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Summary Neoplasms located along the antero-lateral skull base, with probable involvement of the orbit and with extension into the pterygoid and/or infratemporal fossa can usually not be sufficiently exposed using standard neurosurgical or otosurgical approaches, which is why combined approaches to these skull base targets have been developed in the recent past. In this report we describe our experience, using a combined orbito-frontal, sub- and infratemporal fossa approach which, starting with a pre-auricular incision and a standard pterional craniotomy, is extended to an extensive osteoplastic enbloc resection of the orbito-zygomatic area allowing for direct visualisation of the antero-temporo-lateral skull base from the orbital cavity to the depth of the infratemporal and pterygoid fossa. The surgical technique as well as the clinical experiences accumulated with this approach are described.  相似文献   

目的 探讨单纯内镜经鼻入路切除颞下窝硬膜外三叉神经鞘瘤的可行性.方法 2004年11月至2009年7月采用单纯内镜经鼻入路对8例颞下窝硬膜外三叉神经鞘瘤(Jefferson's D型)患者实施了外科治疗.男性4例,女性4例,年龄31~62岁,平均27.6岁.其中,面部麻木6例,头痛3例,视力减退3例,听力减退3例,画部感觉障碍2例,咀嚼肌运动障碍并萎缩1例,鼻塞1例,牙痛1例,耳鸣1例,嗅觉障碍1例.术后定期随访,复查MRI.结果 8例患者均为完全切除(全切除率100%),手术时间40~120 min,术中出血300~1500 ml,平均出血量为543.8 ml.术后5例患者切除肿瘤后有鞍旁及颞下颅底骨质缺损,在3.0 cm×2.5 cm左右.术后患者头痛症状均消失,4例患者面部麻木无明显改善,2例术前有视力减退患者术后视力恢复.未见术中及术后并发症.术后随访10~65个月无复发病例.结论 内镜经鼻入路可以完全切除侵犯颞下窝硬膜外的三叉神经鞘瘤,该入路具有简便、视觉效果好、微侵袭和并发症少等特点,并能够获得良好的预后.  相似文献   

Leiomyoma is the most common benign esophageal neoplasm. Different invasive surgical approaches have been described for management of such lesions. The literature is reviewed and a robotic assisted left thoracoscopic enucleation with the patient in the right side position is described. A 40‐year‐old male patient, otherwise healthy, found to have a lower midiastinal mass on screening X‐ray, is described. Physical examination and blood tests were within normal limits. Diagnostic work‐up included: computerized tomography (CT) scanning of the chest and midiastinum that revealed a 40 × 30 mm mass of the distal esophagus, an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a lower protruding esophageal submucosal mass with intact mucosa, a filling defect was apparent on esophagography. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) showed the same findings, biopsies were taken and leimyoma was diagnosed. Under general anesthesia with a double‐lumen endotracheal tube, the patient was positioned on his right side. A 30 robotic scope was introduced in the left 7th intercostal space on the posterior axillary line. Two 8‐mm robotic trocars were inserted in the left 5th and 9th intercostals spaces on the same line. Operative field was clearly exposed and an additional 5‐mm ethicon trocar was inserted. The inferior pulmonary ligament was released, the parietal pleural space opened, proximal and distal control was achieved using Penrose. The muscular layer of the lower esophagus was opened by coagulation hook, the lesion was enucleated without mucosal penetration. Intraoperative endoscopy permitted localization of the lesion and ensured mucosal integrity. The muscular layer was not closed and the chest drain was left. Total operative time was 200 min and blood loss was less than 20 mL. A Gastrograffin swallow on the first post‐operative day showed good esophageal clearance and absence of leak, the patient was allowed a liquid diet. He was discharged on the third post‐operative day in a good general condition, benign pathology was confirmed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Giant glomus jugulare tumors with a large posterior fossa extension are considered either inoperable or at least requiring of a two-stage operation. Likewise, the surgical approach and treatment for chondrosarcomas of the temporal bone are controversial. We describe a combined approach in which, with the aid of microsurgical and laser techniques, such tumors can be removed in one stage. The surgical approach involves a lateral infratemporal approach combined with a posterior fossa craniectomy. This technique was used in seven cases: five glomus jugulare tumors and two chondrosarcomas. There were no deaths, and surgical morbidity consisted of weakness in the facial nerve in four of these patients and gastrointestinal hemorrhage and respiratory distress syndrome in one patient.  相似文献   

The transbasal approach offers extradural exposure of the anterior midline skull base transcranially. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including trauma, craniofacial deformity, and tumors. This approach has been modified to enhance basal access. This article reviews the principle differences among modifications to the transbasal approach and introduces a new classification scheme. The rationale is to offer a uniform nomenclature to facilitate discussion of these approaches, their indications, and related issues.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the radiological anatomy of the posterior clinoid process (PCP) to highlight preoperative awareness of its variations and its relationships to other skull base landmarks. The PCPs of 36, three-dimensional computed tomographic cadaveric heads were evaluated by studying the gross anatomy of the PCP and by measuring the distances between the PCP and other skull base anatomical landmarks relevant to transnasal or transcranial skull base approaches. PCP variations were found in five specimens (14%): in two the dorsum sellae was absent, in one the PCP and the anterior clinoid process (ACP) were connected unilaterally and in two bilaterally. The mean distance between the right/left PCP and the crista galli was 45.14 ± 4.0 standard deviation (SD_/46.24 ± 4.5 SD, respectively, while the distance to the middle point of the basion at the level of the foramen magnum was 40.41 ± 5.1 SD/41.0 ± 5.2 SD, respectively. The mean distance between the PCP and the ACP was 12.03 ± 3.18 SD on the right side and 12.11 ± 2.77 SD on the left. The data provided highlights the importance of careful preoperative evaluation of the PCP and of its relationships to other commonly encountered skull base landmarks. This information may give an idea of the exposure achievable through different transcranial and transnasal approaches. This is especially relevant when neuronavigation is not available.  相似文献   

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