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莫达非尼对人体基础+Gz耐力和科里奥利加速度耐力的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的观察服用莫达非尼对人体基础+Gz耐力、科里奥利加速度耐力的影响,为飞行人员合理用药提供有关试验依据. 方法 7名健康青年男性志愿者为受试者,试验分两批①受试者于800~900交叉服用莫达非尼和安慰剂200 mg(相隔1周)后1 h进行基础+Gz耐力测定,并在+Gz暴露前后测定受试者的血压和脉搏;②受试者于800~900交叉服用莫达非尼和安慰剂200 mg(相隔1周)后1 h进行科里奥利加速度耐力的检测. 结果服用莫达非尼与安慰剂后1 h,两组的基础+Gz耐力分别为3.86±0.24和3.79±0.27、科里奥利加速度耐力分别为25.57±11.67和30.56±10.25,莫达非尼与安慰剂间的观测指标均无明显差异. 结论服用莫达非尼200 mg起效后对人体基础+Gz耐力和抗运动病能力均无明显不良影响.  相似文献   

580例歼击机飞行员的基础+Gz耐力检查结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 分析歼击机飞行员的基础+Gz耐力检查结果. 方法 对580例歼击机飞行员的基础+Gz耐力分布、平均+Gz耐力、检查合格率,以及检查结果与年龄、飞行时间的关系进行了分析.基础+Gz耐力的检查在六三型载人离心机上进行,采用SPSS 10.0软件对试验数据进行统计学分析. 结果 该组飞行员的平均基础+Gz耐力为4.26±0.43 G,离心机检查合格率为81.4%.27~31岁年龄组飞行员的合格人数最多,共184人;37~43岁年龄组飞行员的合格率最高,达90.5%.平均+Gz耐力、检查合格率与年龄及飞行时间具有相关性(P<0.05). 结论 以+4.25 Gz持续10s(+Gz增长率1 G/s)作为基础+Gz耐力合格标准是合理的.通过增加监测飞行员用力情况的措施,可进一步完善检查方法.  相似文献   

前言 飞行员报告在长的休假后恢复高G值飞行,会伴随一个G耐力降低的潜在危险阶段。因此我们测量了休假导致的普通耐力指标的改变,作为评价G导致意识丧失(G-LOC)的相关易感性的一种方法。方法 志愿受试者通过暴露于一种5G~9G SACM(模拟空战动作)方式、每周两次直至筋疲力尽,作预先处理。在达到始终如一的成绩后,一组获得按计划进行的的4周休假,另一组获得2周的中间休息。所有对象休假前后的测量,包括既有对缓慢增长(0.1G/s)又有对快速增长(6G/s)+Gz的松弛耐力,以及5G~9GSACM的耐力。在4周的例子中还用改良的Astrand  相似文献   

目的 检测男、女受试者的基础及紧张+Gz耐力,分析和探讨+Gz耐力的性别差异.方法 6名女性和7名男性健康志愿者参加了本项研究.首先用微压表检测最大呼气压力,然后在载人离心机上完成基础+Gz耐力、使用抗荷装备并做PHP抗荷动作时的紧张+Gz耐力测试.用独立样本t检验法对数据进行统计学分析. 结果 男性受试者的最大呼气压力为(26.6±5.4)kPa,显著大于女性受试者[(19.7±5.8) kPa],差异有统计学意义(t=2.234,P=0.047).女性受试者的基础耐力为(3.50±0.32)G,比男性受试者[(3.30±0.20)G]略高,但差异无统计学意义(t=0.113,P=0.835).女性受试者的紧张+Gz耐力为(6.00±0.55)G,显著小于男性受试者[(8.50±0.00)G],差异有统计学意义(t=11.180,P=0.000). 结论 男、女受试者的基础+Gz耐力差异不显著,但男性受试者的紧张+Gz耐力高于女性.呼吸肌力量小、抗荷服不合身及缺乏离心机试验经验等是影响女受试者G耐力的不利因素.  相似文献   

随着空军发展步伐的加快,高性能战斗机逐步装备部队,对高性能战斗机飞行员的身体素质提出了更高的要求.如何更好地适应现代高性能战斗机的持续高载荷、高载荷增长率、高角加速度[1-2]等特点,充分发挥飞行员自身的潜能,更加熟练地驾驭战斗机,体质在其中起到了非常关键的作用.我院空勤科通过对310名不同年龄段经高性能战斗机改装体检合格后的飞行员身高、体重进行测量,计算出体质指数(kg/m2),同时收集飞行员的飞行时间,在离心机上进行测试,从而得出+Gz耐力与身高、体重、体质指数及飞行时间的关系,为高性能战斗机改装体检提供了客观依据;为飞行员的合理膳食及有效地进行专项体能训练起到了很好的指导作用,现报道如下.  相似文献   

离心机训练矫治+Gz耐力不良的高性能战斗机飞行员   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 矫治两名+Gz耐力不良的高性能战斗机飞行员。方法在离心机上高+GZ负荷下训练抗荷动作(AGSM)和加压呼吸(PBG)动作。结果 AGSM的抗荷效果提高3.0-3.25G,加压呼吸了系统的抗荷效果提高2.75-3.0G,综合耐力比基础耐力高4.25-4.5G,两人均顺利通过8G10S的SACM+GZ曲线,达到训练标准。  相似文献   

前言 特技飞行和战斗机的飞行员都观察到并在近期离心机研究中都能证实,先前的—Gz的暴露会降低+Gz的耐力。为了将较大水平—Gz所致的下降的量化比在离心机上的量化得更好,并且为了检查零重力的效应,进行了一项飞行实验。 方法 在皇家空军航空医学研究所的Hunter T_7 飞机上安装了按AGARD标准的周边视觉丧失记录的装置。在仪表板罩上载荷因数表左侧、眼水平28°处安装一个单一光源。9名飞行员和3名领航员共12人按照下列—Gz顺序飞行两  相似文献   

人体对反复冲击的耐力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由中华医学会航空航天医学分会主办的全国第六次航空航天医学学术会议将于 2 0 0 2年 6月 2 6~2 9日在浙江宁波市召开。本次会议共收到应征论文 2 1 9篇 ,经专家评审组采用双向多重盲法 (作者与审者间双盲、审者间互盲 )审稿方式初选后 ,再集中会审 ,充分保证了公平、优质地录选稿件。最终录用 1 2 9篇 ,其中英语专题会交流 9篇 ,大会交流 1 7篇 ,专题会交流 1 0 3篇。现将这次会议入选论文以摘要形式在本刊预先发表。为了方便检索与学术交流 ,我们在每篇摘要前加了顺序编号 ,并标注了关键词 ;英语专题会交流论文摘要以中英文对照形式刊发 ;中文摘要加注了中国图书馆分类法分类号。  相似文献   

有氧训练强度与G耐力的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 为我军歼(强)击机飞行员有氧耐力训练方案的制定提供试验依据。方法 采用“训练心率法”控制训练强度,在跑步机上对20名健康男性进行12周定时定量的有氧耐力训练,依训练强度不同,分为2组,比较训练前后相关生理参数的变化。结果 训练后受试者的运动最大心率明显减少,最大耗氧量明显增加,且训练强度越大,效果越显著;体重、体脂、立位耐力及基础G耐力的变化不大。结论 训练强度为心率储备的60%-90%能够有效改善心肺功能,且不降低+Gz耐力;经常性的有氧耐力训练能够保持良好的心肺功能。  相似文献   

专项抗荷体能训练对HP动作抗荷效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的为我军高性能战斗机飞行员提出一套针对新的HP抗荷动作特点的专项抗荷体能训练方法。方法7名受试者,在60d内隔日分别进行针对HP动作特点的心肺功能和力量训练。心肺功能训练使用心率控制法控制训练强度;力量训练使用最大重复量的方法控制训练强度;配合训练前准备活动和训练后放松活动进行全身肌肉的协调性训练。测定、比较训练前后自身 Gz耐力、心率、呼吸功能等相关生理参数的变化。结果训练后受试者的基础G耐力、HP动作的G耐力和HP动作的抗荷效果显著提高。在有载荷情况下的心率降低,肺活量显著增大,最大呼气压力变化不大。结论新的专项抗荷体能训练方法可以显著提高HP动作的抗荷效果、HP动作的抗荷耐力和基础耐力。  相似文献   

Recent studies carried out in the United States and Sweden have demonstrated that strength training can improve +Gz acceleration tolerance. Based on these findings, the Canadian Forces have introduced a training program for aircrew of high performance aircraft. This report describes the changes in physical fitness components considered relevant to +Gz tolerance after 12 weeks of training with this program. Prior to beginning training, 45 military personnel were tested, but only 20 completed a minimum of 24 training sessions. The following variables were measured in these 20 subjects before and after training: maximal strength of several large muscle groups during isokinetic contractions, maximal aerobic power and an endurance fitness index, maximal anaerobic power, anthropometric characteristics, and maximal expiratory pressure generated during exhalation. Training involved hydraulic resistance circuit training 2-4 times/week. The circuit consisted of 3 consecutive sets at each of 8 stations using Hydra-Gym equipment. The exercise:rest ratio was 20:40 s for the initial 4 training weeks and was then changed to 30:50. After training the changes in anthropometric measurements suggested that lean body mass was increased. Small, but significant, increases were also measured in muscle strength during bench press, biceps curls, squats, knee extension, and knee flexion. Neither maximal anaerobic power (i.e. muscular endurance) nor maximal expiratory pressure were changed after the training. Indices of endurance fitness were also increased in the present study. The relatively small increases in strength are probably due to the design of the exercise:rest ratio which resulted in improved strength and aerobic fitness.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of physical training on +Gz tolerance is of vital interest in the aerospace community. The data on the effect of physical training on orthostatic tolerance or simulated air combat maneuvers is equivocal. The effects of aerobic and strength training programs is briefly reviewed. The data suggest a need for careful reinterpretation of research results in light of conflicting reports and methodological shortcomings. Aerobic training cannot be assumed to always be detrimental nor can strength training be assumed to be universally effective in improving +Gz tolerance. In selecting appropriate screening criteria and training regimens for aircraft personnel, it seems prudent to reinvestigate strength and endurance training effects on +Gz tolerance using multivariate research paradigms. Special attention should be directed to commonly accepted physiological principles which may vary under conditions of altered gravitation.  相似文献   

Rectal temperature (Tre), sweat rate, plasma volume (PV), peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2), and relaxed +Gz acceleration tolerance (0.5 G X min-1 linear to grayout) were measured in 15 healthy women 21-41 years old before and after submaximal isotonic exercise training for 2 h X d-1 on a cycle ergometer. The women had 2 weeks of acceleration runs and Vo2 testing, followed by 8 d of exercise training, post-training acceleration runs on day 9, and peak Vo2 tests on day 10. They were divided into three groups: an exercise (heat) group, ambient temperature (Ta) 40.6 degrees C, relative humidity (rh) 42%, and a peak Vo2 of 52%; an exercise (cool) group, Ta = 18.7 degrees, rh = 48%, and Vo2 peak = 55%; and a sedentary control (cool) group. There was no change in peak ventilation, peak heart rate (HR), peak Vo2, or in resting PV in any group after training. Heart rate and Tre were significantly lower after training in both cool and hot environments; HR by 17 b X min-1 (p less than 0.05) and 27 b X min-1 (p less than 0.05), respectively, and Tre by 0.4 degrees C (p less than 0.05) and 0.4 degrees C (p less than 0.05), respectively. Sweat rates were not different in any group. In all groups, acceleration tolerances were not different after training; they ranged from 3.5 to 3.8 G (373 - 410 s). The loss (shift) in PV during acceleration ranged from -5.8% to -10.3% (nonsignificant).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

新型抗荷系统抗荷性能的离心机评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨新型抗荷系统的抗荷性能。方法以9名志愿者作为受试者,在离心机 +Gz增长率为3.0 G/s条件下完成5项试验。①分别测定KH-x抗荷服(KH-x)、DC-x高空代偿服 (DC-x)、FLH-x高空海上联合救生服(FLH-x)配KT-x抗调器的抗荷性能;②分别测定受试者穿 KH-x、DC-x、FLH-x时抗荷正压呼吸的抗荷性能;③分别测定受试者穿KH-x、DG-x、FLH-x时抗荷系统的抗荷性能;④分别测定受试者穿KH-x、DC-x、FLH-x时,进行抗荷正压呼吸并做PHP动作,在 +6.5 G;的持续耐受时间;⑤分别测定受试者穿KH-x、DC-x、FLH-x时,进行抗荷正压呼吸并做 PHP动作,在+9.0 G;的持续耐受时间。结果KH-x抗荷服、DC-x高空代偿服、FLH-x高空海上联合救生服与抗调器配套的抗荷性能分别达到2.11±0.44 G、2.25±0.40 G、2.11±0.55 G;抗荷正压呼吸(PBG)的抗荷性能分别达到2.13±0.58 G、2.04±0.09 G、2.10±0.14 G;抗荷系统的抗荷性能分别达到4.07±0.12 G、4.04±0.09 G、4.10±0.22 G;受试者采用本抗荷系统,并做PHP动作,均通过+6.5 Gz/45 s和+9.0 Gz/15 s。结论新型抗荷系统的抗荷性能明显提高,在作抗荷动作情况下可满足我国高性能战斗机性能要求。  相似文献   

为检验所建立的心血管系统仿真模型,对扩大囊覆盖面积抗荷服的囊覆盖面积及压力制度地人体G耐力及心血管反应的影响进行了仿真实验,得到了与耿喜臣等离心机实验数据基本吻合的结果。  相似文献   

Most acceleration studies estimate a subject's G-level tolerance by taking only one determination (test) for a given condition. The purpose of this study was to examine the error structure and reliability of an individual's acceleration tolerance and to provide design considerations for future experimentation. A hierarchical (nested) design was used to estimate the sources of variation in measuring G-level tolerance. Six males rode relaxed in the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine human-use centrifuge and were exposed to a 0.1 G/s onset rate profile until greyout. Each subject was tested on three randomly selected days with three repeated determinations within a day. This design allowed for an estimate of both day-to-day and measurement error within a testing session. A single +Gz tolerance determination was found to be moderately unreliable (reliability coefficient = 0.74). Under the best of circumstances a subject's G-level tolerance cannot be estimated with any more accuracy than about +/- 0.3 G with 95% confidence. This degree of accuracy can only be obtained with multiple measurements.  相似文献   

The +Gz tolerance of USAF aircrewmen undergoing medical evaluation has been tested at the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine since 1973. For various reasons, the test protocol can usually be carried out only once on these patients. Accurate determination of the +Gz tolerance of aircrewmen who fly high performance fighter aircraft is very important in assuring aero-medical safety, since loss of consciousness as a result of exceeding a pilot's G tolerance may result in loss of life and loss of aircraft. It is, therefore, necessary to estimate the variability associated with each profile of the test so that a more accurate assessment of +Gz tolerance can be made. Multiple repeat medical evaluation test protocols were performed on 17 centrifuge acceleration panel members. The standard deviations in the +Gz measurements for the four centrifuge profiles were GOR(1) = 0.38 Gz, ROR=0.22 Gz, GOR(2)=0.34 Gz, and GOR(S)=0.39 Gz. A statistically significant learning effect, which increases +Gz tolerance, was observed in both experienced and inexperienced subjects. Knowledge of the variability associated with each test profile will allow a more accurate definition of an individual +Gz tolerance when only a single centrifuge test protocol can be performed. In addition, possible future use of this centrifuge protocol in the selection of individuals with above- or below-average +Gz tolerance is facilitated with an accurate assessment of the variability associated with the test.  相似文献   

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