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各省、直辖市、自治区药学会各儿童(科)医院、妇幼医院、妇幼(婴)保健院及各有关医院:中国药学会医院药学专业委员会主办、中国药学会医院药学专业委员会儿科药学专业组、苏州大学附属儿童医院和《儿科药学杂志》社联合承办的《第二十二届全国儿科药学学术会  相似文献   

目的:了解儿童用药现状,保障儿童用药安全。方法:调查某三级妇幼专科医院门诊处方20 320张,统计处方中的常用药品,分析比较其药品剂型、医保类型和药品说明书等情况。结果: 20 320张处方中共涉及药品145种,其中儿童用制剂60种(41.38%),成人用制剂85种(58.62%);85种成人用制剂中有78种(91.76%) 纳入医保报销,而儿童用制剂仅有34种(56.67%)被纳入医保目录。在所涉及到145种药品中,提及儿童用药信息的有133种(91.72%),但仅有86种(59.31%)标明了儿科用法用量,标明了新生儿剂量的只有13种(8.97%)。结论:某三级妇幼专科医院儿童用制剂配备不足,药品说明书儿童用药信息不全,反映出我国儿科医疗资源的匮乏,亟需制定相应的政策,以确保儿童用药的安全性和依从性。  相似文献   

各省、直辖市、自治区药学会各儿童(科)医院、妇幼医院、妇幼(婴)保健院及各有关医院:中国药学会医院药学专业委员会主办、中国药学会医院药学专业委员会儿科药学专业组承办、四川大学华西第二医院和《儿科药学杂志》社联合协办的"第二十四届全国儿科药学学术年会暨第五届全国儿科中青年药师论文报告会",经中国药学会批准,拟于2013年5月22  相似文献   

各省、直辖市、自治区药学会各儿童(科)医院、妇幼医院、妇幼(婴)保健院及各有关医院:中国药学会医院药学专业委员会主办、中国药学会医院药学专业委员会儿科药学专业组承办、四川大学华西第二医院和《儿科药学杂志》社联合协办的"第二十四届全国儿科药学学术年会暨第五届全国儿科中青年药师论文报告会",经中国药学会批准,拟于2013年5月22日至25日在四川省成都市召开。会议主题是"儿科临床  相似文献   

景德镇市妇幼保健院是景德镇地区唯一一所集医疗、保健、科研与教学为一体的三级甲等妇幼保健专科医院,是上海复旦大学附属儿科及妇产科医院、南京市妇幼保健院  相似文献   

2015年中华医学会儿科分会及中国医师协会儿科分会自发开展的中国儿科资源调查,覆盖了全国32省14120家各级医疗单位(含民营医院)儿科。中期报告中14省儿科医疗机构调查情况显示,儿科年门急诊量达2.5亿人次,集中在综合性医院(42%),基层医疗机构占35%,儿童专科医院9%。妇幼保健院占13%,妇幼保健所占1%。14省共有专职儿科医师58582人,无职称和初级职称的医师占主体(46%);近3年儿科医师流失率高达总体的11%(6531名),基层医院儿科医师流失率最高,达32%。在这一背景下,如何整合儿科医疗资源,留住儿科人才,为儿童健康护航成为现实急需。作为安徽医改的一个缩影,合理配置儿科医疗资源,促进基本医疗卫生服务均等化,提高儿童健康水平,安徽儿童医联体模式对全国或具有样板意义。  相似文献   

经中国药学会批准,由中国药学会医院药学专业委员会主办、中国药学会医院药学专业委员会儿科药学专业组和湖南省儿童医院联合承办的“第十八届全国儿科药学学术会议”,定于2007年6月初在湖南省长沙市召开。本届会议的主题是“关爱儿童健康,科学、合理、规范儿科临床用药”,目的是加强国内各儿童(科)医院和妇幼(婴)保健院药学工作者的联系和交流,促进儿科药学科学研究,提高儿科药学水平;加强儿科药学服务,促进儿科临床合理规范用药,提高药物治疗效果;加强儿科临床安全用药,促进药物不良反应监察工作,避免和减少药物不良事件的发生。敬请各省…  相似文献   

目的:调查分析河南省妇幼和儿童专科医疗机构的儿科医师对抗菌药物管理相关知识的认知现状,为促进儿童抗菌药 物的合理使用和进一步做好抗菌药物管理工作提供参考。 方法:从抗菌药物的法规要求和理论认识等方面设计调查问卷,对河 南省妇幼和儿童专科医疗机构的儿科医师进行问卷调查,数据分析采用描述性统计、方差分析和线性回归分析等方法。 结果: 河南省妇幼和儿童专科医疗机构的儿科医师对抗菌药物管理和应用相关知识掌握不足:5 个抗菌药物法规知识问题中,3 个正 确率>60%;15 个抗菌药物理论知识的问题中,3 个正确率>60%。 儿科医师对抗菌药物知识的掌握程度在不同学历、不同医疗 机构等级和不同职称之间的差异有统计学意义(P 均<0. 05)。 医疗机构等级是影响儿科医师抗菌药物认知的重要因素。 结 论:为了促进儿童抗菌药物的合理使用,避免细菌耐药,各级政府和医疗机构应继续加大对儿科医师抗菌药物知识的培训力度, 并加强对抗菌药物使用的监管。  相似文献   

江津区妇幼保健院是以妇科、产科、儿科、新生儿科为特色的专科医院,是一家集预防、医疗、教学、科研为一体的二级甲等保健院。医院技术力量雄厚,承担着全区的妇女、儿童医疗保健工作,是江津区城镇职工基本医疗保险、农村合作医疗保险及商业保险定点医院,是国家卫生部命名的“爱婴医院”,获得了“全国巾帼文明示范岗”、“重庆市最佳文明单位”等荣誉称号。  相似文献   

目的 调研中国儿科药学门诊的开展现状,为儿科药学门诊建设及提升提供参考。方法 以中国儿童专科医院、妇幼保健院/妇儿医院、设有儿科的综合医院为调查对象,通过问卷星平台发放调查问卷,采用SPSS 26.0进行数据统计,分析儿科药学门诊开展基本情况,出诊药师资质,岗位培训情况及培训需求等。结果 收集有效问卷101份,共55家(54.5%)医院已开设儿科药学门诊,其中35家为药师独立门诊,大多数具备良好的医疗文书管理及患者管理流程。但70%左右医院未收取挂号费,一半以上医院日就诊量<5人次。85.5%的药学门诊由临床药师出诊,约半数为工作年限>10年的资深临床药师,仅3.6%的出诊药师有特定处方权。岗位培训调研结果显示,101家医院中,有36家医院药师有药学门诊培训经历,其中25家已开展儿科药学门诊。除药学专科知识外,>50%的药师对医患沟通及分析解决问题能力提升有强烈需求,30%~40%的需求集中在病史及用药史采集,心理疏导能力及药学门诊实践案例学习。结论 目前国内儿科药学门诊呈现蓬勃发展趋势,但存在收费率低,就诊量少,相关药师岗位培训不足等情况,儿科药学部门应积极探索适宜的药学门诊服务模式,并构建儿童专科培训体系以提升药学门诊药师的岗位胜任力。  相似文献   

Mitochondria are extremely active organelles that perform a variety of roles in the cell including energy production, regulation of calcium homeostasis, apoptosis, and population maintenance through fission and fusion. Mitochondrial dysfunction in the form of oxidative stress and mutations can contribute to the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s (PD), Alzheimer’s (AD), and Huntington’s diseases (HD). Abnormalities of Complex I function in the electron transport chain have been implicated in some neurodegenerative diseases, inhibiting ATP production and generating reactive oxygen species that can cause major damage to mitochondriaMutations in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA can contribute to neurodegenerative disease, although the pathogenesis of these conditions tends to focus on nuclear mutations. In PD, nuclear genome mutations in the PINK1 and parkin genes have been implicated in neurodegeneration [1], while mutations in APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 have been implicated in a variety of clinical symptoms of AD [5]. Mutant htt protein is known to cause HD [2]. Much progress has been made to determine some causes of these neurodegenerative diseases, though permanent treatments have yet to be developed. In this review, we discuss the roles of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of these diseases.  相似文献   

斑马鱼作为一种新型模式低等脊椎动物,具有发育周期短、体外受精、胚胎透明、突变种多等优势,被广泛应用于神经、心血管、消化等方面的研究中。神经退行性疾病包括帕金森病、阿尔茨海默病等,近年来发病率不断上升,且有年轻化的趋势,严重影响人们的身体健康和生活质量。因其发病机制复杂,至今仍缺乏治疗此类疾病的方法。本文综述近年来用斑马鱼制作神经退行性疾病模型的主要方式及可行性,为研究神经退行性疾病中斑马鱼模型的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

目的观察FALL-39和头孢他定(CFZ)治疗脓毒血症的疗效。方法从pGEX-1λT-FALL-39转染的E.coli JM109中提纯FALL-39,检测FALL-39对绿脓杆菌(PAG)的杀菌活性。采用更生霉素(AMD)增强BALB/c小鼠对PAG感染的敏感性,建立脓毒血症模型,观察FALL-39和CFZ治疗脓毒血症的疗效。结果FALL-39分子量约5kDa,纯化量约600-650μg,对PAG的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)、最低有效浓度(MEC)、最低杀菌浓度(MBC)分别为25、100、50μg/ml。盐水组、脓毒血症组、CFZ治疗组、FALL-39治疗组和CFZ+FALL-39治疗组小鼠死亡率分别为0%、75%、62.5%、37.5%和12.5%。结论FALL-39治疗脓毒血症比CFZ更为有效,两者联用效果则更佳。  相似文献   

Clinical pharmacology is concerned with understanding how to use medicines to treat disease. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics have provided powerful methodologies for describing the time course of concentration and effect in individuals and in populations. This population approach may also be applied to describing the progression of disease and the action of drugs to change disease progress. Quantitative models for symptomatic and disease-modifying effects of drugs are valuable not only for describing drugs and diseases but also for identifying criteria to distinguish between types of drug actions, with implications for regulatory decisions and long-term patient care.  相似文献   

In an increasingly ageing population, the incidence of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer''s disease, Parkinson''s disease and Huntington''s disease are rising. While the aetiologies of these disorders are different, a number of common mechanisms that underlie their neurodegenerative components have been elucidated; namely neuroinflammation, excitotoxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced trophic support. Current therapies focus on treatment of the symptoms and attempt to delay the progression of these diseases but there is currently no cure. Modulation of the endogenous cannabinoid system is emerging as a potentially viable option in the treatment of neurodegeneration. Endocannabinoid signalling has been found to be altered in many neurodegenerative disorders. To this end, pharmacological manipulation of the endogenous cannabinoid system, as well as application of phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids have been investigated. Signalling from the CB1 and CB2 receptors are known to be involved in the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis, mitochondrial function, trophic support and inflammatory status, respectively, while other receptors gated by cannabinoids such as PPARγ, are gaining interest in their anti-inflammatory properties. Through multiple lines of evidence, this evolutionarily conserved neurosignalling system has shown neuroprotective capabilities and is therefore a potential target for neurodegenerative disorders. This review details the mechanisms of neurodegeneration and highlights the beneficial effects of cannabinoid treatment.Linked ArticlesThis article is part of a themed section on Cannabinoids 2013. To view the other articles in this section visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bph.2014.171.issue-6  相似文献   

苏义林  徐兵  王忠荣 《安徽医药》2017,38(3):304-306
目的 分析腹腔镜辅助下巨结肠根治术治疗小儿先天性巨结肠的临床疗效。方法 收集2012年7月至2016年6月安徽医科大学附属省立医院收治的14例先天性巨结肠患儿的临床资料,回顾分析腹腔镜下巨结肠根治术治疗小儿先天性巨结肠的临床疗效。结果 14例先天性巨结肠患儿中,13例全腹腔镜下完成手术,1例中转开腹病例,术后平均住院(8.13±1.32)d,无腹腔镜操作相关的近期并发症,远期随访无污粪和便秘复发。结论 腹腔镜辅助下巨结肠根治术治疗先天性巨结肠安全有效,具有微创效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

Objective. To design and implement an integrated course dedicated to women''s and men''s health.Design. A women''s and men''s health module that integrated the basic and clinical sciences was developed and implemented as part of the core undergraduate pharmacy curriculum. Instruction included classroom lectures, large- and small-group case discussion, self-directed learning assignments, and case-based simulations with standardized patients, all of which focused on conditions impacting women''s and men''s health.Assessment. Assessment of student learning included multiple-choice and written examinations using case vignettes when possible, evaluation of documentation of patient care process with standardized patient interactions, and group case assignments. Students appreciated the scope of topics, the active-learning opportunities, and use of simulated patients, as well as teaching by experts in the area.Conclusion. A mandatory course in women''s and men''s health was well received by students and ensured that these important issues were addressed in the undergraduate pharmacy curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether meeting historical criteria for unsuspected Wernicke''s encephalopathy (WE), largely under-diagnosed in vivo, explains why some alcoholics have severe neuropsychological deficits, whereas others, with a similar drinking history, exhibit preserved performance. Demographic, clinical, alcohol related, and neuropsychological measures were collected in 56 abstinent alcoholics and 38 non-alcohol-dependent volunteers. Alcoholics were classified using the clinical criteria established by Caine et al (1997) and validated in their neuropathological study of alcoholic cases. Our alcoholics who met a single criterion were considered ‘at risk for WE'' and those with two or more criteria with ‘signs of WE''. Whole blood thiamine was also measured in 22 of the comparison group and 28 alcoholics. Of the alcoholics examined, 27% met no criteria, 57% were at risk for WE, and 16% had signs of WE. Neuropsychological performance of the alcoholic subgroups was graded, with those meeting zero criteria not differing from controls, those meeting one criterion presenting mild-to-moderate deficits on some of the functional domains, and those meeting two or more criteria having the most severe deficits on each of the domains examined. Thiamine levels were selectively related to memory performance in the alcoholics. Preclinical signs of WE can be diagnosed in vivo, enabling the identification of ostensibly ‘uncomplicated'' alcoholics who are at risk for neuropsychological complications. The graded effects in neuropsychological performance suggest that the presence of signs of WE explains, at least partially, the heterogeneity of alcoholism-related cognitive and motor deficits.  相似文献   

目的 建立测定原料药4,5,2''-三吗啉酰氧基-2,5''-二氯二苯甲酮(LF1)的含量及有关物质的RP-HPLC方法。方法 采用Diamonsil C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)色谱柱,乙腈-磷酸水(60:40,pH3.0)为流动相,检测波长230 nm,体积流量1 mL/min,柱温25℃。结果 主峰与杂质峰分离良好,LF1和杂质A分别在质量浓度1.0~100(r=0.999 8)和0.2~2.4 mg/L (r=0.999 6)线性关系良好,最低检测限分别为1和2 ng/mL,平均回收率分别为100.7%和102.0%。结论 本法简便、快速、准确,可用于LF1原料药的含量及有关物质的测定。  相似文献   

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