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目的小儿腹腔镜监视下经皮腹膜外内环结扎术后有时会出现线结反应。本研究旨在探索腹壁不同层次打结诱导的迟发型超敏反应相关性蛋白的表达水平情况。 方法Balb/C小鼠随机分组,在同一小鼠腹壁自左向右分别纵向剪开3个皮肤切口(0.5 cm长),分别经切口处用无菌平镊提起全腹壁,采用4-0带针慕斯线进针贯穿腹壁至壁层腹膜内,经切口直视下经原针孔采用钩针将带针丝线折返钩出,经原线道出针,分别打结于皮下、肌层内和腹膜外间隙。术后14 d取材打结部位腹壁标本,连续冰冻切片进行组织化学和凋亡染色观察与分析。 结果免疫组织化学和半定量检测显示皮下组线结周围γ-干扰素和淋巴毒素-β的表达最为明显,腹膜外线结组最轻微,半定量检测分析显示差异有统计学意义。TUNEL检测可见腹膜外线结周围凋亡细胞最少,半定量检测分析显示差异有统计学意义。 结论线结位于深层腹膜外间隙引起超敏反应轻微,皮下浅层线结引起超敏反应最明显。提示对于腹腔镜监视下经皮腹膜外内环结扎术,将线结打在腹膜外间隙有利于降低线结诱导的超敏反应和超敏反应相关并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨单孔腹腔镜腹膜外疝囊结扎术治疗女童腹股沟斜疝的手术方法与临床疗效。方法:2016年8月至2018年8月对手术方法进行改良,单孔腹腔镜下采用硬膜外穿刺针与Prolene线行腹膜外疝囊结扎术,利用Prolene线的硬度实现了留置线环、送入第二根线、拉出腔内缝线的操作。首先用脊柱穿刺针带一根Prolene线完成部分疝囊分离后预留一个线环在腹腔内,不完全回撤脊柱穿刺针,将脊柱穿刺针的针尖回撤至腹膜外,腹壁下方肌肉与腹膜的间隙,拐向另一侧带着线完成另外半圈的疝囊分离,穿过预留的线环。自针芯内送入第二根Prolene线作为结扎线,撤出脊柱穿刺针后,用第一根线将结扎线带出体外打结,打结后线结将回撤到肌肉与腹膜间隙。结果:30例患儿均顺利完成单孔腹腔镜手术,无一例中转手术,未发生皮下血肿。单侧疝手术时间8~10 min,平均(9.46±1.99)min,双侧疝13~18 min,平均(15.50±2.14)min。术后随访半年,无线结反应、切口感染及复发病例。结论:单孔腹腔镜下采用硬膜外穿刺针与Prolene线行腹膜外疝囊结扎术治疗女童腹股沟斜疝方便、实用,无需改造疝针及其他辅助设备,安全、有效,创伤小,线结排异反应轻。  相似文献   

手术方法1.经腹直肌分离切口:缝合腹膜后用10号丝线于腹膜外将同侧腹直肌前鞘和腹直肌缝合,每针间距3~4cm,一般切口3~4针即可,暂不打结。然后常规缝合腹直肌前鞘,再将减张线打结。松紧度要适当,最后缝合皮肤。2.旁正中切口:同法将切口侧整个腹直肌前鞘和腹直肌与腹白线缝合。3.正中切口:同法于腹膜外距切缘1~1.5cm  相似文献   

结直肠癌外科应用技术的规范与创新(三)   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
助手负责吸烟雾,主刀以左手食指和中指在脐旁将皮肤向两侧和向上绷紧(这样切口不会偏离正中线),于腹部正中切开皮肤至真皮层后继续电凝切开真坡、皮下及腹直肌前鞘,直接在脐下处找白线,找准两侧腹直肌正中间隙,分开后自白线继续切开至腹直肌后鞘和腹膜外脂,  相似文献   

临床资料 患者男性,62岁,因“体检发现前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)升高,门诊行前列腺穿刺活检证实为前列腺癌”入院。患者PSA为12ng/ml,TNM分期为T1N0M0,Gleason评分5分,CT检查显示:右侧膈疝,疝内容物为胃腔。手术采用全麻、仰卧位,臀部垫高,两腿分开30°,头低脚高位。免气腹腹腔镜通道的建立分三步:(1)在脐下建立腹腔镜孔,做一个3cm的腹壁横切口,依次切开各层组织到腹膜外间隙,手指推开腹膜外间隙,腹膜外游离周围组织,形成一定的空间;将腹腔镜塑料套管套在专用的圆头穿刺棒上,一起经切口旋入腹膜外,然后取出圆头穿刺棒将塑料套管留在切口内固定,作为腹腔镜置人通道;(2)腹壁悬吊,用3根7号丝线分别于耻骨联合上约4cm水平线与腹正中线和两侧腹直肌外侧缘交叉点,穿出腹壁皮肤,悬吊起腹壁(图1);(3)建立下腹部两侧的操作孔,腹腔镜引导下,分别于脐与双侧髂前上棘连线中内、中外1/3处置人另外4个套管。  相似文献   

急性阑尾炎是普外科最常见的急腹症,切口感染率较高,特别是化脓性、坏疽穿孔性阑尾炎,其切口感染率可高达10%~30%,因切口感染灶内有线结,细菌难以消灭,且缝在腹外斜肌腱膜的线头几个月后才能脱落。本人对阑尾炎切口缝合作一改进,让切口无残留缝线线结,即使发生切口感染,由于无结线反应,经充分引流后多能很快愈合。对于基层医院,在无可吸收缝线、估计术后发生切口感染可能性较大时可采用。操作方法:①第1针缝线:用4号丝线,从切口一端1cm皮肤进针,直达腹膜层,横褥式连续缝合腹膜,缝完后从对端腹壁腹膜层外全层穿出皮肤,两端打梅花结(图1)。②…  相似文献   

腹壁切口疝常发生于腹部大手术后,是切口除皮肤以外的腹壁全层裂开所致。我科采用未经特殊处理的新鲜小牛心包作材料,修补1例巨大腹壁疝,获得满意效果。现将护理要点报告如下: 病例简介患者,女.55岁。1988年11月因胆囊切除术后1月井发腹壁巨大切口疝入院。查体:右中上腹部立位或鼓腹时见22cm×20cm椭圆半球状包块,自原切口疤痕处突出。在全麻下行切口疝修补术,术中见皮下筋膜与大网膜、肠管广泛粘连。两侧腹壁各层融合成一瘢痕环,腹直肌极薄弱,行疝环分离,先腹壁全层减张缝合不打结,用已备好的16cm×12  相似文献   

目的:观察可吸收缝线连续缝合间断打结在腹部正中切口缝合中的应用效果。方法回顾性分析2012年9∽12月,郑州大学附属肿瘤医院接受腹部手术的患者70例。随机分成二组,观察组采用可吸收缝线全层连续缝合间断打结,对照组采用普通缝线间断全层缝合。比较二组患者切口感染、线结反应、脂肪液化、切口裂开的发生情况。结果术后二组均有患者出现切口红肿和渗出,观察组脂肪液化3例,感染1例,线结反应0例,切口裂开0例,经换药和充分引流、抗感染后,愈合良好;对照组脂肪液化5例,切口感染6例,线结反应15例,切口裂开0例,经换药和充分引流、抗感染后,有部分需要拆除缝线。观察组切口感染、线结反应的发生率明显低于对照组,二组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=3.968、20.741,P=0.026、0.000);脂肪液化二组比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.565, P=0.452)。结论可吸收缝线全层连续缝合间断打结方法与普通缝线全层间断缝合方法相比具有预防切口裂开的特点,同时具备减少切口脂肪液化、感染、线结反应等发生的优点,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨经脐单切口双通道腹腔镜手术治疗小儿腹股沟鞘状突未闭的临床价值。方法收治30例腹股沟鞘状突未闭男性患儿,其中斜疝18例,鞘膜积液12例;左侧17例,右侧13例。常规取脐上缘1.0cm弧形小切口,经切口两角分别置入5mm、3mm Trocar各一个,使用18号静脉留置针带线穿刺至腹膜与腹横肌层间隙,完全腹膜外环绕未闭内环口,并经留置针提线至腹壁皮下打结。结果所有手术均取得成功,术中未使用复合套管。术中发现对侧隐性鞘状突未闭11例;手术平均用时单侧8±3min,双侧15±5min,术后住院1~2d,所有患者术后随访时间中位数4个月(2~6个月),未见斜疝及鞘膜积液复发,腹股沟、脐部切口未见明显瘢痕。结论该手术方法操作步骤简单,所需器材费用低,借助人体天然瘢痕来掩盖手术切口,美容效果满意,在小儿外科工作中有着重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

腹壁切口疝无张力修补术及围手术期处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结采用人工材料无张力修补腹壁切口疝的临床经验和方法,探讨人工材料置于腹壁不同的层次对疗效的影响及围手术期处理.方法 回顾性分析89例腹壁切口疝的手术方法、围手术期处理、术后并发症、引流的放置、抗生素的使用及随访结果.根据人工材料放置位置不同分为两组:前鞘前、腹膜或后鞘前,以是否一期愈合和复发作为评价指标进行两组间比较.结果 患者平均年龄56.62岁;全部采用人工材料修补;人工材料分别放置于前鞘前(皮下)45例(50.56%)、腹膜前(肌层下)44例(49.44%);术后放置负压吸引69例(77.53%);全部使用抗生素预防感染;术后皮下积液8例(8.99%),切口延迟愈合7例(7.87%),肺部感染7例(7.87%);随访3.6年(0.5~5年),两组患者均无复发,两组间一期愈合率无显著差别.结论 采用人工材料行无张力疝修补是合适的治疗腹壁切口疝的方法,人工材料置于腹壁不同层次均可取得良好疗效,良好的围手术期处理是疗效的重要保证.  相似文献   

Internal knotting is a highly versatile technique that closely resembles classic suturing. However, most intracorporeal knots are cumbersome and require a long time to master. We describe a simple, easy, and safe method for internal knotting that can also be used in open procedures and practiced until mastery is achieved. With this technique, the initial throw will never fail to hold tissues in apposition until the whole knot is constructed. The completed knot combines the maximum in suture support with a minimum of foreign body reactivity. Received: 22 May 1997/Accepted: 28 October 1997  相似文献   

《Renal failure》2013,35(6):760-766
Peritoneal fibrosis is a serious complication in patients with severe chronic kidney disease who are undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD). One of the pathological characteristics of peritoneal fibrosis is the infiltration of macrophages in the thickened submesothelial compact zone. In addition, infiltration of lymphocytes, including T and B lymphocytes, is observed in the fibrotic peritoneum. However, the relationship between lymphocyte infiltration and progression of peritoneal fibrosis remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of lymphocytes in the development of peritoneal fibrosis induced by chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) by comparing the histological changes observed in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice (largely lacking functional T and B lymphocytes) with those observed in wild-type (WT) mice. As expected, CG-injected WT mice showed a thickening of the submesothelial compact zone together with massive collagen deposition accompanied by increased numbers of infiltrating macrophages and T and B lymphocytes. In the peritoneum of SCID mice, the submesothelial compact zone was thicker and the number of macrophages and B lymphocytes was significantly higher than that observed in control immunodeficient and WT mice. In contrast, the number of T lymphocytes in the peritoneum of SCID mice was significantly lower than that in the peritoneum of WT mice. These results suggest that T and B lymphocytes modulate the process of peritoneal fibrosis via macrophage infiltration.  相似文献   

Peritoneal fibrosis is a serious complication in patients with severe chronic kidney disease who are undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD). One of the pathological characteristics of peritoneal fibrosis is the infiltration of macrophages in the thickened submesothelial compact zone. In addition, infiltration of lymphocytes, including T and B lymphocytes, is observed in the fibrotic peritoneum. However, the relationship between lymphocyte infiltration and progression of peritoneal fibrosis remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of lymphocytes in the development of peritoneal fibrosis induced by chlorhexidine gluconate (CG) by comparing the histological changes observed in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice (largely lacking functional T and B lymphocytes) with those observed in wild-type (WT) mice. As expected, CG-injected WT mice showed a thickening of the submesothelial compact zone together with massive collagen deposition accompanied by increased numbers of infiltrating macrophages and T and B lymphocytes. In the peritoneum of SCID mice, the submesothelial compact zone was thicker and the number of macrophages and B lymphocytes was significantly higher than that observed in control immunodeficient and WT mice. In contrast, the number of T lymphocytes in the peritoneum of SCID mice was significantly lower than that in the peritoneum of WT mice. These results suggest that T and B lymphocytes modulate the process of peritoneal fibrosis via macrophage infiltration.  相似文献   

Giant omphaloceles present a reconstructive challenge in planning, management, and eventual closure of the abdominal wall defect. The goal of reconstruction is to recreate a functional abdominal wall domain and return the extra-anatomically placed viscera into the peritoneal cavity in a safe manner. Traditionally, placement of tissue expanders has been in the subcutaneous and intramuscular planes. Recently, however, there have been reports of intra-abdominal placement of expanders. We present a detailed review of the literature regarding the use of tissue expanders in the management of giant omphaloceles with specific emphasis on the intra-abdominal technique of placement. We also present a case report with the longest follow-up till date in which the patient underwent staged reduction using the intra-abdominal approach. Initial reports of this modality are promising both as a primary strategy and in patients in whom conventional techniques have failed. Results from our review of literature and case report suggest that this technique appears to be durable and effective with successful functional and cosmetic outcomes.  相似文献   

目的以满足《腹腔内置疝修补补片动物实验技术审查指导原则》要求为基础,探讨客观、准确的病理检测指标和评价方法。 方法选取两种复合疝修补补片,分别植入犬腹腔内左右两侧腹壁。12周后将补片植入区域连同周围正常组织取材,采用免疫组织化学及免疫荧光染色方法评价新生腹膜比例、炎性反应;采用Masson染色方法检测纤维化程度;采用HE染色方法检测新生血管和脂肪浸润情况。 结果(1)Cytokeratin和Vimentin两种抗体均可以对间皮细胞进行识别,有助于对新生腹膜层长度的测量,Cytokeratin特异性更高;(2)应用抗体CD20、CD3和CD68免疫组化染色可以高效地检测出组织中B淋巴细胞、T淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞,辅助细胞计数和炎性反应评分;(3)CD34免疫组化染色观察新生血管情况并计算新生血管密度;(4)HE染色可以直接观察脂肪细胞浸润情况并进行半定量评分;(5)Masson染色可以清晰直观地反应胶原纤维沉积情况,对纤维沉积区域厚度进行测量、比较有辅助作用;(6)2组补片的所有观察指标通过定量和半定量方法进行描述,随后进行统计分析,结果显示所有指标间均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。 结论本研究采用的检测方法能对补片植入后的局部反应相关指标进行直接、准确的定位和量化,基本满足《腹腔内置疝修补补片动物实验技术审查指导原则》的要求,对今后开展相关实验具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   



In the past, knot-tying techniques have been evaluated and compared, but there has been a scarcity of objective scoring systems in these comparison studies. Using an objective scoring system, we aimed to compare 3 types of knots: intracorporeal flat-square knots, intracorporeal slip-square knots, and extracorporeal square-knots for their Knot Quality Scores (KQS) and their rates of slippage.

Materials and Methods:

Three surgeons tied 100 knots in the 3 knot categories. The knots tied were evenly distributed amongst the 3 surgeons with each surgeon contributing at least 30 knots. These knots were tied in a nonrandomized fashion. Forces were measured using a tensiometer and an objective scoring system, the Knot Quality Score (KQS), which is used to compare the knot''s strength and rates of slippage.


Median KQS scores of the 3 groups were not all the same. The median KQS and variance for the extracorporeal square knot group was 0.32 and 0.0079, respectively. For the intracorporeal slip-square knot group, the median KQS and variance was 0.28 and 0.00017, respectively. Lastly, for the intracorporeal flat-square knot group, the median KQS and variance was 0.33 and 0.0075, respectively. Follow-up analysis revealed that the KQS medians (0.32 versus 0.28) of the extracorporeal square-knots and intracorporeal slip-square knot groups were significantly different (P<0.0001). The medians of the intracorporeal slip-knot and intracorporeal flat-square knot groups (0.28 versus 0.33) were also statistically significantly different (P<0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference in KQS scores between extracorporeal square-knots and intracorporeal flat-square knots.


Extracorporeal square-knots and intracorporeal flat-square knots can tolerate better distraction forces and thus have higher median KQS scores compared with intracorporeal slip-square knots.  相似文献   

目的:探讨两种经脐单孔腹腔镜手术治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝的临床价值。方法:2013年1月至2014年12月选取600例腹股沟斜疝患儿,随机分为完全腹腔镜组(n=300)与硬膜外穿刺针组(n=300)。完全腹腔镜组于脐部放置Trocar,置入单孔带操作孔道的腹腔镜,由操作孔道置入持针器,1-0带针丝线由腹壁穿入腹腔,荷包缝合未闭内环口,腹腔内打结。硬膜外穿刺针组同样于脐部放置Trocar,以硬膜外针分别缝合内半圈及外侧半圈内环口,由硬膜外穿刺针导入丝线,线结打在腹膜外。结果:两组出血量、复发率、住院时间差异无统计学意义,完全腹腔镜组手术时间较长,硬膜外穿刺针组线结反应较大。结论:两种方式行疝囊高位结扎术微创、术后复发率低。采用硬膜外穿刺针手术时间更短,更容易掌握,但线结反应不可避免。完全腹腔镜组完全无疤痕,手术难度稍大,但无线结反应。  相似文献   

A Thiede  W Stüwe  B Lünstedt 《Der Chirurg》1985,56(12):803-808
In recent years the structure and coating of rapidly absorbable suture materials (RAS) have been changed: Dexon S----Dexon plus, Vicryl III----Vicryl IV. Medium fast absorbable sutures (MAS) have been introduced: Maxon and PDS. Being important clinical parameters, the knotting qualities were investigated, for instance knot holding capacity in dry and in NaCl or blood incubated sutures. The newest generations of RAS require more complicated configurations of knots than the initial products. After incubation in blood the knotting qualities improved only with Dexon plus.  相似文献   

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