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腹壁切口疝是发生在腹部手术切口位置的疝,是腹腔内组织或器官经由手术切口的潜在间隙或薄弱区域突出于体表所形成的腹壁包块.欧洲疝学会的定义为:在临床体检或影像检查中可看到或可触及的原切口下的腹壁缺损,可伴或不伴腹壁包块[1].中华外科学会疝和腹壁外科学组"腹壁切口疝手术治疗方案草案" 将切口疝分型为:疝环最大径<3 cm为小型切口疝,3~5 cm为大型切口疝,>5 cm为巨大切口疝[2].欧洲疝学会根据腹壁切口疝的大小分型为:小型切口疝(横径或纵径<5 cm),中型切口疝(横径或纵径5~10 cm)和大型切口疝(横径或纵径>10 cm)[1].  相似文献   

腹壁切口疝是发生在腹部手术切口位置的疝,是腹腔内组织或器官经由手术切口的潜在间隙或薄弱区域突出于体表所形成的腹壁包块.欧洲疝学会[1]的定义为:在临床体检或影像检查中可看到或可触及的原切口下的腹壁缺损,可伴或不伴腹壁包块.中华外科学会疝和腹壁外科学组"腹壁切口疝手术治疗方案草案"[2] 将切口疝分型为:疝环最大径<3 cm为小型切口疝,3~5 cm为大型切口疝,>5 cm为巨大切口疝.  相似文献   

正腹部手术数量逐年增加,切口疝总数也相应增加。综合多项单中心大宗病例分析结果,腹壁切口疝的发生率为2%~11%。腹部手术切口复杂,导致切口疝发生部位不一。有传统意义上的切口疝,也包括trocar疝等新型疝~([1])。其中有报道巨大腹壁切口疝约占15%~([2])。切口疝分型方法不同导致很多研  相似文献   

切口疝属于医源性疾病,其病因复杂而多样。讲者从物理、生理多角度探讨了切口疝的致病机理,提出切口疝可能源于术后切口处的肌肉痉挛以及腹壁的强弱不均的观点,并对切口疝目前的分型以及存在的问题分别进行了表述,演示了在全腔镜下切口疝的手术修补技巧,起到了很好的临床推广和示范作用。  相似文献   

腹壁切口疝是普外科常见并发症之一,发病率为2%~11%。手术是治疗切口疝唯一可靠的方法[1-2]。根据中华医学会外科学分会疝和腹壁外科学组腹壁切口疝手术治疗方案(草案)分类标准,疝环最大径≥10 cm为巨大切口疝。围手术期处理对腹壁巨大切口疝的治疗和预后起着关键作用[3]。本研究回顾性分析2011年1月至2013年6月,唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司医院收治的腹壁巨大切口疝患者50例,予围手术期护理,现报道如下。  相似文献   

目的总结复合疝补片在大中型腹壁切口疝患者中行疝修补术的经验,并探讨其存在的问题。方法回顾性分析2005年10月至2016年7月,首都医科大学宣武医院应用复合疝补片治疗大中型腹壁切口疝18例患者的临床资料,入组标准为疝缺损4 cm的腹壁切口疝。结果疝缺损4 cm的大中型腹壁切口疝患者18例,其中男4例,女14例,平均年龄(67±5)岁;16例行开放性腹壁切口疝修补术手术,2例采用腹腔镜修补术,平均手术时间为(145±19)min,未见皮下积液、手术相关部位感染、肠漏等并发症。术后随访时间3个月至11年,平均随访时间(4.51±1.33)年。2例出现术后切口周围慢性疼痛,其中1例尚伴有异物感;1例术后第1年出现局部复发;1例术后第4年因脑出血去世。结论大中型腹壁切口疝患者选用巴德复合补片行IPOM是一种安全、有效的手术方法,但术后腹壁慢性疼痛值得关注。  相似文献   

腹壁疝的治疗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
欧洲疝学会的一些成员在2009年提出原发性腹壁疝和腹壁切口疝的分类。原发性腹壁疝主要指白线疝、脐疝、半月线疝和腰疝,这是指腹壁没有早先切口的这些部位的疝。腹壁切口疝是指由于早先腹壁切口愈合失败而导致的疝,按其位置又分为剑突下、白线、脐、脐下、耻骨上(皆在中线)和肋下、侧腹、髂和腰(皆在外侧)切口疝。因原发性腹壁疝修补后复发的疝归入腹壁切口疝的分类内,不再使用原发性切口疝的诊断。  相似文献   

疝和腹壁外科全国协作组拟于 2 0 0 0年 6月召开全国疝和腹壁外科研讨会。现将征文内容通知如下。1.腹股沟疝、内疝和其他各型疝的临床处理 ,腹腔镜疝修补手术 ,疝手术后的并发症 ,腹股沟疝的分型 ,无张力疝修补的进展和有关疝的解剖、生理和病理的研究。2 .前、后、侧腹壁疾病 ,如 :特异性或非特异性感染、手术切口感染的预防和处理、手术切口愈合、腹壁肿瘤的治疗和巨大腹壁缺损重建等 ,以及腹壁的解剖、生理和病理的研究。3.膈肌和会阴疾病的处理如创伤性膈疝、食管裂孔疝的治疗等。4.有关疝和腹壁外科教学的意见及本学科和相关学科的发…  相似文献   

<正>腹壁切口疝是经原腹壁手术切口突出于腹壁潜在间隙或薄弱区而形成的,切口感染及切口裂开是诸多引起切口疝因素中最重要的因素[1]。从传统疝修补到补片置入的无张力疝修补再到腹腔镜下无张力疝修补,治疗效果显著提高。腹腔镜手术治疗腹壁切口疝具有创伤小、康复快等优点,已成为治疗腹壁切口疝的首选治疗方式。2007年1月至2014  相似文献   

腹壁切口疝的临床治疗是复杂的,属于医源性疾病。它涉及到病因、病理生理、分类及分型、手术方法等方面。结合我国近4年的临床实际情况,在《腹壁切口疝诊断和治疗指南(2014年版)》的基础上,经国内50余位专家学者的共同讨论、修订,完成了《腹壁切口疝诊断和治疗指南(2018年版)》的撰写。对定义、病因、病理生理、分类及分型、诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗等方面进行了全面更新,指出了循证医学证据支持的观点、措施及方法。请国内有关医疗机构和同行依据临床实际参照执行。  相似文献   

Summary Incisional hernias of the abdominal wall assume many clinical forms in terms of their site and size, the quality of the tissues of the abdominal wall and the number of previous recurrences, among many other factors. Any serious prospective and possibly comparative scientific study dealing with the results of treatment must begin by defining the type of incisional hernia studied. Hence, it seemed necessary to employ a classification allowing a study or comparison of homogeneous groups. The aim of this work was to propose a simple classification of predictive value, based on a statistical study of the relations between four parameters, i.e. the site of the incisional hernia, the width of the hernial orifice, the number of previous recurrences, and the results of treatment. A retrospective study dealing with a series of 435 abdominal incisional hernias was done to this end.This work was presented at the XXI EHS International Congress, Madrid, Spain, 3–6 November 1999  相似文献   

Purpose  A classification for primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias is needed to allow comparison of publications and future studies on these hernias. It is important to know whether the populations described in different studies are comparable. Methods  Several members of the EHS board and some invitees gathered for 2 days to discuss the development of an EHS classification for primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias. Results  To distinguish primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias, a separate classification based on localisation and size as the major risk factors was proposed. Further data are needed to define the optimal size variable for classification of incisional hernias in order to distinguish subgroups with differences in outcome. Conclusions  A classification for primary abdominal wall hernias and a division into subgroups for incisional abdominal wall hernias, concerning the localisation of the hernia, was formulated.
F. E. MuysomsEmail:

We report the early results of laparoscopic incisional hernia repair in a small group of immunosuppressed patients and compare these results with a cohort of patients with open repair. We describe a modification used to secure the cephalad portion of the Gore-Tex mesh in high epigastric incisional hernias often encountered after liver transplantation. Data were gathered retrospectively for all incisional hernia repairs by our group from March 1996 to January 2001. Twelve of 13 attempted patients had successful completion of their laparoscopic hernia repairs with no reported recurrences to date. Two of these procedures were performed for recurrent hernias. We completed nine of nine attempted laparoscopic hernia repairs in liver transplant patients with epigastric incisional hernias. We repaired two of three attempted lower midline incisional hernias in renal disease patients. One of these patients was soon able to reuse his peritoneal dialysis catheter. A total of 15 patients, 12 with liver transplants, underwent open repair of their incisional hernias. These patients had seven recurrences and/or serious mesh infections with five patients electing repeated operations. In our initial series, laparoscopic mesh repair of incisional hernias is practical and safe in the abdominal organ transplant population with a low incidence of early recurrence and serious infections.  相似文献   

Postoperative incisional hernia is defined by 3 essential criteria, based on a perfect clinico-pathological knowledge of the abdominal wall: the site, dimensions, and defect. Two main elements predispose to incisional hernia: infection and mechanical factors. Local and systemic complications, accentuated in large incisional hernias, are respectively defined by two concepts: "incisional hernia lesion" and "incisional hernia disease". Precise assessment of these elements can guide the surgeon's operative strategy. Incisional hernias remain a relatively frequent complication of abdominal surgery. All of these patients generally require surgical repair of the abdominal wall. A French national survey showed that most surgeons now use prosthetic materials in 60% of primary repairs, and in 85% of recurrent cases. After reviewing the biomechanical characteristics and the in vivo behaviour of commercially available prostheses, the technical principles of prosthetic abdominal wall surgery will be considered together with the various implantation sites: retromuscular, intraperitoneal and premuscular. Based on their personal experience of 110 cases of large incisional hernias, treated between 1989 and 1998, the authors recommend the intraperitoneal position using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, a reliable material which is well tolerated in contact with the viscera.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years a disorder of the collagen metabolism has been suggested for the pathogenesis of abdominal wall hernias. Previous investigations of skin specimens revealed a reduction in the collagen I/III ratio and alterations in matrix metalloproteinases in patients with incisional hernias. We investigated known collagen-interacting proteins to further characterize connective tissue in these patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Skin scars from patients with either primary or recurrent incisional and recurrent inguinal hernias, as a subgroup of incisional hernias, were analyzed for overall collagen content and for the distribution of collagen types I and III by crosspolarization microscopy. The expression of collagen type V, collagen receptor discoidin domain receptor 2, matrix metalloproteinase 1, connective tissue-like growth factor, and tenascin was determined by immunohistochemistry. Mature abdominal skin scars from patients without evident hernia served as controls. RESULTS: Patients with recurrent incisional hernia showed lowest ratios of collagen types I to III. Contents of overall collagen and of collagen type V did not differ between the groups. In patients with either primary or recurrent incisional hernias the proportion of collagen receptor discoidin domain receptor 2 positive cells was increased. Matrix metalloproteinase 1 expression was more pronounced in patients with recurrent incisional or inguinal hernias than in controls. Connective tissue-like growth factor was significantly increased in recurrent inguinal hernia patients. The expression of tenascin was notably decreased in all hernia groups. CONCLUSIONS: The observed alterations in the expression of collagen-interacting proteins again indicate the possibility of a fundamental connective tissue disease as the causal factor in the pathogenesis of (recurrent) incisional hernias.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹壁切口疝的治疗。方法回顾性分析150例腹壁切口疝患者的临床资料。(1)肌腱膜上补片置入手术(ONLAY)126例;(2)筋膜前(腹膜前)、肌下补片置入手术(SUBLAY)4例;(3)缺损处直接补片置入途径(INLAY)13例;(4)腹膜腔内补片置入术(Introperitonealsite)7例。结果平均年龄58.5岁,女性占52.5%。上腹部切口36%,下腹部切口占64%。全部采用合成材料修补。聚丙烯材料130例,聚四氟乙烯-聚丙烯双面材料16例,强生Proceed补片4例,开腹手术143例,腹腔镜手术7例。复发3例,手术复发率为2%。结论ONLAY手术安全可靠,复发率低,是可以接受的切口疝修补方法,避免伤口感染,防治腹内压升高,促进伤口愈合,保证缝合质量是预防切口疝关键。  相似文献   

J. Abrahamson  J. Gorman 《Hernia》2000,4(4):187-191
Summary Reluctance to repair anterior abdominal wall hernias in women of childbearing age is probably unjustified. A unique series is described of 27 women who gave birth to 41 full-term babies following repair of an anterior abdominal wall hernia with no recurrence of the hernia. Nineteen had primary and recurrent umbilical hernias and an incisional hernia in a low transverse incision repaired by the onlay darn technique and have produced 29 babies. Eight had umbilical hernias, gross diastasis of the recti and post-cesarean section vertical incisional hernias repaired by the Shoelace technique followed by 12 full-term pregnancies. Little is written about the fate of the abdominal wall subjected to pregnancies following repair of ventral hernias, since the majority of women having these hernias repaired are past the child-bearing age or are warned off further pregnancies by their doctors or undergo tubal ligation with the hernia repair. The Shoelace repair is described, stressing its advantages over mesh hernioplasties in women who wish to have further pregnancies. There is apparently no reason to refuse to repair these hernias. There are even positive indications in view of serious complications associated with pregnancy in the presence of an anterior wall hernia. Prosthetic mesh tends to contract and harden and may seriously interfere with abdominal expansion in pregnancies so these hernias are probably best repaired by the Shoelace technique.  相似文献   

Incisional hernia following major laparotomy in adult humans occurs in 5 per cent of cases. Spontaneous healing of such hernias does not occur. We have devised a model for producing abdominal wall incisional hernia in the rat by dividing the linea alba subcutaneously through a small transverse skin incision. In adult rats (n = 17), an incisional hernia formed and progressively increased in size over 32 weeks. In 3-week-old infant rats (n = 17), all developed herniation immediately. In eight rats, these hernias progressively increased. In three, the hernias were healed at the third week, but recurred at the fourth, eighth and 12th weeks, respectively. In the remaining six animals, the hernias healed spontaneously at 3 weeks and remained healed. A similar observation of spontaneous healing of incisional hernias in children has been reported in one clinical paper. This animal model provides a useful means of studying the clinical difference between adult and infant with respect to incisional hernia.  相似文献   

Hope W 《Minerva chirurgica》2011,66(2):145-152
Despite many advances in the field of surgery and surgical technique, the formation of hernias following abdominal wall incisions continues to be a perplexing and prevalent problem. Recently, much of the attention on hernias has been placed on surgical management. This has led to many different surgical options for repair of routine and complex hernias. Less emphasis, however, has been placed on prevention despite its obvious importance. The formations of incisional hernias are multifactorial and are influenced by many patient and technical factors. This review discusses the various factors contributing to incisional hernia development, prevention strategies, education, and future directions in approaches to hernia prevention.  相似文献   

DuBay DA  Wang X  Adamson B  Kuzon WM  Dennis RG  Franz MG 《Surgery》2005,137(4):463-471
BACKGROUND: Fascial wound failure alters the phenotype of the abdominal wall. This study introduces a novel animal model of progressive failure of the ventral abdominal wall fascia, which generates large incisional hernias. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A mechanistic model of incisional hernia was compared with a model of acute myofascial defect hernia repair. Using biological tissue repair markers, tensiometric measurements and recurrent hernia rate, we measured the mechanism by which incisional hernias regenerate abdominal wall structure and function after mesh and suture herniorrhaphy. RESULTS: Recurrent incisional hernia formation was significantly increased after repairs of the hernia model, compared with the myofascial defect model (6/16 vs 0/16, P < .05). In the hernia model, there were significant decreases in the recovery of wound strength, energy, and extensibility before mechanical disruption, compared with the myofascial defect model. Unexpectedly, excision of fascial hernia wound edges did not significantly improve tissue repair outcomes in the hernia model group. CONCLUSIONS: Clinically accurate animal modeling can recreate the wound pathology expressed in mature incisional hernias. Progressive fascial wound failure decreases the fidelity of subsequent incisional hernia repair, compared with identically sized acute abdominal wall defect repairs. The mechanism appears to include decreased fascial wound strength and decreased tissue compliance after herniorrhaphy.  相似文献   

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