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An ongoing debate in human memory research is whether the encoding and the retrieval of memory engage the same part of the hippocampus and the same cells, or whether encoding preferentially involves the anterior part of the hippocampus and retrieval its posterior part. Here, we used a human to rat translational behavioral approach combined to high‐resolution molecular imaging to address this issue. We showed that successful memory performance is predicted by encoding and reactivation patterns only in the dorsal part of the rat hippocampus (posterior part in humans), but not in the ventral part (anterior part in humans). Our findings support the view that the encoding and the retrieval processes per se are not segregated along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus, but that activity predictive of successful memory is and concerns specifically the dorsal part of the hippocampus. In addition, we found evidence that these processes are likely to be mediated by the activation/reactivation of the same cells at this level. Given the translational character of the task, our results suggest that both the encoding and the retrieval processes take place in the same cells of the posterior part of the human hippocampus. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence from non‐human animal studies that the anterior and posterior regions of the hippocampus have different anatomical connections and support different behavioural functions. Although there are some recent human studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that have addressed this idea directly in the memory and spatial processing domains and provided support for it, there has been no broader meta‐analysis of the fMRI literature to determine if there is consistent evidence for functional dissociations in anterior and posterior hippocampus across all of the different cognitive domains in which the hippocampus participates. The purpose of this review is to address this gap in our knowledge using three approaches. One approach involved PubMed searches to identify relevant fMRI papers reporting hippocampal activation during episodic encoding and retrieval, semantic retrieval, working memory, spatial navigation, simulation/scene construction, transitive inference, and social cognition tasks. The second was to use a large meta‐analytic database (neurosynth) to find text terms and coactivation maps associated with the anterior and posterior hippocampal regions identified in the literature search. The third approach was to contrast the resting‐state functional connectivity of the anterior and posterior hippocampal regions using a publicly available database that includes a large sample of adults. These three approaches provided converging evidence that not only are cognitive processes differently distributed along the hippocampal axis, but there also are distinct areas coactivated and functionally connected with the anterior and posterior segments. This anterior/posterior distinction involving multiple cognitive domains is consistent with the animal literature and provides strong support from fMRI for the idea of functional dissociations across the long axis of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The question of whether the anterior and posterior hippocampus serve different or complementary functional roles during episodic memory processing has been motivated by noteworthy findings in rodent experiments and from noninvasive studies in humans. Researchers have synthesized these data to postulate several models of functional specialization, However, the issue has not been explored in detail using direct brain recordings. We recently published evidence that theta power increases during episodic memory encoding occur in the posterior hippocampus in humans. In our current investigation we analyzed an expanded data set of 32 epilepsy patients undergoing stereo EEG seizure mapping surgery with electrodes precisely targeted to the anterior and posterior hippocampus simultaneously who performed an episodic memory task. Using a repeated measures design, we looked for an interaction between encoding versus retrieval differences in gamma oscillatory power and anterior versus posterior hippocampal location. Our findings are consistent with a recently articulated model (the HERNET model) favoring posterior hippocampal activation during retrieval related processing. We also tested for encoding versus retrieval differences in the preferred gamma frequency band (high versus low gamma oscillations) motivated by published rodent data.  相似文献   

Neuroscientific research has shown that the hippocampus is important for binding or linking together the various components of a learning event into an integrated memory. In a prior study, we demonstrated that the anterior hippocampus is involved in memory for the relations among informational elements to a greater extent that it is involved in memory for individual elements (Giovanello et al., 2004. Hippocampus 14:5-8). In the current study, we extend those findings by further specifying the role of anterior hippocampus during relational memory retrieval. Specifically, anterior hippocampal activity was observed during flexible retrieval of learned associations, whereas posterior hippocampal activity was detected during reinstatement of study episodes. These findings suggest a functional dissociation across the long axis of human hippocampus based on the nature of the mnemonic process rather than the stage of memory processing or type of stimulus.  相似文献   

Functional differences in the anterior and posterior hippocampus during episodic memory processing have not been examined in human electrophysiological data. This is in spite of strong evidence for such differences in rodent data, including greater place cell specificity in the dorsal hippocampus, greater sensitivity to the aversive or motivational content of memories in ventral regions, connectivity analyses identifying preferential ventral hippocampal connections with the amygdala, and gene expression analyses identifying a dorsal–ventral gradient. We asked if memory‐related oscillatory patterns observed in human hippocampal recordings, including the gamma band and slow‐theta (2.5–5 Hz) subsequent memory effects, would exhibit differences along the longitudinal axis and between hemispheres. We took advantage of a new dataset of stereo electroencephalography patients with simultaneous, robotically targeted anterior, and posterior hippocampal electrodes to directly compare oscillatory subsequent memory effects during item encoding. This same data set allowed us to examine left–right connectivity and hemispheric differences in hippocampal oscillatory patterns. Our data suggest that a power increase during successful item encoding in the 2.5–5 Hz slow‐theta frequency range preferentially occurs in the posterior hippocampus during the first 1,000 ms after item presentation, while a gamma band power increase is stronger in the dominant hemisphere. This dominant–nondominant pattern in the gamma range appears to reverse during item retrieval, however. Intrahippocampal phase coherence was found to be stronger during successful item encoding. Our phase coherence data are also consistent with existing reports of a traveling wave for theta oscillations propagating along the septotemporal (longitudinal) axis of the human hippocampus. We examine how our findings fit with theories of functional specialization along the hippocampal axis.  相似文献   

Both the hippocampus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) appear to be critical for episodic future simulation. Damage to either structure affects one's ability to remember the past and imagine the future, and both structures are commonly activated as part of a wider core network during future simulation. However, the precise role played by each of these structures and, indeed, the direction of information flow between them during episodic simulation, is still not well understood. In this study, we scanned participants using functional magnetic resonance imaging while they imagined future events in response to object cues. We then used dynamic causal modeling to examine effective connectivity between the left anterior hippocampus and vmPFC during the initial mental construction of the events. Our results show that while there is strong bidirectional intrinsic connectivity between these regions (i.e., irrespective of task conditions), only the hippocampus to vmPFC connection increases during the construction of episodic future events, suggesting that the hippocampus initiates event simulation in response to retrieval cues, driving activation in the vmPFC where episodic details may be further integrated.  相似文献   

Episodic memory is thought to rely on interactions of the hippocampus with other regions of the distributed hippocampal‐cortical network (HCN) via interregional activity synchrony in the theta frequency band. We sought to causally test this hypothesis using network‐targeted transcranial magnetic stimulation. Healthy human participants completed four experimental sessions, each involving a different stimulation pattern delivered to the same individualized parietal cortex location of the HCN for all sessions. There were three active stimulation conditions, including continuous theta‐burst stimulation, intermittent theta‐burst stimulation, and beta‐frequency (20‐Hz) repetitive stimulation, and one sham condition. Resting‐state fMRI and episodic memory testing were used to assess the impact of stimulation on hippocampal fMRI connectivity related to retrieval success. We hypothesized that theta‐burst stimulation conditions would most strongly influence hippocampal‐HCN fMRI connectivity and retrieval, given the hypothesized relevance of theta‐band activity for HCN memory function. Continuous theta‐burst stimulation improved item retrieval success relative to sham and relative to beta‐frequency stimulation, whereas intermittent theta‐burst stimulation led to numerical but nonsignificant item retrieval improvement. Mean hippocampal fMRI connectivity did not vary for any stimulation conditions, whereas individual differences in retrieval improvements due to continuous theta‐burst stimulation were associated with corresponding increases in fMRI connectivity between the hippocampus and other HCN locations. No such memory‐related connectivity effects were identified for the other stimulation conditions, indicating that only continuous theta‐burst stimulation affected memory‐related hippocampal‐HCN connectivity. Furthermore, these effects were specific to the targeted HCN, with no significant memory‐related fMRI connectivity effects for two distinct control brain networks. These findings support a causal role for fMRI connectivity of the hippocampus with the HCN in episodic memory retrieval and indicate that contributions of this network to retrieval are particularly sensitive to continuous theta‐burst noninvasive stimulation.  相似文献   

This study assessed the relative contributions of dorsal (dHPC) and ventral (vHPC) hippocampus regions in mediating the rapid effects of an acute stress on contextual memory retrieval. Indeed, we previously showed that an acute stress (3 electric footschocks; 0.9 mA each) delivered 15 min before the 24 h‐test inversed the memory retrieval pattern in a contextual discrimination task. Specifically, mice learned in a four‐hole board two successive discriminations (D1 and D2) varying by the color and texture of the floor. Twenty‐four hours later, nonstressed animals remembered accurately D1 but not D2 whereas stressed mice showed an opposite memory retrieval pattern, D2 being more accurately remembered than D1. We showed here that, at the time of memory testing in that task, stressed animals exhibited no significant changes neither in pCREB activity nor in the time‐course evolution of corticosterone into the vHPC; in contrast, a significant decrease in pCREB activity and a significant increase in corticosterone were observed in the dHPC as compared to nonstressed mice. Moreover, local infusion of the anesthetic lidocaine into the vHPC 15 min before the onset of the stressor did not modify the memory retrieval pattern in nonstress and stress conditions whereas lidocaine infusion into the dHPC induced in nonstressed mice an memory retrieval pattern similar to that observed in stressed animals. The overall set of data shows that memory retrieval in nonstress condition involved primarily the dHPC and that the inversion of memory retrieval pattern after stress is linked to a dHPC but not vHPC dysfunction.  相似文献   

Hippocampal circuit alterations that differentially affect hippocampal subfields are associated with age‐related memory decline. Additionally, functional organization along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus has revealed distinctions between anterior and posterior (A‐P) connectivity. Here, we examined the functional connectivity (FC) differences between young and older adults at high‐resolution within the medial temporal lobe network (entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortices), allowing us to explore how hippocampal subfield connectivity across the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus changes with age. Overall, we found reliably greater connectivity for younger adults than older adults between the hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex (PHC) and perirhinal cortex (PRC). This drop in functional connectivity was more pronounced in the anterior regions of the hippocampus than the posterior ones, consistent for each of the hippocampal subfields. Further, intra‐hippocampal connectivity also reflected an age‐related decrease in functional connectivity within the anterior hippocampus in older adults that was offset by an increase in posterior hippocampal functional connectivity. Interestingly, the anterior–posterior dysfunction in older adults between hippocampus and PHC was predictive of lure discrimination performance on the Mnemonic similarity task (MST), suggesting a role in memory performance. While age‐related dysfunction within the hippocampal subfields has been well‐documented, these results suggest that the age‐related dysfunction in hippocampal connectivity across the longitudinal axis may also contribute significantly to memory decline in older adults.  相似文献   

"System-level memory consolidation theory" posits that the hippocampus an initially links the neocortical representations, followed by a shift to a hippocampus-independent neocortical network. With consolidation, an increase in activity in the human subgenual ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) has repeatedly been shown. Previously we and others have proposed that this area might link the neocortical representational areas in remote memory, similarly as has been proposed for the rodent anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Here, we review literature involving the human vmPFC to investigate if the results in other cognitive domains are in line with this proposal. We have taken into account reports on patients with lesions in this area, findings in reward and valuation, fear extinction, and confabulation studies, and integrated these with findings in consolidation studies. We conclude: Firstly, it is unlikely that the rodent ACC is homolog to the human subgenual vmPFC. It is more likely that the rodent infralimbic cortex is, as proposed in the fear extinction literature. Secondly, we propose that the function of the subgenual vmPFC is to integrate information which is represented in separate parts of the limbic system (the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the ventral striatum) and that the integrated representation in the subgenual vmPFC might subsequently be used to suppress irrelevant representations in the limbic system. With the progression of time, the importance of the integrated representation in the subgenual vmPFC increases, because it may replace some direct connectivity across the limbic areas which decays with time.  相似文献   

Adaptive behavior frequently depends on inference from past experience. Recent studies suggest that the underlying process of integrating related memories may depend on interaction between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Here, we investigated how hippocampal damage affects memory integration. Subjects with mediotemporal lesions and healthy controls learned a set of overlapping AB‐ and BC‐associations (object‐face‐ and face‐object pairs) and were then tested for memory of these associations (“direct” trials) and of inferential AC‐associations (“indirect” trials). The experiment consisted of four encoding/retrieval cycles. In direct trials, performance of patients and controls was similar and stable across cycles. By contrast, in indirect trials, patients and controls showed distinct patterns of behavior. Whereas patients and controls initially showed only minor differences, controls increased performance across subsequent cycles, while patient performance decreased to chance level. Further analysis suggested that this deficit was not merely a consequence of impaired associative memory but rather resulted from an additional hippocampal contribution to memory integration. Our findings further suggest that contextual factors modulate this contribution. Patient deficits in more complex memory‐guided behavior may depend on the flexible interaction of hippocampus‐dependent and ‐independent mechanisms of memory integration.  相似文献   

fMRI studies have identified distinct resting‐state functional connectivity (RSFC) networks associated with the anterior and posterior hippocampus. However, the functional relevance of these two networks is still largely unknown. Hippocampal lesion studies and task‐related fMRI point to a role for the anterior hippocampus in nonspatial episodic memory and the posterior hippocampus in spatial memory. We used Relevance Vector Regression (RVR), a machine‐learning method that enables predictions of continuous outcome measures from multivariate patterns of brain imaging data, to test the hypothesis that patterns of whole‐brain RSFC associated with the anterior hippocampus predict episodic memory performance, while patterns of whole‐brain RSFC associated with the posterior hippocampus predict spatial memory performance. Magnetic resonance imaging and memory assessment took place at two separate occasions. The anterior and posterior RSFC largely corresponded with previous findings, and showed no effect of laterality. Supporting the hypothesis, RVR produced accurate predictions of episodic performance from anterior, but not posterior, RSFC, and accurate predictions of spatial performance from posterior, but not anterior, RSFC. In contrast, a univariate approach could not predict performance from resting‐state connectivity. This supports a functional dissociation between the anterior and posterior hippocampus, and indicates a multivariate relationship between intrinsic functional networks and cognitive performance within specific domains, that is relatively stable over time.  相似文献   

Interference is a critical problem for memory systems and a primary cause of retrieval failure. One strategy for minimizing interference is to associate the items to be remembered with the context in which they were learned. For example, human subjects who learn two lists of words in separate contexts experience less interference and better recall than subjects who learn both lists in the same context. The hippocampus has long been known to be involved in processing contextual information and recent studies have shown that hippocampal neurons exhibit context-unique firing patterns that could serve as a neural representation of the context. These observations suggest that hippocampal context processing may play a critical role in overcoming interference. To test this hypothesis, we adapted the context based list learning procedure for use with rats. Control rats and rats given temporary lesions of the hippocampus were trained on two lists of eight odor pairs, either in the same context or in different contexts. To induce interference, some of the odors appeared on both lists with their predictive value reversed. As with human subjects, rats that learned the two lists in different contexts performed significantly better than rats that learned the lists in the same context. However, hippocampal lesions completely abolished this contextual learning advantage. We also trained rats on a low interference version of the task by using lists that did not contain any common items. Interestingly, rats with hippocampal lesions were entirely unimpaired when the learning situation did not involve high levels of interference. These findings are consistent with the idea that the hippocampus encodes contexts and further suggest that hippocampal context coding is beneficial because it provides a means of overcoming interference.  相似文献   

Memory deficits are common in persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) even without the presence of a frank dementia. These memory deficits have traditionally been attributed to inability of patients to retrieve information from long‐term memory, referred to as the “retrieval failure hypothesis.” However, some studies additionally document problems in recognition memory, noted to be inconsistent with the retrieval failure hypothesis. Given the neuroanatomical abnormalities observed in the hippocampus of PD patients and the role of the hippocampus in learning new information, the current study was designed to specifically examine learning abilities in a nondemented PD sample through the application of a learning paradigm, the Open Trial Selective Reminding Test. We examined 27 patients with PD without dementia and 27 age‐, gender‐, and education‐matched healthy controls (HCs) with a neuropsychological test battery designed to assess new learning and memory. Results indicated a significant difference between the groups in terms of their ability to learn a list of 10 semantically related words. However, once the groups were equated on learning abilities, no significant difference was noted between the PD and HC participants in recall or recognition of the newly learned material. The memory deficit observed in nondemented PD patients is thus largely the result of a deficit in learning new information. This finding should be used to guide treatment for memory deficits in persons with PD, and future research should seek to identify novel means of improving new learning in this population. © 2014 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

The hippocampus is crucial for episodic autobiographical memory retrieval. Functional neuroimaging evidence suggests that it is similarly engaged in recent and remote retrieval when memories are matched on vividness and personal importance. Far fewer studies have investigated the nature of hippocampal-neocortical coactivation in relation to memory remoteness. The purpose of this study was to examine hippocampal activity and functional connectivity as a function of memory age. Unlike most studies of autobiographical memory, we included autobiographical memories formed in the days and weeks before scanning, in addition to truly remote memories on the order of months and years. Like previous studies, we found that the hippocampus was active bilaterally regardless of memory age, with anterior activity increasing up to 1 yr and then decreasing, and with posterior activity being less sensitive to memory age. More importantly, hippocampal functional connectivity varied with memory age. Retrieving recent memories (≤1 yr) showed a late coactivation of the hippocampus and areas of the autobiographical memory network, whereas retrieving remote memories (10 yrs) showed an early negative coactivation of the hippocampus and left inferior frontal gyrus followed by a positive coactivation with anterior cingulate. This finding may reflect that the hippocampus is more strongly integrated with the autobiographical memory network for recent than for remote memories, and that more effort is required to recover remote memories.  相似文献   

Investigators have recently begun to examine the differential role of subregions of the hippocampus in episodic memory. Two distinct models have gained prominence in the field. One model, outlined by Moser and Moser (Hippocampus 1998;8:608-619), based mainly on animal studies, has proposed that episodic memory is subserved by the posterior two-thirds of the hippocampus alone. A second model, derived by Lepage et al. (Hippocampus 1998;8:313-322) from their review of 52 PET studies, has suggested that the anterior hippocampus is activated by memory encoding while the posterior hippocampus is activated by memory retrieval. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have tended to show limited activation in the anteriormost regions of the hippocampus, providing support for the Moser and Moser model. A potential confounding factor in these fMRI studies, however, is that susceptibility artifact may differentially reduce signal in the anterior versus the posterior hippocampus. In the present study, we examined activation differences between hippocampal subregions during encoding and retrieval of words and interpreted our findings within the context of these two models. We also examined the extent to which susceptibility artifact affects the analysis and interpretation of hippocampal activation by demonstrating its differential effect on the anterior versus the posterior hippocampus. Both voxel-by-voxel and region-of-interest analyses were conducted, allowing us to quantify differences between the anterior and posterior aspects of the hippocampus. We detected significant hippocampal activation in both the encoding and retrieval conditions. Our data do not provide evidence for regional anatomic differences in activation between encoding and retrieval. The data do suggest that, even after accounting for susceptibility artifact, both encoding and retrieval of verbal stimuli activate the middle and posterior hippocampus more strongly than the anterior hippocampus. Finally, this study is the first to quantify the effects of susceptibility-induced signal loss on hippocampal activation and suggests that this artifact has significantly biased the interpretation of earlier fMRI studies.  相似文献   

Hongkeun Kim 《Hippocampus》2015,25(4):500-510
The encoding of sensory input is intertwined with external attention, whereas retrieval is intrinsically related to internal attention. This study proposes a model in which the encoding of sensory input involves mainly the anterior hippocampus and the external attention network, whereas retrieval, the posterior hippocampus and the internal attention network. This model is referred to as the HERNET (hippocampal encoding/retrieval and network) model. Functional neuroimaging studies have identified two intrinsic large‐scale networks closely associated with external and internal attention, respectively. The dorsal attention network activates during any externally oriented mental activity, whereas the default mode network shows increased activity during internally oriented mental activity. Therefore, the HERNET model may predict the activation of the anterior hippocampus and the dorsal attention network during the encoding and activation of the posterior hippocampus and the default mode network during retrieval. To test this prediction, this study provides a meta‐analysis of three memory‐imaging paradigms: subsequent memory, laboratory‐based recollection, and autobiographical memory retrieval. The meta‐analysis included 167 individual studies and 2,856 participants. The results provide support for the HERNET model and suggest that the anterior–posterior gradient of encoding and retrieval includes amygdala regions. More broadly, humans continuously oscillate between external and internal attention and thus between encoding and retrieval processes. These oscillations may involve repetitive and spontaneous activity switching between the anterior hippocampus/dorsal attention network and the posterior hippocampus/default mode network. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The hippocampus and striatum are thought to have different functional roles in learning and memory. It is unknown under what experimental conditions their contributions are dissimilar or converge, and the extent to which they interact over the course of learning. In order to evaluate both the functional contributions of as well as the interactions between the human hippocampus and striatum, the present study used high‐resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and variations of a conditional visuomotor associative learning task that either taxed arbitrary associative learning (Experiment 1) or stimulus‐response learning (Experiment 2). In the first experiment, we observed changes in activity in the hippocampus and anterior caudate that reflect differences between the two regions consistent with distinct computational principles. In the second experiment, we observed activity in the putamen that reflected content specific representations during the learning of arbitrary conditional visuomotor associations. In both experiments, the hippocampus and ventral striatum demonstrated dynamic functional coupling during the learning of new arbitrary associations, but not during retrieval of well‐learned arbitrary associations using control variants of the tasks that did not preferentially tax one system versus the other. These findings suggest that both the hippocampus and subregions of the dorsal striatum contribute uniquely to the learning of arbitrary associations while the hippocampus and ventral striatum interact over the course of learning. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Complex interactions between neocortex and hippocampus are the neural basis of memory formation. Two-step theories of memory formation suggest that initial encoding of novel information depends on the induction of rapid plasticity within the hippocampus, and is followed by a second sleep-dependent step of memory consolidation. These theories predict information flow from the neocortex into the hippocampus during waking state and in the reverse direction during sleep. However, experimental evidence that interactions between hippocampus and neocortex have a predominant direction which reverses during sleep rely on cross-correlation analysis of data from animal experiments and yielded inconsistent results. Here, we investigated directional coupling in intracranial EEG data from human subjects using a phase-modeling approach which is well suited to reveal functional interdependencies in oscillatory data. In general, we observed that the anterior hippocampus predominantly drives nearby and remote brain regions. Surprisingly, however, the influence of neocortical regions on the hippocampus significantly increased during sleep as compared to waking state. These results question the standard model of hippocampal-neocortical interactions and suggest that sleep-dependent consolidation is accomplished by an active retrieval of hippocampal information by the neocortex.  相似文献   

Learning is facilitated when information can be incorporated into an already learned set of rules or ‘mental schema’. The location of a new restaurant, for example, is learned more easily if the neighbourhood's general layout is already known. This type of information is processed by the hippocampus and stored as a schema in the cortex, but it is not known whether the hippocampus can also map new stimuli to cortical schemata that are hippocampus‐independent, such as odour classification. Using a hippocampus‐independent odour‐rule task we found that animals without a functional hippocampus learnt which odours did not fit the rule faster than sham animals, which persistently applied the rule to all odours. Conversely, when non‐fitting odours were linked to a new rule sham animals were faster to link these odours to the new rule. The hippocampus, thus, regulates the association of stimuli with existing schemata even when the schemata are hippocampus‐independent. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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