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目的:观察直肌后徙可调整缝线术治疗儿童共同性斜视的临床效果。方法对34例儿童共同性斜视在全麻下采用直肌后徙调整缝线术治疗,术后1~2 d内进行缝线调整,随访6~24个月,观察手术效果。结果34例儿童共同性斜视患者中,11例达正常眼位,23例因欠矫或过矫需要调整,其中过矫9例及欠矫11例均调至正位,有3例欠矫者经集合训练后得到改善。在6~24个月随访中,未调整的患者中欠矫1例,经过调整的患者中欠矫2例,术后视功能较术前有明显的改善。结论采用可调整缝线治疗儿童共同性斜视是简便而有效的手术方式,可以减少再次手术风险,使儿童全麻斜视矫正手术的成功率获得较大的提高。  相似文献   

调整缝线术用于儿童间歇性外斜视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨调整缝线技术在儿童间歇性外斜视手术的应用及儿童间歇性外斜视手术设计的特点。方法回顾性分析70例使用调整缝线技术的间歇性外斜视患儿,按术后眼位是否矫正满意(-8^△~+8^△)将患者分为矫正满意组(46例)和不满意组(24例)。比较二组患者的发病时间、手术年龄、手术是否涉及下斜肌和内直肌等。结果矫正不满意组患者中,欠矫者1例,过矫者23例。比较两组患者的发病时间、手术年龄、性别构成、手术是否涉及下斜肌减弱,差异没有统计学意义(P〉0.05)。比较两组患者手术是否涉及内直肌加强,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论儿童间歇性外斜视的手术设计应充分考虑患者的双眼视功能状况,手术涉及内直肌加强时,应适当减少手术量。调整缝线技术应用于儿童间歇性外斜视手术有其独到的优势,不仅可使手术设计更加充分,保证术后早期眼位矫正的满意,更可提供追求远期效果的手段。  相似文献   

目的探讨调整缝线在复杂性斜视手术治疗的应用效果。方法采用改良Jampolak调整缝线,单条或多条使用。结果62例复杂性斜视,经术中调整缝线应用60例一次手术正位,手术正位率高达96.77%。结论复杂性斜视中应用调整缝线安全有效,避免多次手术。  相似文献   

直肌后退可调整缝线在儿童全麻斜视术中应用(附2例报告)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来,我们在斜视手术,尤其是全麻下儿童斜视手术及复杂的非共同性斜视手术中,采用直肌后退调整缝线术,目的是防止手术后过矫或欠矫,以便在手术后全麻完全清醒之后进行眼位调节,提高一次性手术的成功率,避免多次手术。效果良好,现报告如下。  相似文献   

应用显微技术手术治疗共同性外斜视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨治疗共同性外斜视适用且有效的手术方法。方法共同性外斜视36例应用显微技术施行斜视矫正术。对术后疼痛反应、结膜恢复情况及眼位情况进行观察,随诊1~3个月。结果术后第1天能自由睁开双眼,随意活动。全部36例结膜均复位良好,无明显切口痕迹、术后1个月结膜恢复正常;眼位满意。结论在显微技术下,注意无创操作,高质量缝合,能有效降低疼痛,防止肌肉粘连,减少术后并发症,确保眼部的美观。  相似文献   

目的报告138例儿童非共同性斜视,并对其病因、临床特点、治疗方法进行分析讨论.方法对儿童非共同性斜视进行分类、诊断.132例实施手术治疗,平均随访22个月.结果原在位眼位水平斜视≤10△,垂直斜视≤6△者83例(62.9%).原在位眼位,水平10△~20△,垂直7△~10△者49例(37.1%).代偿头位完全消失39例,减轻9例,无改善3例,术后偏向对侧1例;54例A-V征中,体征消失35例,12例好转,7例仍有A-V征;双眼球运动基本达平衡113例,19例无改善;术后获得双眼单视功能84例.6例后天性非共同斜视均接受了保守治疗,除1例外伤性斜视通过治疗,眼位恢复正常,复视消除;5例无效.结论儿童非共同性斜视,先天性多于后天性,上斜肌不全麻痹最为多见.手术时机选择,依双眼视觉功能的程度,功能丧失者应早期手术.  相似文献   

儿童共同性外斜视手术治疗临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价儿童共同性外斜视的手术治疗效果。方法对84例年龄在4~12岁共同性外斜视进行手术治疗,并进行4~12个月随访观察。结果术后74例眼位正位,占手术总数88.10%;25例恢复了双眼单视功能,占术前无双眼单视功能者的50.00%,30例恢复立体视功能,占术前无立体视功能者的53.57%。结论手术在纠正儿童共同性外斜视眼的同时,能够有效地恢复部分患者的双眼单视功能和立体视功能。  相似文献   




结果:术后6mo,两组具有同时视患者、一定融合范围患者、远立体视功能患者和近立体视正常者(40″~60″)所占比例均较术前明显升高(P<0.05),但组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后6mo,两组患儿下斜肌亢进程度、5m斜视度与术前相比得到明显改善(P<0.05),组间比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05); 术后1~3d,1a随访显示,两组患儿正位率、过矫率和欠矫率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

结论:对儿童复杂斜视采取共同性外斜视矫正手术治疗时,联合下斜肌减弱术可能不会影响外斜视矫正效果,进行手术设计时,可忽略下斜肌减弱术对患儿水平斜视度产生的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨共同性外斜视的临床特点,手术设计和手术技巧。方法分析30例58只眼的临床疗效,此30例患者采用三棱镜加交替遮盖法,角膜映光法测量33cm和5m处矫正状态及上下转25°斜视角,同视机检查三级功能,根据不同的斜视度及类型,选择不同的手术方式和手术量。术后观察眼位及视觉情况。结果30例患者中,术后正位率93.3%。术前有中心融合14.32%,术后有中心融合63.11%,术后较术前立体视锐度提高者占53.24%。无一例出血感染、眼前段缺血等并发症。结论共同性外斜视详细的术前检查、恰当的手术设计、熟练的手术操作技巧、手术效果良好,有助于双眼视功能恢复和满足美容的需要。  相似文献   

雷海云 《国际眼科杂志》2012,12(8):1577-1578
目的:探讨羊膜移植联合可调整缝线在小梁切除术中的应用。方法:我院2009-01/2010-06 50例54眼的急性闭角型青光眼患者,常规小梁切除术后,巩膜瓣下放置6mm×7mm羊膜,羊膜固定于巩膜床上,巩膜瓣两角固定2针,在巩膜瓣一或两侧作1条或2条可调整缝线,在透明角膜上打结BSS形成前房。随访1.5a。结果:术后眼压探制良好,手术完全成功率48眼(89%),条件成功率4眼(7%),失败2眼(4%)。结论:羊膜移植联合可调整缝线是治疗急性闭角型青光眼的一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合在斜视手术中的临床应用。

方法:采取回顾性研究方法,选取我院2012-05/2015-05收治的行常规斜视矫正术的45例71眼患者(对照组)与应用Clifford Terry滑结斜视矫正术45例70眼患者(研究组)为研究对象,对其术后随访1d~12mo。观察术后眼位、有无调整眼位及是否有二次手术,对术后眼位与术前眼位矫正变化情况比较分析。

结果:术后第1d Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合达正位42例 67眼,1例1眼过矫,2例2眼欠矫,正位率为96%。经过Clifford Terry滑结调整松紧,正位率达到100%,研究组1、3、6、12mo术后眼位情况与对照组矫正正位效果比较未见明显差异。两组均未出现结膜裂开、肌肉滑脱、感染等术后并发症。采用Clifford Terry滑结联合可调节缝合在术中及术后早期对眼位进行微调,可即刻达到目标眼位。

结论:Clifford Terry滑结术中操作简单、术后调整缝线松紧容易操作,联合可调节缝合在斜视手术的术中及术后早期表面麻醉下即可达到目标眼位,减低术后早期二次手术的风险,优于单纯可调节缝合法。  相似文献   

AIM:To compare the long-term effectivity of intraoperative adjustable suture technique with traditional non-adjustable strabismus surgery.METHODS:Two hundred and thirty-three patients, who underwent strabismus surgery either with traditional procedures or one-stage intraoperative adjustable suture technique, were included in our long-term follow-up study. One hundred and eighteen patients were evaluated in traditional surgery group (TSG) and 115 who underwent adjustable suture were in the one-stage intraoperative adjustable surgery group (ASG). In this group 9 patients had paralytic strabismus and 16 had reoperations, 2 patients had restrictive strabismus related to thyroid eye disease. The mean follow up in the TSG was 26.2 months and it was 24.8 months in the ASG group.RESULTS:In patients with exotropia (XT) the mean correction of deviation for near fixation in ASG (32.4±13.2PD) and in TSG (26.4±8.2PD) were similar (P=0.112). The correction for distant fixation in ASG (33.2±11.4PD) and TSG (30.9±7.2PD) were not significantly different (P=0.321). In patients with esotropia (ET) even the mean correction of deviation for both near (31±12PD) and distant (30.6±12.8PD) fixations were higher in ASG than in TSG, for both near (28.27±14.2PD) and distant (28.9±12.9PD) fixations, the differences were not significant (P=0.346, 0.824 respectively). The overall success rate of XT patient was 78.9% in TSG and 78.78% in ASG, the difference was not significant (P=0.629). The success rates were 78.75% in TSG and 75.51% in ASG in ET patient, which was also not significantly different (P=0.821).CONCLUSION:Although patients in ASG had more complex deviation such as paralysis, reoperations and restrictive strabismus, success rates of this tecnique was as high as TSG which did not contain complicated deviation. One-stage intraoperative adjustable suture technique is a safe and effective method for cooperative patient who has complex deviation.  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasibility and stability of ocular alignment after single-stage adjustable strabismus surgery (SSASS) performed under topical anesthesia.

Materials and Methods

Forty-five patients of concomitant exodeviations were randomized into three groups of 15 cases each and were operated with three different techniques: Group I - conventional surgery, Group II - two-stage adjustable suture technique with suture adjustment performed 6h postoperatively and Group III- SSASS under topical anesthesia and intravenous conscious sedation with midazolam and fentanyl. Intraoperative suture adjustment was done by giving a cross target to the patient on the ceiling at the end of the procedure. Surgical results were compared among the three groups at three months follow-up. Intraoperative hemodynamic parameters and patients'' experience of the surgery (by questionnaire) were also compared.


Mean preoperative deviation for distance in Groups I, II, III was −41.67 prism diopter (pd) ±9.0, −38.93 pd ±11.05 and −41.87 pd ±8.91 (P=0.6) respectively. At three months, mean correction achieved for distance was +31.87 pd ±11.71, +35.47 pd ±10.86 and +42.80 pd ±10.71 respectively which was significantly different between Group III and Group I (P =0.03). Intraoperatively all hemodynamic parameters remained stable and comparable (P=0.5) in all groups. Intraoperative pain (P<0.001) and time taken for surgery (P<0.001) was more in the SSASS group. Amount of exodrift was 10-12 pd, comparable in all three groups (P = 0.5).


SSASS, performed under topical anesthesia, is safe and has better outcomes than conventional recession-resection surgery for concomitant exodeviation. An overcorrection of about 10-12 pd is recommended to check the exodrift and achieve stable alignment.  相似文献   

Surgical management of strabismus remains a challenge because surgical success rates, short-term and long-term, are not ideal. Adjustable suture strabismus surgery has been available for decades as a tool to potentially enhance the surgical outcomes. Intellectually, it seems logical that having a second chance to improve the outcome of a strabismus procedure should increase the overall success rate and reduce the reoperation rate. Yet, adjustable suture surgery has not gained universal acceptance, partly because Level 1 evidence of its advantages is lacking, and partly because the learning curve for accurate decision making during suture adjustment may span a decade or more. In this review we describe the indications, techniques, and published results of adjustable suture surgery. We will discuss the option of 'no adjustment' in cases with satisfactory alignment with emphasis on recent advances allowing for delayed adjustment. The use of adjustable sutures in special circumstances will also be reviewed. Consistently improved outcomes in the adjustable arm of nearly all retrospective studies support the advantage of the adjustable option, and strabismus surgeons are advised to become facile in the application of this approach.  相似文献   

悬吊缝线后退术矫正内斜视的临床效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨悬吊缝线后退术矫正内斜视的疗效.方法 对内斜视39例(共同性内斜视37例、外伤后周定性内斜视2例)实施内直肌悬吊缝线后退术加外直肌缩短术.结果 术后远期正位35例.正位率89.74%;好转2例.总有效率94.87%.欠矫1例,欠矫率2.56%;过矫1例,过矫率2.56%.无并发症.结论 该术式是一种简便易行、安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

刘琳琳  马克明  徐宝玲 《眼科新进展》2007,27(8):619-620,629
目的 探讨环形连续交锁缝合法在新鲜羊膜移植术中的应用及其临床效果.方法 选择本院行新鲜羊膜移植术的患者45例(52眼),观察组23例(26眼)应用环形连续交锁缝合法,对照组22例(26眼)应用间断缝合法,随访3~6个月,比较2组羊膜植片及创面修复情况.结果 3周内羊膜自行脱落者,观察组3例,对照组11例,2组之间有显著性差异(P<0.05);羊膜完整保留3周以上者,观察组14例,对照组6例,2组之间有显著性差异(P<0.05);术后创面未修复者,观察组5例,对照组3例,2组之间无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 环形连续交锁缝合法可使羊膜固定贴附于眼表创面,延长羊膜在眼表存留时间,刺激症状较轻,有利于眼表组织修复.  相似文献   

目的观察术中置可调节缝线矫正急性共同性内斜视的效果。方法12例急性共同性内斜视进行手术治疗,术中置可调节缝线,术后同视机训练15d。结果术后复视情况:11例看远看近复视消失,均恢复双眼单视;1例欠矫8^△,1m以内复视消失,1m以外复视较前明显减轻。结论急性共同性内斜视全矫手术置可调节缝线效果良好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨巩膜瓣顶角可调节缝线在闭角型青光眼患者小梁切除联合巩膜瓣下生物羊膜植入术中的应用价值.方法:回顾性分析行小梁切除联合巩膜瓣下生物羊膜植入术的闭角型青光眼患者94例106眼临床资料,根据其术中是否应用巩膜瓣顶角可调节缝线的情况分为研究组54例60眼(术中应用巩膜瓣顶角可调节缝线)和对照组40例46眼(术中未应用巩膜瓣顶角可调节缝线).观察比较两组患者术后2 wk内早期浅前房、持续性浅前房及相关并发症发生情况,分析其术后3 mo内功能性滤过泡形成情况,记录术前及术后1 mo眼压改善情况.结果:术后2 wk内,研究组早期浅前房及持续性浅前房发生率均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组并发症发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).术后1mo,两组患者眼压均较术前明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且研究组手术前后眼压差值显著大于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).术后3mo时,研究组功能性滤过泡形成率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:将巩膜瓣顶角可调节缝线用于小梁切除联合巩膜瓣下生物羊膜植入术中,可有效降低浅前房发生风险,对改善闭角型青光眼患者眼压、功能性滤过泡形成等具有积极意义.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe a new, adjustable suture technique for strabismus surgery that is safe and effective and allows for adjustment during the postoperative week only when required.Design: Retrospective review.Participants: A total of 304 patients, of which 149 were male and 155 female, with an age range from 4 to 89 years and a median age of 42 years.Methods: All patients treated with the short adjustable suture technique between September 2007 and April 2009 were reviewed retrospectively. Details of cause, complexity and reoperation, operative success, requirement for adjustment, and success of adjustment were collected. Success was defined as horizontal deviation ≤ 10 prism diopters (PD) and vertical deviation ≤ 6 PD.Results: Overall, 84% of horizontal deviations and 74% of vertical deviations were treated successfully with 1 operation. Twenty-one adjustments were performed. Complications included 1 slipped slip knot and 6 conjunctival or Tenon cysts.Conclusions: The short adjustable suture is a safe and effective variation of the standard slip-knot adjustable suture technique. It allows for adjustment up to 6 days postoperatively with minimal patient discomfort. When adjustment is not indicated, the suture can be left in place to absorb.  相似文献   

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