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<正>人体骨骼串成骨架或制备成有机透明玻璃盒装标本,是一种历史悠久综合性的教具,越来越广泛地用于人体解剖学教学和临床各手术学科的示教及馆室标本的陈列收藏.这不仅仅是美观实用,而且在教学过程中能保存易损坏的薄弱的骨质,尤其是颅骨上的薄弱骨片、减少颅骨的损失和浪费.人体骨标本通常从三方面获得:一是未经防腐固定尸体的骨骼;二是已防腐固定,尸体解剖后剩下的骨骼;三是出土的骨骼标本.后者骨质较差,易损坏.我们选用未经防腐固定尸体进行骨骼制作,既往对此的处理常用人工浸蚀法和自然浸蚀法.前者有水煮法和药液浸蚀法(常用低浓度碱性液腐蚀),由于处理时间或药物浓度等掌握不当易使骨质受  相似文献   

本文旨在介绍一种带软组织幼儿骨骼标本制作方法,其基本步骤是:1去软组织;2去脑、脊髓组织;3脱水;4脱脂;5漂白;6灭菌脱水;7.整形喷塑;8瓶装。并提出了有关注意事项。  相似文献   

体育动作人体骨骼造型标本的制作技术,突破了传统的解剖学技术,是科学与艺术的有机结合。在学习、研究和实践中,对材料、制作技术进行大胆尝试,并不断改进,制作出的质量较高的动作造型骨架标本,丰富了解剖学教学资源库,在运动解剖学的教学工作中发挥了较大作用。  相似文献   

<正> 目前供教学用的骨标本为出土腐胔骨,来源困难,且手足骨不完整。作者采用局解教学用过的废旧材料,制作成原形手足骨及其自然连结的干标本达到满意的效果。现将  相似文献   

医学院校体育教学有别于综合性学校.医学院校的学生具有一定的医学知识,体育教师可在教学中适当结合医学知识,充分利用医学院校资源,使教学成果最大化.解剖学作为医学教学中的基础学科之一,可以解释运动过程中骨骼、肌肉、关节等有复杂的动态变化和相互联系.本文以解剖学中人体骨骼标本为切入点,探讨其在护理生体育教学实践中应用价值,旨...  相似文献   

制作新鲜骨骼标本包括材料的选择,软组织清除,漂白和脱脂等环节。选择22~50岁、质量合格的尸体,用2%NaoH溶液浸泡煮沸清除骨面软组织,对难彻底脱脂的骨骼进行打孔等特殊处理,使脂肪快速分解,15~20天内快速制作出完整的骨骼标本,比以往的方法缩短时间7~10倍。采用此法制作了三十余副完整的优质新鲜骨骼标本,供给教学、科研和医疗。  相似文献   

<正>人体骨骼标本是人体解剖学中的不可缺少的教具,制作优质的骨骼标本是解剖学实验人员的技能之一,制作骨骼标本的步骤主要包括:清除软组织、脱脂、漂白等。能否彻底脱去骨骼标本的油脂是制作优质骨骼标本的关键。香蕉水(banana oil)是一种有机溶剂,在长期制作骨骼标本的过程中,我们使用香蕉水进行了脱脂处理,现将这方面的知识做一介绍。  相似文献   

人体骨骼标本是人体解剖学中的不可缺少的教具,制作优质的骨骼标本是解剖学实验人员的技能之一,制作骨骼标本的步骤主要包括:清除软组织、脱脂、漂白等。能否彻底脱去骨骼标本的油脂是制作优质骨骼标本的关键。香蕉水(banana oil)是一种有机溶剂,在长期制作骨骼标本的过程中,我们使用香蕉水进行了脱脂处理,现将这方面的知识做一介绍。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: To establish primary osteoblast cultures is a challenge. The methods for isolation mostly comprise digestion with extracellular matrix degrading enzymes after mincing the bone samples. These methods are labour intensive and lead to an inefficient recovery of cells. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a more reliable method for culturing human osteoblasts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bone tissue specimens were obtained from 20 patients undergoing reconstructive operations. Bone specimens were dissected and put into petri dishes with the bottom covered with fibrin glue. To identify the nature of the outgrowing cells, cytological staining was performed, i.e. Von Kossa, Azan, Dahl's, alkaline phosphatase, and collagen type I. RESULTS: Mean time interval of cellular outgrowth was 12 days after preparing the bone tissue specimens. Confluence of the cell cultures was reached after four to five weeks on average. All cells were positively stained using Von Kossa, alkaline Phosphatase and collagen type I. The matrix consisted of lime, calcium and collagens. CONCLUSION: A simplified method to culture osteoblasts from all kinds of bone tissue specimens is presented. The fibrin glue allows firm adhesion of the specimens to the petri dish. This allows the cells to grow out without disturbance. Normally, due to movements during medium exchange the adhesive bonds are disrupted. The fibrin glue retains the adhesive bonds. This method allows studying human osteoblasts in different clinical settings.  相似文献   

Summary A new technique for rapid sampling and freezing of tissue specimens from isolated skeletal muscles is described. A sharp-edged steel tube is connected to the spring of an air gun and shot obliquely through the muscle thereby excising a tissue cylinder. Exactly at the moment when the steel tube leaves the undersurface of the muscle the excised muscle cylinder is shot directly into a cooling agent by the increased pressure developed by the modified air gun. The time between excision and immersion of the muscle cylinder in the cooling agent does not exceed 10 msec. Therefore, the rapidity of cooling is practically limited by the thermal conductivity of the cooling agents and by the isolating gas cover formed around the tissue specimens. Experiments in dogs show that up to 6 specimens can be shot from one gastrocnemius by this technique without interrupting contractions.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Ninety-one cases of human bone and soft tissue tumours were studied for calcium pump expression by strepto-avidin-biotin immunohistochemical staining with a monoclonal antibody against sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (mAb6F5). Two out of 5 cases of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, 1 out of 5 cases of biphasic synovial sarcoma, 4 of 4 cases of chordoma and all of 3 chondrosarcoma cases were positive for mAb6F5. Although this novel monoclonal antibody can be used as a marker of myogenic tumours, the present positive result for endoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (calcium pump) in other tumours including chordoma, chondrosarcoma and synovial sarcoma indicates a wider immunoreactivity. The findings further suggest that intracellular calcium may play an important role in cell proliferation and/or differentiation.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, there have been remarkable advances in the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas. These include the introduction of adjuvant chemotherapy, establishment of guidelines for adequate surgical margins, and the development of post-excision reconstruction. There have also been advances in the field of immunotherapy against bone and soft tissue sarcomas, which, unfortunately, have received less attention. However, lack of progress in chemotherapy-based treatments for bone and soft tissue sarcomas has reignited interest in immunotherapeutic approaches. Here we summarize current progress in the immunotherapy of bone and soft tissue sarcomas including the strategies utilized to identify tumor-associated antigens, and the design of clinical trials.  相似文献   

Multiple-image radiography for human soft tissue   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Conventional radiography only provides a measure of the X-ray attenuation caused by an object; thus, it is insensitive to other inherent informative effects, such as refraction. Furthermore, conventional radiographs are degraded by X-ray scatter that can obscure important details of the object being imaged. The novel X-ray technology diffraction-enhanced imaging (DEI) has recently allowed the visualization of nearly scatter-free images displaying both attenuation and refraction properties. A new method termed multiple-image radiography (MIR) is a significant improvement over DEI, corrects errors in DEI, is more robust to noise and produces an additional image that is entirely new to medical imaging. This new image, which portrays ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) conveys the presence of microstructure in the object, thus differentiating homogeneous tissues from tissues that are irregular on a scale of micrometres. The aim of this study was to examine the use of MIR for evaluation of soft tissue, and in particular to conduct a preliminary investigation of the USAXS image, which has not previously been used in tissue imaging.  相似文献   


Use of xylene as a clearing agent during tissue processing and the subsequent hematoxylin and eosin staining process have become inseparable parts of histopathology laboratories. While using these reagents, one must keep in mind the well-documented health hazards of xylene and the stability, the cost factor, and the shortage of hematoxylin, which has been faced once and may recur since it is obtained from a natural resource. Thus, this study was carried out to find suitable substitutes for xylene and hematoxylin. To compare xylene and chloroform, ten biopsy tissues fixed in formalin were cut into two; one piece of each biopsy was cleared in xylene and the other piece in chloroform. All the other reagents used in the tissue processing remained the same. The tissues were then sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Further, two tissue sections were obtained from tissues of differing natures and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Celestine blue and eosin, in order to compare and evaluate hematoxylin and Celestine blue. In both cases, the staining intensity of selected fields was evaluated at regular intervals. Staining intensity of sections following clearing with chloroform was more stable over a period of time as compared to those cleared with xylene. The staining of sections with Celestine blue was comparable to that of hematoxylin and was not affected by the nature of the tissue. Results of the present study suggest that chloroform has specific advantages as a clearing agent as compared with xylene. Furthermore, Celestine blue is a steadfast substitute for hematoxylin.  相似文献   

文题释义:骨诱导膜技术:包含体内形成诱导和诱导膜内植骨2个阶段,其中体内形成诱导膜首先行骨缺损部位彻底清创,依据骨折具体状况选取合适固定方式对骨折行稳定固定,采用聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥填充骨缺损部位,感染性骨缺损则依据细菌培养药敏结果或经验采用含敏感抗生素骨水泥。该术后6-8周纵行切开诱导膜结构,小心去除骨水泥,采用钻头或骨锉去除两侧骨端和髓腔硬化骨,促进植骨融合,于骨膜内填充自体松质骨,缝合诱导膜,预防移植骨重吸收。 Iliazarov外固定牵张成骨:经过应力牵拉刺激加速骨折断端间充质干/祖细胞分化增殖,加速生成新骨与肢体重建,在修复骨缺损时还可恢复肢体长度完成骨折断端加压愈合。但Iliazarov外固定牵张成骨需要长时间固定,技术操作复杂,治疗周期长,费时费力。 背景:采用膜诱导技术治疗长段骨缺损具有并发症少、治疗效果显著且操作简便等优势,既往研究多采用该技术治疗软组织条件较好的骨缺损患者,对于骨缺损且软组织缺损面积较大或者伴随感染等患者的研究较少。 目的:分析膜诱导技术联合皮瓣移植修复长段骨缺损并软组织缺损的疗效。 方法:选择2016年10月至2018年8月南华大学附属南华医院收治的长段骨缺损合并软组织缺损患者15例,平均年龄(47.15±8.16)岁,创面软组织缺损面积5.1 cm×3.4 cm至21.8 cm×9.4 cm,骨缺损长度5.8-19.5 cm,平均(11.4±2.3) cm。对于创面轻度污染者行清创、骨折外固定、骨缺损区域骨水泥填塞,局部带蒂皮瓣或游离皮瓣覆盖皮肤创面;对于创面感染患者,先予封闭式负压引流治疗,待感染控制后再填充骨水泥及皮瓣手术。一期术后8-12周行二期植骨手术,术后随访12个月。试验获得南华大学附属医院伦理委员会批准。 结果与结论:①创面轻度污染的9例患者,清创后固定外固定架、填充骨水泥和皮瓣移植修复软组织缺损,均未发生感染;②6例感染患者清创封闭式负压引流一二周完全控制感染后进行填充骨水泥和皮瓣手术,创面愈合;③15例患者在骨缺损二期植骨以后均骨性愈合,愈合时间在8-12个月间,平均(9.18±2.10)个月;④结果表明,膜诱导技术联合皮瓣移植可有效治疗长段骨缺损并软组织缺损。 ORCID: 0000-0002-6182-9993(陈彦名) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程  相似文献   

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