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渗出液与漏出液的鉴别诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

SOD和LDH测定用于胸腹水漏出液与渗出液的鉴别龙宪和(仪征市人民医院,江苏仪征211400)关键词胸水腹水超氧化物歧化酶乳酸脱氢酶由于国内有关胸腹水超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)测定的报道甚少,本文对四组134例胸腹水同时测定SOD和LDH水平,并作对比...  相似文献   

目的 探讨胸水胆固醇(Pch)浓度、胸水与血清胆固醇(Sch)浓度的比值(P/Sch)、胸水尿酸(Pua)浓 度对胸腔积液渗漏性的鉴别诊断价值。方法 对85例胸腔积液患者检测Pch和65例患者检测Pua,并计算出 P/Sch,分别研究Pch、P/Sch、Pua、胸水总蛋白(Ptpr)对胸水渗漏性诊断的受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)、灵敏度、 特异性与诊断效率。结果 Pch、P/Sch、Pua、Ptpr对胸水渗出液诊断的灵敏度分别为96.2%、90.4%、79.5%和 90.6%,特异性分别为100.0%、89.7%、61.9%和80.6%。Pch鉴别渗出液和尿酸鉴别漏出液的ROC曲线下面 积分别是0.986和0.655。结论 Pch、P/Sch、Ptpr对胸水渗出液具有较高的鉴别诊断价值,ROC亦证明Pch鉴 别渗出液和Pua监测漏出液是可行的,Pch的诊断效率最高(P<0.05)。Pua对胸水监测漏出液有一定价值,尿 酸增加表示机体抗氧化状态佳,提示预后较好。  相似文献   

胸水胆固醇和尿酸在鉴别渗出液和漏出液中的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨胸水胆固醇(Pch)浓度、胸水与血清胆固醇(Sch)浓度的比值(P/Sch)、胸水尿酸(Pua)浓度对胸腔积液渗漏性的鉴别诊断价值.方法对85例胸腔积液患者检测Pch和65例患者检测Pua,并计算出P/Sch,分别研究Pch、P/Sch、Pua、胸水总蛋白(Ptpr)对胸水渗漏性诊断的受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)、灵敏度、特异性与诊断效率.结果 Pch、P/Sch、Pua、Ptpr对胸水渗出液诊断的灵敏度分别为96.2%、90.4%、79.5%和90.6%,特异性分别为100.0%、89.7%、61.9%和80.6%.Pch鉴别渗出液和尿酸鉴别漏出液的ROC曲线下面积分别是0.986和0.655.结论 Pch、P/Sch、Ptpr对胸水渗出液具有较高的鉴别诊断价值,ROC亦证明Pch鉴别渗出液和Pua监测漏出液是可行的,Pch的诊断效率最高(P<0.05).Pua对胸水监测漏出液有一定价值,尿酸增加表示机体抗氧化状态佳,提示预后较好.  相似文献   

漏出液是胸膜的血浆超滤液,它的产生往往有明确的病因。相反,渗出液源于各种炎症及恶性肿瘤。一直以来,鉴定它们的主要指标是依据胸水及血清中LDH及总蛋白(Light's标准)。但近年来有报导在肯定其敏感度的同时,对其特异性提出异议[1]。我们通过各种项目的检测来评价不同种组合方  相似文献   

目的探讨胸腹腔积C反应蛋白(CRP)、生化指标在鉴定胸腹腔积液性质中的临床意义及其相关性。方法收集63例胸腹腔积液,采用金标法做CRP定量检测与采用BECKMAN COUL LX20全自动生化仪做生化指标定量检测,结合临床诊断进行统计学分析处理。结果渗出性胸腹腔积液自动生化仪中CRP、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、总蛋白(TP)、腺苷脱胺酶(ADA)水平明显高于漏出液(P〈0.01),葡萄糖(GLU)水平低于漏出液(P〈0.05),差异有统计学意义。CRP与LDH、GLU、TP、ADA有一定相关性。结论CRP、LDH、GLU、TP、ADA浓度测定对鉴别胸腹水性质有一定临床价值。  相似文献   

胸腹水鉴别诊断的实验探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 :探讨应用生化指标鉴别渗出性和漏出性胸腹水。方法 :对 2 5例渗出液和 2 0例漏出液患者胸腹水及血清中LDH、TP、IgG和IgA的含量同时进行检测 ,并计算出比值。结果 :渗出液组LDH比值、TP比值、IgG比值、IgA比值分别为 1 13± 0 45 ,0 65± 0 0 7,0 64± 0 0 9,0 61± 0 16;漏出液组分别是 0 2 1± 0 14 ,0 2 3± 0 12 ,0 2± 0 13 ,0 2± 0 13。两组间具有非常显著性差异 ( P <0 0 1)。除IgA比值在渗出液组的特异性为 88% ,其余指标在两组中的特异性均超过 90 %。结论 :LDH比值、TP比值、IgG比值及IgA比值可以作为鉴别渗出性和漏出性胸腹水可靠而又实用的指标。  相似文献   

龙宪和 《江西医学检验》1997,15(2):13-13,14
用放射免疫法(RIA)测定了117例胸腹水甘胆酸(CG)浓度,并同时测定了CG浓度的胸腹水/血清比值。漏出液组(n=25个)胸腹水(±Sμmol/L)为2.98±1.30,比值(±S)为0.23±0.04;化脓炎性组(n=28)CG为28.0±18.8,比值为70±4.70;结核组(n=57)CG为12.1±5.8,比值为3.02±1.40,癌症组(n=12)CG为17.30±9.0比值为3.62±2.35。漏出液与三组渗出液的CG和比值统计比较均有非常显著差异。(P均<0.001)。结果表明胸腹水CG及其与血清浓度比值测定对渗出液与漏出液的鉴别有意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨hs-CRP在胸腹水性质鉴别诊断中的应用.方法 将本院2011年5月至2012年3月间胸腹水标本共102例前瞻性进行hs-CRP检测,利用回顾性分析将标本分为渗出液、漏出液两组,以SPSS 19.0分析两组hs-CRP水平,绘制ROC曲线并确定鉴别诊断的Cut off值.结果 渗出液的hs-CRP水平显著高于漏出液的hs-CRP水平(P<0.001),以hs-CRP>10mg/L为Cut off值诊断渗出液的特异度为100%,敏感度为80.6%.结论 hs-CRP在鉴别胸腹水性质上有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨C-反应蛋白、铁蛋白检测在判断胸腹水性质中的价值。方法对100例胸腹水(渗出液75例、漏出液25例)患者,采用美国奥林帕斯AU-2700全自动生化分析仪进行C-反应蛋白测定,采用BACKMANCOULTER Access2全自动发光仪进行铁蛋白测定。结果漏出液中C-反应蛋白和铁蛋白的含量分别为(3.4±1.3)mg·L-1和(75.3±34.2)μg·L-1,渗出液中C-反应蛋白和铁蛋白的含量分别为(18.1±7.5)mg·L-1和(269.8±74.3)μg·L-1,渗出液中C-反应蛋白和铁蛋白的含量明显高于漏出液(均P〈0.01)。结论 C-反应蛋白与铁蛋白在渗出液与漏出液中的含量存在显著差异,其检测有助于鉴别渗出液和漏出液。  相似文献   

为了探讨脑脊液细胞学检查方法在中枢神经系统感染性疾病诊断中的价值。方法 用候氏脑脊液细胞学分类新概念对 3 2例结核性脑膜炎 ,85例化脓性脑膜炎 ,3 52例病毒性脑膜炎与 2 0例正常脑脊液的细胞学检查结果进行分析。结果 脑脊液细胞学检查发现淋巴样细胞和浆细胞在结核性脑膜炎和病毒性脑膜炎脑脊液中检出率均较高 ,淋巴样细胞检出率分别为 87 5%和 73 7% ,浆细胞检出率分别为 68 8%和 45 7%。结论 淋巴样细胞和浆细胞检出率较高可能是结核性脑膜炎和病毒性脑膜炎重要的脑脊液细胞学特征之一  相似文献   

3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in patient-specific geometries provides complementary insights to clinical imaging, to better understand how heart disease, and the side effects of treating heart disease, affect and are affected by hemodynamics. This information can be useful in treatment planning for designing artificial devices that are subject to stress and pressure from blood flow. Yet, these simulations remain relatively costly within a clinical context. The aim of this work is to reduce the complexity of patient-specific simulations by combining image analysis, computational fluid dynamics and model order reduction techniques. The proposed method makes use of a reference geometry estimated as an average of the population, within an efficient statistical framework based on the currents representation of shapes. Snapshots of blood flow simulations performed in the reference geometry are used to build a POD (Proper Orthogonal Decomposition) basis, which can then be mapped on new patients to perform reduced order blood flow simulations with patient specific boundary conditions. This approach is applied to a data-set of 17 tetralogy of Fallot patients to simulate blood flow through the pulmonary artery under normal (healthy or synthetic valves with almost no backflow) and pathological (leaky or absent valve with backflow) conditions to better understand the impact of regurgitated blood on pressure and velocity at the outflow tracts. The model reduction approach is further tested by performing patient simulations under exercise and varying degrees of pathophysiological conditions based on reduction of reference solutions (rest and medium backflow conditions respectively).  相似文献   

目的建立N末端脑钠肽(NT-proBNP)的定量ELISA法测定,并探讨其应用价值。方法用定量EL ISA法测定患者和健康组的血清NT-proBNP。结果该法线性为0.6~1 200pm ol/L,平均回收率为98.5%,批内CV为4.36%,批间CV为6.16%。29例心绞痛和21例风湿性心脏病及23例急性心肌梗死患者的1g NT-proBNP值分别为(2.83±0.21)pm ol/L和(3.03±0.20)pmol/L及(3.21±0.22)pmol/L。结论该法灵敏、特异和准确,血清NT-proBNP定量检测是评价心功能的最佳实验指标。  相似文献   

Though accurately evaluating the kinetics of release is critical for validating newly designed therapeutic carriers for in vivo applications, few methods yet exist for release measurement in real time and without the need for any sample preparation. Many of the current approaches (e.g. chromatographic methods, absorption spectroscopy, or NMR spectroscopy) rely on isolation of the released material from the loaded vehicles, which require additional sample purification and can lead to loss of accuracy when probing fast kinetics of release. In this study we describe the use of time-resolved fluorescence for in situ monitoring of small molecule release kinetics from biodegradable polymeric drug delivery systems. This method relies on the observation that fluorescent reporters being released from polymeric drug delivery systems possess distinct excited-state lifetime components, reflecting their different environments in the particle suspensions, i.e., confined in the polymer matrices or free in the aqueous environment. These distinct lifetimes enable real-time quantitative mapping of the relative concentrations of dye in each population to obtain precise and accurate temporal information on the release profile of particular carrier/payload combinations. We found that fluorescence lifetime better distinguishes subtle differences in release profiles (e.g. differences associated with dye loading) than conventional steady-state fluorescence measurements, which represent the averaged dye behavior over the entire scan. Given the method's applicability to both hydrophobic and hydrophilic cargo, it could be employed to model the release of any drug-carrier combination.  相似文献   

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