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Since the effect of smoking on plasma leptin has been divergent in clinical trials, which might have occurred due to selection of heterogeneous study populations, we investigated whether there is such an association in a group of healthy, non-obese, young male adults.

A total of 54 smokers (mean age: 21.18±1.62; body mass index (BMI): 19.60±0.85) and 26 non-smokers (mean age 21.69±3.0; BMI: 21.59±1.39) with similar daily physical activities and diet and without any documented disease were enrolled, and their plasma leptin levels were determined for the comparison between the two groups.

The mean BMI and plasma leptin of smokers were significantly lower than in non-smokers. Plasma leptin in the smokers group correlated inversely with BMI and the amount of daily smoking. Below BMI 20 kg/m2 and between 20.0 and 20.9 kg/m2 the plasma leptin levels in smokers were significantly lower when compared to non-smokers.

Plasma leptin is decreased in healthy, young non-obese male smokers independently of the amount of body fat. High amount of smoking is associated with lower serum leptin as well.  相似文献   

俞欣  徐静  钟泰迪 《浙江医学》2007,29(4):313-315
目的评估吸烟和非吸烟老年患者麻醉诱导时的插管反应。方法42例老年男性患者(>65岁),ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,分为吸烟组(20例)和非吸烟组(22例)。每例患者均使用异丙酚、舒芬太尼和维库溴铵进行麻醉诱导,在插管前,诱导后1、2min和插管后即刻,1、3、5min记录心率、血压。麻醉诱导前测量还原血红蛋白浓度。所有患者由同一个医生进行气管插管。结果心律失常的发生率吸烟组(27.27%)高于非吸烟组(10.00%)。插管即刻吸烟组的心率增幅(41.34%)明显大于非吸烟组(20.88%);吸烟组的收缩压和平均动脉压增幅(45.11%和41.77%)明显大于非吸烟组(23.51%和20.78%)。结论在麻醉诱导插管时老年吸烟患者的心率、血压较老年非吸烟患者的波动明显。且老年吸烟者还原血红蛋白水平明显高于老年非吸烟者,携氧能力相对低下,更容易发生心肌缺血,其麻醉风险高。  相似文献   

Oral contraceptive steroid plasma concentrations in smokers and non-smokers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study was performed to find out whether the overall rate of metabolism of oral contraceptives is affected by smoking and whether this explains the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in users of oral contraceptives who smoke. Plasma ethinyloestradiol and norgestrel concentrations in 311 women using oral contraceptives were similar in smokers and non-smokers. The overall rate of metabolism of contraceptive steroids does not therefore seem to be affected by cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

Impairments of lung functionality as long-term effects of cigarette smoking have been well established. To our knowledge, no study on acute recovery patterns in any important lung function index after smoking a very limited number of cigarettes has ever been reported. The present study reports recovery patterns of lung transfer factor (TF) and related parameters in smokers and non-smokers who smoked two Camel cigarettes. Lung transfer factor and other indices were determined by the single breath-holding technique. From our results, the TF and related indices of healthy Malaysians are similar to previously published normals of comparable age. On smoking two cigarettes, male smokers began to recover from the 30th minute; male non-smokers had not begun recovery even by the 50th minute. Extrapolation of the recovery curves suggests that a "safer" interval between cigarettes for male smokers is about 114 minutes.  相似文献   

目的:在无症状吸烟者和非吸烟者中,调查冠状动脉钙化的程度和预后意义。有关吸烟对颈动脉和外周动脉粥样硬化成像测量预后价值影响的人群资料可见。而有关吸烟对冠状动脉钙化预后价值影响的资料有限。方法和结果:对入选注册的10377例无症状受试者(40%为现时吸烟者)进行了5年全因死亡随访。计算单变量和多变量Cox比例风险模型,以评估至全因死亡的时间。吸烟者与非吸烟者的累积5年生存率分别为96.9%和98.4%(P〈0.0001)。使用分层Cox比例风险生存分析发现,非吸烟者中钙化评分为0~10者的生存率为99.7%,钙化评分〉1000者则为89.6%(P〈0.0001)。相对地,吸烟者中相应的生存率分别为99.5%和81.4%(P〈0.0001)。进一步评估年龄对冠状动脉钙化预后的影响发现,年龄和钙化有累加关系,并受吸烟的不利影响,导致冠状动脉钙化老年吸烟者的相对风险比更高(P〈0.0001)。对〈50岁的吸烟者而言,钙化评分〉1000伴随相对风险比升高了8.9倍(P=0.029)。由此导致年龄〈50岁且钙化评分〉400的吸烟者的预期寿命减少4.8年(P〈0.0001)。  相似文献   

A study of blood viscosity factors was carried out on male smokers and non-smokers (125 volunteers) in the age group 45 to 55 years. The smoker's group exhibited elevated haematocrit values, fibrinogen levels and blood viscosity (P less than 0-025), and increased aggregation of red cells and plasma viscosity (P less than 0-005). Especially in the dependence of aggregation of red cells on the level of fibrinogen, the smokers of blood group O showed higher values than smokers of blood group A (P less than 0-01). Elevation of blood viscosity factors and functions in smokers suggests that pathways to ischaemia and thrombosis, to which smokers are more prone than non-smokers, may move through the blood high-viscosity syndromes.  相似文献   

目的:研究非吸烟肺癌患者与吸烟肺癌患者在手术前后相关临床指标的区别。方法回顾性分析2012年1月至2015年10月某院胸外科手术治疗的肺癌患者411例,均经病理学证实。其中非吸烟者(非吸烟组)123例,男49例,女74例,平均年龄63.6岁;吸烟者(吸烟组)216例,男174例,女42例,平均年龄60.6岁;另72例吸烟后又戒烟患者不在研究范围内。比较分析两组患者围手术期相关临床指标的区别,包括肺功能、淋巴结转移率、组织分化程度、术后肺部感染发生率、引流液大于150 m L的天数、术后住院天数等。结果全组患者均无围手术期死亡及严重并发症。非吸烟组与吸烟组比较,在肺功能方面前者明显优于后者;淋巴结转移率前者略高,但差异无统计学意义;组织分化程度上前者高分化型比例高于后者,而低分化型比例明显低于后者,差异均有统计学意义。非吸烟组患者术后肺部感染发生率低于吸烟组,引流液大于150mL天数前者少于后者,术后住院天数前者少于后者,差异均有统计学意义。结论非吸烟肺癌患者较吸烟肺癌患者,肺功能更好,组织分化程度更高,术后肺部感染发生几率更低,恢复更快。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess the effect of tobacco smoking on gingival health and the oral hygiene status of respondents.

Materials and Methods:

A cross-sectional survey of 213 adults from three communities in the Ibadan North local government was carried out. Respondents were divided into two groups comprising of 117 smokers (cases) and 96 non-smokers (control). Intra oral examination was done using the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) and Gingival index (GI).


The mean age of the smokers was 31.2 ± 12.6 years and that of the non-smokers 32.8 ± 9.5 years. The mean Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) was 1.15 ± 0.51 for the non-smokers and 2.19 ± 0.62 for the smokers (P < 0.05). The mean GI was 1.06 ± 0.55 for the non-smokers and 1.62 ± 0.58 for the smokers (P < 0.05).


The study shows that smoking is associated with increased severity of gingival disease. It is, therefore, recommended that smokers should be encouraged to visit a dentist for preventive procedure more regularly than the non-smokers and better still, smokers should be encouraged to quit smoking as gingival disease is not without consequences if allowed to persist.  相似文献   

目的 探讨吸烟对精神分裂症患者感觉门控的慢性作用.方法 收集未服药首次发作精神分裂症男性患者56例(精神分裂症组,其中吸烟患者18例,非吸烟患者38例)和正常男性受试者41例(对照组,其中吸烟者16例,非吸烟者25例)进行病例对照研究.应用听觉P50抑制评估感觉门控,听觉P50抑制采用条件刺激(S1)-测试刺激(S2)模式诱发.结果 与对照组相比,精神分裂症组S2波幅升高,S2波幅与S1波幅的比值(S2/S1波幅比值)升高(P<0.001).对照组内,吸烟者Cz部位的S1波幅较非吸烟者有升高倾向(P>0.05),S2潜伏期缩短(P<0.05);但Fz部位的听觉P50抑制指标比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).精神分裂症组内,吸烟患者的S1波幅较非吸烟患者升高,S2潜伏期缩短,S2/ S1波幅比值降低(均P<0.05).结论 首次发作精神分裂症患者的感觉门控功能缺陷明显;但与非吸烟患者相比,吸烟患者的感觉门控功能相对保持,提示长期吸烟可能部分改善患者的感觉门控功能.  相似文献   

目的 探讨吸烟对精神分裂症患者感觉门控的慢性作用.方法 收集未服药首次发作精神分裂症男性患者56例(精神分裂症组,其中吸烟患者18例,非吸烟患者38例)和正常男性受试者41例(对照组,其中吸烟者16例,非吸烟者25例)进行病例对照研究.应用听觉P50抑制评估感觉门控,听觉P50抑制采用条件刺激(S1)-测试刺激(S2)模式诱发.结果 与对照组相比,精神分裂症组S2波幅升高,S2波幅与S1波幅的比值(S2/S1波幅比值)升高(P<0.001).对照组内,吸烟者Cz部位的S1波幅较非吸烟者有升高倾向(P>0.05),S2潜伏期缩短(P<0.05);但Fz部位的听觉P50抑制指标比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).精神分裂症组内,吸烟患者的S1波幅较非吸烟患者升高,S2潜伏期缩短,S2/ S1波幅比值降低(均P<0.05).结论 首次发作精神分裂症患者的感觉门控功能缺陷明显;但与非吸烟患者相比,吸烟患者的感觉门控功能相对保持,提示长期吸烟可能部分改善患者的感觉门控功能.  相似文献   

Plasma fibrinogen levels in normal and sick cows   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mean plasma fibrinogen levels were determined in 133 normal calves, bulls, non-pregnant and pregnant cows. These were 508, 505, 660, and 581 mg per 100 ml of plasma respectively. The levels in 233 sick cows were often greatly increased. This appeared to be related to inflammation and tissue destruction. Lower than normal levels were sometimes seen in liver disease and terminal states.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨脂联素( adiponectin,APN)、纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen,Fig)在绝经期前后妇女的水平及相关影响因素.[方法]选择2009年10~ 11月于大连医科大学附属第一医院体检中心体检的86名妇女,按绝经与否,分为绝经期前组42例和绝经期后组44例,入选者均测定血浆APN、Fig水平,同时行相...  相似文献   

Serum levels of total and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and apolipoproteins A1 and B were measured in over 600 men and women aged 30-69 years who were selected at random from an Australian community. Total cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 and B levels increased with age, with this effect being most pronounced for total cholesterol and apolipoprotein B in women. Body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio were positively correlated with apolipoprotein B and total cholesterol levels, and negatively correlated with apolipoprotein A1 and HDL cholesterol levels. All lipid and apolipoprotein A1 levels increased with the quantity of alcohol consumed. After adjusting for age, body mass index and smoking, the association with alcohol was strongest for apolipoprotein A1 and HDL cholesterol levels in men (P = 0.0001), and for apolipoprotein A1 levels in women (P = 0.01). Levels of apolipoprotein A1 and HDL cholesterol were lower, and of apolipoprotein B and total cholesterol were higher, in current cigarette smokers than non-smokers, with significant associations for apolipoprotein B (P = 0.004) and HDL cholesterol levels (P = 0.04) in men. In general, the associations between apolipoprotein A1 levels and the other variables were weaker than those for HDL cholesterol levels, whereas the associations with apolipoprotein B levels were stronger than those for total cholesterol levels (except for alcohol consumption). Thus, obesity, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking should be considered when interpreting apolipoprotein levels.  相似文献   

目的:测定糖尿病并高脂血症患者血清白细胞介素(IL-6)和血浆纤维蛋白原(Fg)水平.方法:应用酶标免疫分析法测定19例2型糖尿病并高脂血症患者和36例健康查体者血清IL-6水平,应用比浊法测定21例2型糖尿病并高脂血症患者和22例健康查体者血浆Fg水平.结果:糖尿病并高脂血症患者血清IL-6水平和血浆Fg水平均明显高于各自健康对照组(P<0.01).结论:2型糖尿病并高脂血症患者IL-6和Fg水平均明显升高.  相似文献   

目的:测定糖尿病并高脂血症患者血清白细胞介素(IL-6)和血浆纤维蛋白原(Fg)水平。方法:应用酶标免疫分析法测定19例2型糖尿病高脂血症患者和36例健康体者血清IL-6水平,应用比浊法测定21例2例型糖尿病并高脂血症患者和22例健康查体血浆Fg水平,结果:糖尿病并高脂血症患者血清IL-6水平和血浆Fg水平平均明显高于各自健康对照组(P〈0.01),结论:2例型糖尿病高脂血症患者IL-6和Fg水平  相似文献   

An angiographic comparison was made of the extent and severity of coronary artery disease in 25 patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia and 25 normocholesterolaemic patients with coronary artery disease in whom heavy cigarette consumption was the chief risk factor. The patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia were younger and included a much higher proportion of women than the smokers. Significantly more patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia had disease of the main stem of the left coronary artery (eight v none, p less than 0.05) and triple-vessel disease (18 v four, p less than 0.05). Disease affecting only distal vessels occurred in five smokers, whereas all the patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia showed a combination of proximal and distal lesions. These findings suggest that cigarette smoking and familial hypercholesterolaemia predispose to different patterns of coronary atheroma. Early coronary angiography with a view to coronary artery bypass surgery seems desirable in symptomatic patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia because of the common association of this disorder with life-threatening left main-stem disease.  相似文献   

Backgorund Nicotine may improve schizophrenia patient's cognitive deficit symptoms.This study was to explore the chronic effects of smoking on prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex (PPI) and P50 in the patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FES).Methods The event-related potentials (ERP) recording and analysis instrument made by Brain Products,Germany,was used to detect PPI and P50 in 49 male FES patients (FES group,n=21 for smokers and n=28 for non-smokers) and 43 normal male controls (control group,n=19 for smokers and n=24 for non-smokers).Results Compared with normal controls,the FES group had prolonged PPI latency when elicited by single stronger stimulus (P <0.05); the FES group had prolonged PPI latency and increased PPI amplitude (P <0.05,0.01) when elicited by weak and strong stimuli.The FES group had lower PPI inhibition rate than normal controls (P <0.05).Compared with normal controls,the FES group had increased P50-S2 amplitude and increased amplitude ratio S2/S1 (both P <0.05).In the control group,the smokers had a tendency of increase in P50-S2 amplitude (P >0.05) and shorter P50-S2 latency (P <0.05) than the non-smokers.The smokers had higher PPI amplitude than the non-smokers (P <0.05).In the FES group,the smokers had higher P50-S1 amplitude,shorter P50-S2 latency,and higher amplitude ratio S2/S1 than the non-smokers (P <0.05,0.01).The smokers had higher PPI amplitude than the non-smokers (P <0.05).Conclusions There is obvious PPI and P50 deficits in schizophrenic patients.However,these deficits are relatively preserved in the smokers compared with the non-smokers,which suggests that long-term smoking might partially improve the sensory gating in schizophrenic patients.Whether this conclusion can be deduced to female patients requires further follow-ups.  相似文献   

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