factor in migraine by studies in autonomic responsiveness to sensory stimuli in relation to the laterality of pain. Migraineurs with consistently lateralised headaches were found in two studies to exhibit extremes of autonomic responsiveness to sensory stimuli during the interictal phase. The direction of responsiveness was predictive of the laterality of pain; left-sided pain was associated with under-responsiveness and fast habituation, right-sided pain with over-responsiveness and slow habituation. Bipolarity in rate of habituation is consistent with a defect in a regulatory mechanism that controls regional cerebral activation such as the diffuse thalamic projection system.  相似文献   

Sixty-six normal adults ranging in age from 20 to 85 years were presented with stimuli containing explicit instructions to initiate or to inhibit a motor response (the words 'push' or 'wait'). In one task, the effect of stimulus probability was investigated by varying probability between 0.25 and 0.75 for both Go and No-go stimuli. In another task, the effect of visual noise was investigated by degrading the stimuli with ampersands on half of the trials. Regression analysis was used to examine the effects of age on P3 amplitude and latency for each stimulus type. The effects of stimulus variables on P3, independent of age, were examined by standardizing each subject's data to those expected for a 20 year old. P3 latency to all stimuli and RT to Go stimuli increased with age. The latency of P3s to No-go stimuli was less sensitive to age than Go stimuli. P3 amplitude at Cz and Pz (but not Fz) diminished with age. P3s to Go stimuli were maximal at Pz and earlier than P3s to No-go stimuli. P3s to No-go stimuli were maximal at Cz. These differences between Go and No-go stimuli remained true under visual noise and probability manipulations. Visual noise prolonged the latency of Go and No-go P3. Less probable Go and No-go stimuli elicited larger and later P3s than more probable stimuli. Decreasing the probability of the No-go stimulus enhanced its central distribution.  相似文献   

The response of cat visual cortex to flicker stimuli of variable frequency   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examined the possibility that neurons or groups of neurons along the retino-cortical transmission chain have properties of tuned oscillators. To this end, we studied the resonance properties of the retino-thalamo-cortical system of anaesthetized cats by entraining responses with flicker stimuli of variable frequency (2–50 Hz). Responses were assessed from multi-unit activity (MUA) and local field potentials (LFPs) with up to four spatially segregated electrodes placed in areas 17 and 18. MUA and LFP responses were closely related, units discharging with high preference during LFP negativity. About 300 ms after flicker onset, responses stabilized and exhibited a highly regular oscillatory patterning that was surprisingly similar at different recording sites due to precise stimulus locking. Fourier transforms of these steady state oscillations showed maximal power at the inducing frequency and consistently revealed additional peaks at harmonic frequencies. The frequency-dependent amplitude changes of the fundamental and harmonic response components suggest that the retino-cortical system is entrainable into steady state oscillations over a broad frequency range and exhibits preferences for distinct frequencies in the θ- or slow α-range, and in the β- and γ-band. Concomitant activation of the mesencephalic reticular formation increased the ability of cortical cells to follow high frequency stimulation, and enhanced dramatically the amplitude of first- and second-order harmonics in the γ-frequency range between 30 and 50 Hz. Cross-correlations computed between responses recorded simultaneously from different sites revealed pronounced synchronicity due to precise stimulus locking. These results suggest that the retino-cortical system contains broadly tuned, strongly damped oscillators which altogether exhibit at least three ranges of preferred frequencies, the relative expression of the preferences depending on the central state. These properties agree with the characteristics of oscillatory responses evoked by non-temporally modulated stimuli, and they indicate that neuronal responses along the retino-cortical transmission chain can become synchronized with precision in the millisecond range not only by intrinsic interactions, but also by temporally structured stimuli.  相似文献   

We studied sympathetic skin response (SSR) to visual emotional stimuli in 11 normal children and 13 normal adults. The arousal and valence levels of original pictures were previously assessed by 20 normal children and adults. SSR appearance ratio tended to be high for pictures with high arousal and those with either high or low valence, and was higher in children than in adults. The response for pictures with high arousal and low valence was different between children and adults. These pictures were classified into 2 groups; one consisted of disgusting creatures such as worms and roaches, and another of violent scenes, symbolizing physiological and social unpleasure, respectively. In children, SSRs were evoked with the same ratio for these two groups of pictures. In adults, however, SSRs for social unpleasure pictures were evoked with a significantly higher ratio compared to those for physiological ones. These results indicate that children are more susceptible to emotional stimuli and that this susceptibility diminishes with development, suggesting the association between emotional signal and moral development.  相似文献   

Contemporary neuropsychological studies have stressed the widely distributed and multicomponential nature of human affective processes. Here, we examined facial electromyographic (EMG) (zygomaticus and corrugator muscle activity), autonomic (skin conductance and heart rate) and subjective measures of affective valence and arousal in patient TG, a 30 year-old man with left anterior mediotemporal and left orbitofrontal lesions resulting from a traumatic brain injury. Both TG and a normal control group were exposed to hedonically valenced visual and olfactory stimuli. In contrast with control subjects, facial EMG and electrodermal activity in TG did not differentiate among pleasant, unpleasant and neutral pictures. In addition, the controls reacted spontaneously with larger corrugator EMG activity and higher skin conductance to unpleasant odors. By contrast, the subjective feeling states (pleasure and arousal ratings) remained preserved in TG. The covariation between facial and self-report measures of negative valence was also a function of the nature of the olfactory task in the patient only. Taken together, the data suggest a functional dissociation between brain substrates supporting generation of emotion and those supporting representation of emotion.  相似文献   

Contemporary neuropsychological studies have stressed the widely distributed and multicomponential nature of human affective processes. Here, we examined facial electromyographic (EMG) (zygomaticus and corrugator muscle activity), autonomic (skin conductance and heart rate) and subjective measures of affective valence and arousal in patient TG, a 30 year-old man with left anterior mediotemporal and left orbitofrontal lesions resulting from a traumatic brain injury. Both TG and a normal control group were exposed to hedonically valenced visual and olfactory stimuli. In contrast with control subjects, facial EMG and electrodermal activity in TG did not differentiate among pleasant, unpleasant and neutral pictures. In addition, the controls reacted spontaneously with larger corrugator EMG activity and higher skin conductance to unpleasant odors. By contrast, the subjective feeling states (pleasure and arousal ratings) remained preserved in TG. The covariation between facial and self-report measures of negative valence was also a function of the nature of the olfactory task in the patient only. Taken together, the data suggest a functional dissociation between brain substrates supporting generation of emotion and those supporting representation of emotion.  相似文献   

The endocrine effects of visual erotic stimuli in normal men   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endocrine responses to erotic stimulation in the laboratory were assessed in eight normal subjects. Each subject was tested on two occasions. On one occasion only neutral stimuli were involved. After 15 min baseline, 30 min of films were shown. For the erotic condition on the other occasion, two 10-min erotic films were interspersed with 10 min of neutral film. Fifteen-minute blood samples were taken from the start of each test and continued for 5 hr after the films. Plasma was assayed for testosterone, LH, prolactin, cortisol, ACTH and beta-endorphin. Urine was collected for 4 hr before and 4 hr after the films; this was assayed for adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. Sexual arousal occurred in response to the erotic films in all subjects, as shown by erectile and subjective responses. There were no significant changes in hormone or catecholamine levels following either the erotic or the neutral stimuli, except for a rise in cortisol during the neutral but not the erotic film. These results indicate that in the laboratory, substantial sexual response can occur without accompanying endocrine or biochemical changes.  相似文献   

The functional organization of the visual system was studied in the albino rat. Metabolic differences were measured using the 14-C-2-deoxyglucose (DG) autoradiographic technique during visual stimulation of one entire retina in unrestrained animals. All optic centers responded to changes in light intensity but to different degrees. The greatest change occurred in the superior colliculus, less in the lateral geniculate, and considerably less in second-order sites such as layer IV of visual cortex. These optic centers responded in particular to on/off stimuli, but showed no incremental change during pattern reversal or movement of orientation stimuli. Both the superior colliculus and lateral geniculate increased their metabolic rate as the frequency of stimulation increased, but the magnitude was twice as great in the colliculus. The histological pattern of metabolic change in the visual system was not homogenous. In the superior colliculus glucose utilization increased only in stratum griseum superficiale and was greatest in visuotopic regions representing the peripheral portions of the visual field. Similarly, in the lateral geniculate, only the dorsal nucleus showed an increased response to greater stimulus frequencies. Second-order regions of the visual system showed changes in metabolism in response to visual stimulation, but no incremental response specific for type or frequency of stimuli. To label proteins of axoplasmic transport to study the terminal fields of retinal projections 14C-amino acids were used. This was done to study how the differences in the magnitude of the metabolic response among optic centers were related to the relative quantity of retinofugal projections to these centers. Fast and slow axoplasmic transport were studied using three separate amino acids. In each case over 64% of the radioactivity projecting contralateral from the eye was found in superior colliculus. considerably less isotope was found in dorsal lateral geniculate (11-17%), ventral lateral geniculate (3, 7-6.2%), pretectal nuclei (5-12%), and the accessory optic system (3-7%). The greatest concentration of radioactivity within each optic center was found in the visuotopic aspect subserving the superior visual field; particularly the medial aspects of the superior colliculus, olivary pretectal nucleus, and posterior pretectal nucleus, and the anterior portion of the nucleus of the optic tract. The representation of central vision in the colliculus was relatively pale, as was a zone within the middle of the contralateral dorsal lateral geniculate. The anatomical and physiological results of this study suggest that differences in deoxyglucose metabolism among optic centers are primarily related to the number of retinofugal endings and the kind of visual stimulation. Changes within any one center primarily reflect the density of retinal endings subserving the visual field.  相似文献   

Dichotic voice recognition was assessed in three groups of 16 right-handed subjects by a procedure in which a sample voice was presented binaurally and the subject was required to indicate which of two dichotically-presented voices was that of the sample speaker. Consonants, vowels, nonsense syllables, and words were used as speech stimuli. Significant right- ear superiority occurred for subjects who responded by naming the ear in which the matching speaker was heard and for subjects who circled the stimulus spoken by the matching speaker on a response sheet, but no significant ear difference was found for subjects who orally repeated the utterance of the matching speaker. Overall accuracy of recognition tended to be greatest with words and nonsense syllables and least with vowels and consonants as speech stimuli. There was no significant interaction between ears and speech stimuli. It was concluded that the right-ear superiority in voice recognition by ear naming and visual choice responses is associated with left-hemisphere dominance for voice recognition.  相似文献   

A young acallosal man was intensively tested in a standard simple reaction time (RT) paradigm using briefly-presented lateralized spots for light. In Experiment 1, findings on previous acallosal patients of a large disadvantage for crossed (e.g. right hemifield-left hand) as against uncrossed (e.g. left hemifield-left hand) RTs were replicated. This crossed-uncrossed difference (CUD), as in previous work, turned out to be smaller in a bimanual response task than in the conventional unimanual task. Experiment 2 was a factorial study of unimanual RTs in which (a) stimulus intensity and (b) spatial S-R compatibility, were varied. As in a previously tested patient, decreased intensity resulted in a greatly increased CUD. S-R compatibility on the other hand had no effect on CUD. The results are interpreted as favouring a role for visual commissural neurones in the acallosal CUD, and as evidence against a spatial compatibility hypothesis.  相似文献   

Park J  Lee C 《Neuroreport》2000,11(8):1661-1664
The increase in neural activity in cat visual cortex associated with eye movements has been thought to reflect a replica of the motor command signal. We examined the timing of the saccade-related increase in neural activity in cat areas 17 and 18 in relation to saccade onset and offset. The increase in activity was temporally coupled to saccade offset rather than onset both for visually guided saccades and for spontaneous saccades in the dark. Overall, it occurred 63 ms after saccade offset, and the peak was higher and sharper for data aligned at saccade offset than for onset. These results are inconsistent with the idea that saccade-related activity in cat visual cortex reflects a copy of the motor command signal.  相似文献   

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