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Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a congenital disease characterized by defective erythroid progenitor maturation and physical malformations. Most cases are sporadic, but dominant or, more rarely, recessive inheritance is observed in 10% of patients. Mutations in the gene encoding ribosomal protein (RP) S19 have recently been found in 25% of patients with either the dominant or the sporadic form. DBA is the first human disease due to mutations in a ribosomal structural protein. Families unlinked to this locus have also been reported. In an investigation of 23 individuals, we identified eight different mutations in 9 patients. These include five missense, one frameshift, one splice site defect, and one 4-bp insertion in the regulatory sequence. Seven mutations are new; one has so far been found in 8 patients and is a relatively common de novo event. Two mutations are predicted to generate a truncated protein. We also report the prevalence of RPS 19 mutations in the Italian DBA population, as shown by an analysis of 56 patients. No genotype-phenotype correlation was found between patients with the same mutation. The main clinical applications for molecular analysis are clinical diagnosis of patients with an incomplete form of DBA and testing of siblings of a patient with a severe form so as to avoid using those who carry a mutation and a silent phenotype as allogeneic stem cell donors.  相似文献   

Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a congenital BM failure syndrome characterized by hypoproliferative anemia, associated physical abnormalities, and a predisposition to cancer. Perturbations of the ribosome appear to be critically important in DBA; alterations in 9 different ribosomal protein genes have been identified in multiple unrelated families, along with rarer abnormalities of additional ribosomal proteins. However, at present, only 50% to 60% of patients have an identifiable genetic lesion by ribosomal protein gene sequencing. Using genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism array to evaluate for regions of recurrent copy variation, we identified deletions at known DBA-related ribosomal protein gene loci in 17% (9 of 51) of patients without an identifiable mutation, including RPS19, RPS17, RPS26, and RPL35A. No recurrent regions of copy variation at novel loci were identified. Because RPS17 is a duplicated gene with 4 copies in a diploid genome, we demonstrate haploinsufficient RPS17 expression and a small subunit ribosomal RNA processing abnormality in patients harboring RPS17 deletions. Finally, we report the novel identification of variable mosaic loss involving known DBA gene regions in 3 patients from 2 kindreds. These data suggest that ribosomal protein gene deletion is more common than previously suspected and should be considered a component of the initial genetic evaluation in cases of suspected DBA.  相似文献   

Fifty percent of Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) patients possess mutations in genes coding for ribosomal proteins (RPs). To identify new mutations, we investigated large deletions in the RP genes RPL5, RPL11, RPL35A, RPS7, RPS10, RPS17, RPS19, RPS24, and RPS26. We developed an easy method based on quantitative-PCR in which the threshold cycle correlates to gene copy number. Using this approach, we were able to diagnose 7 of 27 Japanese patients (25.9%) possessing mutations that were not detected by sequencing. Among these large deletions, similar results were obtained with 6 of 7 patients screened with a single nucleotide polymorphism array. We found an extensive intragenic deletion in RPS19, including exons 1-3. We also found 1 proband with an RPL5 deletion, 1 patient with an RPL35A deletion, 3 with RPS17 deletions, and 1 with an RPS19 deletion. In particular, the large deletions in the RPL5 and RPS17 alleles are novel. All patients with a large deletion had a growth retardation phenotype. Our data suggest that large deletions in RP genes comprise a sizable fraction of DBA patients in Japan. In addition, our novel approach may become a useful tool for screening gene copy numbers of known DBA genes.  相似文献   



Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a rare, pure red blood cell aplasia of childhood due to an intrinsic defect in erythropoietic progenitors. About 40% of patients display various malformations. Anemia is corrected by steroid treatment in more than 50% of cases; non-responders need chronic transfusions or stem cell transplantation. Defects in the RPS19 gene, encoding the ribosomal protein S19, are the main known cause of Diamond-Blackfan anemia and account for more than 25% of cases. Mutations in RPS24, RPS17, and RPL35A described in a minority of patients show that Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a disorder of ribosome biogenesis. Two new genes (RPL5, RPL11), encoding for ribosomal proteins of the large subunit, have been reported to be involved in a considerable percentage of patients.

Design and Methods

In this genotype-phenotype analysis we screened the coding sequence and intron-exon boundaries of RPS14, RPS16, RPS24, RPL5, RPL11, and RPL35A in 92 Italian patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia who were negative for RPS19 mutations.


About 20% of the patients screened had mutations in RPL5 or RPL11, and only 1.6% in RPS24. All but three mutations that we report here are new mutations. No mutations were found in RPS14, RPS16, or RPL35A. Remarkably, we observed a higher percentage of somatic malformations in patients with RPL5 and RPL11 mutations. A close association was evident between RPL5 mutations and craniofacial malformations, and between hand malformations and RPL11 mutations.


Mutations in four ribosomal proteins account for around 50% of all cases of Diamond-Blackfan anemia in Italian patients. Genotype-phenotype data suggest that mutation screening should begin with RPL5 and RPL11 in patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia with malformations.  相似文献   

Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a congenital erythroid hypoplasia caused by functional haploinsufficiency of genes encoding ribosomal proteins. Mutations involving the ribosomal protein S19 gene are detected in 25% of patients. Enforced expression of ribosomal protein S19 improves the overall proliferative capacity, erythroid colony-forming potential and erythroid differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors from ribosomal protein S19-deficient patients in vitro and in vivo following xenotransplantation. However, studies using animal models are needed to assess the therapeutic efficacy and safety of the viral vectors. In the present study we have validated the therapeutic potential of gene therapy using mouse models of ribosomal protein S19-deficient Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Using lentiviral gene transfer we demonstrated that enforced expression of ribosomal protein S19 cures the anemia and lethal bone marrow failure in recipients transplanted with ribosomal protein S19-deficient cells. Furthermore, gene-corrected ribosomal protein S19-deficient cells showed an increased pan-hematopoietic contribution over time compared to untransduced cells without signs of vector-mediated toxicity. Our study provides a proof of principle for the development of clinical gene therapy to cure ribosomal protein 19-deficient Diamond-Blackfan anemia.  相似文献   

Hamaguchi I  Ooka A  Brun A  Richter J  Dahl N  Karlsson S 《Blood》2002,100(8):2724-2731
Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a congenital bone marrow failure syndrome characterized by a specific deficiency in erythroid progenitors. Forty percent of the patients are blood transfusion-dependent. Recent reports show that the ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19) gene is mutated in 25% of all patients with DBA. We constructed oncoretroviral vectors containing the RPS19 gene to develop gene therapy for RPS19-deficient DBA. These vectors were used to introduce the RPS19 gene into CD34(+) bone marrow (BM) cells from 4 patients with DBA with RPS19 gene mutations. Overexpression of the RPS19 transgene increased the number of erythroid colonies by almost 3-fold. High expression levels of the RPS19 transgene improved erythroid colony-forming ability substantially whereas low expression levels had no effect. Overexpression of RPS19 had no detrimental effect on granulocyte-macrophage colony formation. Therefore, these findings suggest that gene therapy for RPS19-deficient patients with DBA using viral vectors that express the RPS19 gene is feasible.  相似文献   

Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is an inherited pure red blood cell aplasia that often requires lifelong transfusional support. The origin of the imperfect erythrogenesis is not known. The existence of more than one molecular basis for DBA is indicated by its different modes of inheritance and widely variable clinical phenotypes. Several erythroid growth factors have been thought to have a role in the pathogenesis of DBA. However, there is neither molecular nor clinical evidence for the involvement of stem cell factor or interleukin-3. The observation of elevated erythropoietin (EPO) concentrations and an impaired in vivo and in vitro response to pharmacologic doses of recombinant human EPO has suggested a defective EPO function in the pathogenesis of DBA. We have investigated the possible involvement of the EPO receptor (EPO-R) gene in 23 patients by screening its coding sequence for mutations using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). A Southern blot and hybridization with an EPO-R probe was also performed on DNA from seven patients. No causal mutations were identified. The absence of concordant segregation of the disease with the EPO-R gene in two informative families ruled out its role in their DBA children. These findings demonstrate that DBA is not commonly associated with EPO-R gene mutations.  相似文献   

Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare congenital pure red cell hypoplasia characterized by a selective defect of erythropoiesis with a normochromic macrocytic anemia and reticulocytopenia often accompanied by various congenital anomalies. The critical region responsible for the pathogenesis of DBA has been mapped in some patients to chromosome 19q13.2 (P Gustavsson, E Garelli, N Draptchinskaia, et al. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 63:1388-1395, 1998) and the gene encoding ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19) is believed to be the candidate gene. Here we present molecular analysis of the RPS19 gene in DBA patients from the Czech National DBA Registry. We found that the RPS19 gene was mutated in 25% (5/20) of DBA patients (insertion, deletion, and point mutations, but no nonsense or splice site mutations). Point mutations were localized to hot spots defined by Willig (TN Willig, N Draptchinskaia, I Dianzani, et al. Blood 94:4294-4306, 1999). Moreover, we describe two processed RPS19 pseudogenes, which were not expressed. Possible models of the DBA pathogenesis in the view of RPS19 mutations are discussed.  相似文献   

P Jaako  S Debnath  K Olsson  D Bryder  J Flygare  S Karlsson 《Blood》2012,120(11):2225-2228
Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a congenital erythroid hypoplasia caused by a functional haploinsufficiency of genes encoding for ribosomal proteins. Recently, a case study reported a patient who became transfusion-independent in response to treatment with the amino acid L-leucine. Therefore, we have validated the therapeutic effect of L-leucine using our recently generated mouse model for RPS19-deficient DBA. Administration of L-leucine significantly improved the anemia in Rps19-deficient mice (19% improvement in hemoglobin concentration; 18% increase in the number of erythrocytes), increased the bone marrow cellularity, and alleviated stress hematopoiesis. Furthermore, the therapeutic response to L-leucine appeared specific for Rps19-deficient hematopoiesis and was associated with down-regulation of p53 activity. Our study supports the rationale for clinical trials of L-leucine as a therapeutic agent for DBA.  相似文献   

Sideroblastic anemia is characterized by anemia with the emergence of ring sideroblasts in the bone marrow. Ring sideroblasts are erythroblasts characterized by iron accumulation in perinuclear mitochondria due to impaired iron utilization. There are two forms of sideroblastic anemia, i.e., inherited and acquired sideroblastic anemia. Inherited sideroblastic anemia is a rare and heterogeneous disease caused by mutations of genes involved in heme biosynthesis, iron–sulfur (Fe–S) cluster biogenesis, or Fe–S cluster transport, and mitochondrial metabolism. The most common inherited sideroblastic anemia is X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA) caused by mutations of the erythroid-specific δ-aminolevulinate synthase gene (ALAS2), which is the first enzyme of heme biosynthesis in erythroid cells. Sideroblastic anemia due to SLC25A38 gene mutations, which is a mitochondrial transporter, is the next most common inherited sideroblastic anemia. Other forms of inherited sideroblastic anemia are very rare, and accompanied by impaired function of organs other than hematopoietic tissue, such as the nervous system, muscle, or exocrine glands due to impaired mitochondrial metabolism. Moreover, there are still significant numbers of cases with genetically undefined inherited sideroblastic anemia. Molecular analysis of these cases will contribute not only to the development of effective treatment, but also to the understanding of mitochondrial iron metabolism.  相似文献   

Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) typically presents with red blood cell aplasia that usually manifests in the first year of life. The only gene currently known to be mutated in DBA encodes ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19). Previous studies have shown that the yeast RPS19 protein is required for a specific step in the maturation of 40S ribosomal subunits. Our objective here was to determine whether the human RPS19 protein functions at a similar step in 40S subunit maturation. Studies where RPS19 expression is reduced by siRNA in the hematopoietic cell line, TF-1, show that human RPS19 is also required for a specific step in the maturation of 40S ribosomal subunits. This maturation defect can be monitored by studying rRNA-processing intermediates along the ribosome synthesis pathway. Analysis of these intermediates in CD34- cells from the bone marrow of patients with DBA harboring mutations in RPS19 revealed a pre-rRNA-processing defect similar to that observed in TF-1 cells where RPS19 expression was reduced. This defect was observed to a lesser extent in CD34+ cells from patients with DBA who have mutations in RPS19.  相似文献   

Hereditary factor XI deficiency is a mild bleeding disorder, which is highly prevalent among Ashkenazi Jews, but has been reported in all populations. In Ashkenazi Jews, two factor XI gene mutations Glu 117X (type II) and Phe283Leu (type III) are particularly common. In other ethnic groups, factor XI deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder and is related to a variety of mutations throughout the factor XI gene. Three cases of quantitative factor XI deficiency in relation with four novel missense mutations are reported: a compound heterozygosity for two novel mutations (Ala 181 Val and Ala 412 Thr) with a severe factor XI deficiency and two missense mutations (His 388 Pro and Trp 407 Cys) in heterozygous patients with partial factor XI deficiency.  相似文献   

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