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[摘要] 目的 总结循肝静脉入路精准肝切除术的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2015年6月至2017年5月张家界市人民医院肝胆外科43例行循肝静脉入路精准肝切除术的病例资料。结果 本组资料鞘内阻断23例,鞘外阻断11例,配合Pringle[ (15+5)min]阻断31例,累计最长阻断时间75 min。手术时间(226.3±114.3)min,术中出血量(185.5±132.2)mL。术后胆漏2例、腹水8例、胸腔积液7例,无出血、腹腔感染及再次手术,所有患者均痊愈出院,住院时间(17.3±8.5)d。结论 循肝静脉入路精准肝切除术安全可行,术前精确评估,术中优先显露肝静脉,掌握好切肝平面是精准肝切除术的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨循中肝静脉腹腔镜左半肝切除术的安全性、有效性以及在肝脏良、恶性疾病疗效的差异.方法 回顾性分析2017年10月至2020年10月我院开展的腹腔镜下循中肝静脉左半肝切除56例病人临床资料,根据肝脏原发病的性质,分为良性疾病组和恶性疾病组.结果 56例患者均在腹腔镜下成功显露肝中静脉主干,顺利完成解剖性左半肝切除...  相似文献   

经典著作描述因左肝静脉较浅表,左半肝切除时可将左肝叶游离后牵向左下方,用长弯针在肝内将左肝静脉深缝一针以控制此静脉的出血。作者分析左、中肝静脉及其共干的解剖关系特点对此手术步骤的影响。 方法:15只成人新鲜肝脏标本,从后正中纵向剖开肝后下腔静脉。观察:(1)左、中肝静脉是否形  相似文献   

患者,男,30岁,因终末型肝炎后肝硬化行原位肝移植。麻醉满意后穿刺右侧颈内静脉放置Swan-Ganz漂浮导管,右锁骨下静脉放置三腔中心静脉导管。穿刺左侧股静脉与左侧颈内静脉,置入  相似文献   

1临床资料患者男性49岁,“反复上腹疼痛不适,伴皮肤巩膜黄染二十余日”收住入院。入院B超提示:肝外胆管阻塞,左右肝内胆管扩张,胆囊炎伴胆囊内泥沙淤积,胆总管内低回声。MRCP提示肝门部胆管狭窄,右肝管显示,左肝管未显示,考虑肝门部胆管癌(III b)。肝功能示ALT 188U/L,AST 111U/L,TB 277μmol/L, DB 209μmol/L,ALB 38.6 g/L,AKP 644 U/L,GGT 477 U/L;血CA19-9391.1 U/L。术前诊断为肝门部胆管癌(Bismuth III b)。于术中发现肝门部肿块3 cm×3 cm,延及十二指肠上方约1.5 cm处胆管,肝门部可及明显肿大淋巴结,肿块向左肝侵犯,局部侵润左右肝动脉壁及门静脉左支,门静脉主干及右支未见肿瘤侵犯。逐行肝门部胆管癌根治,规则性左半肝联合肝动脉切除+尾状叶部分切除,显露二级右肝管的开口,整形后紧贴肝脏行右肝管空肠吻合术。术后病理报告:左肝门肿块恶性肿瘤,胆管腺癌伴肉瘤样分化,侵润被膜,切缘阴性,肝尾状叶腺癌组织侵润,肝门部淋巴结转移,肝总动脉旁侵润性转移或转移性腺癌,侵犯神经。术后患者出现肝功能异常,表现为ALT、AST升高,术后24 h达到高峰,分别为344 U/L、272 U/L,术后20 d时肝功能完全恢复正常,术后少量胆漏,每天100 mL,1月后自行愈合。至今已随访10个月,无肿瘤复发及肝叶坏死、肝脓肿等并发症出现。  相似文献   

腹腔镜左肝叶切除27例体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨腹腔镜左肝叶切除术的安全性,总结该术式的治疗经验。方法2006年2月至2007年9月对肝内胆管结石21例,肝血管瘤6例行腹腔镜左肝叶切除术。手术方式包括左半肝切除7例,左肝外叶切除20例。在腹腔镜下利用彭氏多功能解剖器(POMD)钝性解剖显露左门静脉、左肝动脉,完成区域性血流阻断。结果27例腹腔镜肝切除均获得成功。手术时间平均(182±22)min,平均出血量(224±87)ml,手术前后肝功能无显著变化。2例胆漏,1例肝内胆管小结石残留。平均住院时间(7±0.9)d。结论腹腔镜左肝叶切除术不但具微创的优点,而且安全可行。  相似文献   

腹腔镜肝左外叶切除术1例报道   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
临床资料患者 ,男性 ,5 0岁 ,因乙型肝炎 2 0年 ,发现肝占位性病变 2周入院。经外院 B超、CT和 MRI检查发现肝左外叶多血供实性占位性病变 ,大小约 2 .6 cm× 1.6 cm。化验检查AFP、CEA、CA19- 9均为正常。初步诊断为原发性肝癌、肝炎后肝硬化、门静脉高压、脾功能亢进。于 2 0 0 2年 8月 30日在全麻气管插管下行腹腔镜手术。取头高脚低左侧倾斜 30°体位 ,脐下缘进气腹针 ,CO2 气腹压力 14 mm Hg,拔除气腹针 ,置入 10 mm Trocar和 10 m m 30°腹腔镜 ,于直视下于剑突下偏右侧 2 cm和左、右锁骨中线肋缘下 2 cm处和右锁骨中线脐上 2…  相似文献   

肝门部胆管癌腹腔镜左半肝切除一例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
病人 ,男性 ,4 7岁。主因查体B超发现左侧肝内胆管扩张 1个月入院。经CT检查发现左侧肝内胆管扩张 ,左肝管处 2cm× 3cm肿块 ,在我院化验AFP、CEA、CA19 9均为阴性 ,肝功能正常。诊断为肝门部胆管癌。于 2 0 0 2年 11月 14日在全麻气管插管下行腹腔镜手术。取头高脚低左侧稍斜体位 ,脐上缘切口进气腹针 ,CO2气腹压力 14mmHg ,拔除气腹针 ,置入10mmTrocar,置入 10mm 30°腹腔镜 ,再在直视下于剑突下 2cm和左、右锁骨中线肋缘下 2cm处分别穿刺置入 12mmTrocar各 1只 ,在脐左侧 9cm处穿刺置入 5mmTrocar 1只 ,以五孔法操作。探查腹腔见 …  相似文献   

肝叶切除术作为治疗肝内胆管结石手术方式之一已被广泛接受〔1〕,而急诊肝叶切除治疗肝内胆管结石尚有争议〔2〕。 1996年 3月至 2 0 0 1年 12月我们共行肝左外叶切除术治疗肝内胆管结石 32 1例 ,其中急症手术 5 0例 ,现报道如下。临床资料1.一般资料 :本组 5 0例 ,男 2 0例 ,女 30例。年龄 4 370岁 ,平均 5 6岁。其中初次手术 36例 ,曾行12次手术者 14例 (胆囊切除加胆道探查术 10例 ,胆囊切除术 2例 ,胆道探查术 6例次 )。 5 0例均以急性胆管炎就诊 ,保守治疗效果不佳而行急症手术。其中 6例合并急性胆源性胰腺炎 ,4例合并左肝外叶脓肿。…  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人间活体供肝移植中切取供者右半供肝(含或不含肝中静脉)的安全性及临床效果.方法 2007年6月至2008年9月,单小组实施成人间活体供肝切取手术78例;76例行右半供肝移植,其中供肝含肝中静脉30例(含肝中静脉组),不含肝中静脉46例(不含肝中静脉组).对两组供者的基本资料、手术相关资料以及术后肝功能恢复情况进行了评估和比较.结果 CT计算供者残留肝脏体积比为29.40%~50.99%;供肝重量与受者体重的比例(GRWR)为0.74%~1.76%.两组供者(含与不含肝中静脉组)在年龄、体重身高指数(BMI)、手术时间、术中失血量和输注红细胞量、拔除引流管时间、住院时间以及供者存活率方面比较,差异均无统计学意义;含肝中静脉组供者体重小于受者体重所占的比例(75.0%)明显高于不含肝中静脉组(40.0%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);含肝中静脉组切取的供肝重量、实际GRWR以及供肝冷保存时间明显低于不含肝中静脉组(P<0.05);两组供者术后肝功能恢复情况比较.差异无统计学意义.结论 供者经过严格的术前评估,切取含或不含肝中静脉的右半供肝均是安全的,临床效果满意.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜辅助肝切除(assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy,ALH)技术在活体肝移植供体切取中的应用及其意义.方法 对201l年5月30日至9月1日我院7例成功施行腹腔镜辅助带肝中静脉(middle hepatic vein,MHV)活体右半肝供肝切取术的患者资料进行回顾分析.结果 供者残肝比例32.10%~38.31%.7例供者术后伤口疼痛较轻,未出现外科并发症.7例均为皮内缝合,术后7d伤口拆线,愈合良好.术后2周肝功能基本恢复正常.结论 ALH可安全用于带MHV的活体右半肝供肝切取.ALH兼顾腹腔镜手术微创和开腹手术安全性高的特点,更容易为供、受者接受.  相似文献   

The shortage of pediatric donor livers has stimulated the development of advanced surgical approaches such as partial liver transplantation, which produces the same results as whole organ replacement. Differences in body weight between donor and recipient of more than four times, however, usually necessitate extended reduction hepatectomy and modified ways of performing vascular reconstruction. Therefore, following ex vivo trisegmentectomy, a new technique of hepatic venous drainage was developed with an end-to-side anastomosis of the left donor hepatic vein to the preserved recipient inferior vena cava. This operative technique was applied to four children, one of whom had a retransplantation performed in exactly the same fashion. There were no specific complications related to this particular surgical technique. From our preliminary experience we conclude that reduced-size liver transplantation can be safely performed with the described type of hepatic vein reconstruction, especially when large donor organs have to be used for small children.  相似文献   

Hepatic vein hemorrhage and air embolism are easily caused during the resection of the tumor involving the second hepatic hilum.Hepatic vein occlusion has been proven to decrease this risk,while classic selective hepatic vein occlusion with tourniquet is technique demanding.We modified the classic method by using Satinsky clamp in hepatic vein dissection and occlusion.Based on the clinical data of 220 patients who received hepatic vein occlusion with tourniquet and 330 patients with Satinsky clamp,we proved that hepatic vein occlusion with Satinsky clamp is simpler,safer and with high success rate.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜肝切除手术中肝门大血管意外损伤腹腔镜下修复的可行性。方法回顾性分析2005年11月至2009年12月144例腹腔镜肝切除术的临床资料,发生肝门大血管意外3例,其中门静脉主干损伤1例,门静脉右支损伤1例,肝左静脉损伤1例,均行腹腔镜手术修复损伤。结果 3例血管损伤都在腹腔镜下修复,手术时间240~330min,平均290min,术中出血量800~1200ml,平均1000ml,输血400~800ml,平均666.6ml,无死亡及再次手术病例,随访13~15个月,平均13.3个月,未见门静脉血栓形成。结论腹腔镜手术中肝门大血管意外损伤的腔镜下修复是可行的。  相似文献   

BackgroundLiver tumors that invade the hepatic vein are surgically challenging, especially in patients with liver dysfunction. Preservation of as much of the parenchyma as possible is important; thus, when feasible, we perform hepatectomy with hepatic vein reconstruction (HVR) using an external iliac vein (EIV) graft. We conducted a retrospective study to investigate the benefit of HVR and to evaluate our procedure.MethodsThe study included patients treated by hepatectomy with HVR using EIV grafts and vascular clips. We reviewed the surgical outcomes, including total operation and HVR times, postoperative complications, and postoperative liver function.ResultsThe surgeries included right HVR (n=13), left HVR (n=3), and middle HVR (n=1). The total operation time was 277±72 minutes (155–400 minutes), and the HVR time was 27±5 minutes (19–40 minutes). Graft patency was confirmed in 14 (82%) of the patients. One patient who underwent HVR with running sutures required emergency surgery due to graft thrombosis. Clavien-Dindo > grade IIIa postoperative complications occurred in 4 (23.5%) patients, but there were no treatment-related deaths.ConclusionsIn conclusion, our hepatic resections with HVR using the same techniques and graft materials showed acceptable surgical outcomes. From our experience, we believe that preparatory hepatic resection with HVR is an effective treatment, especially for patients with decreased liver function or with a small residual liver parenchyma.  相似文献   

The majority of hepatocellular carcinomas are complicated by liver cirrhosis. Cirrhotic patients with a tumor located in segments 7 and 8 cannot tolerate right lobectomy. To perform curative resection without causing liver failure in such patients, resection of segments 7 and 8, together with resection of the right hepatic vein, is recommended. Nine patients underwent such resection. In four patients, the right hepatic vein was not reconstructed. One patient died of liver failure and the other two patients had postoperative liver dysfunction. Based on this experience, the right hepatic vein was reconstructed in the remaining five patients; the defect was repaired by transplanting a vein graft in three patients, and a patch graft was carried out in two. In one patient who underwent reconstruction with vein graft, veno-venous bypass was performed between the remnant hepatic vein and inferior vena cava. This procedure decompressed the remnant liver and facilitated secure anastomosis in reconstruction of the hepatic vein. There were no complications or deaths. The reconstructed veins were patent 2–3 years postoperatively. This procedure is feasible and valid, and should be widely practiced in patients with a diminished liver function reserve.  相似文献   

目的探讨左肝管定向穿刺胆管造影术的方法的临床应用。方法对我我科自1998年10月至172例阻塞性黄疸作左肝管定向穿刺胆管造影术进行回顾性分析。结果本组172例左肝管定向穿刺造影术,159例穿刺造影成功,成功率92.44%,手术证实无出血、胆漏发生。余13例中转行右侧径路PTC,中转率7.5%,成功11例,成功率84.62%,13例均行手术,术中证实其中10例均有不同程度出血、胆漏。本组总成功率达98.84%,全部无住院死亡病例。结论左肝管定向穿刺胆道造影术可作为PTC的补充方法,能防止发生出血和胆漏的发生,但不能替代传统的右侧径路PTC。  相似文献   

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