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目的探讨腹膜假性黏液瘤的B型超声表现特点。方法回顾性分析23例经手术、腹腔穿刺和腹腔镜检查,并经病理检查证实的腹膜假性黏液瘤B型超声表现。结果恶性7例,其中卵巢黏液囊腺癌3例,阑尾黏液囊腺癌3例,结肠黏液腺癌1例;良性16例,其中卵巢黏液囊腺瘤9例,阑尾黏液囊腺瘤4例,阑尾黏液囊肿2例,胰腺黏液囊腺瘤1例。黏液腹腔积液中大量13例,少量10例;17例于腹、盆腔内共见35个直径2.3-31.0 cm的黏液包块;肝脾边缘“扇贝样”压迹7例,肠管受压12例,大网膜呈饼状11例,腹膜增厚17例,囊性包块内见蜂窝状改变6例,网状光带状分隔7例。结论腹膜假性黏液瘤B型超声图像表现具有一定特性,超声诊断PMP具有方便快捷、准确性较高优点。 相似文献
《Computerized radiology》1984,8(1):43-47
Pseudomyxoma peritonei is an uncommon disorder, which is usually the sequelae of mucocele of the appendix or mucinous ovarian cystadenocarcinoma. The characteristic CT findings of massive ascites, loculated fluid collections, hepatic and mesenteric scalloping caused by low attenuation tumor masses, without lymphadenopathy and in the presence of intrinsically normal viscera strongly suggest the diagnosis. 相似文献
Sonographic findings in a patient with pseudomyxoma peritonei 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
W B Seale 《Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU》1982,10(9):441-443
腹膜假性粘液瘤(Psendomyxoma peritonei,PMP)是一种以粘液外分泌性细胞在腹膜或网膜种植血导致腹腔内大量胶冻状粘液腹水为特征的疾病,发病率很低,笔者收集1例MRI资料,经手术病理证实,现报道如下。 相似文献
目的:探讨腹膜假性黏液瘤的CT表现并对其进行分型。方法:回顾性分析我院经手术、病理证实的23例腹膜假性黏液瘤CT表现,对其进行CT分型并与术中所见对照。结果:肿块型5例;腹水型3例,混合型15例,与临床符合率分别为60%,67%,100%。肿块型腹部可见局限性的包块并且无明显腹水或有极少量腹水,腹水型腹腔可见弥漫性腹水并且无明显包块或极少量包块,混合型腹腔可见较明显包块合并大量腹腔积液。结论:对腹膜假性黏液瘤进行CT分型对临床制定手术方案有重要意义。 相似文献
Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a rare condition in which the abdominal cavity fills with thick mucoid material as a result of either a benign or malignant disease. We report the findings with gray-scale sonography and laparoscopy in a 74-year-old man with pseudomyxoma peritonei. After paracentesis and drainage of the ascites, sonography visualized hypoechoic nodules in the peritoneum at the surface of the liver and between bowel loops. Laparoscopy revealed mucoid material diffusely throughout the abdominal cavity. The diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei was confirmed by cytologic examination of peritoneal fluid and histologic examination of laparoscopically obtained specimens. 相似文献
腹膜假性黏液瘤的声像图特征及超声诊断价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨腹膜假性黏液瘤(PMP)的声像图表现。方法对11例PMP患者的临床、病理及声像图表现进行回顾性分析,观察低频与高频探头扫查的声像图特征及腹水特征,确定病灶形态、部位和范围及彩色血流情况;观察腹壁、病灶内部结构及其与毗邻脏器的关系,并行超声分型。结果11例PMP中10例术前超声诊断基本符合或对临床诊断有提示作用,误诊1例,9例出现明显腹水。超声分型表现:以蜂窝状增厚型表现为主3例,分隔多房型表现为主4例,以实块型表现为主3例,3型间有交叉表现;2例表现为全腹病变,4例显示原发灶。11例均未显示血流;高频显示病灶内呈囊泡状表现且对周围脏器有特征性压迹。结论PMP超声声像图表现有一定特异性:PMP的腹水流动性差,病灶内部多呈囊泡状或可见分隔,典型的病例还可见到絮状或蜂窝样网膜组织包裹腹腔脏器,超声诊断不困难,诊断符合率较高。可作为临床明确诊断的有效检查方法。对于影像学诊断有一定困难的病例,可进行超声引导下穿刺活检以明确诊断。 相似文献
Curvilinear calcifications on abdominal radiographs are described in a patient with pseudomyxoma peritonei, and the literature on the radiographic findings in this disease is reviewed. This sign is infrequent but characteristic. Other radiographic features of the case are also presented, as well as ultrasound and gallium scans. The latter have not been reported previously in pseudomyxoma peritonei and showed the uncommon finding of cold lesions. 相似文献
目的 通过比较腹膜假性黏液瘤(PMP)超声表现与手术探查所见,探讨超声在检查PMP中的诊断价值.方法 对22例手术和/或超声引导下穿刺活检病理证实为PMP患者的声像图表现和外科手术病理结果 进行回顾性分析及比较.结果 22 例中术前超声检查提示PMP 21例,漏诊1例,诊断准确率95.5%.超声分型表现:以腹水表现为主8例,以腹膜增厚表现为主伴腹水14例(7例以蜂窝状增厚为主,7例以肿块型增厚为主).14例以腹膜增厚表现为主的PMP,彩色多普勒血流成像显示稀疏血流信号7例,另7例未见血流信号.17例进行了手术治疗,术中见大网膜呈板状增厚6例,其中4例术前超声显示网膜普遍增厚;手术中见大网膜呈结节状5例,术前超声所见2例;手术见果冻样腹水11例,而术前超声检查15例呈黏液样腹水;术中发现病变原发于阑尾或回盲部6例,而术前超声诊断仅发现1例.结论 超声检查对PMP有较高诊断准确率,应作为首选影像诊断手段;PMP的超声表现为黏液样腹水和大网膜普遍或结节状增厚,具有较高特异性,而对原发病灶显示率较差. 相似文献
A Z Arnold 《Postgraduate medicine》1987,81(4):283-287
Physicians have been reminded repeatedly of the many faces of bacterial endocarditis. In this case, Corynebacterium endocarditis presented as an occult malignancy and eluded diagnosis for six months. The coryneform isolates found in cultures are often considered to be contaminants because of their ubiquitous nature, sometimes causing a delay in diagnosis. Patients with culture-negative endocarditis or Corynebacterium "contamination" should be treated as having Corynebacterium endocarditis pending results of microbiologic isolation tests. 相似文献
Pseudomyxoma peritonei is rare. The rarity is highlighted by the lack of published evidence regarding management. The latest treatments have altered the prognosis of a once incurable disease. This report serves to both raise awareness and critically appraise the literature regarding the latest management. 相似文献
Primary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the appendix with pseudomyxoma peritonei manifested as a splenic mass 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
P D Holder K M Fehir M R Schwartz G Smigocki J E Madewell 《Southern medical journal》1989,82(8):1029-1031
We have reported a case of pseudomyxoma peritonei manifested as a splenic mass in a 38-year-old woman. Upon reviewing previously reported cases of pseudomyxoma peritonei with visceral involvement or extension above the diaphragm, we conclude that such spread of the disease does not significantly alter the prognosis. Furthermore, our findings support the concept that pseudomyxoma peritonei represents the implantation of malignant cells rather than metaplastic transformation of mesothelial cells. 相似文献
Utility of duplex ultrasound in the diagnosis of asymptomatic catheter-induced subclavian vein thrombosis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
W D Haire T G Lynch R P Lieberman G B Lund J A Edney 《Journal of ultrasound in medicine》1991,10(9):493-496
Asymptomatic thrombosis of the subclavian vein is common after placement of indwelling catheters. The sequelae of these thrombi are not known. Investigation is hampered by the requirement for venography for diagnosis; consequently, a noninvasive method of diagnosis would be welcome in this context. We have studied prospectively 32 subclavian catheters to determine the usefulness of duplex ultrasound in diagnosing asymptomatic thrombosis. Sixteen arm venograms were normal and all gave normal duplex scans. No false-positive scans were obtained. Eleven venograms demonstrated nonocclusive mural thrombi. Only three of these were seen with duplex ultrasound. Five totally occlusive thrombi were seen on venography, of which only two were detected with duplex sonography. The three thrombi not found with duplex ultrasound were short proximal venous occlusions. The insensitivity of this technique to asymptomatic subclavian thrombi limits its usefulness as a screening tool. 相似文献
Ramesh C Bansal 《Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography》2002,15(6):661-664
A case of a 73-year-old asymptomatic man with a large saphenous vein graft aneurysm first diagnosed 16 years after bypass operation is presented. The lesion was first suspected on routine transthoracic echocardiography and further clarified by transesophageal echocardiography. Selective graft angiography confirmed the diagnosis and surgical therapy included resection of the graft aneurysm and coronary artery bypass grafting. 相似文献