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This study was aimed to clarify whether the primary afferent terminals (PATs), GABAergic terminals, and glutamatergic terminals made direct synaptic contacts with glycine-IR neurons in the cuneate nucleus of rats. In this connection, injection of the anterograde tracer WGA-HRP into brachial plexus, antiglycine preembedding immunoperoxidase, and anti-GABA, along with antiglutamate postembedding immunogold labeling, were used to identify the PATs, glycine-IR neurons, GABA-IR terminals, and glutamate-IR terminals, respectively. The present results showed that HRP-labeled PATs, immunoperoxidase-labeled glycine-IR terminals, immunogold-labeled GABA-IR, and glutamate-IR terminals made axodendritic synaptic contacts with immunoperoxidase-labeled glycine-IR neurons. The latter three presynaptic elements also formed axosomatic synapses with glycine-IR neurons. Statistical analysis has shown that the minimum diameter of the glycine-IR dendrites postsynaptic to the above-mentioned four presynaptic elements did not differ significantly. In addition, the synaptic ratio of the glutamate-IR terminals on the glycine-IR dendrites was higher than that of GABA-IR terminals. The synaptic ratio of the GABA-IR terminals on glycine-IR dendrite was in turn higher than that of the PATs and glycine-IR terminals. It is suggested that the PATs and glutamate-IR terminals on the glycine-IR neurons may be involved in subsequent postsynaptic inhibition for spatial precision of lateral inhibition. On the other hand, the GABA-IR and glycine-IR terminals which make synaptic contacts with the dendrites of glycine-IR neurons may provide a putative means for disinhibition or facilitation to maintain the baseline neuronal activity in the rat cuneate nucleus. The results of quantitative analysis suggest that glutamate act as the primary excitatory neurotransmitter, while GABA, when compared with glycine, may serve as a more powerful inhibitory neurotransmitter on glycine-IR neurons in the rat cuneate nucleus.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of the inhibitory input to trigeminal motoneurons is needed to understand better the central mechanisms of jaw movements. Here a quantitative analysis of terminals contacting somata of jaw-closing (JC) and jaw-opening (JO) alpha-motoneurons, and of JC gamma-motoneurons, was performed by use of serial sectioning and postembedding immunogold cytochemistry. For each type of motoneuron, the synaptic boutons were classified into four groups, i.e., immunonegative boutons or boutons immunoreactive to glycine only, to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) only, or to both glycine and GABA. The density of immunolabeled boutons was much higher for the alpha- than for the gamma-motoneurons. In the alpha-motoneuron populations, the immunolabeled boutons were subdivided into one large group of boutons containing glycine-like immunoreactivity only, one group of intermediate size harboring both glycine- and GABA-like immunoreactivity, and a small group of boutons containing GABA-like immunoreactivity only. The percentage of immunolabeled boutons was higher for JC than JO alpha-motoneurons, the most pronounced difference being observed for glycine-like immunoreactivity. In contrast, on the somatic membrane of gamma-motoneurons, the three types of immunoreactive bouton occurred at similar frequencies. These results indicate that trigeminal motoneurons are strongly and differentially controlled by premotoneurons containing glycine and/or GABA and suggest that these neurons play an important role for the generation of masticatory patterns.  相似文献   

D Wang  J H Wu  Y X Dong  Y Q Li 《Brain research》2001,921(1-2):133-137
The synaptic connections between gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- and glycine-immunoreactive terminals and neurons projecting to the lateral parabrachial region were examined by a combination of retrograde tracing and immunohistochemical staining in the rat medullary dorsal horn. After injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the right lateral parabrachial region, HRP retrogradely labeled neurons were observed bilaterally in laminae I, II and III of the medullary dorsal horn with an ipsilateral predominance. GABA- and glycine-like immunoreactive terminals were found in laminae I, II and III. Some of these GABA- and glycine-like immunoreactive terminals were observed chiefly to make symmetric synapses with HRP-labeled neuronal cell bodies and dendritic processes. The present results indicate that neurons in the medullary dorsal horn projecting to the lateral parabrachial region might be modulated by GABAergic and glycinergic inhibitory intrinsic neurons, which might be significantly involved in the regulation of the noxious information transmission.  相似文献   

Previous studies provide evidence that a structure/function correlation exists in the distinct zones of the trigeminal sensory nuclei. To evaluate this relationship, we examined the ultrastructure of afferent terminals from the tooth pulp in the rat trigeminal sensory nuclei: the principalis (Vp), the dorsomedial part of oral nucleus (Vdm), and the superficial layers of caudalis (Vc), by using transganglionic transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). A total of 93 labeled boutons were serially sectioned, in which some sections were incubated with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antiserum. Almost all labeled boutons formed asymmetric contact with nonprimary dendrites, in which more than half of labeled boutons in the Vc made synapses with their spines. The labeled boutons could be divided into two types on the basis of numbers of dense-cored vesicles (DCVs) in a boutons: S-type and DCV-type. Almost all labeled boutons in the Vp and Vdm were S-type, whereas two types were distributed evenly in the Vc. In contrast to DCV-type boutons, the S-type was frequently postsynaptic to unlabeled axon terminals containing a mixture of round, oval, and flattened vesicles (p-endings) and forming symmetrical synapses. Most p-endings examined were immunoreactive to GABA. The frequency of axoaxonic contacts was higher for labeled boutons in the Vp than in the Vdm and Vc. These results suggest that the three structures of trigeminal sensory nuclei serve distinct functions in nociceptive processing.  相似文献   

The sequence of events leading to the chemical matching of presynaptic neurotransmitters and postsynaptic transmitter receptors is investigated here in vivo for the spinal glycine receptor (GlyR) by using immunocytochemical methods. In the ventral horn of adult rat spinal cord, GlyRs are only present at glycinergic postsynaptic differentiations where they are stabilized by the associated protein gephyrin. With quantitative confocal microscopy, we found that gephyrin is detected before GlyRs at embryonic day (E)13–E14 and at E15, respectively, inside the cytoplasm and at plasmalemmal loci. Around the time of birth, the number of cell surface gephyrin-immunoreactive (-IR) spots exceeds that of GlyR. They first match 10 days after birth. The densities of postsynaptic gephyrin- and GlyR-IR were quantified between birth and the adult stage with post-embedding immunogold staining. Immunostaining for gephyrin and GlyR was not detected in the extrasynaptic membrane. The density of staining in postsynaptic membrane increased progressively with development. The inhibitory amino-acid content of the presynaptic terminal boutons opposed to gephyrin-IR sites was also analyzed. In the newborn, postnatal day 10, and adult, more than 90% of these boutons were immunostained for glycine. As seen with serial sections, 38% and 51.2% of the terminals also contained γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in neonate and adult, respectively. These data indicate that around the time of birth, most glycine-containing boutons, some also containing GABA, are opposed to gephyrin-IR postsynaptic densities, whereas GlyRs are not present. Our results suggest that gephyrin determines subsynaptic loci on the plasma membrane where GlyR will subsequently accumulate. J. Comp. Neurol. 398:359–372, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) integrates the synaptic information depending on the organization of the excitatory and inhibitory connections. This study provides, qualitatively and quantitatively, analyses of the organization and distribution of excitatory and inhibitory input on projection neurons (fusiform cells), and inhibitory interneurons (vertical and cartwheel cells) in the DCN, using a combination of high-resolution ultrastructural techniques together with postembedding immunogold labeling. The combination of ultrastructural morphometry together with immunogold labeling enables the identification and quantification of four major synaptic inputs according to their neurotransmitter content. Only one category of synaptic ending was immunoreactive for glutamate and three for glycine and/or gamma-aminobutyric-acid (GABA). Among those, nine subtypes of synaptic endings were identified. These differed in their ultrastructural characteristics and distribution in the nucleus and on three cell types analyzed. Four of the subtypes were immunoreactive for glutamate and contained round synaptic vesicles, whereas five were immunoreactive for glycine and/or GABA and contained flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles. The analysis of the distribution of the nine synaptic endings on the cell types revealed that eight distributed on fusiform cells, six on vertical cells and five on cartwheel cells. In addition, postembedding immunogold labeling of the glycine receptor alpha1 subunit showed that it was present at postsynaptic membranes in apposition to synaptic endings containing flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and immunoreactive for glycine and/or GABA on the three cells analyzed. This information is valuable to our understanding of the response properties of DCN neurons.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials, evoked by lingual or hypoglossal nerve stimulation, were recorded from hypoglossal motoneurons of the cat with glass microelectrodes. Lingual nerve-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (LIPSPs) were recorded in 98% of hypoglossal motoneurons. Hypoglossal nerve stimulation caused a hyperpolarzing potential following the antidromic spike in all hypoglossal motoneurons tested. This potential was unaffected by depolarizing or hyperpolarizing currents, could not be evoked at a stimulus strength less than that which was threshold for the antidromic action potential, and did not change in shape or amplitude at stimulus strengths which were above threshold for antidromic invasion. This hyperpolarpolarizing potential was therefore considered to be an afterhyperpolarization. However, hypoglossal nerve-induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were recorded from hypoglossal units which had characteristics of interneurons, thus suggesting the presence of afferent fibers in the hypoglossal nerve. The hypoglossal nerve-induced afterhyperpolarization was not affected by strychnine, bicuculline, or picrotoxin. The LIPSP was antagonized by strychnine but unaffected by bicuculline or picrotoxin. The results suggest that inhibition of hypoglossal motoneurons via the lingual nerve is more likely to be mediated by glycine than gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and is therefore similar to the strychnine-sensitive postsynaptic inhibition of spinal motoneurons.  相似文献   

The migration and early development of trigeminal (V) motoneurons were studied in chick embryos in which two different populations of primary trigeminal sensory neurons had been removed prior to the birthdate of the V motoneurons. Ablation of mesencephalic neural crest cells, which eliminates monosynaptic sensory input, did not affect the migration, early development, or later differentiation of the V motoneurons. However, when the anlagen of the V ganglion were removed, the V motor root did not exit from the brainstem and the V motor nucleus did not develop. Although the neurons of the V ganglion do not innervate adult V motoneurons, these populations are related developmentally. In those embryos in which the V ganglion did not develop, medial column cells, which are midline, postmitotic, premigratory V motoneurons, and a few medial, elongated cells (possibly migratory) were present until days 5-6, but these cells did not complete their lateral migration to form the lateral nucleus of V. In cases where the ganglion anlagen were not completely removed, the number of postmigratory V motoneurons was positively correlated to the size of the ganglion remnant. There also was a correlation between the axial position of the postmigratory V motoneurons and the ganglion remnants. If a caudal remnant developed, only caudal V motoneurons, whose axons reached the ganglion, migrated; if a rostral remnant developed, only rostral V motoneurons, with axons reaching this remnant, migrated. Additionally, if the central axons of the ganglion remnant entered the metencephalon in either dorsal or ventral ectopic positions, the V motor nucleus was located in a corresponding aberrant position. Thus, some characteristic of the V ganglion cells appears to guide the motor axons and somas to their final brainstem position.  相似文献   

While group I glutamate metabotropic (mGlu) receptors show discrete neuronal distribution in the neonatal rat spinal cord, the functional role of their distinct receptor subtypes remains uncertain. Intracellular recording from lumbar motoneurons together with extracellular recording of ventral root (VR) responses was used to investigate the differential contribution by mGlu receptor subtypes to cell excitability and network activity. The group I agonist DHPG evoked motoneuron depolarization (via the AIDA or CPCCOEt-sensitive mGlu receptor subtype 1) mainly at network level and generated sustained, network-dependent oscillations (via the MPEP-sensitive mGlu receptor subtype 5). DHPG also decreased the peak amplitude of synaptic responses induced by dorsal root stimuli, an effect unrelated to depolarization and dependent on glycinergic transmission. Synaptic responses were insensitive to AIDA or MPEP. The present results can be explained by assuming excitation of discrete classes of interneurons by group I mGlu receptor activity. Thus, the cellular distribution of those mGlu receptors at strategic circuit connections may determine the functional outcome of the network in terms of excitation or inhibition. Even if there was insufficient activation by endogenous glutamate of mGlu receptors during synaptic activity evoked by DR stimuli, it is apparent that such receptors are important pharmacological targets for powerful and rapid up- or down-regulation of spinal signal processing at network level, providing a rationale for the proposed use of mGlu receptor agonists in a variety of spinal pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the involvement of gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter I (GAT1) in pain. We found that GABA uptake was increased in mouse spinal cord at 20 min and 120 min after formalin injection and in mouse brain at 120 min, but not 20 min, after formalin injection. In addition, the antinociceptive effects of GAT1-selective inhibitors were examined using assays of thermal (tail-flick) and chemical (formalin and acetic acid) nociception in C57BL/6J mice. The GAT1-selective inhibitors, ethyl nipecotate and NO-711, exhibited significant antinociceptive effects in these nociceptive assays. To study further the effects of GAT1 on pain, we used two kinds of GAT1-overexpressing transgenic mice (under the control of a CMV promoter or a NSE promoter) to examine the nociceptive responses in these mice. In the thermal, formalin, and acetic acid assays, both kinds of transgenic mice displayed significant hyperalgesia after nociceptive stimuli. In addition, the micro opioid receptor antagonist naloxone had no influence on nociceptive responses in wild-type and transgenic mice. The results indicate that GAT1 is involved in the regulation of pain processes, and point to the possibility of developing analgesic drugs that target GAT1 other than opioid receptors.  相似文献   

The development of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunoreactive neurons was investigated in the embryonic and posthatch chick lumbosacral spinal cord by using pre- and postembedding immunostaining with an anti-GABA antiserum. The first GABA-immunoreactive cells were detected in the ventral one-half of the spinal cord dorsal to the lateral motor exception of the lateral motor column, appeared throughout the entire extent of the ventral one-half of the spinal gray matter by E6. Thereafter, GABA-immunoreactive neurons extended from ventral to dorsal regions. Stained perikarya first appeared at E8 and then progressively accumulated in the dorsal horn, while immunoreactive neurons gradually declined in the ventral horn. The general pattern of GABA immunoreactivity characteristic of mature animals had been achieved by E12 and was only slightly altered afterwards. In the dorsal horn, most of the stained neurons were observed in laminae I–III, both at the upper (LS 1–3) and at the lower (LS 5–7) segments of the lumbosacral spinal cord. In the ventral horn, the upper and lower lumbosacral segments showed marked differences in the distribution of stained perikarya. GABAergic neurons were scattered in a relatively large region dorsomedial to the lateral motor column at the level of the upper lumbosacral segments, whereas they were confined to the dorsalmost region of lamina VII at the lower segments. The early expression of GABA immunoreactivity may indicate a trophic and synaptogenetic role for GABA in early phases of spinal cord development. The localization of GABAergic neurons in the ventral horn and their distribution along the rostrocaudal axis of the lumbosacral spinal cord coincide well with previous physiological findings, suggesting that some of these GABAergic neurons may be involved in neural circuits underlying alternating rhythmic motor activity of the embryonic chick spinal cord. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study describes the ultrastructural synaptic relationships between corticocuneate terminals (CCTs) and glycine-immunoreactive (glycine-IR) neurons in the cuneate nucleus of rats using anterograde tract-tracing of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (WGA–HRP) and anti-glycine immunoperoxidase labeling methods. The HRP-labeled CCTs made axodendritic synapses preferentially in the ventral part of the cuneate nucleus near the obex. In a total of 182 CCTs surveyed, 14 of them made direct synaptic contacts with immunoperoxidase-labeled glycine-IR dendrites. The present results suggest that cortical modulation on the sensory transmission of cuneate nucleus may be mediated through glycine-IR neurons.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the primary mammalian circadian clock that regulates rhythmic physiology and behavior. The SCN is composed of a diverse set of neurons arranged in a tight intrinsic network. In the rat, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)- and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)-containing neurons are the dominant cell phenotypes of the ventral SCN, and these cells receive photic information from the retina and the intergeniculate leaflet. Neurons expressing vasopressin (VP) are concentrated in the dorsal and medial aspects of the SCN. Although the VIP/GRP and VP cell groups are concentrated in different regions of the SCN, the separation of these cell groups is not absolute. The inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is expressed in most SCN neurons irrespective of their location or peptidergic phenotype. In the present study, immunoperoxidase labeling, immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry were used to examine the spatial distribution of several markers associated with SCN GABAergic neurons. Glutamate decarboxylase, a marker of GABA synthesis, and vesicular GABA transporter were more prominently observed in the ventral SCN. KCC2, a K(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter, was highly expressed in the ventral SCN in association with VIP- and GRP-producing neurons, whereas VP neurons in the dorsal SCN were devoid of KCC2. On the other hand, GABA(B) receptors were observed predominantly in VPergic neurons dorsally, whereas, in the ventral SCN, GABA(B) receptors were associated almost exclusively with retinal afferent fibers and terminals. The differential expression of GABAergic markers within the SCN suggests that GABA may play dissimilar roles in different SCN neuronal phenotypes.  相似文献   

A novel in vitro preparation, consisting of the rat brainstem with the trigeminal ganglion attached, has been used to study the anatomical and functional development of the trigeminal nucleus from embryonic day (E)13 to postnatal day (P)6. Neurobiotin injections into the trigeminal ganglion showed that primary afferents had reached the trigeminal tract by E13 and had grown simple, mainly unbranched, collaterals into all levels of the nucleus by E15. By E17, these collaterals were extensively branched, with occasional boutons present. Patches of intense neurobiotin-labelled terminals, corresponding to whisker-related patterns, were first seen at E20 and became clearer over the next few days. Terminal arbours at this stage were relatively localized and densely branched, with many boutons. Responses from the trigeminal nucleus were recorded with suction electrodes, following stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion. Recordings from the main sensory nucleus showed a postsynaptic response was first present at E15. At E16, bath application of AP5 and DNQX showed that the response contained both NMDA and AMPA components, with NMDA predominating (75%). The NMDA : AMPA ratio remained high until P1, then gradually declined to 50% by P6. The postsynaptic response was also reduced by bath application of bicuculline, indicating the presence of a GABAA-mediated excitatory component. GABAergic excitation was present at all ages but was maximal from E20 to P1, the age at which whisker-related patterns are developing. It is hypothesized that both GABAergic excitation and NMDA receptor activation play a role in the consolidation of trigeminal connections, and are thus important in the development of whisker-related patterns.  相似文献   

In order to compare the ultrastructure of GABA-immunoreactive and nonimmunoreactive islet cells in lamina II of the rat dorsal horn, a combined ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study of nine Golgi-stained neurones was performed. Cell bodies of these neurones were tested with antiserum to GABA, and in most cases with antiserum to glycine, while parts of the cell body and dendritic tree were examined with the electron microscope. Four of the neurones had cell bodies that were immunoreactive with GABA antiserum, and 2 of these were also glycine-immunoreactive, while 2 were not. Cell bodies of the remaining five neurones were not immunoreactive with GABA antiserum, nor, in the 3 cases tested, with glycine antiserum. Three of the GABA-immunoreactive cells possessed vesicle-containing dendrites and were presynaptic at dendrodendritic synapses, whereas no vesicles were observed in the dendrites of any of the neurones that were not GABA-immunoreactive. The axon of one of the nonimmunoreactive cells was found with the electron microscope. It gave rise to boutons that contained round agranular vesicles and a few dense-cored vesicles. Three synapses formed by this axon were identified and all were asymmetric. No obvious differences were detected in the types of profile that were presynaptic to GABA-immunoreactive and nonimmunoreactive cells. These results suggest that GABAergic islet cells are a source of presynaptic dendrites in lamina II of the rat and that some presynaptic dendrites contain GABA and glycine, while others contain GABA without glycine. The nonimmunoreactive islet cells presumably represent a distinct functional class of neurones and some of these may release an excitatory amino acid transmitter, possibly in addition to one or more neuropeptides.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether different morphological types of neurone in lamina III of rat spinal dorsal horn contain different neurotransmitters, a combined Golgi and immunocytochemical study was performed. Semithin sections through the cell bodies of 52 Golgi-impregnated neurones in this lamina were tested with antisera to GABA and glycine. Thirty of these cells were immunoreactive with anti-GABA antiserum and 25 of these also showed glycine-like immunoreactivity. These cells had dendrites which were oriented along the rostrocaudal axis and occupied lamina III, with some extension into lamina IV and the ventral half of lamina II. Although some of the nonimmunoreactive cells had similar morphology, many of them had dendrites which passed in a dorsal and/or ventral direction and crossed laminar boundaries. Three of the neurones which were immunoreactive with both antisera were examined with the electron microscope. These cells received a variety of synapses including some from axons which resembled low threshold myelinated mechanoreceptive primary afferents. These results indicate that there is a relationship between morphology and function for neurones in lamina III. It is suggested that the inhibitory neurones which contain both GABA and glycine selectively regulate the transmission of information from low threshold mechanoreceptive primary afferents to other dorsal horn neurones.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of -aminobutyric acid (GABA) on pineal norepinephrine (NE) release was examined in vitro in the rat pineal gland. Exposure of pineal expiants previously loaded with3H-NE to 1–100 M GABA caused a dosedependent decrease of3H-NE release triggered by 60 mM K+, with a threshold GABA concentration of 1 M and IC50 of about 10 M. The inhibitory effect of GABA was mimicked by the type B GABA agonist baclofen, displaying a similar dose-response relationship as GABA. The type A GABA agonist muscimol increased depolarization-induced3H-NE release, while the co-incubation with GABA and the type A receptor antagonist bicuculline augmented significantly GABA's depressive effect on3H-NE release. Bicuculline alone brought about a significant decrease of3H-NE release. Neither GABA, nor baclofen, muscimol or bicuculline, modified the spontaneous pineal3H-NE efflux. Assessment of3H-NE uptake at a low NE concentration (0.5 M) indicated that GABA decreased it in a dose-dependent manner (IC50=100 M) through an effect blocked by bicuculline and mimicked by muscimol but not by baclofen; at a 5 M-3H-NE concentration a bicuculline-sensitive GABA augmentation of uptake was found. A kinetic analysis study of the pineal NE uptake process indicated that GABA augmented both Vmax and Km of transmitter uptake. These results indicate that GABA may be a significant regulatory signal for rat pineal sympathetic synapses.  相似文献   

In the chick embryo the trigeminal (V) sensory ganglion cells send axons into the metencephalon a few hours before the V motoneurons migrate from the midline to form a lateral nucleus adjacent to the ingrowing sensory axons. This relationship suggests that the ganglion axons may influence the initiation and direction of V motoneuron migration. In the present experiment the development of the ganglion axons was retarded by removing the neural crest anlage of the V ganglion. Subsequently, V ganglion cells which were derived from the ectodermal placode anlage sent axons into the metencephalon up to 2 days later than normal. The lateral migration of the V motoneurons was similarly delayed, commencing only after the central axons from the placodal ganglia penetrated the metencephalon. This study demonstrates that the presence of V ganglion perikarya alone is not sufficient to guide the appropriate migration of V motoneurons. This migration occurs only after the axons from the V sensory ganglion cells have penetrated the brainstem.  相似文献   

The innervation of the trigeminal motor nucleus by serotonergic fibers with cell bodies in the raphe nuclei pallidus and obscurus suggests that activation of this pathway may alter the excitability of trigeminal motoneurons. Thus, we recorded intracellular responses from cat jaw-closing (JC) and jaw-opening (JO) α-motoneurons evoked by raphe stimulation and used a combination of intracellular staining of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and immunohistochemistry at the light and electron microscopic levels to examine the distribution of contacts made by serotonin (5-HT)-immunoreactive boutons on the two motoneurons types. Electrical stimulation applied to the nucleus raphe pallidus-obscurus complex induced a monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in JC (masseter) α-motoneurons and an EPSP with an action potential in JO (mylohyoid) α-motoneurons. The EPSP rise-times (time to peak) and half widths were significantly longer in the JC than in the JO motoneurons. The EPSPs were suppressed by systemic administration of methysergide (2 mg/kg). Six JC and seven JO α-motoneurons were well stained with HRP. Contacts were seen between 5-HT-immunoreactive boutons and the motoneurons. The JC motoneurons received a significantly larger number of the contacts than did the JO motoneurons. The contacts were distributed widely in the proximal three-fourths of the dendritic tree of JC motoneurons but were distributed on more proximal dendrites in the JO motoneurons. At the electron microscopic level, synaptic contacts made by 5-HT-immunoreactive boutons on motoneurons were identified. The present study demonstrated that JC motoneurons receive stronger 5-HT innervation, and this correlates with the fact that raphe stimulation caused larger EPSPs among these neurons than among JO motoneurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 384:443–455, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of the calcium-binding protein calretinin (CaR) and its co-localization with GABA was studied in the striate cortex of Macaca monkeys from fetal day (Fd) 45 to adult. At Fd45, early neurons resembling Cajal-Retizus cells are stained in the marginal zone (MZ). At Fd55 the MZ is filled with CaR+ Cajal-Retzius cells and their processes, and scattered CaR+ cells are also found in deep cortical plate (CP), intermediate zone (IZ), and subventricular zone (SVZ). At Fd66, a band of CaR+ fibers appears in the IZ, corresponding to the location of the geniculocortical axons. This fiber band labels heavily until Fd130 but then ceases to be immunoreactive by postnatal (P) 16 weeks. At Fd85–101, the number of CaR+ cells in the CP, SVZ, and ventricular zone (VZ) reaches its highest cell density. After Fd130, CaR+ cells are concentrated in layer II and upper layer III, and this distribution changes little into adulthood. After mid-gestation, there is a progressive loss of CaR+ cell bodies and processes in the MZ, and these are rare in the adult cortex. Just before birth, a weakly stained CaR+ cell band appears in layer NA at the border between layer NA and IVB, but this band disappears immediately after birth. Another CaR+ cell band appears transiently in upper layer V just below the border with layers IV at P6 months. These results suggest that CaR is expressed early in fetal development in the cell populations that are immunoreactive for CaR in the adult. However, developmental events related to cortical maturation during late prenatal and early postnatal stages result in transient expression of CaR in neurons that are not immunoreactive for CaR in the adult. CaR-immunoreactivity is colocalized with GABA in almost all CaR+ cells with the exception of Cajal-Retzius cells in the MZ and some large cells observed at Fd70–101 in the VZ. The band of CaR+ fibers in the IZ is GABA-. At Fd90, almost all (>96%) CaR+ cells are GABA+ in the CP and he first developed layers V/VI. This percentage declines later, so that on average 80% of CaR+ cells are GABA+ in adult cortex. At Fd135, 53% of GABA+ neurons located in layers II/III are CaR+; this percentage declines to 37% in the adult. These double-label patterns suggest that early in fetal development the majority of GABA+ cells stain for CaR and that expres of CaR may be related to the migration of these neurons into the cortical plate, Once they attain their final position in the cortex many GABA+ cells loose CaR-immunoreactivity, so that in postnatal life only a minority of GABA+ neurons contain this calcium-binding protein. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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