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中国台湾地区高等医学教育的发展和中国大陆一脉相承,并各有千秋。本文通过对中国台湾地区高等医学教育发展历程的简介及当前发展问题的分析,提出针对其发展的合理化建议。并从其整体发展历程的角度,为中国大陆高等医学教育的改革与发展提供借鉴。最终谋求两岸高等医学教育事业的共同腾飞。  相似文献   

医学科学技术的发展,主要靠高层次的教育与研究,其中培养高质量的人才是关键。在这世纪之交,了解海峡两岸高等医学教育的现状,对于迎接21世纪中华民族医学科学和医学教育的发展,意义重大。为此,本文就海峡两岸高等医学教育有关院校设置、分类及学制、学位、专业与课程设置、研究生教育等方面的现状作一概括与分析,从而达到两岸互补、借鉴、共益的目的,以共同为中华民族的高等医学教育事业发展作出努力。一、两岸高等医学教育概况(一)医学院校情况。1.大陆医学院校情况。大陆现有普通高等医药院校154所,其中部委属院校27所(卫生部属11所、国…  相似文献   

中国高等医学教育起步相对较晚,有待进一步发展和完善。德国高等医学教育则历史悠久,实行精英教育。德国高等医学教育课程设置方面注重社会学、医学健康保障学、人文社会科学、器官系统分类等内容;在学位授予方面较单一,只有博士学位,但培养质量较高。中国高等医学教育也将走上精英教育之路,可借鉴德国医学教育发展经验;需注重补充医学社会学、医学保障学方面课程设置的不足,增加医学人才培养过程中导师的自主性,强化医学生社会责任感;以提高我国高等医学教育质量。  相似文献   

医学教育国际化的初步探索与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国市场经济的深入发展,医疗服务市场的逐渐对外开放,我国在医学人才培养的理念、模式以及质量标准方面,向医学教育国际标准接近势在必行。全国性或国际性医学教育组织对医学教育共同标准的建立进行了探讨。在美国纽约中华医学基金会(CMB)支持下的国际医学教育专门委员会(TheInstituteforInternationalMed-icalEducation,IIME)制定的“全球医学教育最基本要求”(GMER)就是一个具有代表性的国际医学教育标准。我校从20世纪90年代开始,借鉴国外经验,针对中国现状,研究和实施了具有中国特色的高等医学教育改革,从培养模式、课程结构、教学方法和教育评价等方面进行了一些探索,在促进我国高等医学教育人才培养质量与国际标准接近方面进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的深入发展,医疗服务市场的逐渐对外开放,我国在医学人才培养的理念、模式以及质量标准方面,向医学教育国际标准接近势在必行.全国性或国际性医学教育组织对医学教育共同标准的建立进行了探讨.在美国纽约中华医学基金会(CMB)支持下的国际医学教育专门委员会(The Institute for International Medical Education,IIME)制定的"全球医学教育最基本要求"(GMER)就是一个具有代表性的国际医学教育标准.我校从20世纪90年代开始,借鉴国外经验,针对中国现状,研究和实施了具有中国特色的高等医学教育改革,从培养模式、课程结构、教学方法和教育评价等方面进行了一些探索,在促进我国高等医学教育人才培养质量与国际标准接近方面进行了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

香港医学专科学院邓惠琼院长一行于4月14日专访中国高等教育学会医学教育专业委员会,王德炳会长会见了邓惠琼院长等香港同道。双方进行了学术交流并就共同关心的问题开展了讨论。王德炳会长首先介绍了中国高等教育学会医学教育专业委员会的历史沿革、组织建构、职能任务,以及近年来开展的主要工作。随后作了“高等医学教育的现状与展望”的专题发言,主要介绍了内地高等医学教育的基本情况,近年来高等医学教育的改革举措,以及未来高等医学教育的发展趋向。  相似文献   

本文通过中国大陆、香港和台湾三地医学生的人文素质教育的对比,显示出我国大陆在人文教育方面存在一定的差距,成为当今医患矛盾激烈的部分原因。为此本文积极寻找对策,通过增加人文课程,改革教学方法,加强人文社会科学人才建设,营造人文素质教育环境,强化社会实践环节等提高医学生的人文素质,改善医学教育。  相似文献   

1996年8月3~9日在北京举办了“首届海峡两岸医学生学术、文化交流会”。这是自两岸恢复民间交往以来,第一次在海峡两岸医科大学生之间进行大规模的、正式的、有组织的交流活动。本次活动由国家教委高教司主持,委托全国高等医学教育学会、中华医学会医学教育学会、中华全国台湾同胞联谊会和台湾医学生联合会出面主办,北京医科大学承办。大陆方面有北京医科大学、上海医科大学等11所高等医学院校的50名学生参加,台湾方面有包括来自台湾中南部的台湾大学医学院、阳明大学、台北医学院、中国医药学院、中山医学院的43名学生参加。会议组织委员…  相似文献   

中美高等医学教育浅析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:对中关高等医学教育作初浅的比较,并对我国医学教育改革提出一些建议。方法:分析在美国医学院的交换经历和中国医学院的学习经历并进行比较。结果:美国医学院入学要求高,课程设置较合理,注重动手能力,重视医学教育评价,我们应该借鉴并进行改革。结论:希望更多的医学教育者能够从中美比较中取其精华,加强临床教学的力度,改革医学教育,培养教学意识。  相似文献   

台湾独居东隅,由于历史的原因,与大陆隔绝40余年。在大陆40余年来高等医学教育蓬勃发展的同时,台湾地区的高等医学教育也有较大的发展。目前(1992年12月),台湾地区共有9所医学院、10所医药卫生专科学校。台湾地区的医事人员不仅包括本地区10余所医学院校的毕业生,近年来台湾医学留学生回台行医人数逐年增多。随着海峡两岸关系的缓和,近几年到大陆中医学院学习的人数逐渐增多。近年来,海峡两岸医药界学术交流开始增多,今后医药界更大规模交流与合作势在必行。为了有利于对台湾高等医学教育  相似文献   

目的比较中国大陆与香港地区全科医学毕业后培训,探索改进内地全科医学培训模式的道路。方法以大陆和香港全科医学培训模式为对象,比较两地模式异同。结果两地培训时间、形式和内容、考试和管理方式存在差异。结论今后培训应按需调整培训时间,培训形式更应贴近全科医学理念,完善教学方法,健全考试制度,规范统一管理方式。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE. Medical professionalism has been widely discussed in western scholarly literature. However, since Hong Kong has a mixed Chinese-western culture, it remains uncertain whether Hong Kong health care professionals, medical students, and patients see medical professionalism in exactly the same way as westerners. The objective of the present study was to explore perceptions of medical professionalism in Hong Kong. DESIGN. Individual semi-structured interviews. SETTING. Medical faculty preceptors, residents, interns, nurses, and students from the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. Subjects were recruited at an out-patient clinic of Queen Mary Hospital. PARTICIPANTS. We interviewed 39 subjects, including six medical faculty preceptors, six hospital residents, four medical interns, eight nurses, eight out-patients, and seven medical students. The interviews were transcribed and coded. Grounded theory was employed for framing and analysing the interviews. RESULTS. A total of 30 primary themes were identified and grouped under three secondary themes, ie 'Expectations of a professional doctor', 'Work values', and 'Patient care'. In general, the primary themes were consistent with recognised professional attributes in western bioethics, such as knowledge and skills, holistic care, and communication skills. A closer analysis suggested that traditional Chinese thought also played an important role in shaping the medical professionalism of Hong Kong. Challenges to be faced by Hong Kong doctors due to recent social changes were also identified. CONCLUSIONS. Medical professionalism in Hong Kong is shaped by both western medical ethics and traditional Chinese thought. The values treasured by Hong Kong health care professionals as well as technological advance, and the city's proximity to Mainland China makes Hong Kong health care unique. It is important to maintain the present work attitudes and at the same time adapt to new social changes.  相似文献   

对香港医学学制的评析与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王丹花  黄子杰 《西北医学教育》2007,15(5):770-771,794
介绍了香港特区高等医学教育的现状,通过分析其优势与缺失,并结合特区内目前高等教育改革措施的实行情况,做简要的评析与借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对大陆和中国台湾地区医学及毕业后医学教育模式进行对比,借鉴中国台湾地区医学教育模式中的成功经验和理念;提出大陆医学院校教育有机衔接住院医师规范化培训,医学生毕业时即考取执业医师资格,以合法执业和以社会化学员身份参加住院医师规范化培训,以及增加住院医师规范化培训初期一般医学能力培训等建议;为大陆进一步完善住院医师规范化培训体系和培训模式提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:探讨临床儿科学本科见习教学改革的思路。方法:比较中国内陆省份与香港大学医学院的临床儿科学本科见习教学之间的差异。结果:香港大学临床儿科学见习教学的特点是教学目的简单,教学形式多样化、学生参与的机会多,考试形式简化。而中国内陆省份各医学院临床儿科学见习课则设立了脱产教师制度,但对学生的临床技能训练尚有待加强。结论:中国内陆地区医学院可能还需要在课程体制上尝试进行一些改革,并注重解决师资力量相对不足的问题。  相似文献   

Hong Kong is one of the most crowded corners in the world, with the population ratio fluctuating due to the coming and going of refugees from Mainland China, but always very dense. There probably is not a place in the world in which family planning is needed more than in Hong Kong. There is no official government policy regarding population control in this island colony. Every year, however, the government agencies budget money for the support of family planning programs. A voluntary organization, the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, founded in 1936, is the main spiritus movens behind the family planning activities in the colony. The organization is run by an executive committee with many subcommittees for publicity, education, training, family life, social work, research and clinical care. The organization has a total of 200 full-time paid staff employees, not counting the members of the Executive Committee who serve without pay. Acceptance of the programs offered is not overly enthusiastic. Out of this very 1 large, crowded population area, in 1971 only 29,973 women used the services of the Family Planning Clinic. Of these, 21,664 used it for purposes of spacing children, and 8309 used it for limiting the family size. The most popular means of birth control in Hong Kong is the IUD method;W However, all other methods are being used, including the oral contraceptive pill. The colony is far from the ideal birth rate or ideal population-growth index for the area. Education programs are needed to increase acceptance of the available population-control programs and services. These are now being intensified and extended, especially into the group between the ages of 25 and 35.  相似文献   

Hyperphenylalaninemia is one of the commonest inborn errors of metabolism affecting approximately 1 in 15 000 live births. Among Chinese, BH4 deficiency leading to hyperphenylalaninemia is much commoner than in Caucasians. Exact diagnosis is important for the treatment and genetic counseling. In 2000, newborn screening for phenylketonuria is mandatory by law in China throughout the whole country. However, it is not yet included in the newborn screening program of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. Published data on hyperphenylalaninemia among Hong Kong Chinese are largely lacking. We report a 1-year-old Hong Kong Chinese girl with severe 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase (PTPS) deficiency. The patient presented with infantile hypotonia and was misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy. She had very mild hyperphenylalaninemia (95 µmol/L), significantly high phenylalnine-to-tyrosine ratio (3.1), and elevated prolactin of 1109 mIU/L. Genetic analysis confirmed a homozygous known disease-causing mutation PTS NM_000317.1: c.259C>T; NP_000308.1: p.P87S in the proband. In our local experience, while the estimated prevalence of hyperphenylalaninemia due to PTPS deficiency was reported to be 1 in 29 542 live births, not a single case of phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency has been reported. Furthermore, there is a general lack of awareness of inherited metabolic diseases in the community as well as among the medical professionals. Very often, a low index of clinical suspicion will lead to delay in diagnosis, multiple unnecessary and costly investigations, prolonged morbidity and anxiety to the family affected. We strongly recommend that expanded newborn screening for hyperphenylalaninemia should be implemented for every baby born in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China.

香港中文大学与中山大学医学教育课程教学的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以香港中文大学和中山大学为代表,分别从理论课、实验课授课情况以及临床教学开展情况对粤港医学教育课程教学进行比较,发现两校的课程结构各有优势与不足,应互相借鉴以共同提高。而重视早期接触临床和实践教学,为医学生成为合格的临床医生奠定坚实基础则是两校的共同点。  相似文献   

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