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Homozygosity for either of the unlinked murine autosomal recessive mutations lpr or gld leads to autoimmunity characterized by peripheral accumulation of CD4?/CD8? “double-negative” T cells, autoantibodies and various forms of tissue pathology. Recently, the gene affected by lpr was identified as fas, whose product acts as a trigger for programmed cell death or apoptosis. Data reported here indicate that the Fas receptor and its ligand, the wild-type form of the gld gene product, are essential for antigen-stimulated peripheral T cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the wild-type gld gene product is a non-cell-autonomous protein that is produced by activated T cells. Apoptotic elimination of antigen-receptor-triggered peripheral T cells appears to be abnormal in lpr and gld mice, and this deficiency causes peripheral T cells to accumulate resulting in lymphadenopathy. These findings support the importance of apoptotic regulation of lymphocyte persistence after antigen encounter in vivo.  相似文献   

Since T cells play a critical role in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), CD4+ T cell hybridomas were derived from DBA/1 mice immunized with bovine type II collagen (CII). The hybrid clones selected were Thy-1-2+, CD4+, CD8?, T cell receptor (TcR) αβ+ and produced interleukin-2 in response to CII peptides presented by I-Aq molecules. The clones were collagen type-specific and recognized CII from many species except the mouse. More precisely, the reactivity was directed against the immunodominant cyanogen bromide-cleaved fragment CB11(II). Analysis of the TcR carried by the T cell hybridomas showed that they used identical Vα and Jα (VαBMB, Jα20) gene segments and two distinct Vβ (Vβ1 and Vβ4) associated with the Jβ2.5 gene segment. Interestingly, the junctional regions were highly conserved in structure and length. These findings may indicate a strong in vivo selection by the antigen for a particular combination of both α and β chains of the TcR. Inoculation of irradiated anti-CII T cell hybrids into DBA/1 mice, before priming with CII, altered the course of the disease resulting in either a long-lasting suppression or an exacerbation of CIA whereas a control CD4+ hybridoma with an unrelated specificity did not influence the development of arthritis. However, the regulatory effect of anti-CII T cell clones was unpredictable, suggesting that the TcR structure may not solely account for the modulation of CIA and that T cell vaccination is not a reliable method for inducing suppression of CIA.  相似文献   

Recent work has continued to clarify the relationship between MHC structure and thymic selection that leads to peripheral T cell repertoire development in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Particular attention has been focused on the nonobese diabetic model of autoimmune diabetes, in which a unique MHC class II molecule (I-Ag7) plays a central role. In the past year, reports on the biochemistry of I-Ag7-combined with analysis of the role of I-Ag7 in T cell repertoire selection--support a model of defective thymic selection as the basis of the association between particular MHC molecules and autoimmune diseases. Analogous work has been done on the structure of the human MHC disease-susceptible and -resistant alleles, DQA1*0301 DQB1*0302 and DQA1*0102 DQB1*0602, and their effect on autoimmune repertoire selection. Comparison of these results (in naturally occurring, spontaneous autoimmune human and murine diabetes), with results in a variety of transgenic and knockout models, has produced an integrated view of how avidity considerations in repertoire selection in the thymus could affect predisposition towards autoimmunity.  相似文献   

T淋巴细胞的发育是由严格的遗传程序调控的精细过程,而Notch信号通路是这一高度复杂遗传程序中最为关键的一环.Notch还与T细胞的激活和功能密切相关.此外,大量的临床和实验室研究证实,Notch信号途径的关键分子是多种人类遗传病的致病基因.Notch1受体基因的染色体易位或点突变是大多数成人T淋巴母细胞白血病的原因.该文将结合此研究室的工作,综述这一领域的相关进展.  相似文献   

Rapamycin (RAPA) is a strong immunosuppressant with a chemical structure similar to that of FK506, although it acts by a mechanism different from both FK506 and cyclosporin A. The effect of RAPA on T cell development in mice was investigated in this study. RAPA caused significant thymic atrophy. The major histological change in the RAPA-treated thymus was thinning of the cortex. No other apparent damage in the cortex or medulla was observed. Consistent with these histological findings, in vivo thymocyte cycling was blocked by RAPA before the S phase, and the ex vivo and in vitro proliferation of the thymocytes was also strongly repressed by the drug. According to electron microscopy and DNA fragmentation assays, RAPA did not induce apoptosis. These results indicate that the repressed thymocyte proliferation is a major mechanism causing RAPA-induced thymic atrophy. Further, RAPA had no effect on thymocyte apoptosis induced by anti-CD3 or ionomycin, and the drug did not interfere with deletion of CD4+8+ thymocytes or peripheral Vβ6+ T cells induced by anti-CD3 or Mls-1a, respectively. These data suggest that RAPA does not hamper the negative selection. There was a relative increase in the CD3? fraction of the de novo developing CD4 and CD8 double-positive (DP) thymocytes in the RAPA-treated mice. Moreover, there were relative increases of the CD3? fractions of the CD4 or CD8 single-positive (SP) cells in both the thymi and periphery. The generation of the CD3? SP under the influence of RAPA could be used as a useful model for further study of the function and signal transduction of these CD3-defective SP cells.  相似文献   

The activities of the Raf kinase family proteins control extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation in many aspects of cellular responses. However, the relative contributions of individual isozymes to cellular functions including T cell responses are still unclear. In addition to Raf-1, another Raf family kinase, B-Raf, is expressed in murine thymocytes and peripheral T cells, and its activation was induced by TCR stimulation. Here, we investigated the function of B-Raf in development of T cells by generating chimeric mice in which a T cell-compromised host was reconstituted with fetal liver-derived cells from embryonic lethal B-Raf-deficient mice. Although B-Raf was dispensable for normal T cell lineage differentiation at the CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative stage, thymocytes in the chimeric mice derived from B-Raf(-/-) cells exhibited a drastic arrest of differentiation at the CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive stage, suggesting that B-Raf is crucial for T cell development, especially for the transition to CD4(+) and CD8(+) single-positive thymocytes. Regarding intracellular signaling, we found that activation of ERK following TCR stimulation was impaired in the thymocytes from the chimeric mice. In conclusion, we present first evidence for the important role of B-Raf-mediated signaling in T cell development.  相似文献   

目的:研究T细胞免疫后正常小鼠的调节性免疫应答,方法:应用体外扩增的卵清白蛋白(OVA)特异的T细胞克隆免疫BALB/c小鼠,3H-TdR掺入法分析细胞增殖,3H-TdR标记靶细胞检测杀伤T细胞的杀伤效应,间接免疫荧光法分析血清中抗T细胞抗体水平。结果:T细胞免疫后能诱导BALB/c小鼠产生调节性T细胞的增殖反应,对靶细胞的杀伤效应以及针对于活化的T细胞的体液免疫应答,并进一步降低机体对OVA抗原的应答,结论:T细胞免疫能诱导正常机体的调节性免疫应答。  相似文献   

目的:体外建立可长期生长的自身反应性T细胞系克隆,并分析其T细胞受体的使用情况。方法:用狼疮小鼠BXSB自身脾脏作为刺激细胞,在体外建立长期生长的自身反应性T细胞系(ATL)通过有限稀释法进行克隆,应用锚定PCR方法分析其特异的T细胞受体应用。结果:建立了H-2^b限制性的自身反应T细胞系和2个T细胞克隆。T细胞系主要应用TRBV2S1、TRAV5S1和TRAV1021,而2个T细胞克隆均为TRBV2S1和TRAV10S1。分析其表型为CD3^ CD4^ CD28^ 。结论:从狼疮小鼠获得了自身反应性T细胞系及克隆,其T细胞受体利用具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

Glucose‐insulin‐potassium (GIK) is a useful adjunct to myocarditis. Besides its essential action in energy metabolism, insulin also exerts an anti‐inflammatory effect. This study investigated the effect of insulin on myocardial inflammation in experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) in mice and its potential role in T cell regulation. Mice were divided randomly into a normal control group, a saline‐treated EAM group and an insulin‐treated EAM group. The histopathological changes of myocardium, α‐myosin heavy chain (MyHCα)614–629 antigen‐specific autoantibody titre, the serum level of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) family members' activity and content were measured. Furthermore, the phenotype of T lymphocyte subsets in splenocytes was analysed to evaluate the immune status of mice. Insulin reduced serum cTnI of EAM mice on days 14 and 21 (P < 0·05) after immunization, with no changes in blood glucose and autoantibody production. Western blot revealed that extracellular signal‐regulated protein kinase (ERK1/2) may be a determining factor in this process. Total ERK1/2 and phospho‐ERK1/2 (p‐ERK1/2) were both up‐regulated in insulin‐treated mice after immunization. We also found that insulin treatment promoted T cell recovery without changing the naive‐to‐memory T‐cell ratio; in particular, CD3+ T cells in insulin‐treated mice proliferated more vigorously than in control mice (P < 0·05). We report here for the first time that insulin alleviates myocarditis in the EAM model. These data show that insulin has a direct effect on T cell proliferation in EAM. It is possible that GIK or insulin may assist T cell recovery towards normal in myocarditis, especially for diabetic or hyperglycaemic patients.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of Vβ8+ T cells in the development of lupus-like autoimmune syndrome in MRL-lpr/lpr mice, we treated them with the F23.1 anti-Vβ8 monoclonal antibody (mAb) from birth to 4 months of age. Here we report that almost complete depletion of Vβ8+ T cells by the F23.1 mAb treatment neither inhibited nor delayed the development of hypergammaglobulinemia, autoantibody production and autoimmune glomerulonephritis in MRL-lpr/lpr mice. In addition, the F23.1 mAb treatment did not prevent the development of lymphadenopathy and the generation of a CD4?CD8? double-negative T cell subset, characteristically accumulating in lpr lymph nodes. Our results strongly argue against the idea that the Vβ8+ T cells play a critical role in the development of lupus-like autoimmune syndrome in MRL-lpr/lpr mice.  相似文献   

To establish the relevance of targeting disease-associated T cells in anti-RNP-associated glomerulonephritis, mice developing nephritis following immunization with U1-70-kd small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) were treated with a single dose of irradiated antigen-selected T cell vaccine. T cell receptor usage in nephritic kidneys revealed oligoclonal use of T Cell Receptor V Beta (TRBV) genes as previously found in spleens and lungs of immunized mice with pulmonary disease. The CDR3 regions from T cell isolates showed sequence homology to those in humans with anti-RNP autoimmunity. Following T cell vaccination, urinalysis returned to normal in 5/7 treated mice (71% response rate) whereas all mock-treated mice continued to have an active urinary sediment (Fisher's Exact p = 0.02). An oligoclonal population of T cells homologous to those identified in humans with anti-RNP autoimmunity is implicated in disease pathogenesis, and T cell vaccination is associated with a high rate of clinical improvement in established nephritis.  相似文献   

Neonatally thymectomized (NTx) mice fall victim to such autoimmune diseases as gastritis and pancreatitis with aging. Self-reactive T cell clones are known to be consistently generated through TCR intermediate (i.e. TCRint) cell differentiation in normal mice (i.e. via the extrathymic pathways and an alternative intrathymic pathway). It was investigated whether the generation of such clones in NTx mice follows this rule or whether they are generated by default via mainstream T cell differentiation in the thymus. The majority of T cells generated in NTx mice were TCRint cells in all organs tested. In contrast to athymic mice, which carry only TCRint cells with aging, a leaky appearance of high TCR (i.e. TCRhi) cells emerged in the lymph nodes and other organs of NTx mice. Self-reactive clones estimated by anti-Vβ monoclonal antibodies in conjunction with the Mls system were confined to TCRint cells in all tested organs, including a target organ, the stomach, in NTx mice. A leaky population of TCRhi cells did not contain a significant number of self-reactive clones. Moreover, such self-reactive clones among TCRint cells in NTx mice with autoimmune disease were shown to be nonanergic in the proliferation assay. The present results suggest that the generation of self-reactive clones is totally due to TCRint cell differentiation, although it is still undetermined whether the expanding TCRint cell population is generated via the extrathymic pathway or an alternative intrathymic pathway. It is shown here not to be due to a failure of the TCRhi cell-differentiation pathway in NTx mice.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diabetes is characterized by an early mononuclear infiltration of pancreatic islets and later selective autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta cells. Lymphocyte homing receptors have been considered candidate targets to prevent autoimmune diabetes. L-selectin (CD62L) is an adhesion molecule highly expressed in naive T and B cells. It has been reported that blocking L-selectin in vivo with a specific antibody (Mel-14) partially impairs insulitis and diabetes in autoimmune diabetes-prone non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. In the present study we aimed to elucidate whether genetic blockade of leukocyte homing into peripheral lymph nodes would prevent the development of diabetes. We backcrossed L-selectin-deficient mice onto the NOD genetic background. Surprisingly NOD/L-selectin-deficient mice exhibited unaltered islet mononuclear infiltration, timing of diabetes onset and cumulative incidence of spontaneous diabetes when compared to L-selectin-sufficient animals. CD4, CD8 T cells and B cells were present in islet infiltrates from 9-week-old L-selectin-sufficient and -deficient littermates. Moreover, total splenocytes from wild-type, heterozygous or NOD/L-selectin-deficient donor mice showed similar capability to adoptively transfer diabetes into NOD/SCID recipients. On the other hand, homing of activated, cloned insulin-specific autoaggressive CD8 T cells (TGNFC8 clone) is not affected in NOD/L-selectin-deficient recipients. We conclude that L-selectin plays a small role in the homing of autoreactive lymphocytes to regional (pancreatic) lymph nodes in NOD mice.  相似文献   

The defense against infectious diseases, either through natural immunity or after vaccinations, relies on the generation and maintenance of protective T cell memory. Naïve T cells are at the center of memory T cell generation during primary responses. Upon activation, they undergo a complex, highly regulated differentiation process towards different functional states. Naïve T cells maintained into older age have undergone epigenetic adaptations that influence their fate decisions during differentiation. We review age-sensitive, molecular pathways and gene regulatory networks that bias naïve T cell differentiation towards effector cell generation at the expense of memory and Tfh cells. As a result, T cell differentiation in older adults is associated with release of bioactive waste products into the microenvironment, higher stress sensitivity as well as skewing towards pro-inflammatory signatures and shorter life spans. These maladaptations not only contribute to poor vaccine responses in older adults but also fuel a more inflammatory state.  相似文献   

Autoimmune diseases (ADs) are primarily mediated by the failure of immunological self-tolerance. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a critical role in the maintenance of induced tolerance to peripheral self-antigens, suppressing immoderate immune responses deleterious to the host and preventing the AD development. Tregs and suppressive cytokines are homeostatic with effective cells plus pro-inflammatory cytokines in healthy hosts which is defined as “Yang”, and ADs are usually induced in case of disturbed homeostasis, which is defined as “Yin”. Indeed, the Yin-Yang balance could explain the pathogenic mechanism of ADs. Tregs not only suppress CD4+ and CD8+ T cells but also can suppress other immune cells such as B cell, natural killer cell, DC and other antigen-presenting cell through cell-cell contact or secreting suppressive cytokines. In Tregs, Foxp3 as an intracellular protein displays a more specific marker than currently used other cell-surface markers (such as CD25, CD40L, CTLA-4, ICOS and GITR) in defining the naturally occurring CD4+ Tregs. Though the precise mechanism for the opposite effects of Tregs has not been fully elucidated, the importance of Tregs in ADs has been proved to be associated with kinds of immunocytes. At present, the surface marker, frequency and function of Tregs existed conflicts and hence the Tregs therapy in ADs faces challenges. Though some success has been achieved with Tregs therapy in few ADs both in murine models and humans, more effort should paid to meet the future challenges. This review summarizes the progress and discusses the phenotypic, numeric and functional abnormalities of Tregs and is the first time to systematically review the progress of Tregs therapy in kinds of ADs.  相似文献   

The Eph kinase (EPH) and ephrin (EFN) families are involved in a broad range of developmental processes. Increasing evidence is demonstrating the important roles of EPHBs and EphrinBs in the immune system. In this study on epithelial cell-specific Ephb4 knockout (KO) mice, we investigated T-cell development and function after EPHB4 deletion. KO mice presented normal thymic weight and cellularity. Their thymocyte subpopulation percentages were in the normal range. KO mice had normal T-cell numbers and percentages in the spleen, and T cells were activated and proliferated normally upon TCR ligation. Furthermore, naïve spleen CD4 cells from KO and wild type mice were capable of differentiating, in a comparable manner, into Th1, Th17 and Treg cells. In vivo, KO mice mounted effective delayed type hypersensitivity responses, indicating that thymocytes develop normally in the absence of TEC EPHB4, and T cells derived from EPHB4-deleted thymic epithelian cells (TEC) have normal function. Our data suggest that heavy redundancy and promiscuous interaction between EPHs and EFNs compensate for the missing EPHB4 in TECs, and TEC EPHB4's role in T cell development might only be revealed if multiple EPHs are ablated simultaneously. We cannot exclude the possibility that (1) some immunological parameters not examined in this study are affected by the deletion; (2) the deletion is not complete due to the leaky Cre-LoxP system, and the remaining EPHB4 in TEC is sufficient for thymocyte development; or (3) EPHB4 expression in TEC is not required for T cell development and function.  相似文献   

Analyses of bone marrow (BM) lymphocytes in C57BL/6 mice homozygousfor the lpr mutation (BS.Ipr) disclosed low numbers of pre-Band B cells, as compared with age-matched control B6 mice. BMdepletion in B6.lpr mice was selective for B-lineage cells,appeared in young adults, and developed markedly with age anddisease progression, contrasting with the peripheral lymphocytehypercellularity. Normalization of pre-B and B cellularity inBM of B6.lprmice was observed after administration of polyclonalIg, that also markedly improved the clinical condition. Isolatedpre-B (B220+ IgM) cells from B6 or B6.lpr mice, however,showed essentially the same rates of IL-7-dependent proliferationand differentiation to B (lgM+) cells in culture, indicatingthat the BM B-lineage deficit is not the result of an intrinsicdefect inB cell generation.  相似文献   

We examined the therapeutic effect of heat-killed Lactobacillus casei (LC) on MRL/lpr mice. Ingestion of a diet containing 0.05% (w/w) LC from the weaning period prolonged the lifespan and tended to reduce the proportion of B220+ T cells in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of MRL/lpr mice. When LC was intraperitoneally injected once a week after the age of 8 weeks, I-A- macrophages accumulated in the spleen as well as the peritoneum and macrophage progenitors increased in the bone marrow. Moreover, the amount of IL-6 mRNA in peritoneal macrophages was reduced by LC injection. Splenocytes from LC-injected MRL/lpr mice exhibited lower proliferative responses to mitogens than those from control MRL/lpr mice and the increase in number of B220+ T cells in the spleen and MLN was prevented by LC injection. However, LC injection affected neither expression of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and IL-4 mRNAs nor proliferative capacities of splenic T cells. Our findings demonstrate that LC injection accelerates macrophage recruitment and prevents the expansion of B220+ T cells without affecting the functions of T cells in MRL/lpr mice. These immunological modulations induced by LC may lead to prolongation of the lifespan of MRL/lpr mice.  相似文献   

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