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线粒体DNA是细胞内唯一的核外遗传物质,线粒体的主要功能是合成ATP,为细胞生命活动提供直接能量.线粒体基因组与核基因组在基因、蛋白以及细胞水平上相互作用,共同保证细胞能量代谢有关的活动,维持着线粒体的正常功能和细胞的正常状态.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA损伤与细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞核DNA(nuclear DNA,nDNA)损伤后诱导细胞凋亡的信号转导途径已经逐渐清晰,而线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)损伤与细胞凋亡之间的关系尚有待进一步明确.目前已有研究结果表明:mtDNA断裂、缺失或功能缺陷能够显著影响细胞凋亡发生率;线粒体缺失细胞(p0细胞)同其亲代细胞相比,对多种凋亡诱导因素的反应存在显著差异;ROS的产生并非mtDNA损伤诱导凋亡的必要条件,mtDNA损伤断裂本身可能启动了凋亡的级联反应.但mtDNA的损伤,在细胞凋亡的信号转导途径具体扮演何种角色,还有待深入研究.  相似文献   

与P53介导的细胞周期抑制相比,由DNA损伤、氧化作用以及致癌物引起的P53诱导的细胞凋亡机制还知之甚少,阐明P53肿癌抑制基因诱导凋亡是当务之急,P53作为抗癌靶分子主要在于它的凋亡作用,揭开P53诱导凋亡途径之谜,可以证明P53具有生化多样性,其功能远远超出一个单纯转录因子的功能。线粒体内P53蛋白诱导凋亡的证据表明,协同P53转录活性功能,将使P53诱导的调亡路径变得更加复杂。  相似文献   

目的研究家族性乳腺癌线粒体基因组控制区(D-loop区)突变的情况。方法用PCR技术,对来自21个家系的23例家族性乳腺癌患者和18名正常对照者线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)的D-loop区进行扩增并基因测序,分析突变。结果在23例乳腺癌患者mtDNA的D-loop区共发现126个突变位点,4个为新发现的突变;37个突变分别发生在所有23例患者D-loop区的突变热点D310区;在所有突变中,第310位点的T→C,311~312位点的TC插入,522~523位点的CA缺失和527位点的C→G是高发突变位点;同一家系中乳腺癌患者D310区的突变与正常对照不同。结论家族性乳腺癌患者D310区的突变可能提高了其对乳腺癌的易感性。  相似文献   

线粒体与遗传性疾病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
80年代以来,随线粒体序列的测定,发现线粒体DNA突变与人类疾病相关并有一些疾病有明显的遗传性。线粒体DNA与核内DNA不同有其自身特性,因此线粒体DNA突变所引起疾病的遗传方式、病因、病程也有其自身特性。本文拟就近年来线粒体及线粒体DNA突变所引起相关遗传病之间关系的研究作简要综述。  相似文献   

核基因组(nuclearDNA,nDNA)与线粒体基因组(mitochondrial DNA,mt DNA)在调控呼吸链功能方面的研究一直处于探索阶段,线粒体核转录因子和线粒体解偶联蛋白(uncoupling protein,UCP)的发现,使细胞核调控呼吸链功能的研究得到了很大发展和应用.这些发现在细胞核对呼吸链功能的调控方面产生了新的认识.  相似文献   

约占90%的线粒体蛋白质是核基因(nDNA)的产物,线粒体基因组(mtDNA)表达产物常与核编码的成分组成复合物发挥作用,此外nDNA对mtDNA的复制、表达以及线粒体组装均起调控作用。线粒体中代谢物信号、反应氧族可影响nDNA的表达。  相似文献   

目的 研究唐氏综合征中线粒体DNA突变情况.方法 采用高通量测序和焦磷酸测序检测7个唐氏综合征(Down's syndrome,DS)家系中的患儿和母亲的线粒体基因组序列,分析线粒体基因组序列的变化情况.结果 ①DS患儿中检测到36个与其母亲中不同的线粒体DNA突变,其中14个位点是首次在唐氏综合征样本中发现;②36个线粒体DNA突变主要发生于D-Loop区和线粒体复合物Ⅰ中;③ 线粒体基因组13个编码基因中,有11个基因检测到线粒体DNA的突变;④ 焦磷酸测序对线粒体基因组杂合突变频率的检测结果和高通量测序结果吻合.结论 DS患儿中广泛存在线粒体DNA的突变,这些突变可能与唐氏综合征的线粒体功能异常相关.  相似文献   

目的进行非综合征性聋患者的线粒体DNA C1494T突变的分子流行病学调查。方法对中国人群中20例氨基糖甙类药物致聋患者、136例散发的非综合征性聋患者以及50例非综合征性聋家系先证者,以聚合酶链反应结合限制性片段长度多态性分析法检测线粒体DNA C1494T突变的发生情况。结果全部受检者无线粒体DNA C1494T突变的发生。结论中国人群中非综合征性聋患者的线粒体DNA C1494T突变的发生率较低,且明显低于线粒体DNA A1555G的突变发生率。通过聋病分子流行病学调查,提示线粒体DNA C1494T突变不是氨基糖甙类药物致聋的主要病因。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are still concerns about the safety of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) due to its brief clinical record and lack of animal testing. Testicular and epididymal sperm are now used routinely for ICSI in patients with obstructive azoospermia. The use of such immature sperm compounds fears, since little is known of their mitochondrial and nuclear DNA quality. METHODS: A modified long polymerase chain reaction (LPCR) was employed to study mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and a modified alkaline Comet assay to determine nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation in testicular and epididymal sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia (n = 25) attending the Regional Fertility Centre. RESULTS: Testicular sperm displayed significantly more wild-type mtDNA (45% of patients) than epididymal sperm (16% of patients). They also had a lower incidence of multiple deletions and smaller mtDNA fragments. Epididymal sperm harboured more large-scale deletions (P < 0.05). There was a strong correlation between nuclear DNA fragmentation, the number of mtDNA deletions (r = 0.48, r = 0.50, P < 0.001) and their size (r = 0.58, r = 0.60, P < 0.001) in both epididymal and testicular sperm. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that mtDNA and nDNA of testicular sperm have fewer mutations and fragmentation than epididymal sperm and should be used in preference for ICSI in clinical treatment.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for producing the majority of a cell's ATP and also play an essential role in gamete maturation and embryo development. ATP production within the mitochondria is dependent on proteins encoded by both the nuclear and the mitochondrial genomes, therefore co-ordination between the two genomes is vital for cell survival. To assist with this co-ordination, cells normally contain only one type of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) termed homoplasmy. Occasionally, however, two or more types of mtDNA are present termed heteroplasmy. This can result from a combination of mutant and wild-type mtDNA molecules or from a combination of wild-type mtDNA variants. As heteroplasmy can result in mitochondrial disease, various mechanisms exist in the natural fertilization process to ensure the maternal-only transmission of mtDNA and the maintenance of homoplasmy in future generations. However, there is now an increasing use of invasive oocyte reconstruction protocols, which tend to bypass mechanisms for the maintenance of homoplasmy, potentially resulting in the transmission of either form of mtDNA heteroplasmy. Indeed, heteroplasmy caused by combinations of wild-type variants has been reported following cytoplasmic transfer (CT) in the human and following nuclear transfer (NT) in various animal species. Other techniques, such as germinal vesicle transfer and pronuclei transfer, have been proposed as methods of preventing transmission of mitochondrial diseases to future generations. However, resulting embryos and offspring may contain mtDNA heteroplasmy, which itself could result in mitochondrial disease. It is therefore essential that uniparental transmission of mtDNA is ensured before these techniques are used therapeutically.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mitochondria are vital to sperm as their motility powerhouses. They are also the only animal organelles with their own unique genome; encoding subunits for the complexes required for the electron transfer chain. METHODS: A modified long PCR technique was used to study mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in ejaculated and testicular sperm samples from fertile men undergoing vasectomy (n = 11) and testicular sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia (n = 25). Nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation was measured by an alkaline gel electrophoresis (comet) assay. RESULTS: Wild-type mtDNA was detected in only 60% of fertile men's testicular sperm, 50% of their ejaculated sperm and 46% of testicular sperm from men with obstructive azoospermia. The incidence of mitochondrial deletions in testicular sperm of fertile and infertile men was not significantly different, but the mean size of the deletions was significantly less in testicular sperm from fertile men compared with men with obstructive azoospermia (P < 0.02). NDNA fragmentation in testicular sperm from fertile men and men with obstructive azoospermia was not significantly different. CONCLUSION: Multiple mtDNA deletions are common in testicular and ejaculated sperm from both fertile and infertile men. However, in males with obstructive azoospermia, the mtDNA deletions in testicular sperm are of a larger scale.  相似文献   

The metabolites of the tobacco‐specific nitrosamine 4‐(methylnitrosamino)‐1‐(3‐pyridyl)‐1‐butanone (NNK) form DNA adducts in animal models. While there are many reports of formation of nuclear DNA adducts, one report also detected NNK‐induced damage to the mitochondrial genome in rats. Using a different DNA damage detection technology, we tested whether this finding could be repeated in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We treated N2 strain (wild‐type) nematodes with NNK in liquid culture, and applied quantitative PCR to analyze NNK‐induced nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage. Our results confirm that NNK causes both nuclear and mtDNA damage. However, we did not detect a difference in the level of nuclear versus mtDNA damage in C. elegans. To test whether the mtDNA damage was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, we used a transgenic nematode strain that permits in vivo measurement of ATP levels and found lower levels of ATP in NNK‐exposed animals when compared with the unexposed controls. To test whether the lower levels of ATP could be attributed to inhibition of respiratory chain components, we investigated oxygen consumption in whole C. elegans and found reduced oxygen consumption in exposed animals when compared with the unexposed controls. Our data suggest a model in which NNK exposure causes damage to both C. elegans nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, and support the hypothesis that the mitochondrial damage is functionally important in this model. These results also represent a first step in developing this genetically tractable organism as a model for assessing NNK toxicity. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 55:43–50, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA突变是引起感音神经性耳聋的重要原因之一,这些突变主要位于线粒体12SrRNA和tRNA基因上.其中12S rRNA基因上的同质性A1555G和C1494T突变与氨基糖甙类抗生素造成的耳聋相关.携带这两个突变的个体对耳毒性药物高度敏感,导致临床上常见的"一针致聋"现象.但携带A1555G或C1494T突变的个体在没用药的情况下也能产生非综合征型耳聋,而且同一家系内和不同家系间的母系成员在听力损失程度、发病年龄及听力曲线上存在很大差异.这些数据表明A1555G或C1494T突变是导致非综合征型耳聋发生的首要因子,其他修饰因子包括氨基糖甙类抗生素、线粒体DNA单倍型和核修饰基因等,在线粒体12S rRNA A1555G或C1494T突变相关的耳聋表型表达上起协同作用.作者简要介绍了这些因素对线粒体DNA突变致聋的影响以及母系遗传性耳聋发生的可能致病机制.
Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA have been found to be one of the most important causes of sensorineural hearing loss. In particular, these mutations often occur in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and tRNA genes. Of these, the homoplasmic A1555G and C1494T mutations in the 12S rRNA have been associated with both aminoglycoside induced and nonsyndromic hearing impairment in many families worldwide. Children carrying the A1555G or C1494T mutation are susceptible to the exposure of ototoxic drugs, thereby inducing or worsening hearing loss. Individuals harboring A1555G or C1494T mutation can also develop hearing loss even in the absence of aminoglycoside exposure. However, matrilineal relatives of intra-families or inter-families carrying the A1555G or C1494T mutation exhibit a wide range of severity,age-at-onset, and audiometric configuration of hearing impairment. These indicate that the A1555G or C1494T mutation is a primary factor underlying the development of deafness but insufficient to produce the clinical phenotype. Thus, other modifier factors, such as aminoglycoside (s), mitochondrial DNA haplotype(s) or nuclear modifier gene(s), play a role in the phenotypic expression of the deafness-associated mitochondrial 12S rRNA A1555G or C1494T mutation. In this review, we summarize the modifier factors for the phenotypic expression of deafness-associated 12S rRNA A1555G and C1494T mutations and propose the molecular pathogenetic mechanism of maternally inherited deafness.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)是哺乳动物细胞内唯一的核外遗传物质。1981年Ander-son等首次在《Nature》上公布了人类mtDNA基因组的全部核苷酸序列,并绘制了详细的功能图谱。每个细胞内含有数个到上万个不等的线粒体,而每个线粒体内含有数个到数十个不等的mtDNA分子。研  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear sequences homologous to the plasmid-like DNA, B4, were analyzed in the Japonica rice variety, Fujiminori. Homologous sequences existed at several positions in the nuclear genome, but each contained only a portion of the B4 sequence. It was impossible to reconstruct the entire sequence of B4 even by collating all the homologous sequences. Overlaps between some of the B4 sequences present in the nuclear genome resulted in parts of the sequence being represented more than once. These features indicate that nuclear sequences homologous to B4 are not the origin of B4 and that they have been transferred from mitochondria and integrated into the nuclear genome. Five other foreign sequences originating in the chloroplast or mitochondrial genome were found within 1 kb of the B4-homologous sequences. Structural analysis is consistent with the hypothesis that the DNA sequences were transfered via RNA.  相似文献   

Benzene is a recognized hematotoxicant and carcinogen that produces genotoxic damage. Benzene metabolites can produce reactive oxidative species. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number may be increased in response to oxidative stress to compensate for damaged mitochondria. We carried out a cross-sectional study of 40 benzene-exposed workers and 40 controls to evaluate the association between benzene exposure and mtDNA copy number. Copy number of mtDNA in leukocyte DNA was determined by real-time PCR. Compared with controls, the copy number of mtDNA increased by 4% and by 15% in workers exposed to < or =10 ppm (n = 20) and >10 ppm (n = 20) benzene, respectively. After adjusting for recent infection, the factor that was significantly correlated with mtDNA, the increase of mtDNA was statistically significant in the high exposed group (P = 0.016) with a significant linear trend (P = 0.024). To our best knowledge, this is the first report that benzene exposure was associated with increased mitochondria DNA copy number. Benzene exposure may induce mtDNA amplification, possibly in response to oxidative stress caused by benzene. The finding needs to be replicated by other studies.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence homology between the genomes of Choristoneura fumiferana and Autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (CfMNPV and AcMNPV) were compared by hybridization of nick-translated [32P]CfMNP[V DNA to restricted AcMNPV genome. In the presence of 5 x SSC and 50% formamide the CfMNPV DNA exhibited extensive homology to the AcMNPV genome. When the stringency conditions of hybridization were lowered, we observed hybridization to almost all the EcoRI fragments of AcMNPV. We then utilized the cloned EcoRI fragments from both genomes to obtain more detailed information, and to localize the hybridizing fragments on the EcoRI physical map of AcMNPV. It was clear that some CfMNPV clones hybridized to more than one fragment of the AcMNPV genome indicating that there has been some DNA sequence rearrangement in the AcMNPV genome.  相似文献   

The recent observation of a high level of adducts in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of cells exposed to chemical carcinogens aroused new interest in the hypothesis that carcinogen-induced damage in mitochondria plays a role in one or more stages of carcinogenesis. In order to investigate whether differences in the metabolic activation of carcinogens have qualitative and quantitative effects on mt- and nuclear DNA (nuDNA) adduct formation, mice were exposed to the potent hepatocarcinogenic and sarcomagenic polycyclic hydrocarbon 7H-dibenzo[c, g]carbazole (DBC) and to three of its derivatives that show large differences in enzymatic activation: N-acetyl-DBC (N-AcDBC), which is carcinogenic for several tissues; 5,9-dimethyl-DBC (DiMeDBC), which is exclusively hepatocarcinogenic; and N-methyl-DBC (N-MeDBC), which is exclusively sarcomagenic. Adduct formation and toxic effects were measured over 48 hr. With a moderate 5 μmol/kg dose of DBC, the adduct level in liver 24 hr after treatment was always higher in nuDNA than in mtDNA; after 48 hr a substantial increase in the level of adducts in mtDNA was observed, with a parallel decrease in the level in nuDNA. With DiMeDBC, a 4.9-fold increase in mtDNA was seen at 48 hr, whereas, at the same dose, the non-hepatocarcinogenic N-MeDBC induced a very small number of adducts. In order to obtain a nearly identical level of adducts in nu- and mtDNA at 24 hr, the dose of DBC must be three times higher (15 μmol/kg); this and higher dose levels had a strong cytotoxic effect in liver cells. Qualitative differences in adduct distribution were observed on chromatograms of mtDNA and nuDNA, showing that the access to mtDNA is a complex process. Our results confirm that mouse liver mtDNA is a major target for DBC and its hepatocarcinogenic derivatives. The possible interference of genotoxic alterations in mtDNA with carcinogenic mechanisms is discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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